Page 2-Wednesday, November 26, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Ford to pay $23 million in
discrimination settlement
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Ford Motor Co. yester-
day settled discrimination charges for $23 million -
including $13 million damages to minorities and
women either refused jobs or denied employment ad-
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
calling it "one of the most significant nationwide
discrimination cases," said the Ford agreement was
its second largest consent decree. Only a $29.4 million
settlement in 1978 with General Electric Co. was
said "the agreement has effected substantial
monetary and job benefits to minorities and women
in a painstaking action to complete a case that
predated this administration."
EEOC launched a nationwide investigation in
August, 1973 upon receiving complaints Ford
discriminated against minorities and women in
hiring and advancement programs.
Under the agreement, the nation's second-largest
automaker must pay cash damages totaling $13
million to 14,000 persons.
FORD WILL DISTRIBUTE $8 million to applicants
turned down for hourly rated jobs in the early 1970s
because of alleged discrimination; $3.5 million will go
to salaried minority and female employees with ser-
vic dates before 1975, and $1.5 million will go to
women in hourly jobs employed prior to 1972.
Damages will be distributed based on seniority,
EEOC said.
Ford also agreed to spend $10 million on training
and other affirmative action programs to help em-
ployees develop skills needed for better and higher
paying jobs.
EEOC SAID FORD will increase opportunities to
enter skilled trades and production and "maintenan-
ce supervisory positions" - the job once called
EEOC said Ford has agreed to fill over 20 percent
of the old foreman jobs and over 15 percent of general
supervisor opportunities with minorities. And 30 per-
cent of non-skilled new employees hired will be
The settlement does not affect the possible recall of
employees laid off because of slow automobile sales
in the past year.
Besides the GE settlement, two other EEOC ac-
tions - against ATT in 1973 and nine steel companies
in 1975 - were larger than the Ford agreement. But
those had reached the lawsuit stage, while the Ford
and GE cases were negotiated settlements.
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
California blazes kill four
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. - Raging fires, pushed by blowtorch winds,
yesterday charred more than 40,000 acres in four counties, killing at least
four people and destroying more than 273 homes including a $500,000 man-
sion once owned by actress Dorothy Lamour.
More than 15,000 residents were forced to flee the erratic, swiftly moving
flames, many with only the clothes on their backs, while hundreds of others
stayed, perched on rooftops, fighting to save their homes and possessions
with garden hoses and guts.
Among the dead were an elderly couple found burned to death just out-
side their front door on D Street. Fire officials said two other residents of the
same area died of heart attacks during the fire, which they said was
deliberately set and continued to rage out of control.
Algerian delegation delivers
message to U.S. officials
WASHINGTON - Bearing a confidential message from Iran, a high-
level Algerian delegation flew to Washington yesterday to resume
negotiations to free the 52 American hostages.
U.S. officials said the Algerians probably were carrying requests for
clarification of the U.S. proposals, which Secretary of State Edmund Muskie
said last week agreed in principle with Iran's terms.
As the three-man delegation left Algiers, Hashemi Rafsanjani, the
speaker of Iran's parliament, told reporters that Tehran's four demands for
freeing~ the hostages, now in their 388th day of captivity, were non-
Iran's conditions, laid down by the Iranian Parliament, include can-
cellation of American claims against Iran, including hundreds of lawsuits,
the freeing of more than $8 billion in Iranian assets and return of the wealth
of the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
$1in 1967 worth 39C today
Squatters talk. t
(Continued from Page .)
The kids foraged through vacant lots
and abandoned buildings to salvage
cinder blocks, sheet rock, lumber, tar-
paper, windows and doors.
Benton says the city owns the lot but
has not tried to evict him for squatting.
The Bentons did have to go to court,
however, when social workers tried to
take custody of the children. The judge
said the kids were better off with their
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parents and dismissed the case.
Now, twin beds, full beds, bunk beds
and sofa beds jam up to the shack's
more and less perpendicular lines of
five crackerbox rooms.
"I SAWED WOOD, and I helped my
daddy on the roof," says Tonja, 11.
"We all took turns," says Northciar-
There are few places to stand, and
even fewer to sit, yet all the children
find a place to do homework every
"Our children stay clean and they go
the ann arbor
Film cooperative
ruffeut Double Bill
7:00& 10:20
8:40 only
Aud. A, Angell Hall
$2 Single Feature
$3 Double Feature
to school every day," Shirley Benton
says. "We just try to raise them the old-
fashioned way."
