f OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 'Thursday, January 28, 1982 The Michigan Daily Weasel Vol. XCII, No. 97 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI,48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board HAS TODAYS TI&Rr JbB MARKET C.RE:AUP SfWENT5 WHO ARE NARROW-MINPeJ AND 6 53 INFORMED Ai ar TNB ARTS "lMA TE{F.lR co-WrE:'RFAIM of TEW -f6ARb AW OUP, P'4MNfo REPOWMIZ. R L-65 THIS REPORT FROM ANN ARBOR ... , t aa r/ m tJ Mf 0i 1- PL.AY(A PEC cf HOLD ON A SEZONP. IS THIS A 006sm 14 vwr miaw PPEAR ON 7w LAW soA"s? WC LIAWIZA Silm-IT MAIL. L'lY " O By Robert Lence W-LL, TH" rm Nor iNTM STE'. a q . , _ Not so f PEED HAS NEVER been one of the J bureaucratic Michigan Student Assembly's fortes. In dealing with the sensitive subject of defense-sponsored research on campus, however, MSA ny be acting with inappropriate haste. Bret Eynon, an investigator hired by 1WSA to look into defense-sponsored research at the University, presented the assembly with a preliminary report on the controversial research. Eynon's report established links between current University low-level research and such high-level weapons as air-to-air missiles and the "stealth" b6niber. According to the report, this research violates "in spirit" the Regents Guidelines on Classified Htearch, which prohibit any research d1ctly applicable to the destruction- ofhuman life. r 3ut Eynon's conclusions were in- c plete. The MSA investigator ad- mited, "much more work remains to 1 done before a complete, entirely ac- ,urate picture can be assembled." : Eynon's admission was apt. although he did a thorough job of dthering the available information aout University research, he failed to ecntact the faculty members involved 16 the scrutinized research, or ad- ininistrators responsible for reviewing ast, MSA the research. Thus Eynon's con- clusions were as premature and in- complete as his report. Clearly this defense-research deser- ves a closer look. Eynon has pointed out many of the potential problems with Pentagon-sponsored research, but MSA should be careful not to make conclusions based on this prelimiinary investigation. The University research does have a potential destructive application, as evidenced by the military sponsorship. The military is not notoriously philan- thropic with its research investment and sponsors only what it may be able to use. But the research ,lso has ob- vious non-military application which must also be considered. Despite the inadequacies of the Eynon report, MSA is ,working in the right direction. The assembly's in- vestigation should continue, however, until it has a balanced and full report. This document would serve as a valuable tool for the faculty and student Research Policies Committee, which meets Feb. 1 to review Univer- sity research guidelines. Useful revisions and clarification can be made of the University defense research guidelines, but not' until all sides of the issue have been thoroughly explored. Classro om .Not always computers: inhuman_ Gambling on education "NTOVEL AND imaginative is what University officials called Gov. rMilliken's new budget deferral plan. Putting off trouble until next year is what they should have called it. The g overnor introduced a plan in -his State of the State address Monday that calls for deferring payment of $33.9 million of state higher education raid until next year. Instead of paying that amount to state colleges and universities this summer, Lansing will dIelay payment until the 1983 fiscal year. Milliken is betting that Michigan's economy will improve enough by 1983 so that the state gover- nment can finance the $33.9 million owed to higher education. 0 Milliken is taking a big gamble. :There is little chance the state will be ,able to meet this $33.9 million payment in 1983. Car sales are still declining, ,while little 'is being accomplished at the UAW talks to increase sales. There as no new productivity. Milliken's "'economic recovery" program has half stalled in the state legislature, and has no chance of being effective by 1983. g This economic gloom means even ,worse times for the University. To ,handle the proposed payment deferral, .he University will have to borrow fun- from other University units. This '4r process will slowly use any reserve funds the University had saved for future improvements or future problems. When the state cannot pay the money it promised in 1983, the University will, have to handle the past deficit, reallocate the borrowed funds, and cope with any other new crisis that may arise. These crises have been arising at a furious pace this year-two executive order budget reductions in, two months-and there is no sign that this pace will abate. This situation would mean drastic cuts in University academic units in 1983. If it is forced to diminish its own internal funds, the University would put itself in an extraordinary bind. Un- doubtedly, this will cause the pace of the administration's retrenchment program to quicken-damaging the University's stature in the process. If the state-must reduce its aid to higher education this year, it should be. done immediately. Deferring paymen- ts should only