4 S, OPINION 41 Page 4 e atutsanichig an l Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Saturday,'January 23, 1982- The Michigan Daily Bigger but worse in an a0 Vol. XCII, No.93 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 overcro wded classroom r 0 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board t Federalism an Michigan p RESIDENT REAGAN'S new federalism policy, manifested most recently by his proposal to tran- sfer the costs of food stamps and aid to dependent children from the federal government to the states, presents :Michigan with a situation that could push the current budget problems to the crisis level. The Reagan administration announ- ced yesterday that it will attempt to transfer the costs of food stamps and aid to dependent children to state governments, while the federal gover- nment will assume the costs of all medicaid payments. This switch will cost the states an ex- tra $3 billion per year, a payment that many states, including Michigan, can- not afford. If this transfer of expenditures bet- ween Lansing and Washington were limited to a tradeoff of Medicaid and aid to dependent children, Michigan would save $75 million per year. But Reagan's proposal also calls for the states to fund appropriations for food stamps. This addition makes Reagan's proposal a losing one for the state. It would create another deficit in the :budget at a time when Michigan is fin- ding it almost impossible.to generate extra revenues. Gerald Miller, state budget director, explained the situation best when he said Lansing would not pick up the "slack" left by federal aid cuts. "The state simple cannot afford it," Miller said. Recent history has given Miller's Z1 _ 7 __7_ statement credibility. In October, Governor Milliken's office slashed state welfare spending by;$152 million in a desperate attempt to keep spen- ding down before this year's monetary situation worsened. Now there are signs from Lansing that another drastic budget cut is im- minent. This cut could range anywhere from $200 to $300 million. State aid to dependent children, a program hard hit by the earlier budget cut, would suf- fer a blow that would. put the whole program near extinction. The dependent children program is already overextended. As Milliken pointed out last year, a family of four receiving ADC payments now has less than $500 a month with which to pur- chase food, clothing, and housing. In addition to the financial burden of Reagan's proposal, allowing Washington to completely fund the Medicaid program will create further problems. Washington will most likely cut eligibility standards for Medicaid to a minimum, according to Tom Clay, of the state Office of Management and Budget. Lansing will then have to choose between wither "picking up the slack* left by federal cuts or allowing many needy residents to go without medical care. In wither case, Lan-. sing-and the whole state-loses. Reagan's new federalism may bring untold benefits to the few states that can afford them, but Michigan, as 'a result, will only sink further into the budgetary crisis from which it is trying to escape. By Howard Markel I am writing this missive during a class at the University of Michigan. My failure to pay at- tention to the professor's lecture has nothing to do with my inter- test in the class; in fact, it is a course that I enjoy and looked forward to taking. My complaint with the class, and all of my classes this term, is directed piimarily to those who run this "smaller but better" institution. I cannot derive the knowledge my instructor is professing because I am sitting in the very back of a large room in Mason Hall which is unequipped with a microphone, megaphone, telephone, or any other com- munication device. Quite simply, my class is so filled with people that those of us sitting in the rear of the room are forced to learn' lipreading, or sit idly not com- prehending the professor, or write editorials for the Daily. Apparently, Mr. Shapiro proposed his "smaller but bet- ter" economic model of the University without consideration of the one element that makes any institution of higher learning a great one: interaction between the students and professors (i.e., the act of learning). It is, indeed, quite difficult to communicate and enjoy the experience and education of one's instructor on a personal level when there are over a hundred other students hoping to do the same thing. Fur- ther, the professor is usually so overwhelmed by a mob of studen- ts clamoring to the lecturn at the close of a class that he or she has trouble responding to any question or comment with more than a perfunctory "Yes", "No", or "Why.don't you consult your teaching fellow?" THIS PROBLEM seems to get worse and worse with each en- suing term. Class selection does, in keeping with Mr. Shapiro's theoretical model, get smaller. Unfortunately, as in any textbook example of supply and demand, ' the amount of students wanting t enroll in the few remaining cour- ses becomes larger. If I recall my Economics 201 jargon correctly, I would point out to Mr. Shapiro that his model presents a direct cause and effect relationship betwe'en the shrinking course selection and the overcrowded enrollment of. classes. Any associate professor .0 --ow e cw - -00 D Q 00 - o O q© OD c C - 0 -d0 C7 ©d QSAAO ..I L$ -- 4-D A vRtDER~4lIu Oa~e.*A~ finding jobs for millions of unem- ployed Americans. Further, the University can finally eliminate all of those silly units and departments that were offered in the past to give the illusion that we were a well- rounded college. As any graduate student of Economics 'can tell you, no one ever made a great deal of money by studying James Joyce. My sarcasm, unfortunately, is not in jest. The University -of Michigan has not yet, officially, become the Michigan Research Corporation and Polytechnic Trade School. However, if we students continue to be more' preoccupied with the color of the alligator on our sweaters instead of the state of public education, we may lose in five years an in- stitution that took over a hundred years to build. The overcrowded class that I originally referred to is not a "freshman enrollment" class, instead it is a 400-level course on the English novel from Dickens to Conrad. (One of those upper level courses that juniors and seniors pay x an elevated tuition for.) The professor ap- peared to be a bit bewildered upon staring at a group of seven- ty or so students. He expected a class of twenty and stammered: "My word, I didn't know that there were this many people in the tri-county area interested in the English novel from Dickens to Conrad." Our University's president, vice