She says all five are good students.
Vanessa, 19, and Darnley, 18, attend a
community college on grants; Emuel
Jr., 13, isan aspiring pianist, and their
father walks Northciardo and Tonja the
several blocks to their grade school
each day.
Next, he wants to find a bathtub so
the kids don't have to wash up each
night in different neighbors'
More unrest
in Polan~d
WARSAW, Pland (AP)-In a new
escalation of Poland's labor crisis,
independent trade unionists yester-
day threatened widespread strikes
unless the communist government
accepts new demands, including the
release of people charged with anti-
socialist crimes.
Railway employees, factory
workers, and coal miners, mean-
while,staged other strikes. Eastern
European nations and the Soviet
Union have expressed concern about
the renewed labor unrest.
Turkey Day in A2
Ways to gobble time
The original -version! Masterfully conceived, the story concerns a couple of
tourists travelling in Switzerland ' who witness an assassination and are
whispered a message by the dying man. To insure the couple's silence, a spy
ring kidnaps their daughter. "Peter Lorre's eyes were made for suspense"-
Sarah Bellum.
Hitchcock. Shows at 7:00 & 9:00 at Lorch. TONIGHT
Friday: A POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES with Bette Davis
Saturday: Bogie in THE CAINE MUTINY
CINEMA GU ILD Do you know the McGuffin Man?
Cinema II
(George Cukor, 1936)
This historic MGM drama, based on a true story, tells the tragic tale of
Marguerite, the Lady of the Camellias. Greta Garbo and Robert Taylor play the
two lovers, doomed to unhappiness. "Garbo's Camille is too intelligent for her
frivolous life, too generous for her circumstances; she is a divinity trying to suc-
ceed as a whore. It's a sublime, ironic performance."-Pauline Kael. (108 min.)
7:00 only.
(William Wyler, 1949)
Academy Award winning adaptation of Henry James' novella Washington
Square stars Olivia de Haviland (Academy Award) as a plain woman being
wooed by fortune hunter Montgomery Clift. Her father, Ralph Richardson
(Academy Award nomination), puts Clift to the test by disinheriting Olivia. (115
min.) 9:00 only.,
TONIGHT, MLB 3 $2.00 one show, $3.00 both shows
(W. S. Van Dyke, 1934)
With characters based on his reallife relationship with Lillian Hellman, Dashiell
Hammett's The Thin Man has emerged as a detective genre masterpiece.
William Powell and Myrna Loy are delightful as a couple who drink cocktails
and exchange insolent remarks with pleasure. "It started a new cycle in screen
entertainment by demonstrating that a murder mystery could also be a
sophisticated comedy."-Pauline Kael. (95 min.) 7:00 and 9:00.
(George Roy Hill, 1964)
The rare combination of humor and sensitivity makes this comedy very special.
It tells a wacky story about a madly egoistic and overly amorous concert pianist
(Peter Sellers), who is hilariously pursued all around New York City by two
teen-age fans. (106 min.) 7:00 ONLY.
(Preston Sturges, 1947)
A world famous conductor, convinced his wife is cheating on him, fantacizes
about murdering her to the accompaniment of Tchaikovsky, Wagner, and
Rossini. Each composer inspires him in a different way as to how to accomplish
the deed. This last great comedy by Preston Sturges is one of the most
sophisticated comedies he made. (105 min.) 9:00 ONLY.
Saturday, Angell Hall $2.00 one show, $3.00 both shows
(Continued from Page 1) '
The dorm staffs should get plenty of
peace and quiet with most of the
residents gone for at least part of the
holiday. South Quad RA Lesa Borninski
said almost all of the students on her
hall are going somewhere.
Although some students live too far
away to manage a trip home, she said,
"they're having their own
Thanksgiving dinner with their frien-
A heavy workload is keeping some
students on campus. Senior Karne
Kukla said she would like to graduate
"eventually" so she is planning to study
this weekend. "I want to rend the hear-
ts of my professors who have piled the
work on top of me," she said.
Sharon Ripps, a junior who lives in
Stockwell, said she is staying because
she doesn't have a seat on flight home
to Florida. "I don't feel like waiting
around at the airport. Besides, I can do
a lot of work around here," she said.
