Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom
Lit 1Thm
Cloudy, windy, and turning
colder, with a chance of
snow showers, and a high
around 30.
Vol. XCII, No. 99 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor Michigan-Saturday January 30, 1982 Ten Cents Eight Pages
Two remodeling '' officials
projects may will present
involve asbestos - -inancial
s a , ink cial
By LOU FINTOR 1970s employed asbestos as an in-
Two University remodeling projec- sulator. .'_
bs may involve the ' carcinogen According to Weiss, asbestos-most 'i -5" ยข p
asbestos, which could cause students commonly used in acoustical tiling . F.g x*f'.r
and staff members who frequent the and insulation-only becomes har-
areas serious health problems, exper- mful when small dust particles of the
ts said yesterday. mineral circulate in the air.
Projects in the Frieze Building an "One or two exposures doesn't
the Michigan Union involve the make a difference, but five or six B JANET RAE ticiate the resent overcrowding
rhe'MvhalfcnsUcioinvmateril or tatieeebtsthesnhBeAE REtcpattepreetoerrwig
r-emoval of construction materials hours at a time exacerbates the syn- Administrators are putting finishing problem in classrooms will continue un-
that may contain asbestos, an in- drome," he said. Life expectancy touches on a comprehensive proposal til the state's economy improves
sulation material which has been from the time of early diagnosis is 15 designed to guide the University's enough to increase allocations to the
directly linked to cancer, said Don months, he added. financial future for the next five years, University.
Weissman, a Los Angeles-based at- According to Lucy Pilkinson, a including reallocating some $20 million Robert Sauve, budget assistant to
torney who specializes in harmful teaching assistant in the theater and of general fund money toward high Frye, said in the event of heavy cuts in
substance litigation. drama department, located in the priority areas, academic areas, the administration
"The likelihood is more than 80 per- Frieze Building, no safety precautions Unofficially dubbed "the Five Year may not be able to relocate regular
cent that both buildings have asbestos were taken by contractors removing Plan," the set of proposals presently teaching staff. No conclusions had been
in their construction," Weiss said. the ceiling tiles in the building's south being prepared by Vice President for reached concerning whether tenured
Neither' the construction contrac- end. Academic Affairs Billy Frye reportedly professors in such programs would be
tors nor School of Social Work Dean "Men were tearing down acoustical includes tentative plans for progressive dismissed,.he added.
Johnson could be reached for com- tile and pipe insulation, and throwing reductions in teaching staff and other "It (the Five-Year Plan) is a
ment when it was discovered that it on the floor," Wilkerson said. She personnel as cuts occur within reallocation of funds, so somebody is
building materials had not been tested said she was concerned for staff and academic departments or programs. going to get cut," Sauve said.
prior totheirlremoval students walking through the hall THE. PROPOSALS call for cutting "Academic reviews of major units
Morton Hilbert, the University's where the dust from the tiles cir- Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAs back academic units and some teaching would be part of that plan - by major
chairman of industrial and environ- culated. faculty while maintaining enrollment units I mean schools and colleges
mental health, said several Univer- "It was like a snowstorm one day, RENOVATIONS TO 2068 Freize Building, soon to be offices in the School of fat i le ainta ding t u Isa l
sity Social Work, have sparked controversy because the ceiling tiles removed a its present levels, accordingtoa top
siybuildings constructed prior to the See RENOVATION, Page 3 may have contained abestos a known carcinogen aide to Frye. Administrators an- See OFFICIALS, Page 3
L.. ,
Breakdown of talks
at GM spurs rebates
Huge telephone rate hike
only speculation -Bell
DETROIT (AP) - The collapse of con-
cession talks at General Motors Corp.
prompted the No. 1 automaker yester-
day to-offer-rebates of up'to $2,000 in an
effort to increase sluggish new car sales
and avoid further layoffs.
Sixteen hours after negotiations
broke. down between the coipany and
the United Auto Workers union, GM
Chairman Roger Smith announced that
prices on certain 1981 and 1982 models
would bereducedby $500 to $2,000 for 60
days beginning next Monday. Smaller
rebates also would be retroactive to
Jan.43. 3
GM, WHICH in recent months has
bucked the industry trend toward
rebates, thus joins Ford Motor Co. and
Chrysler. Corp. in offering price incen-
Bargaining on contract concessions
with the UAW is scheduled to resume
Monday at Ford Motor Co., where
negotiators are trying to maintain op-
timism in the face of the breakdown in
talks at GM, the nation's largest car
"This leaves the door open for serious
negotiations," said Ford spokesman
Jerry Sloan. "If they would have
reached an agreement at GM, they
UAW bargainers at Ford would have
used that as the pattern. This sort of
clears the slate."
the UAW, which began Jan. 11 at the
company's request, fell apart late
Thursday when bargainers deadlocked.
on job security and other issues.
"It's not fatal, but we're injured,"
UAW President Douglas Fraser said af-
See GM, Page 3
By HARLAN KAHN tractive AT&T bond rating.
Fears that telephone rates will "NO ONE knows what this (Michigan
skyrocket if AT&Tegoes through with its Bell) rating will be, and it has a direct
skroable ivT&Testrog 22 l l bearing on costs," Chennault said.
probable divestiture of 22 local Through divestiture, AT&T would be
operating units are based entirely on allowed to keep its long distance ser-
speculation, Michigan Bell officials alwdt episln itnesr
speclatin, ichian Bll fficalfvice, and Bell Telephone would handle
said yesterday. only local calls. "Changes will be effec-
"Customers, at this point, should not ted in the way business is done," said
be alarmed," said Bel spokesman.A rs eise Gray, staff manager at AT&T.
