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November 25, 1980 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-25

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Former dean
dies in Arizona

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 25, 1980-Page 3
Four plead guilty in shooting

Dr. Russell Stevenson, 90, dean
emeritus of the University's School
of Business Administration, died

Sunday in Phoenix, Ariz.
Stevenson, a native of Muskegon,
received his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees
from the University and his M.A.
from Michigan State University. He
was dean of the business school from
1944 until his retirement in 1961.
STEVENSON WAS instrumental
in the inception of the Un-
dergraduate School of Business Ad-
ministration, and was largely
responsible for the building of the
present Business Administration
"He was a very approachable per-
son, very easy to get along with,"
said Accounting Professor Emeritus
Herbert Taggart, who served as the
business school's assistant dean
from 1946 to 1956. "He was an ideal
dean - somewhat of a politician, but
I think one has to be to get what one
wants from the administration.
Deaning was an ideal occupation for
A memorial service is scheduled
for 11 a.m. tomorrow at the First
Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor.

DETROIT (UPI) - Four men linked
to the Ku Klux Klan pleaded guilty
yesterday to federal charges stemming
from the harassment of several blacks,
4 one of whom was shot at to scare him
away from a bar the four frequented.
U.S. Attorney James Robinson said
he was prepared to produce a witness
who would testify he participated in the
shooting and that it was discussed at
meetings of the Michigan Ku Klux
THE FOUR, all of whom face prison,
were identified by Robinson as Ronald
Bishop, 21, of ,uburban Garden City,
Raymond Echlin, 31, and Donald John-

son, 40, both of Detroit, and Richard
Johnson, 38, of Fenton.
The four had been indicted on several
federal charges, including conspiring to
violate the civil rights of black Detroit-
area residents and interstate shipping
of the high-powered weapon used in the
Included were charges they fired
shotguns at George Stewart, a black
man, as he stood outside the Sky Club
Bar last August and later that night
fired several rounds from an AR-15rifle
at Stewart's Detroit home.
TEWART WAS not injured in either

After a plea negotiation session,
Robinson said, Bishop, Echlin, and
Donald Johnson pleaded guilty to con-
spiracy to deprive Stewart of his civil
Echlin and Bishop also pleaded guilty
to the use of a firearm during the com-
mission of a felony in the shooting at
Stewart's house, Robinson said.
e RICHARD JOHNSON pleaded guilty
to conspiring to deprive another black
man, David Allen, of his civil rights in a
scheme Robinson said was also
discussed at a Klan meeting.
The indictment charged Bishop,
Echlin, and Richard Johnson met in

November 1979 to "hold a drawing" to
determine who would harass Allen and,"
his family, who had moved into a white
neighborhood in suburban Romulus.
Robinson asked that charges against
a fifth defendant, Charles Furtaw, be
The guilty pleas were entered before
U.S. District Court Judge James Chur-.
Bishop and Echlin face a maximum
of four years imprisonment, Donald
Johnson could receive two years and '
Richard Johnson faces one year in
prison. All four could receive fines of
$10,000 or more.

Gay Vietnam vet wins
case against Air Force

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Turnout heavy
in LSA 'election

Students turned out in near-record
numbers yesterday to cast their ballots
in the first day of the LSA Student
Government elections.
As of 8 p.m. yesterday evening, more
than 1,200 LSA students had cast
ballots, according to LSA-SG Elections
Director Joe Daniels.
DANIELS SAID he expected the total
number of students voting to approach
1,400 before the last poll closed for the

day at 104p.m.
parently heavy turnout to a com-
bination of the weather and active
campaigning by the candidates. He
said that since the day was overcast,
there may have been more students
than usual in the fishbowl area which
may have raised the turnout at that
polling site.
However, an even more important
factor, Daniels said, was that "the can-
didates have been campaigning really

WASHINGTON (UPI) - The gover-
nment agreed yesterday to pay $160,000
to settle a court battle with former Air
Force Sgt. Leonard Matlovich, a
decorated Vietnam veteran discharged
from the service after announcing his
In return, Matlovich agreed not to
seek further damages or to re-enlist in
the service. In pressing his test case for
gay rights, he had said previously he
would try to rejoin the Air Force to ser-
ve as an example to other homosexuals
serving in the military.
planned to file the negotiated set-
tlement in U.S. District Court for the
District of Columbia.
The settlement was prompted after
U.S. District Judge Gerhard Gesell
ruled in Matlovich's favor in his civil
rights suit on Sept. 12.
Matlovich, now working for an auto
dealership in San Francisco; could not
be reached for comment. His
Washington lawyer, Patricia Douglass,

Computer shutdowns
frustrate 'U' students'

Campus Inn room robbed
A burglar found an unlocked room at
}Campus Inn Friday night and allegedly
stole $17,000 worth ofjewelry and cash,
police said yesterda .
The guest discoverd the room ran-'
'sacked and listed several items stolen
including an $8,000 watch, a $4,500
diamond ring, and $350 in cash, Police
Sgt. Harold Tinsey said.
There are no suspects in the case.

