Ninety-Two Years of Editorial Freedom E Mitn 43atlu SUBWAY Partly cloudy and cold today with a high in the up= per teens. Increasingly cloudy towards evening with a chance of snow. Vol. XCII, No. 95 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 26, 1982 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Officials stabilize inuke leak m N.Y. ONTARIO, N.Y. (AP) - A tube rup- tured in a cooling system at the Ginna nuclear power plant yesterday, emit- ting radioactive steam into the at- mosphere and leaking thousands of gallons of water in to the reactor's con- tainment pump before the plant was stabilized, officials said. The reactor of the plant, 20 miles nor- theast of Rochester, New York's third largest city, was shut down automatically and was doused with water keep it friom overheating, said Gary Sanborn, a spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. HE SAID THE plant '*ppears to be fairly stable." Nemen Terc, an NRC emergency preparedness analyst, said there was no damage to the reactor core.. And the reactor's fueld elements were never uncovered, said Ebe McCabe, NRC regional reactor projects section chief. Harold Denton, director of the NRC, said in Washington that "it might be expensive for the operator to clean up, but in terms of public health con- sequences it wasn't very serious." OFFICIALS SAID the reactor was being cooled down well below operating temperature and the cooling down process was expected to be completed by today or tomorrow. Richard de Young, director of the NRC's, office of enforcement, said it would be "a number of weeks" before the plant is back to normal. Denton identified the gases released as radioactive xenon and krypton. OFFICIALS SAID none of the workers at the plant were exposed to radioactivity. Non-essential personnel,' most of Ginn's workers, were evacuated to an on-site training center, said an official. Local schools and a large Xerox plant near the nuclear plant were notified of the emergency, said Monore County Public Relations officer Clarence Bassett. About 40,000 people live within 10 miles of the plant. Rochester has a population of 300,000. 4 Officials declared a "site emergen- .cy," the second most serious of four emergency callifications, within 75 minutes of the tube rupture at 9:25 a.m. RICHARD Sullivan, another spokesmap for the plant owner and See NUKE, Page 7 reaction fluxed on new state budget Michigan By KENT REDDING Construction began yesterday on renovatins in the Michigan Union, which may make using the building "somewhat inconvenient" accor- ding to Frank Cianciola, director of the Union. Workers began constructing a wall that will divide the main floor lobby and also began work on the ground floor men's restroom as part of the $4.6 million plan designed to "reestablish the Michigan Union as the front door to the University." THE MAIN floor will be restored to claim some- of its original qualities, but the major changes will occur on the ground floor, according to chief designer, Peter Tarapata. A retail store and a relocated ticket office will be features of the reconstructed ground floor, Cian- ciola said. Tarapata said he wants this floor to become the "magnet" attracting students to the Union. Plans for gound floor are not yet completed, but Cianciola said he ex- pects the U-Cellar and the Alumni See MICHIGAN, Page 5 By JANET RAE Gov. William Milliken's budget an- nouncement yesterday came as both good news and bad news to University financial planners. Administrators -welcomed a propsed 14 percent increase in state ap- propriations to the University, but were unsure about the effects of the planned elimination of all funds for the last quarter of fiscal 1982. UNDER PROPOSALS submitted by state budget director Gerald Miller, funds the University should receive during July, August and September - about $33.9 million - will- instead be paid during the first part of fiscal 1983. "We've been assuming a more modest figure of 8 to 10 percent," Frye said. IN THE EVENT the. University does receive the full 14 percent increase, Frye said, all areas of the University would benefit but some would : receive higher priority. "The salary program would be by far our most urgent priority. We have to start catching up on the ground we've lost in the last decade," Frye said. Other priorities listed by Frye are research and student financial aid. In- creased appropriations would also help offset some of the anticipated tuition hikes Frye said. "I'M SURE THERE will be a tuition increase," Frye said. "It will have to go up as much as inflation (currently around 8 percent), perhaps more." The deferment of the 1982 allocation is part of an effort to reduce state spending by $225 ..millin in order to balance the current year's budget by Sept. 30. While University administrators are not yet sure about the specific effects the proposal will have, they expressed optimism about the University's ability to meet the cash flow problems the temporary shortfall will create. "IT'S A CREATIVE and helpful solution in light of the state's financial situation," Vice President for Frye ... praises 'creative solution' Academic Affairs Billy Frye said. While the University