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December 02, 1980 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-12-02

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Reagan pledges) to
fight urban racism

From AP and UPI
ATLANTA - President-elect Ronald
Reagan told officials of the nation's
cities yesterday that there is no place in
America for racial hatred and he
pledged to use the moral authority of
his office to condemn the racial violen-
ce troubling many cities.
In a message to the National League
of Cities, which is holding its annual
five-day meeting here, Reagan termed
racial hatred "unworthy of a free and
just nation."
"THERE CAN be no place in
American life for hatred by one kind of
American against another," he
declared, pledging to "use the great
moral authority of the presidency to
speak out against the racial animosity
and violence that now afflicts many of
our cities."
In another address, a Reagan aide
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assured the nation's mayors yesterday
the new administration will not leave
their cities financially stranded in cut-
ting domestic spending to balance the
Many mayors at the convention were
openly worried about Reagan's caili-
paign promises to turn back to the
states and cities a variety of local
programs - along with the respon-
sibility to raise taxes to pay for them.
JOHN MCCLAUGHRY, coordinator
for state and local policy on the Reagan
transition team, told the convention
Reagan will consolidate categorical
grant programs into block grants so
cities can get more money without
strings attached.
He said Reagan also plans to reap-
praise federal regulations that impose
expenses on the cities.
Reagan's message also pledged "an
early test" of his campaign promise for
"enterprise zones" where tax incen-
tives would be 'underwritten by the
federal government to bring business
back to the inner cities.
"At the same time," the message
said, "I will seek to encourage a new
wave of self-help in our urban neigh-
borhoods - people working together to
solve their own problems in the way
that seems best to them."

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It's More For Your Morning!

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Official says Iran has cash
for 6 more months of war
BEIRUT, Lebanon - A top Iranian official said yesterday that Iran
could fight Iraq for six months on available cash reserves, without access to
money frozen in U.S. banks, gold reserves, or income from oil exports.
While Iranian and Iraqi forces reported battles with helicopter gunships,
paratroops, and artillery, Central Bank Governor Ali Reza Nobari told the
Iranian people they "should not worry," the official Pars news agency
The agencyquoted Nobari as saying Iran had cash reserves of $6 billion,
and that "if we cannot, for political reaons, free our blocked reserves, or
sell a drop of oil, and have no other exports, this reserve could last us for six
Economic indicators rise
WASHINGTON - The barometer of future economic trends rose for the
fifth month in a row in October, the government reported yesterday. But
private economists warned the moderate gain signals a weak economy that
could worsen in coming months.
The Commerce Department reported its Index of Leading Economic In-
dicators rose 0.9 percent in October, following a gain of 3.1 percent in Sep-
tember. The moderate October increase follows four months of substntially
larger gains.
Patricia Mosser, an economistwith th Data Resources forecasting firm
in Lexington, Mass., said the report "doesn't bode well for the end of the
year or for 1981.
Chinese leaders discuss
fate of Mao's widow
PEKING - Chinese leaders are locked in a fierce debate on whether
Mao Tse-Tung's widow should be executed before a firing squad or spared as
a gesture to China's founding father, diplomatic sources said yesterday.
The debate was in full swing as the second full week of China's state trial
resumed hearings - mainly as a forum for defense attorneys to make their
presence felt for the first time and try to silence foreign criticism that the
trial of the Gang of Four and six others was nothing more than a kangaroo
China's leadership and even the court judges have indicated in
statements there is no doubt about the guilt of all the accused anti the main
purpose of the trial was to'fix the degree of sentencing.
Polishparty chief says some
union actions threaten peace
WARSAW, Poland - Communist Party Chief Stanislaw Kania said
yesterday that militant independent labor union activities are undermining
communist rule in Poland and threatening peace in Europe.
Kania addressed the opening of a two-day plenary session of the party's
central committee and issued a stern warning against what he described as
"prestige or downright political strikes."
In his nationally broadcast speech, the party leader acknowledged.the
existence of the fledgling independent trade union movement and offered to
cooperate with labor leaders who show restraint.
But he added, "It is high time to sober up, to understand that the basic
conditions and chance for a further favorable development of the nation is an
immediate halt to activities weakening and undermining-the functioning of
the communist people's state."
Reagan aides quieted
WASHINGTON - Ronald Reagan's foreign policy aides have been war-
ned they are "not authorized to speak on behalf of the president-elect"
before the inauguration, it was disclosed yesterday.
The aides also were told to make clear any statements they make are
those of private citizens.
The warning came in the midst of a controvrsy over remarks by some
transition task force members.
Female Irish terrorists
join prison hunger strike
ARMAGH, Northern Ireland - Three women prisoners - convicted
Irish Republican Army terrorists - went on a hunger strike in Armagh
Prison yesterday, joining a protest by seven male convicts who have gone
without food for 36 days.
The aim of both groups was to force the British government to grant
political-prisoner status to terrorists, allowing them to wear their own
clothes and associate freely behind bars.
The three women were led by Mairead Farrell, 23, serving a 14-year
term for bombing a hotel.

Joining her on the hunger strike were Mary Doyle, 24,serving an eight-
year sentence for possession of incendiary bombs, and Mairead Nugent, 23,
serving 12 years for trying to blow up the prison governor's home.
The British government said it would not comply with the prisoner's
demands, even if they die.
e piigan aig
Volume XCI, No. 73
Tuesday, December 2, 1980
The Miemgan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); 13 by mail '
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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