be done when it is cer- tain that more money will be available at a later date. No one is certain of this now. Gambling with the future of higher education in the state of Michigan is too dangerous a proposition for any politician to con- sider. For many American adults, the growing use of computers in schools conjures images of little Johnny becoming an android-like but- ton pusher, learning from machines instead' of from human beings. In the eyes of growing number of teachers, however, that view is far off the mark. Instead, they say, computers have the potential to recreate the lively atmosphere of the legendary one-room schoolhouse - a lear-. ning place where the classroom emphasis is' on meeting individual student needs and en- couraging wide interaction. But the alternate scenario-an educational system made less human and less effective by computers-is equally plausible. And the final outcome of computerized education rests heavily upon the way it is being im- plemented today. AT RALPH HAWLEY Elementary School in Emeryville, California, students hardly sit zombie-like in front of their terminals in the school's computer center. Hands shoot up as children call the teacher's aide over to see their progress,*laughter punctuates the air. One fourth-grade girl bounces in her chair ex- claiming, "I did it! I did It!" Learning to use the machines can be impor- tant to the overall sense of student achievemient, especially when it is reinforced, by human praise, says Donna Hetrick, who manages the computer center at Hawley. "One of our boys in special education, who was withdrawn and shy, has really come out of himself because of his success frith the computer," she says. "After working with special math programs, he was the only one to get 100 on a test, and he was working on the same level as the others in his class," Hetrick says. "He wouldn't rest until he got me over to see the 100 percent on his screen-he was really proud of that." IN FACT, say proponents, computers may require even more student interaction in the classroom rather than less because of the need to impart operating skills. Often, other students will fill in the "training" gap if an adult teacher is unavailable. Mark Richter, the computer specialist at Anna Yates Elementary, also in Emeryville, says his students often yell out their scores to' one another or show others how to work the machines. And Pat Geel, a computer science teacher at Eastridge High School in Kankakee, Illinois, adds that other teachers in the elementary grades there actually feel more comfortable with computer programs written by her students. "My kids take fourth- and fifth-graders in small groups and demonstrate how the programs worked," Geel explains. "They'd say 'I wrote this program; would you like to tryit?' SUCH INTERACTIONS around computers evoke visions of pristine past rather than an Orwellian future for Edward Willett, an economics and social science professor at Houghton College in New York. As co-author of "Modernizing the Little Red Schoolhouse," By Mary Blakeman Willett set forth the notion that American education could do a better job for less money by using computers and returning to the for- mat of the small "common school." "Kids learn an amazing amount from each - other, and in the American common school the older, more advanced children helped the younger ones. The teacher would no longer have to be omniscient-they never were anyway." Moreover, he adds, individual attention made possible by computer can equalize cultural background factors which account for the greatest differences in student per- formance: "If you can individualize education, you can take that cultural background into account." DEBRA DAWSON, a first-grade teacher in San Jose, California, says she has found these concepts convincing in practice-to her sur- prise. After attending her first teacher- computer conference this fall, she admitted to being leery of the machines. "But I discovered that I could use them as a teacher, particularly with one of my students who is a little slower than the others," she says. "Before, I would have had to put him on a lower priority, but with the machine, he could be learning while I could go and teach the other 30." Computers also can provide a variety of very new educational relationships in the classroom, observes Kay Gilliland, a teacher in Emeryville for 18 years who played a key part in securing computers for her school district. "There are some kids who can't deal with interpersonal relationships between the teacher and the student or between the student and the student, and they can deal with the machine," she says. "Some kids like the reaction between two students and the machine, or one-on-one with the machine. There are lots of ways to interact." "Perhaps the major, advantage of com- puters is that they make learning an active process where students play a constant thinking role," says Alfred Bork, director of the Educational Technology Center at the University of California, Irvine. "The ex- perience is similar to a conversation between two people. This contrasts with large lecture classes where many students struggle to take notes. In a lecture, many students rarely par- ticipate actively in the learning process." IN ADDITION, Gilliland sees computers humanizing education by assuming some of the record-keeping drudgery that loads. teachers down and, in her words, "wastes the creative teacher's time." When, the 1,860-student Falmouth High. School on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, started using a computer to keep track of daily atten- dance, truancy and class-cutting dropped. Providing quick, accurate attendance print- outs, the computer records enabled parents and faculty to recognize and head off problems by giving personal attention to students who skipped school. 