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November 25, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-25

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom



Partly cloudy and colder
this afternoon with highs in
the upper 34s.

Vot. XCI, No. 71 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 25, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages


official fired
after budget
Marge O'Malley, chief accountant for
the Ann Arbor Transportation
Authority, released financial records to
a University student last Wednesday
outlining the financial status of the
authority's Dial-A-Ride Service.
That afternoon, she said, her super-
visor told her not to come to work the
following day, or any other day thereaf-
,THIS IS a real blow to my career,"
O'Malley said yesterday. "I'm pretty
wiped out by it."
AATA Executive Director Richard
Simonetta said that although the
authority has no written policy regar-
ding , the ,release of financial infor-
mation, O'Malley's actions were in
Oclear violation of a company mandate
requiring that all such information be
channeled through the office of the
executive director.
See AATA, Page 2





wake of Italy

From AP and UPI
NAPLES, Italy - The death toll
climbed above 1,880 yesterday in the
earthquake that spread destruction and
terror in poverty-stricken southern
Italy. Rescue teams combed the rubble
in 97 damaged towns, villages and cities
searching for more victims from Italy's
worst quake in 58 years.
The government said rescue workers
reported they had found 1,012 bodies by
last night. Several thousand people
were reported injured in the quake that
battered the region Sunday night.
Thousands more were homeless.
Rescue efforts were hampered by
blocked roads, downed telephone lines
and heavy fog. But as army helicopters
and truck convoys reached isolated
AP Photo mountain areas east of Naples, the full
TWO WOMEN GRIEVE in the southern Italian town of Balvano yesterday scope of the disaster became clear.
after viewing the body of a relative killed in one of a series of devastating QUAKE DAMAGE spread over 10,156
earthquakes that struck the area Sunday. Fifty-nine people, mostly children, square miles, an area that includes
died when a church collapsed on them during the quake. Naples, Salerno, Mount Vesuvius, and

the ancient cities of Pompeii and Her-
The village of Balvano, 60 miles east
of Naples, was one of the worst hit.
Searchers found 59 bodies - half of
them children - and reported as many
as 100 people were missing. Most of
those killed were crushed when the roof
of the Church of Santa Maria Assunta
caved in during evening Mass.
The observatory on the slopes of the
Vesuvius volcano, near Naples, repor-
ted about 100 aftershocks during the
night and day following the first
tremor. The initial shock registered
between 6.5 and 6.8 on the Richter
scale, a scale on which anything over
six can destroy buildings.
TILE EARTHQUAKE was the most
powerful in southern Italy since the
turn of the century and threatened to
exceed the death toll in a 1930 quake
east of Naples that killed 1,425 people.,
Sunday's quake was the most exten-
sive in Italy in living memory, experts

said. Damage spread over an area
roughly 120 miles by 40 miles and it was
felt all the way from Sicily to the nor-
thern frontier and into Yugoslavia.
From all stricken areas came reports
of people killed by falling bell towers
and masonry from decrepit buildings.
The "historic center" of Potenza was 50
percent destroyed. Many hospitals in
small towns were damaged, placing an
extra strain on others in the mountain
Typical of scenes across the stricken
area were those in the mountain
villages of Sant' Angelo dei Lombardi
and Lioni, some 50 miles east of Naples.
Each town suffered at least 100 dead
and hundreds injured.
n the heelsj of the devastation in
Italy's most poverty-ridden areas came
the danger of disease and epidemic.
Water supplies were cut or rendered
dangerous in many places, including
Naples, where part of the ancient
aqueduct was destroyed.

