,4 OPINION A The Michigan Daily lae 4 Sunday, January 31, 1982 4 Roosevelt's dreams will live on By Richard Demak Yesterday was the one-hundredth anniver- sary of the birth of Franklin Roosevelt. Birth- days of great Americans, such as Washington and Lincoln, rarely hold much significance for the public, except perhaps the banks close and the mail is undelivered; it is only during the cam aign to establish an anniversary as a legal holiday, such as the current debate to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., that such great men are remembered. Birthdays are a time of celebration, ceremony, and, all to infrequently, remembrance. Thirty-seven years after his death, Franklin Roosevelt is perhaps the most controversial president in history; he is remembered as hero. and villain, savior and socialist, peacelover and warmonger. This centennial com- memoration is a time, not for deification or condemnation, but to- remember FDR as a man: often compassionate, always political, and occasionally tragically unjust. -MANY OF FDR'S most compassionate Depression-combatting, New Deal programs were those accused of destroying economic initiative. The Fair Labor Standard§ Act of 1938. established a minimum wage and a maximum work week. The second Agricultural Adjust- ment Act (the first had been declared uncon- atitutional by the Supreme Court in'1936) was designed, as the president said, "to provide .copsumers with abundant supplies of food and fiber, to stop the waste of soil, and to reduce the gap between huge surpluses and disasterous shortages." These goals were to be accom- plished through payments to farmers.for soil- conservation and for keeping their crops off the market. .The government also continued its practice of purchasing commodities for people on relief. Roosevelt's critics were convinced of his socialist tendencies when FDR revealed his labor policies-policies that may have preven- ted a revolution between classes during the Depression, and are now integral parts of everyday life. In 1934, Minneapolis, San Fran- cisco, and Toledo exploded into violent strikes and riots. Bricks and bottles were thrown, win- dows broken, and shots fired. Several people were killed, hundreds wounded. THE PROXIMITY of civil war caused, in 1935, the establishment of the Wagner Act, providing unions with collective bargaining and other organization and negotiation rights, and the Social Security Act, providing for social security benefits and unemployment in- surance. So engrained is social security in the lives of Americans that, in 1981, after igniting the fear that benefits would be cut, President Reagan was forced to reassure the American people: "I will not stand by and see those of you who are dependent on Social Security deprived of the benefits you've worked so hard to earn." Roosevelt was not satisfied with an attempt to return to pre-Depression days; he planned for the future in order to prevent the horrors of the past. The Tennessee Valley Authority and the Rural Electrification Administration were created to develop energy resources. The Securities and Exchange Commission con- tinues to police the stock exchanges today... Roosevelt's concern for the environment and thevictims of the Dust Bowl was evidenced by the Civilian Conservation Corps' planting of 200 million trees in the desert-like Midwest. During the Second World War, Roosevelt also helped to define the principles of the United Nations. Some people believe the Depressionwas en- r ded, not by the New Deal, but by World War II. However, it was the programs of the New Deal that allowed the United States and its.people to function during the war and handle its devastating effects. The government spending of the 1930's prevented the massive spending of the war years from shocking the economy. And the prosperity achieved during the war convinced many of FDR's critics that gover- nment spending did have its advantages in dealing with economic crises. ROOSEVELT'S PREPARATION of Americans for the war, was not only economic, but emotional. Although he came from an aristocratic background, FDR possesses communication skills which were indispen- sable during those trying times. Cross-country trips on the presidential train and the "fireside chats" provided the people with a special con- tact with FDR. John Woods, an historian, relates, "When Roosevelt died, a young soldier remarked that he felt that the commander-in- chief had known him personally, and added that he also felt that Roosevelt had liked him." This feeling of comaraderie between president and public is what made Roosevelt a great leader. While his greatness as a leader is in- disputable, FDR, like any man placed in a position that requires overwhelming respon- sibility, must be held accountable for some