1 The potential of computers in education is:. directly tied to the programs-or "sof- tware"-which run the machines, however. One of the better programs, "Oregon Trail," has students in fourth- or fifth-grade classes divide into small groups of "families" for an imagiriary journey. They are credited with a certain amount of money for the trip and, through an historiclly accurate computer simulation, face the same kind of perils which real-life pioneers experienced. Often, studen- ts do not make it across the country on the fir- st trip, but in class discussions following each attempt, they learn from the mistakes of others. Through this kind of integrat'ed ap- proach to learning, the students practice math, absorb history and geography, and evelop group decision-making skills. UNFORTUNATELY, Oregan Trail is an exception to the current rule. "Frankly, I'm a' little appalled at how I see computers being used," says Marilyn Buxton, a mother and teacher who develops educational computer programs for a small Illinois company. "We're still finding computers used for drill and practice or as electronic workbooks. Those are some ways to use them, but it's ex- pensive and non-productive-like using an 18- wheeler to get:a load of bread home from the market." ftdeed, economic considerations could make-or break-the potential of computers in the classroom. Prof. Christopher Dede of the University of -Houston, for example worries about the possible effects of a totally standardized computer curriculum made necessary by the high cost of developing sof- tware. "For the first time, we're talking about a major centralization of education with a national curriculum," he says. "There could be tremendous problems, because if there is a mistake it would be repeated acros tlie coun- try. And there is also the problem of updating and biases." "It could easily happen that computers will lead to worse education than we have now," admits Alfred Bork. "But that doesn't have to happen. The next five to 10 years are the critical period in determining if it will be wor- se or better." Thus, whether schools head toward a cold, impersonal future or the warmth of the one room school depends on decisions being made now. "We're like ants climbing up a tree, with many branches, many alternatives," says Dede. "As we do up the tree, every time we make a decision we cut out one branch." "Our whole society needs to be in the mid - dIe ground about computers," he adds. "But people usually 'go through stages where they fear them first, then worship them. Then,, finally, they become partners." Blakeman wrote this article for Pacific News Service. I LETTERS TO THE DAILY: The facts on MSA and ft azings y; tit To the Daily: On January 22, 1982, The Michigan Daily criticized the Michigan Student Assembly for ,their failure to act promptly on the proposed University Hazing Policy. Unfortunately, the main content of the editorial inac- curately reflected recent decisions and actions taken by MSA on this issue. To help the reader know the real story, a review of the facts would seem appropriate. Fact: The so-called "MSA two month postponement to pass hazing guidelines", was actually nne mnnth_ which incluided the and winter semesters. Fact: The hazing proposal that reached MSA in December failed, to include sanctions for violators of the policy. Fact: MSA formed a Hazing Policy %Committee to create the necessary sanctions needed to strengthen an otherwise weak policy. Fact: MSA has been the initiator in formulating a stronger University Hazing Policy by demanding that the Univesity, sororities, and frater- nities impose proper sanctions dealing with hazing. T ,,ndprawfnr that ~i sdffeit plexities that surround an effec- tive student government. My only hope is that in its future en- deavors to cover MSA business, the Daily will obtain the facts before writing inaccurate infor- mation. Hopefully, my letter will succeed in helping readers to understand the facts concerning MSA's actions on the University Hazing Policy. -Kathy Hartrick, Michigan Student Assembly January 27 4 Outraged at Robert Law 44S To the Daily: I am outraged to read about the behavior of Robert Law, an aide to Governor Milliken. The Governor's high- technology task force, however it is. nnnafi iAMaA .A,.nti f atta n a research into the activities of the task force. Perhaps Law does not agree that a member of the public should examine public issues. It is apparent Law does not agree with the conclusions Cl V L4~1~ L{~IxIX~IU b. I