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Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan
vol XCII, No.96 420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board
Wednesday, January 27, 1982.
The Michigan Daily
False assurances
SOMEHOW, IT wasn't a very
convincing pledge.
Yesterday; Pakistani strongman
Mohammad Zia ul-Haq repeated his
promise that Pakistan, which is about
to receive a large amount of military
azd economic aid from the United
States, has no intention of developing a
nuclear arsenal.
He also claimed that his country did
not possess the capacity to produce
nuclear armaments.
.His assurances, however; seem to fly
in the face of a mounting tide of
evidence which suggests that Pakistan
not only wants a nuclear arsenal, but
that it is well on the way toward having
A few facts:
. Despite its leaders' public
pronouncements that it does not want
Snclear weapons, Pakistan continues
td refuse to sign the Nuclear Non-
proliferation Treaty.
> Although it has'publicly pledged to
nd.devel9p nuclear weapons, it has not
rdted out the development of a
"peaceful nuclear device,"
presumably similar to the "peaceful"
nuclear bomb India has exploded.
? he International Atomic Energy
,rmission has detected an excep-
ti nally large number of "anomalies"
ii'the operation of Pakistan's nuclear
reactor near Karachi. The IAEC fin-
dibgs might mean that Pakistan is
'sneaking extra fuel into the reac-
t r -extra fuel that could eventually be
K epi
HE SUPREME Court, in a laudable
move this week, halted efforts of
16ver courts and the Reagan ad-
r"ixnistration to push the Equal Rights
4znendment toward a premature
The court decided to stay an Idaho
federal court ruling that would have
made the ERA a dead issue. An Idaho
judge ruled that Congress 'had uncon-
stitutionally extended the amen-
dment's or4ginal 1979 expiration date,
and that five states had acted legally
When they voted to withdraw their
previous approval of the amendment.
But the Supreme Court's action has
made the Idaho ruling ineffective until
tte high court itself can, review the
matter. Now; efforts to pass the amen-
dment, whose ratification extension
expires June 30, can continue unim-
peded by legal obstruction.
Both the Idaho court and the Reagan
administration recently have made
reprehensible efforts to block the
The Idaho judge's ruling against
ERA seemed grounded more in per-
sona1~ philosophical opposition to the
amendment than in judicial reasoning.
But the administration's efforts to
used to construct a nuclear bomb.
* Just one day before Zia made his
latest nuclear disclaimer, the Central
Intelligence Agency published a report
which asserted that Pakistan will have
the capacity to detonate a nuclear
bomb sometime within the next three
The whole issue to Zia's statements
would not mean much were it not for
the fact that the United States is abqut
to give his government an enormous
amount of military and economic aid.
President Reagan has taken pains to
' get the aid package to Pakistan ap-
proved over the objections of critics in
the Congress and in spite of the fact
that U.S. 1w forbids giving military
aid to cofntries that have a nuclear
weapons program.
According to the recent CIA report,
the only factor which will deter
Pakistan from detonating a nuclear
bomb is the possibility that the United
States might cut the $3.2 billion
military and economic aid it has plan-
ned to give Pakistan.
The prospect of losing U.S. aid ap-
parently has already frightened the
Pakistanis into not testing their bomb
if and when it is completed. But the
United States can do more. The ad-
ministration can use the aid package-
as the Carter adninistration attem-
pted to do in its last months in office-
to try to persuade the Pakistanis to
scrap their nuclear weapons program
ERA: alive
block ERA were more insidious than
the blatant move by the Idaho judge.
The administration attempted to kill
the amendment not through forthright
action, but through neglect. When the
National Organization for Women
pressed for an immediate Supreme
Court ruling on the Idaho decision, the
Justice Department refused, claiming
that ERA might be defeated by June
and thus not require a'ruling. The ad-
ministration almost seemed ready to
keep its fingers crossed for the next
five months in hopes that the amen-
dment would be defeated, rather than
seek a definitive ruling on its con-
'stitutionality. The Supreme Court
plans to review the Idaho court ruling,
but not before the ERA deadline date
has already expired.
Granted, ERA's prospects for
ratification look bleak. As its extension
time runs out, ERA remains three
states short of the 38 necessary for
But the high court's action has at
least preserved the opportunity for
ratification. Although it seems unlikely
now that such approval will be forth-
coming, any possibility for ratification
deserves unrestricted support.
Schooling for society
To the Daily:
I've got news for Roger Kerson
( "Growing Up in the Real
World," Jan. 21). "The machine"
of society will not just run out of
gas if enough of us walk away, as
he= suggests. In fact, 4too many:
people just walking away could
be just what "the machine"
needs to run amock at levels
previously unimagined.