shameful and tragic decisions. Although he did more for black Americans and the civil rights movement than most of his predecessors, he failed to desegregate the military (a process> finally completed by President Truman). After Pearl Harbor, thousands of Japanese- Americans were placed in detention camps without any evidence of compliance with Japan and without trials. Regarding the concen- tration camps of Europe, not only did Roosevelt remain passive, but in June 1939, the German ship Saint Louis, carrying nine hun- dred people from Europe attempting to escape their own inevitable murders, was denied deboarding privileges at all U.S. ports and was forced to return to Europe. Some of the passengers were killed in concentration cam- ps. This unjustifiable act is sometimes defen- ded by claims that the United States desired to remain neutral. However, by 1939, Roosevelt foresaw American involvement in the war and the country had begun preparing, economically and militarily for it. FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT won't be remem- bered for his tragic decisions, or for his economic programs, or for his foreign policy. Rather, FDR's greatest contribution to America was that he redeemed and renewed our spirit; he brought essence and humanity in- to the lives of disaster. From 1934 on, FDR's birthday has been celebrated in hundreds of parties annually throughout the country, the proceeds of which have gone to help finance the treatment of crippled children. The Works Progress Ad- ministration provided work for jobless actors, writers, and entertainers, including Orson Welles, Saul Bellow, and John Cheever. The WPA made performances of Shakespeare ac- cessible to everyone. In President Reagan's State of the Union ad- dress last Tuesday evening, he stated that the federal government should be "working on arms reduction rather than fixing potholes." While arms negotiations are of paramount im- portance, the repair of potholes must not be overlooked. For most Americans, potholes must be negotiated with everyday. It is potholes, not arms control, which affect. everyone's daily routine. FDR recognized the importance of fixing potholes. It is a popular conception today that President Reagan's policies will destroy what Roosevelt and his policies built. Supply-side economics and deficit-spending, Franklin Roosevelt's legacy cannot be diminished. He provided hope for the hopeless, spirit for the discouraged, and dignity for the impoverished. His dreams shall never die. Demak is a second-year Inteflex student. ~1!* Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Feiffer Vol. XCII, No. 100 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor. MI 48109 ATQ A6AK1- lRlS 0A)1 K(IND._, WiAS PLMFW LA00. I kf d)(AS A HC A1TACI'a1 I MPUStiAl- ''CGEt'PieX, Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board E~w.HC SR2X)5oP -rw vonR"t) tH3 Speaking English in LSA F INALLY, LSA officials have begun to take a serious look at the ever-frustrating problem- of teaching assistants who have difficulty com- Municating tin English. Students in lower level courses-particularly in math and the sciences-often are faced with problems that go beyond dealing with derivatives or determining the molarity of a solution. Very simply, they can't understand what their TAs are saying. The problem is certainly not new to LSA-or to the University-but it is not until recently that the college has come up. with substantive solutions for dealing with the problem. The LSA curriculum committee is considering a proposal that would require foreign- born TAs who earned their high school diplomas outside the United States to pass an oral English examination. If the students fail the exam, they will be required to take a special English course. If they fail the exam after taking the course, they could be fired. The plan seems fair. It would not only ensure that students could under- stand their TAs, it would also provide an opportunity for foreign students to develop their English skills. Several curriculum committee members, however, have voiced un- founded opposition to the plan. They are concerned, for instance, that the requirement would embarrass or scare away foreign TAs who are well- versed in their fields, but lack the necessary English communication skills to teach effectively. Such op- position is ludicrous. If an individual lacks either the knowledge of a par- ticular subject or the skills to impart the knowledge, he or she should not be teaching. Unfortunately, the reasoning behind the opposition mirrors much of the one- sidedness of the University mentality, where all emphasis is placed on the well-being of the graduate students and the undergraduate is ignored. Un- dergraduates, whether in Math 116 or English 471, deserve quality