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January 31, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-31

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-Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom



Windy and colder Sunday
with a high in the upper,20s.
More snow likely.

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Vol. XCII, No. 100

Copyright 1981~, The iciigan ailmy

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 31, 1982

Stalking the white-tails:
drive census tallies deer

Ten Cents

Heavy snow, tangled underbrush,
and rugged countryside did not deter 62
hardy souls who marched across the
Michigan landscape yesterday.
Driven by urges unknown to man,
beast, or anything else, these people
dedicated a major portion of their
weekend recreation to counting deer.
"I WANTED to get out in the field,
have a good time, and see some deer."
said sophomore Karl Stromayer.
The occasion was the University's
annual George Reserve deer drive, a
research effort to census the white-
tailed deer population on the Univer-
sity's two-square-mile research area
near Pinckney.

The drive began with participants
lining up along the reserve's east fence,
an 8-foot-high deer-proof enclosure
which encircles the research area. Af-
ter assigning everyone a number, the
drive organizers spaced individuals 100
feet apart.
SOON THE cry "move out" rolled
across the snowscape. The drive was
The object of all this hoopla was to
drive the deer to the opposite end of the
reserve, then count them as they came
back through the line of people. Since
not even a deer's great leaping ability
can conquer an 8-foot fence, the
animals are forced back through the
human horde.

"Make a lot of noise, fall down, have
a good time," said Prof. Dale Mc-
Cullough, who coordinated the drive.
"We're not trying to surprise the deer."
Wildlife biologist McCullough, a for-
mer University professor, and now at
Berkeley, flew in Friday night to
supervise the operation.
MCCULLOUGH said the herd is
studied and managed .to gain
knowledge on deer biology and
population dynamics. "A lot of the
value of this population is the fact it's
been studied for so long-longer than
any other animal population in the
world other than domestic livestock,"
he said.
See WHITE-TAIL, Page 3

Daily Photo by PERRY CLARK
A WHITE-TAILED deer races through the census line at the George Reserve Deer Drive yesterday.

Unions lead Solidarity Day

From AP and UPI
Thousands of supporters of Poland's
independent trade union raised
"Solidarity" banners as they rallied in
cities around the world yesterday
urging an end to martial law in Poland
and freedom for labor leaders jailed
there. t
The AFL-CIO organized gatherings in
all 50 states to mark "A Day of
Solidarity" with the Polish labor
movement, with major rallies in 16
BUT THE official Polish media,
joined by the official Soviet media,
lambasted the protests with bitter
commentaries loaded with everything
from outrage to satire. Both countries
zeroed in on the .U.S. government's
production of "Let Poland be Poland," a
television broadcast featuring Reagan,

several West European leaders and
Hollywood stars.
Demonstrations also were held in
Tokyo, Vienna, London, Brussels and in
several cities in West Germany.
The chief U.S. rally was in Chicago,
which has the largest Polish com-
munity outside Warsaw. An estimated
10,000 people turned out to hear AFL-
CIO President Lane Kirkland and
Secretary of State Alexander Haig
speak at the International Am-
phitheater bedecked with "Solidar-
nosc" banners.
IN REMARKS prepared for the
gathering, Kirkland said, "The
thousands assembled here are part of a
world wide movement.. .of plain people
who cherish, for themselves, the rights
claimed by Solidarnosc. Whatever
ground we cede to the enemies of

human rights, we surrender of our own
"Poland is not merely an incident to
put behind us," Haig said, recalling
that he told Gromyko "it has cast a long
and dark shadow over East-West
In Hamtramck, the heavily Polish
enclave of Detroit, more than 1,200
people filled a high school community
center decorated with large
photographs of Walesa and hand-
lettered signs, in English and Polish,
calling for an end to martial law in
In the rally held in Washington Sen.
Henry Jackson (D-Wash.) called for the
freeing of Solidarity Chief Lech Walesa
and other detainees, the lifting of mar-
tial law and resumption of negotiations
petween Solidarity and the gover-

.. . says all cherish rights

Jazz artist cancels
Hill performance

Jazz "pianist Oscar Peterson,
scheduled to perform last night at Hill
Auditorium, cancelled his concert at
the last minute for health reasons.
His sister, May Peterson, called the
Eclipse Jazz office at noon yesterday
from their home in Mississauga, On-
tario to say that Peterson would be
unable to perform because of arthritis
flareup in his fingers and hands, said
Kevin O'Connor, who took the call.
ECLIPSE JAZZ spokesman Peter
Pretsfelder said the Peterson concert
would be rescheduled later in the
semester. The new date for the concert
will not be decided until tomorrow or
Tuesday, he added.
Tickets will be honored for the

rescheduled performance and refunds
will be granted beginning tomorrow at
'the place of purchase.
The concert's cancellation is an
ironic twist for the Eclipse concert
series, O'Connor said, because Peter-
son's November 1979 concert had to be
rescheduled twice. It was first
rescheduled when Peterson's wife
became ill and was cancelled again
because of a train derailment near his
Peterson, 57, has played jazz piano
since 1944, when he began touring
professionally in Canada. In 1949, he
first came to America and performed
at Carnegie Hall where he received
critical praise for his fluid, powerful
mastery of the piano.

