OPINION ---------- Page 4 Thursday, January 21, 1982 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Weasel Vol. XCII, No. 91 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board 50 FRED/ WR4r 4AVE YOU 699 ?DING IN HpNoR. OF SUPER t3CWl. WEEK?" SPEC 144-' 611 Zr GUESS. 1 AM W GONNA I . f r TH~AT Y m-r ON Ycai BEEN L2 i&6 Vl WE.LL, -m 51AIZ1 WITH-, l M.EA~aiED TH~ E 4IA RECORDS OF THE OP1FM406 uNEMA?. P 'rt'-)KNOW NIAT ANIF4ONr(+ .1N402 AV SI)( CAVMFS W14F HE. IEWAS IN TiE. Two GR6W. YT14EN r cl-IARTE> rHE.BtO~'TIS4&c4 TH~E Ko - T aTH 9)lrm 0 INL = AITE & Dd By Robert Lence PIPNI- "RE tIZE ThAT T-WAS PSOMALL' W-QAS(L FOX eiING 6TUE LIKE ?N4AT. The Michigan Theater : A tradition worth saving 0l T HE CURRENT decline in govern- ment support for the arts and humanities once again may hit home. This time, it may hit the Michigan Theater, a cultural hallmark in a very culture-oriented community. This week, the city and private in- dividuals sponsored a casino gambling benefit in an attempt to keep the finan- cially-troubled theater solvent. The special event was laudable, but it sadly demonstrated that private funding probably will not be enough to save the Michigan Theater, especially because private donors are currently suffering from severe economic restraints themselves. The theater has a rich tradition that enhances the University and the city. Built in 1928, the Michigan Theater is one of the few grandiose move-palace theaters still in existence. Its heritage is expressed throughout the building- in its unique architectural detail and even in its classic Barton organ. But the theater is not merely a relic of the past; it is as culturally vital today as ever before. Last year, the theater housed some 900 events that were attended by over 150,000 people. The events included classic film showings, opera, ballet, chamber musit, and even the World's Worst Filr Festival. The theater also provides services to the community, such as reduced rates for senior citizens and benefit performances. To begin sorely-needed renovations and restorations, however, the theater must pin its hopes on receiving federal aid, even though these prospects look bleak. This April, the theater ad- ministration will apply for a federal grant from the National Historic Preservation Agency, affiliated with the Department of Interior. It seems doubtful that the Interior staff will show a marked sensitivity to the preservation of historic sites, when In- terior Secretary James Watt is willing to reclaim substantial portions of American wilderness and national parks. The Michigan Theater's plight is representative of the problems facing the arts today. With the callous at- titude expressed by the Reagan ad- ministration toward cultural enrichment, the arts frequently have few places to turn to for help, save the private sector. The people are willing to help, as the Michigan Theater benefit illustrates, but they can't shoulder the entire bur- den of fostering and improving the ar- ts. The Michigan Theater, and similar institutions across the country, may be lost unless the federal government looks beyond budgetcutting and con- siders long-term efforts to preserve the nation's cultural heritage. Growing up in the real world "(If I were a student) I would share with my classmates rejection of the world as it is today-all of it. Is there any point in studying and work? Fornication-at least that is something good. What else is there to do? Fornicate and take drugs, against this horrible strain of idiots who govern the world " -Nobel laureate Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgi, 1970 If you are a college student, you probably heard a lot of questions during your recent visit home. The lots of questions usually boil down to one. After asking about summer prospects, vacation plans, current courses, and so bn, everybody wants to know this: What are you going to do when you grow up? Some students have already made this choice, by taking up computer science, engineering, or some other field which is likely to offer gainful employment upon the completion of a bachelor's degree. Those who have studied "liberal arts" (are there "con- servative arts?") may have to finish one or two more degrees before moving on to a "challenging" career and a soft, dull job. IN THE MEANTIME, the degree you get is usually the third. Have you sent away for law school applications? How did you do on your GRE's? Did you know that there are almost no jobs for teachers anymore? It's the what-will-you-do-when-you-grow-up game, and in order to play you have to start very early along. Do well in high school so you can get into a good college. Do well in college so you can get into a good graduate school. Do well there so you can get a good job when you get out. It goes on and on-to the house in the suburbs, marriage, and children, who must themselves do well in high school in or- der to.. . Perhaps this never-ending cycle of achievement will make more sense if we stop thinking of ourselves as individuals. for a moment, and start considering the role that we as a group play in society at large. For one thing, we are not just any college students. We attend a prestigious university in one of the wealthiest nations on earth, and we are being gr omed to take over the intricate machinery of industrial civilization. IF WE TAKE a look at the contradictions of industrial civilization, we may not be so willing to take our place at the top of it. While modern society has provided a comfortable life for many and incredible riches for a select few, there is a significant portion of the world's population which still faces a daily battle for survival. Over a billion people subsist on an income By Roger Kerson of less than $90 per year. Ninety dollars is enough to buy two pairs of designer jeans, or enough to keep you and a few friends high on cocaine for a few hours. But no matter how low the standard of living might be in some countries, $90 is not enough to pay for the necessities of life for an entire year. And what about us? Will we continue to live in safety and comfort? Maybe not. Maybe nobody will. As the U.S. government pursues an ever-more confrontational foreign policy, the idea of nuclear war grows from possibility to probability to near-certainty. AND EVEN IF we don't blow ourselves to smithereens, we seem equally likely to con- demn ourselves to a slow death by gradual and irreversible destruction of the mother who feed us all: our planet Earth. Unless we radically alter the way we interact with our ecosystem, we may find that large sections of the planet are uninhabitable by the end of the next century, if not sooner. What are you going to do when you grow up? We've already grown up. The