Chennault. "I hope that all customers Rates will increase during the next
will stay nformed and make their fve years, because of inflation, she said,
views known,"' he said, and nothing abnormal will result from
"The financial picture is, still the divestiture.
clouded," Chennault said. Michigan ALTHOUGH the change would bring
Bell is financially independent of Bell management to the Michigan
A T&T, he explained, but problems level, it could also cause some
could arise if Bell tries to raise capital operational problems, according to
selling bonds without the financially at- Chennault. "We've never operated this
-way," he sai, explaining that much of
AT&T's advice and expertise will be
The divestiture depends on Federal
Judge Harold Green's proposed
modified consent decree, which would
finalize a previous agreement made
between AT&T and the federal gover-
nment earlier this&month.. This
agreement would end an anti-trust suit
brought against AT&T seven years ago
by the federal government.
Green said he wants to allow 60 days
for fact-gathering and public reaction
before making his-decision. When the
proposal is approved, AT&T has six
months to file its plans for divestiture.
... UAW, GM both hurt
University grad prepares
for shuttle trip to space
When the space shuttle Columbia
thunders into orbit this spring on its
third test flight, University graduate
Jack Lousma will be at the controls.
This won't be Lousma's first time in
space. Seven years after he joined
NASA in 1966, he went on a two-month
stint aboard Skylab. Although the
training vehicles for his upcoming shut-
tle flight are different, Lousma said the
routine of 12-hour days and frequent
weekend work hasn't changed.
A good portion of his time, and that of
his co-pilot, Air Force Col. C. Gordon
Fullerton; is spent in shuttle simulators
which duplicate everything from the
launch, to orbital operations, to
Lousma and Fullerton also practice
landings in a. shuttle training airplane,
rehearse under water for possible
spacewalks, and make frequent jour-
neys to Cape Canaveral for ground tests
in the Columbia.
The major objective of the flight,
scheduled for launch March 22, is to
study the effects from heat on the
Columbia and its systems, Lousma
said. He discounted the possibility of
using the shuttle as a military vehicle.
"The space shuttle is a pretty
vulnerable target," Lousma said.
"We'd be out of business if we depended
on the shuttle as a weapons platform.
It's not like Star Wars, with fighters
zipping around. That's pure fantasy."
Born in Grand Rapids, Lousma grew
up in Ann Arbor and in 1957 graduated
from the University with a B.S. in
aeronautical engineering. "When I was
little, I went to football games and wan-
ted to be in athletics," said the 45-year-
old Marine Corps colonel. At the
University, he played quarterback for
the Wolverines.
Lotisma began his college career in a
business program. But, "When I saw all
the things they expected me to read and
remember overnight in business, I
knew I had to get into something I could
understand," he said.
He switched to aeronautical
engineering. "I was fascinated by the
prospect of building and flying air-
Prof. Harm Buning, associate chair-
man of the University's aerospace
engineering department, said he
remembers Lousma as a "very
inquisitive guy. He always wanted to
know the details. He didn't believe
anything on our say-so, but always
wanted to dig through things to the base
of it, to find out how it applied to his
Lousma said that when he broke his
leg in football at the beginning of his
junior year, his grades shot up
dramatically. "Football and
aeronautical engineering don't mix
See 'U,' Page 2
JACK LOUSMA, left, a University alumnus,is the commander for the third flight of the shuttle Columbia. Lousma and
astronaut C. Gordon-Fullerton, right, are seated in a shuttle mission simulator at the Johnson Space Center in Houston,
A little help from a friend
DUKE UNIVERSITY has had trouble persuading
the People's Republic of China to let a Chinese
student study at Duke's law school, so admin-
istrators asked for a little help from an old friend
and alumnus-former President Richard Nixon. Law
School Dean Paul Carrington said the Chinese student ap-
plied to Duke was accepted and also was awarded the
Richard M. Nixon Scholarship, which carries a $3,000 an-
Everlasting love
A persistent Romeo says he has spent the last six days
and almost $20,000 on caviar and champagne, musicians
and clowns, and even a waiting limousine and Lear jet in
hopes that Karine Bolstein will marry him. But the 20-year-
old daughter of a Labor Department attorney keeps saying
no-even though Keith Ruff, 35, says he won't give
up ... ever. "I think I know what real love is," Ruff said
yesterday. "I'll never give up. Even if girls come in my room
and, take off their bikinis or a princess of Arabia wants to
marry me and give me all her jewels and let me have as
many wives as I want, I'd have no interest." Karine, who
kind of clothing. McLean was jogging down the middle of a
tree-lined street Sunday when a police car pulled in front of
him. Ottawa Hills Police Chief Joseph Eich says McLean
just happened to be the first one caught under a 1978 or-
dinance of the exclusive Toledo suburb. "I think it's
disgusting," McLean, 18, said Thursday. He said he was
trying to get in shape for his high school baseball team,
"but he took me to the police station." Under the village or-
dinance, a jogger must run facing the traffic of the left side
of the road. McLean said he was running in the middle of
the lightly-traveled road because snow and ice were piled
up on both sides of the pavement. McLean said he was told
he was also breaking the law by not wearing reflective
college class ring in July, 1980 during a storm on the
Chesapeake Bay. The gold ring fell from his finger into the
water, and he gave up hope of ever again. But 18
months later, the ring was back with its owner-after it was
apparently swallowed by a fish. The ring was found-recen-
tly by an alumnus of Cross' alma mater, the University of
Virginia. Coleman Maddox spotted the ring in a fish-
market's garbage about 140 miles west of the bay where it
was lost. Maddox noted the engraved fraternity, initials,
and date, then searched university directories, and
questioned staff members until hefound the owner. 0