teaching. It is the responsibility of the university to provide it. TAs who can't speak English, however, do not fulfill this responsibility. This is not to say that foreign studen- ts should be dissuaded from coming to; the University. Indeed, the opposite should be true. The University should be available for all students, but if students cannot communicate in English, they should not be teaching others. Clearly, the LSA curriculum com- mittee has come up with a sound plan. Indeed, many other schools and colleges in the University, such as the College of Engineering, would be wise to follow suit. LSA should accept.the plan to help ensure that all students in the college receive quality teaching. ~LOUA C AU VA)CW~ -TOM. IM 6FIRST - ~ '~c*4AI PRe-sit'eit W0~ow, ms56E RA I~ M-'MC RRI7V OfP55 . "ST 460. It 7 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Teaching crucial to undergraduates To the Daily: I am furious that several curriculum committee members are concerned that the English proficiency requirement would embarrass foreign teaching assistants who may be brilliant in their fields, but are unable to communicate well enough to teach effectively. If a TA cannot teach effec- tively, why is he teaching? Why Who are the terrorists? To the Daily: In your issue of Jan. 29 you refer to Italy's Red Brigades as a "terrorist gang." This term might be appropriate if used con- sistently to refer to all -such groups. But the Daily does not refer to El Salvador's military junta as a "terrorist gang", even though it practices terror on a much gran- der and more pervasive scale than the Red Brigades can even attain. Nor would you refer to the Italian police as a "terrorist gang", and yet they have killed several opposition figures in recent years, and jailed scores of others on the flimsiest of charges. Nor do you refer to the U.S. or Soviet governments by such a pejorative, even though their nuclear aresenals and military machines terrorize millions around the world, and have murdered thousands in their quests to maintain power. In short, you abuse language in the same way that Reagan and Haig do. Youdescribe violence by. those out of power as "terrorism", while violence by those in control is labeled "law and order" or "restoring order." Such distortions and abuse of language only serve to per- petuate the existing domination. I do not agree with the Red Brigades politics or their tactics. But they are no more a "terrorist gang" than are the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In fact, they're a lot less dangerous. -Jon Bekken January 30 should ,I pay tuition that sub- sidizes teaching known to be inef-. fective? I am not questioning the brilliance of these TAs, rather, I question their proper place at this university-does their place lie in teaching ineffectively in a classroom, or in doing construc- tive research in their field of known brilliance? Let me address thg statement, that appeared in a Daily article, Jan. 29. One department chair- man said, "A foreign student might choose to attend another university if his teaching appoin- tment hinged on his or her English." I might choose to at- tend another university if my learning experience hinged on. my being proficient in Far Eastern languages. As for the statement, "some of these students [undergraduates] have difficulty understanding a foreign accent," let me respond with an experience of mine. I' walked into an organic chemistry, lab to (perhaps) secure a placei the class. There was an English- Chinese! Chinese-English dic- tionary cradled in the TA's are: He introduced himself by telling us his name, and then he asked'i1u all to speak slowly because his English was poor. This introduc- tion took twenty minutes. I am outraged that my ung dergraduate experience means so little to committee chairmen that they would knowingly jeopardize my education. -Michelle Gittler January 29 X 5 ---1 - Ed's the man all To the Daily: The upcoming Michigan gubernatorial race is an excellent opportunity for, the students of the University to get involved and voice their opinions regarding candidates and issues. William Milliken has been Michigan's governor for the last thirteen years. But he is retiring, creating a field of candidates vying for the position. Voting residents of the stte shnzid rav1 -is* thatthe. students. In the early 1960's, Pierce was a civil rights and peace movement leader, effec- tively expressing student concer- ns to public officials. In 1968, Pierce established the Summit Medical Center designed to serve the needs of low-income residents. Area residents continue to utilize, the Center's excellent service today. Senator Pierce has shown that he is willing to heln students as he Eynon's report is good To the Daily: on campus and, importantly, that