presidents, deans, associate deans, assistant deans, and assistants have "trickled down" to the student body and public that the University of Michigan's only chance of survival is to pur- sue the "smaller is betteg" econometrics of Harold Shapiro. Obviously, this means that class selection, instruction, services to the students, and validity of pur- pose will shrink while tuition assessments, administrators' -salaries, and robotics research grants become bigger. This, as any economics major could tell you, seems to be a dangerous way to run a business, let alone as valuable a commodity as the University of Michigan. voiana ana OUGHNESS at the expense of controlling the arms race is committing world suicide. Officials in the State Department said Thursday that Secretary of State - :Alexander Haig likely would not set a =starting date for arms limitations talks with the Soviets. The scheduling of the talks was to be planned during the :January 26 meeting between Haig and -'Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei :Gromyko. But the Reagan administration claims that setting a date for the talks " would weaken America's stance on the curent Polish crisis. An agreement on talks with the Soviets would dilute the power of President Reagan's san- ctions, officials claimed. America remains interested in the concept of talks, but would not want them to be held under the "cloud of Poland." Certainly opposition to the brutal crackdown in Poland has merit, but there must be limits to "toughness," no matter what the issue. Arms limitation talks are the basis for a harmony between the super- powers. They are the starting blocks for a rational world peace. Whether actual weapon limitations are 1 the arms race achieved or not, the talks show a national commitment to keeping the arms race under control, something Haig seems to have little interest in. The logic behind Haig's decision seems slightly bizarre. The Russians are not going to end their involvement in Polish martial law because the Americans refuse to seta date for ar- ms limitation talks. The two matters are unconnected, especially from a Soviet viewpoint. Because of Haig's action, controlling the buildup of nuclear arms, a topic that should rank first on any world leader's list of crucial issues, has been stalled. Before yesterday, Reagan had kept Haig's anti-Soviet passions within bounds. In November, the president wrote a letter to Leonid Brezhnev proposing arms limitations talks "as soon as possible." It now seems as if Haig's. tough-minded policy has coun- tered the president's original resolve. American response to Soviet inter- vention in Poland is a necessary and important position, but sacrificing the future of possible arms agreements is possibly sacrificing the future of the world. t of Economics will tell you that if the university offers fewer classes or fewer selections of a class-without the reduction of the student body (something that is almost sacrilegious at a state university)-the existing classes are going 'to have to accom- modate more students than usual. Perhaps, 'we ought to qualify Professor Shapiro's economic model as the "smaller is better except when bigger becomes more economically convenient" theory. This qualification is inherent even if it has not been formally stated by our administration. It is an insidious philosophy that guides this University. The (uture, years might bring about an elimination of college courses as we know them. Industry could .team up with academe to videotape a variety of classes and package, market, and sell them to incoming freshmen. Classroom buildings could be shut downmand millionsof dollars would be saved in heating and maintenance costs. Further, no student will have a valid com- plaint that class size is too large. The student can stay at home with his or her television set and plug into any topic under the sun, from General Hospital to Quan- tum Mechanics. THE PARTNERSHIP of in- dustry and academe has more profitable featurgs than any on'e assistant professor of Economics could fathom. Professors would be able to rid themselves of the time-draining nusiance of teaching, dealing with students, hiring graders to . grade examinations, and forgetting to attend office hours. They could now devote alF of their time to scholarly contributions to the newly established Michigan Research Corporation. Professors will be the first to ad- mit the vast importance of manufacturing battalions of robots who will build American cars that do not seem to sell. This is a much more pressing problem, it seems, than the one of Markel is an LSA senior 4 i Weasel THATs No-r WHAT Z THINK. IT lS. YEP A SUJPER? BOWL " TICKET!I FRE$5AMAN, WIRl) YW(,E&T TIAAT? YOU Boo(Off I- BT TWICE1ThF4(CS - 6011, MR 4iuND~eD5 PAND I KNOW/. W/14ATA eAI N ~Huu ? WHAERE DID Yaj GET THAT KIF MOEY? WELL ACTUALLY . IT v'As EASY !/ Z TOOK IT bUT OF MY (TVI77ON4 MONEI. OFCWURSer NCW,. IL- }A TO j fe w6r OF SCH~( AND N~ORK IZ A '(5AP. -tFA'( F 1K BUTr 11< WORbTH E( fPEr ! Tri-H S ARC4-IN-W A tI EmlME 'GAME!. T14ATS wkrT TA~f SAD Aea:T THEFRg " IFTEW By Robert Lence NOW LISTEN TO ME,' RESH MAN ! 'ufZ FAFENTS ARUNt ARo-,Kp So rM c OJI/6 T) RAVE T1O ACT AS A "FATW-E- FR6URE'AND SET Yco srRN(.{r IERE: YOU M'AY WOT p~oF' CXUT f c ti &WCL iN ORDER - SEE a u-dl l 04 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Daily muckracking on Schembechier I C To the Daily: On Jan. 19, the Michigan Daily printed what amounts to a muckraking editorial. Granted, the Daily is within its rights to criticize, any aspect of wrongdoing in the University. This editorial, however, titled "Bo's gain represents a loss for University," was a cheap and carelessly expressed opinion. tivity" is clearly without base. The editorial also claims that academic standards are being sacrificed. Frankly, I don't see it. Perhaps a football player's education is in football. To con- tend that the University should suddenly step out of the crowd in recruiting methods to achieve some kind of specious ideal is a but outlandish and superfluous. And after complaining about the unreleased salary infor- mation, it seems a conscientious newspaper might have waited to learn the facts before rendering judgment. Mr. -Schembechler's salary will be disclosed, perhaps when the arrangements are finalized, or perhaps when all faculty figures are released-as is typically the case. ting football in what the Daily calls perspective. Michigan (the state and the University) is suffering through somewhat austere times. The editorial leads one to believe that the Daily would have us all declare, "We are economically strapped; we can no longer af- ford the best. Here, you (Texas) take it."