will have to be responsible for interest on short-term loans to offset the deferment, he said the negative effects of such an arrangement should be far less than those an actual budget cut mighthave created. "What they're saying is, 'Recovery is coming and what we're doing is buying. a little time,' " Vice President for State Relations Richard Kennedy said."What if recovery doesn't occur, or occurs later than expected or is less than ex- pected'? That's what's frightening. "But, on the face of it, it not an altogether bad recommendation," he said. WHILE NO specific plans have been made for next year's University budget; Kennedy said administrators "are certainly going through additional reviews for retrenchment." See 'U', Page 5 Doily Photo by BRIAN MASCK AN ARTIST'S conception of the main floor of the Michigan Union after renovation (top) is contrasted with a photo of construction begun yesterday (bottom). The two pictures show the lobby, only one of the areas slated for renovation in the $4.6 million project. State task force aide wary of MSA probe By BARRY WITT Ah aide to Governor William M iken, upset with a Michigan Student sembly researcher's criticism of a ,ew state high technology task force, has warned state and University of- ficials to beware of possible MSA inter- ference with the commission. Robert Law, the governor's executive assistant who helps coordinate the task force's efforts, wrote in a memo to of- ficials that MSA . might "become somew at disruptive to the High Technology Task Force." THE MEMO, which was circulated to, Milliken, Lt. Governor James Brickley, Milliken's press secretary and the University's executive officers, was written by Law after he received a telephone call from a Midland jour- - nalist regarding criticism leveled at the task force by MSA researcher Brett Eynon in a December speech at a Midland church, Law said. MSA hired Eynon, a local historian of student activism, to study defense department research on campus and the relationship among the University, the defense department, and the high technology task force. The task force is a group of prominent state businessmen, gover- nment officials, labor leaders and University representatives, including President Harold Shaprio - which has been charged by the governor to help diversify the state's economy in the area of advanced technology. LAW, WHO said he first heard of Eynon through the Midland reporter, said Friday he wrote the memo because he "didn't know if (Eynon) was legitimate or had legitimate purposes. "There was a person out speaking about the task force who I had never heard of. . . and I was trying to find out what the heck was going on," Law said. Law said he was concerned that "someone who knew nothing about the task force's purposes" was speaking publicly about the group. "I would have thought he (Eynon) would have called me," Law said. EYNON, WHO tonight will present MSA with a report on defense depar- tment research on campus, said that although he is not sure of exactly what the task force is up to, he is trying to raise public interest in the group. "I'm just asking questions," he said. Citing closed meetings and un- published minutes of the task force, Eynon said the public should be asking what the governor and the task force are doing. The task force is divided into sub- committees, one of which is devoted to the area of robotics, advanced machines designed to replace many of the jobs now done by manual labor, such as assembly line work, welding See MSA, Page 7 Ashe talks to students about job Jprospects By SUSAN SHARON. Minority students will be at a disad- vantage in the business world when they graduate, Arthur Ashe the first prominent black tennis player, said in an interview yesterday. "When I come to a place even as sophisticated as the University of Michigan, I find a great number of students who are uninformed," said Ashe, who was on campus yesterday speaking to University students about business and insurance job oppor- tunities. SINCE A NEAR-fatal heart attack in 1978, Ashe has worked as a consultant to the Aetna Life Insurance Company. As part of his job, Ashe visits various colleges and universities to encourage See ASHE, Page 7 Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK FORMER TENNIS PRO Arthur Ashe speaks to a gathering of students at the University Monday on opportunities in the business world. TODAY Last chance to drop/add ODAY IS THE last day to drop/add or elect a modifier for any LSA course. CRISP will be crime, welfare, Reagonomics, drug abuse, acid rain, in- flation, the environment, prayers in school, AWACs for the Saudis and whatever else was bugging them. Take a gander at this sampling: "James Watt could bid no plott "Sing a song of six packs, your teen-aged kids are high; Four and 20 grams of smack packed in a pie. When the vice squad samples the pie that's on that plate, Won't that be a dandy dish to show the magis- trate?" "Hey diddle. diddle! The cat and the fiddle. Reagan was in the Oval Office, counting up the votes, Nancy was notes." in the dining room, writing China of trees nor canyon scene. Along with the big Exxon, he swept the planet clean." i * * I ~ ... - -~ , i