question is, what are we doing about the problems of poverty, environmental destruction, and nuclear war? Never mind what we do for a living. What can we do for life? Well, our European brothers and sisters are taking to the streets to tell their leaders they will not tolerate senseless death. Unfor- tunately, the most that the anti-nuclear movement is likely to lead to is another nuclear arms limitation treaty. THIS MAY NOT do us much good, since previous arms control agreements have been notably ineffective. Since the Partial Test Ban Treaty was signed in 1962, nuclear tests have continued at the rate of about one a week. When the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was signed in 1968, five nations possessed nuclear weapons. The latest count is nine or ten. And since the U.S. and the Soviet Union signed the SALT I treaty in 1972, both countries have significantly increased their nuclear arsenals, although the treaty was designed to limit this expansion. So the European peace marches may not bring peace after all. But marching in the streets is not the only way to agitate for social change. Some people make a career out of it. Across the country, full-time activists and organizers are helping low-income residents fight city hall, working with union dissidents, fighting price hikes by oil companies-there's a long list of good work that needs to be done. But before you sign up to work in the nearest slum, you should know that working for social change ain't easy. Jobs are getting harder to find these days, since a lot of organizations are being Reaganomixed out of existence. And there are times when it all seems futile-the letter-writing campaigns, the public hearings, the meeting with legislators-and you begin to wonder if it is really possible for your work to have any lasting impact. WHAT'S LEFT? Should we take the hedonistic advice offered by Dr. Szent- Gyorgi? I'm all for doing what feels good, so it's hard to disagree with the good doctor. But it's also hard for me to feel good as the world is falling apart. In 1964, students of the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley shut down the school in a dispute over the student right to political expression. Free Speech activists at Berkeley were among the* first to express their. alienation from our mechanized and. dehumanized society. Urging students to join, a sit-in, Free Speech leader Mario Savio said: "There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part, you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and make it stop." Are we really ready to take on the machine? Are enough people angry enough to create a powerful force for social change?' Probably not. We probably don't have the courage to face the consequences. Those who run the machine we call society don't ap- preciate it when other people get in the way. Witness the Soviet-sponsored terror in Poland, for example, and the American-sponsored terror in El Salvador. Violent repression can happen here too. Ask the families of the students who were killed by white racists in the early sixties, while they were crusading for civil rights in the South. Or ask the families of the students who were killed by National Guard members in the early seven- ties, while protesting against the Vietnam war. For now, the least that you can do is to think twice before you write your next ap- plication for graduate school, or before you attend your next corporate job interview. Do you want to take your place among the "elite" of our society? Do you want to be at the con- trols of the machine that decides who will eat and who will starve, that tears up the earth we live on, that closes schools and hospitals so it can build bigger and better bombs? Is that what you want to do when you grow up? Maybe if enough of us just walk away, the machine will just run out of gas. Kerson, a 1980 University graduate, is currently employed as a secretary. He has no future plans. ",LEAVE THE FA('APES IT BIE JUST LIKE NOLLYWOQPW }/ / ~ M// h IT RoR$o ov Cj dpC ath L x E 44 POEA t - s ' 6 6 I LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Weasel needs open mind on sex To the Daily: Ordinarily I enjoy Robert Len- ce's comic strip Weasel. How well it captures the humor of University life! Parody does, however, take the risk of being cruel, as evidenced by the comic which insults homosexuals (Daily, Jan. 12). The column depicts Weasel ac- ting as a character witness at the trial of Fred, his roommate, who is charged with burning down the Economics Building. So far, so good. Enter the evil prosecuting attorney to question and in- timidate Weasel on the stand. (Booo!) The attorney asks Weasel what is his relationship to Fred. "I'm his roommate," an- swers Weasel. When the attorney alleges they must be homosexuals, Weasel becomes defensive. "No! No!," he cries emphatically, "Roommates at school! Everybody's got room- mates at school!" The attorney grandly concludes to the jury the "sick, deranged personality of the defendant" for attending "a school full of homosexuals." O.K. Lence-we live in a homophobic sociey. The blockheaded attorney attempts to establish Weasel as a homosexual in order to lower Weasel's credibility. That I can laugh at. What I find insulting is that Weasel himself is depicted as being so uptight about his sexuality. Would it be so awful if Weasel were gay? Sure, he is acting just as any typical college student would, but as such a student he is unacceptable to me as the major character of .the comic. Until now, I had the impression he was a liberal. Even from a humorous standpoint, the absurdity of the bigoted attorney is lost against the overly-defensive Weasel. Lence could have been both safe. and funny with a mature Weasel. Weasel fans To the Daily: We are the Daily's earliest readers. Because of our noctur- nal habits developed while working on the yearbook, we cat- ch the paper between 3 and 4 a.m. before it is dispersed about cam- pus. . What is the first thing we look for? Even before scanning the front page headlines, we head straight for the Opinion Page to Should Lence wish to undo some damage and "liberate" Weasel, he might in the near future have Weasel show some physical affection for his room- mate, now in jail, by perhaps embracing him. But please - don't have them laugh about their awkwardness at such a moment! -Donavan Mack January 12 0cheer. .. 0 talented cartoonist approaching the par of Doonesbury. Our favorite cartoons are plastered all over our office walls-if he were to compile his work into a book he would have three im- mediate sales. We're glad that there is one "wit" on the Daily who knows what he's doing! -Dan DeVries Jeff Schrier A Letters and columns represent the opin- I 'Mi