(Continued from Pagel )
to unscheduled system failures, which
Pirkola said are aresult of hardware or
software complications. (Hardward is
a technological term that refers to
computer machinery and components;
-software, a term that refers to com-

AAFC-Dark Star, 7,10:20 p.m., Television's Star 'I
Cinema Guild-It's a Wonderful Life,. 7, 9:05 p.
CARP-Prime Force, new wave rock band, 6, 8 I
Michigan Union.
School of Music-Chamber Winds, Carl St. Clz
Quiet Revolutions Theatre Company-"No More M
bury Loft.
Engineering-Uwe Pleban, "Denotational Sema
Directed Generation of Implementations," lecture, 12
Chemistry-James Cook, "A General Approach
of Polyquinines," 4 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg.
Bioengineering-John Holland, "Adaptation, Learn
p.m., 1084 East Engineering.
Geology-Thomas Crdugh, "Hot-Spot Tracks acr(
p.m., 4001 C.C. Little.
Institute for Values and Science-Richard Sands,
Society, and Freemasonry," 4 p.m., MLB 4.
N. Eastern and N. African Studies-Sofinddian
Secularism in Bangladesh," 4 p.m., Lane Hall Commc
Psychology-Dr. Daniel Wagner, "Traditional Isl
1980's," 4 p.m., Schorling Aud., School of Education.
Museum of Art-Victor Miesel, "The Winston-Mal
sions, Intersections, Interactions," 8 p.m., Hale
ministration Bldg.
Botticelli Game Players-noon, Dominick's.
Biological Research Review Comm.-4 p.m., SPH I
WICI-6 p.m., Conference Room 6, Michigan Union
Mich. International Relations Society-7 p.m., Pen
His House Christian Fellowship-7:30 p.m., Roor
HSO-"Lesbian /Gay Male Health Professions," 7:
MSA-7:30 p.m., 3909 Michigan Union.
PIRGIM-Energy Task Force, 7:30 p.m., Michigar
Women in Communications-Carole Halicki, edit
TV Peoria, Ill., 6 p.m., Conference Room 6, Michigar
ID-- Qv ... T71f TT44 Un..A 11 Tnin m n R~ - A a m


rek, 8:40 p.m., Aud. A,
im., Lorch Hall Aud.
.m., Anderson Room,
air, cond., 7:30 p.m.,
asks," 8 p.m., Canter-
ntics and Semantics-
p.m., 2050 Frieze.
toward the Synthesis
ling, and Inference," 4
oss the Continents," 4
'Physicists, The Royal
Joarder, "Islam and
amic Education in the
bin Collection: Exten-
Aud., Business Ad-
dleton Room, Michigan
ns D and E, Michigan
30 p.m., 802 Monroe.
orial director, WRAU-
TM Rldut

puter programs).
typically occur from nine to 18 times
per month and last approximately 90
minutes. Because they can, and do, oc-
cur at any time, these types of failures
are the greatest source of student com-
The second most frequent source of
downtime is actually scheduled to allow
Computing Center personnel to
diagnose computer problems and to
check up on hardware products. These
early morning interruptions - when any
average of 35 persons are using the
computer - are generally not a source
of user complaints. They occur about
four times per month, Pirkola said, and
last an average of 20 minutes each.
Two other types of computer in-
terruptions are usually inconsequential
to the student computer user. These are
late start-ups and power failures.
POWER FAILURES, however, ac-
counted for increased downtime during
the stormy months of July and August,
Pirkola acknowledged, and were the
source of many student complaints.
Very little can be done to decrease
downtime on the University computer
system, Pirkola said. "As the industry
develops more reliable equipment we
can expect downtime to decrease, he
said. "But it is impossible to predict
from month to month what will occur."

said, "I think it's a satisfactory set-
tlement for Mr. Matlovitch's part."
MATLOVICH, 37, was discharged in
1975 after 12 years in the service when
he wrote a letter declaring his
homosexuality to Air Force Secretary
John McLucas.
Matlovich, who was a technical
sergeant stationed at Langley Air For-
ce Base, Va., went to court, but Gesell
ruled against him. In 1978, an appeals
court told Gesell to reconsider the case
on grounds the Air Force's
homosexuality standards were vague
and needed clarification.
In September, Gesell ordered
Matlovich reinstated, declaring that
without clear, reasonable regulations
the Air Force could not discharge
Matlovich. The standards say that
homosexuals will be discharged except
in "unusual circumstances," but the
appeals court said the standard never
defines those circumstances.
In the settlement, the Air Force con-
tended the discharge was "fully in
Orange suit
thrown out
by court
NEW YORK (AP) - A federal ap-
peals court yesterday dismissed a
class action suit filed on behalf of
hundreds of Vietnam War veterans
exposed to the defoliant Agent
In a 2-1 decision, the 2nd U.S. Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals said federal
common law would not cover the
THE SUIT claimed five major
manufacturers of the defoliant were
liable for billions of dollars in
damages because of adverse toxic
effects on service persons and tleir
offspring allegedly caused by ex-
posure to Agent Orange.
The plaintiffs were seeking to
have the manufacture of Agent
Orange banned and to have its
manufacturers set upa trust fund to
cover individual claims.
The multi-district litigation star-
ted with a few individual actions in
late 1978 and eventually
mushroomed into claims on behalf
of eight named plaintiffs from 25
federal judicial districts across the

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compliance with the law," but agreed
to drop plans for an appeal of Gesell's
ruling. It agreed to pay Matlovich
$160,000 in liquidated damages in return
for his dropping all claims.
The Mayflower set sail from England
Sept. 6, 1620, with 102 Puritans aboard.


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