For those who are really serious
about studying, the Undergraduate and
Graduate libraries will be open on a
shortened schedule this weekend. The
UGLI is open until 5 p.m. today, closed
tomorrow, open 1-5 p.m. Friday and
Saturday, and noon to 2 a.m. Sunday.
The Graduate Library also will be
open until 5 p.m. today and closed
tomorrow. Hours are from 1-6 p.m.
Friday and regular hours resume
Some students, like Tammi Fishman,
have jobs to do. The junior is scheduled
to work Thanksgiving Day in the phar-
macy department at St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital. "They don't close down for
the holiday," she said, adding that she
will celebrate Thanksgiving with her
family on Friday.
Dorm residents who don't leave town
will still be able to enjoy a traditional
Thanksgiving feast. It may not be quite
like home, but Turkey, pumpkin pie,
dressing, and cranberry sauce will be
dished up in Alice Lloyd for all of the
dorm residents still on campus,
associate housing director Norm Sun-
stad said.
During the remainder of the holiday
weekend, meals will be served in Alice
Lloyd for students who live in the Hill
area dorms, in East Quad for students
on Central Campus, and in Bursley for
North Campus residents.
Recreation facilities at the Central
Campus and North Campus recreation
buildings and the Intramural Sports
Building will be open according to their
normal weekend schedules, although
they will be closed tomorrow.
Ann Arbor police late last night cap-
tured a suspect near the Maynard
Street parking structure in connection
with a Flint rape/abduction. Police said
the woman had been taken to Ann Ar-
bor where she was able to notify police.
WASHINGTON - Consumer prices rose C ONU
a full percentage point last month, accom- r R#C
panied by a decline in take-home pay that rINDEX.,i
posed new headaches- for inflation-weary Sawao
Americans during the approaching holiday -O0 110ll
The Labor Department reported yester-
day that the one percent jump in October, 20
fueled largely by ever-rising housing costs,
brought the annual rate of inflation to 12.6
percent, not far behind the 13.3 percent an-
nual rate of 1979. 240
The index now stands at 253.9, meaning
items that cost $100 in 1967 now cost $253.90.
Stated another way, the 1967 dollar is now 230
worth 39 cents.
A Labor Department economist ex-
plained about three-fifths of the October rise I
was due to increasing "home prices and ac- 220
celerating mortgage interest rates. The Sep-
tember increase, on the other hand, reflected 1919 1980
large increases in food prices. souDeri of labor
Iran claims impending victory
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iran claimed yesterday to have cut into Iraqi
positions along the entire three-mile battlefront and to have cracked the
Iraqi siege of the oil-refining city of Abadan.
Iraq, meanwhile, said it had held back Iran's counterattacks and that
Abadan was in a "tightening stranglehold."
Iraq's Foreign Minister Saadoun Hammadi was quoted as saying life
was returning to normal in most of Iraq despite Iranian claims of ap-
proaching victory and reports of heavy fighting inside Iran.
The independent Kuwaiti newspaper Al Qabas quoted him as -saying
foreign firms that pulled employees out of Iraq when the war erupted Sept.
22 were returning to work on the oil-rich nation's development projects.
Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, meanwhile, told pilots at
Isfahan's air base in central Iran that his forces were "approaching the
point of forcing the Iraqi government to concede defeat," the official Pars
news agency reported.
Grasso's cancer spreads
HARTFORD, Conn. - Gov. Ella Graso, who had a cancerous ovary
removed in April, is now suffering from cancer of the liver, her doctors and
the governor said yesterday.
Medical experts consider cancer of the liver a very grave form of the
Lt. Gov. William O'Neill, who would assume office in the event Mrs.
-Grasso could not fulfill her duties, said there were no such plans now and
that he had talked with her twice by telephone yesterday.
"The governor's spirits are very good and she feels she's going to lick
this problem," O'Neill said.
Mrs. Grasso was hospitalized Nov. 15 for phlebitis, an inflammation of a
vein in her left leg.
Doctors said she was making a good recovery from that and'could have
left the hospital sometime this week. They are now recommending that she
remain a few more days so they can establish a chemotherapy program.
~Jbe idprhgun latig
Volume XCI, No. 72
Wednesday, November 26, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); 13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
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