The suggestion that those of us
committed to social change
should stay out of graduate and"
professional schools frightens
me. The most powerful weapon
available in the fight against
poverty, racism, and militarism
is an army of individuals as
highly-trained and informed as
their counterparts in the ruling'
'Does Kerson seriously believe
'that we'd be better off without the
thousands of attorneys who have
brought countless. civil rights,
consumer, and environmeptal
actions over the past two
Does Kerson really want to
leave the medical profession-
solely to the whims of card-'
carrying American ,Medical
*Association members, who are*
often oblivious to the needs of the
poor and enemies of, socialized
medicine? Who does he think will
staff the thousands of struggling
low-cost linics across the land?
Has Kerson never had an in-
spiring teacher? I can't believe.
that his admirable political con-
s.ciousness sprang forth spon-
taneously. One good teacher or.4
professor can instill the values
Kerson holds dear in hundreds of
students over th generations,
students who may in turn pass
therm on to hundreds of others.
Yes, the University and its;
"peer" institutions are training-
grounds for the ruling-elite, but
they are also invaluable tools for
those in opposition to the rulin$'
For. Kerson and those who
share his basic goals to ignore
'that fact is self-deluding and self-
defeating. "Knowledge is power"
is a trite phrase, but it holds- a_
- great.deal of truth, regardless of
one's politics.
-Daniel Morris
January 25
Bring back Gerry
To the Daily:
A couple of years ago we joked
that Gerry Ford thought the
presidency-of the country as
well as the University-was an
appointive ,job, and therefore
wanted to be considered a can-
didate for the office. Ronald
Reagan became president of the
country, however, and Harold
Shapiro president of the Univer-
sity. We all forgot about Gerry
Given that the Reagan ad-
ministration and the Shapiro ad-
ministrations have the same
policy-that the rich should get
richer, and nothing else mat-
ters-I must conclude that we
would be better off having Gerry
Ford as president, in Washington
and in Ann Arbor.
Item: The day the football
coach was given his $25,000 raise,
the associate director of the LSA
Counseling Office was, notified
that her position was being
After all-as the president'
says-what's -important is who
wants the most money. The rich
shall inherit the earth. Let us en-
dorse the Greed Machine-and to
hell with services to society, or to
I suspect that Gerry Ford
would not abide such a policy.
-Bert Hornback
January 22
Economical invitation
Misleading rally
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To the Daily:
The members of the Campus
Labor Support Group (CLSG) felt
that the Daily's coverage of the
Solidarity rally was extremely
misleading. The caption under
the picture of Prof. Andrew
Ehrenkreutz, which stated that
he was in favor of sanctions
against the USSR, was
misleading because it was jux-
taposed with the headline on the
The rally supported no sanctions
against the USSR.
The demonstration was
organized as a united front. All
the groups who participated in
this united front rally agreed to
support certain slogans, one of
which was to supports no sanctions
against the USSR. Prof.
Ehrenkreutz's position on the
Soviet, Union was directly an-
tagonistic to :,the slogans of "the
demonstration. For this reason,
Prof. Ehrenkrettz was not
allowed to speak. Also, for this
very same reason, CLSG felt that
Prof. Ehrenkreutz's behavior
was unjustified when he took the
microphone without the per-
mission of the rally in the name of
~"freedom of speech". His support
for building anti-Soviet hysteria
in the name of "Solidarity" is
typical of Reaganites and reac-
tionaries of all colors.
Wade Hannah
Paul Lefrak
Carl Levine
January 23
To the Daily:
This is an open letter from
members of the Omega Society
(University geography depar-o
tment survivors) to Economics
Prof. Harvey Brazer in what
has to be a truly trying time. The
burning of the Economics
Buildings on Christmas Eve has
no doubt impacted greatly on
your life. To suddenly find the
academic careers of so many in-
discriminately damaged by the
fire touches us all.
We understand that your office
was one that suffered from the
mishap. We also understand that
many of you in economics are
* now housed in the old St. Joe's;
Hospital. As that seems to be
geographically isolated from the
rest of the campus community,
we have an offer for you.
We suggest that you move in
with us. Over the past year (since
June 19, 1981) we have had{
students and faculty leaving, and
now have several unused desks in
our graduaterstudent's space.
The furnishings are nothing
elegant, but they would certainly
serve as an auxiliary office or a
stop-over spot in the course of 'a
busy day. Our centrality to the
university community is un-
We remember that you, Har-
vey Brazer, were chairman of the
review committee that recom-
mended discontinuance of the
geography department. But that
doesn't deter us from making this
So, we extend to yoi in the
1conomics. department,
especially. Harvey Brazer, an
open invitation to use some of our
unused space. But hurry, 'this of-
fer is good only through June 30,
1982, (When the geography
department is formally discot-
-Bob Rice
January 25
Letters and columns represent the opinions of the
individual author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the
attitudes or beliefs of the Daily.
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