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER

Prison overcrowding
Julie Haab and Michele Sobota find room to study in the Graduate Library

POOR HEALTH forced jazz pianist Oscar Peterson to cancel his Hill
Auditorium perfrmance scheduled for last night.

Professor offers solutions to

In the midst of continuing high inflatiion
and unemployment, one University
professor has proposed a dramatic
restructuring of American working life
that he says could alleviate many of the
nation's most serious problems.
Philosophy Prof. Frithjof Bergmann
foresees a large-scale reduction in the
amount of necessary work resulting
from continuing technological advan-
ces. To combat the effects of this
"reduction, Bergmann recommends
limiting the amount of time each person
spends at work.
BERGMANN calls his proposal an
"attractive, even splendid yet at the
same time feasible and realistic alter-
The future of work in America is the

subject of Bergmann's 10-part
television 'series, Culture After the
Elimination of Labor, premiering
tomorrow night on Ann Arbor's Public
Access cable network.
Conflicts between the rising need to
work - for cultural, social and finan-
cial reasons - and technology's
escalating ability to make many jobs
unnecessary have created an ever-
increasing quantity of what Bergmann
calls "excess labor."
BECAUSE OF this gap between the
increasing numbers of people who need
jobs and the decreasing amount of
necessary work, the country faces an
imminent period of "widespread
-unemployment on a scale of which we
so far have no conception," Bergmann

Bergmann insists, however, that the
consequences of a drastic reduction in
the number of jobs need not be
"If we could change the number of
the social arrangements and if we could
sharply change the political ,con-
figuration of the country, then we would
have an excellent chance of realizing an
extremely atractive and promising
future," he said.
IN THE television series, the
professor proposes a variety of solutins
to the problem of excess labor.
Given the projected decrease in the
amount of necessary work, only a
redistribution of the remaining work
would equitably ensure that large sec-
tions of the populace would retain a
source of income, Bergmann said. This

redistribution might, he said, involve
cutting the average American's work
time in half, while raising wages.
Less work time would not necessarily
mean fewer work hours per day or even
fewer work days per week, Bergmann
said. Instead, companies might
popularize longer vacations - for
example, "six months on, six months
off." Under such a hypothetical
system, Bergmann suggested, a worker
might receive full pay for his or her
working time and half pay during his or
her time off.
WHAT TO DO with the resultant in-
crease in personal time presents an ex-
citing and interesting challenge, the
professor said. Individual pursuits
could include everything from con-
tinuing education and raising a family

vork shortage
to writing a book and learning a new and resists any attempt to devise sim
skill. Over a summer, for example, a plistic slogans to describe iis
waiter could learn the cooking skills proposals. "The project cannot be
needed to become a chef on his or her easily reduced to a simple formula," he
return to work, Bergmann said. said
Such a modified work schedule would Bergmann said some kind of
lead to increased ,work quality, while revolutionary action is neither
alleviating the problem of worker revlssary ction is neig
"burn-out." necessary nor capable of addressing
Culture after the elimination of labor the nation's'problems. And, he said, no
could offer the greatest possibilities for available ideology, from socialism to
selfrealizationanymdens ossityes.rliberalism, offers viable answers to the
self-realization any modern society has, problem of excess work.
known, he added. CURRENT policies of the Reagan
ALTERED SOCIAL and economic administration are "practically certain
arrangements would encourage "much to worsen the problems that -they are
more extensive and productive uses for trnt he sa. -there
what is now mere leisure time," he trying to cure, he said. Neither cuts
said. in taxes and government programs nor
Bergmann said he recognizes the nationalizing or expropriating
complexity of the excess work problem See T.V., Page 2


A rare relativity
ARBARA HEDRICK became a grandmother twice,
her two look-alike daughters became mothers and
aunts, and their newborn girls became nieces
and cousins-all within 30 minutes. Deborah
Cagle, 22, and Donna Davis, 20, gave birth to daughters
Tuesday within 30 minutes of each other, in the same

complaint filed by the De#partment of Registration and
Education against Conception Rivera. The complaint said
Rivera offered to treat an undercover agent for a back
problem and perform an abortion on the agent's fictitious
cousin. Rivera also reportedly sacrificed doves to remove
spells. A hearing on the bizarre case has been set for Feb. 4.
The state hopes to get him for practicing "medicine"
without a license. Q
That's a lot of refrihos

proposed by a St. Louis researcher. Klaus Schulz of
Washington University in St. Louis surmised that meteors
the size of mountains smashed into the earth's fragile crust
eons ago, and unleashed volcanic eruptions in the split crust
that built up the current continents. Supporting his claim,
Schulz said he believes he has evidence of a 1,700 mile-wide
crater lying below the forests and lakes of central Canada.
Schulz added that it's hard to get direct evidence of events
that happened about 4 million years ago, but that he'll keep
trying. Q

"several decades" of misguided actions for creating the
situation he is now trying to correct. On another occasion,
he said the ill-advised course had been followed "30-odd
years or so." Thirty years would take us back to the start of
the Eisenhower administration. However, it can be argued
with sound logic that the seeds of the recession were plan-
ted long before that. Research points at least a circumstan-
tial finger of guilt at our 10th president, John Tyler. So
much for you, John Tyler. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't
be in this mess.




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