Rose bowling.
New Year's, Pasadena-
if you can afford it

Campus comput

Michigan's Wolverines already know what they'll be
doing New Year's day, but the rest of the University
community has to decide soon if it's worth the money to
follow the gridders to Pasadena.
Michigan has 21,000 Rose Bowl tickets to sell, with fir-
st dibs going to students, faculty, and staff from Dec. 1 to
Dec. 3 at the Athletic Department ticket office.
TICKETS REMAINING after Dec. 3 will be made
available to members of the University Alumni
The actual tickets must be picked up'by the purchaser
in Los Angeles the day before the game.
University Ticket Manager Al Renfrew said he expec-
ts the ticket supply to meet the demand of students, staff,
and faculty.
THE UNIVERSITY is also sanctioning a complete
Rose Bowl package, including air transportation, hotel

accommodations, and game and parade tickets.
The "official" tour, arranged by Conlin Dodds Travel,
costs $584 for students, based on three or four persons per,
room, and$621 for staff and faculty, based on two persons
per room.
This is the only tour for which the University guaran-
tees game tickets for the participants. University
spokesman Joel Berger said non-University sanctioned
trips in previous years have failed to follow through on
promises to provide tickets.
THE CONLIN DODDS tour is available until Dec. 5,
with tickets being sold in the lobby of the Michigan Union.
Tour officials said 50 tours were sold today, although they
said they expect an increase in demand after potential
Rose Bowlers have a chance to round up the money over
The tour features six nights in the Los Angeles Hyatt
See PASADENA, Page 2

Bob Schwarz, a student seeking a
masters degree in the School of
Business Administration, has computer
assignments in his Statistics and
Management Science 500 course due
every Monday at 9:30 a.m.. - no excep-
tions. Schwarz, naturally, was pleased
when a computer terminal he had been
waiting for more than 15 minutes to use
finally became free last Wednesday af-
His appreciation soon turned to
frustration, however, when he found
that "the only reason the person ahead
of me left the terminal was because the
system had 'gone down'," or become
SCHWARZ, ONE of approximately,
7,000 students who uses the University's
computer system, was fortunate con-
sidering that the system shut down for
only 15 minutes, which has been about
average for the past several weeks. He
was able to complete and hand in his
BASIC language program the next day.
The problems that surface when
students face computer breakdowns,

part of life ,
say offici*als
however, can be extremely frustrating,
and to some students, computer down-
time seems to be increasing.
Sara Aliber, another graduate
student in the School of Business Ad-
mimstration, had almost finished
editing a COBOL language program
earlier this month when the terminal
she was using indicated that the com-
puter would go down in five minutes.
THE COMPUTER went down before
Aliber could finish her assignment. Not
only did she lose some of ier most
recent input into the computer, she
said, but the system remained
inoperative for more than 30 minutes.
Such delays have been the norm with

the computer system for the last
Gary Pirkola, associate director of
the University Computing Center, said
the computing system has lost 4.39 per-
cent of its scheduled hours of operation
to downtime this year. He added that
the computer is one -of the few Univer-
sity operations that runs 24 hours per
Pirkola, however, also pointed out
that during October the system suf-
fered an unusually low amount of down-
time - only 0.72 percent of scheduled~
BUT MOST students may have
noticed that a large portion of down-
time occurs during prime user hours -
between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., when an
average of 240 persons have signed on
to the computer.
According to Pirkola, these shut-
downs are the product of four types of
breakdowns: unscheduled system
failures, scheduled system shutdowns,
power failures, and late start-ups.
Most of October's downtime was due
See COMPUTER, Page 3


Relaxed Bo discusses team
Cinderella football season


Michigan coach -Bo Schembechler,
perhaps more relaxed and jovial than
he has ever been during a football
season, reflected on his team's Cin-
derella year during the last press lun-
cheon-of the year yesterday at Webers'
Following a campaign during which
his team won eight straight games and
the Big Ten championship despite a 1-2
start, Schembechler opted to discuss
the Wolverines' accomplishments
rather than look ahead to New Year's
Day and the Rose Bowl against the
Washington Huskies.
"IT'S FUNNY how the season
changed from where I had no confiden-
ce in the defense to where I relied
totally on the defense to win it,"
Schembechler said of the unit which
yielded a mere three points during the

last 18 periods of play.
"Theyt(the players) did exactly what
they had to do to win," he continued.
"They won, and they improved as they
did. At the very outset of the season and
through those two losses, we knew that
we were going to have an effective of-
fense. The remarkable improvement of
the defense, particularly in the secon-
dary and the defensive line, was the
It was a defense that had improved
itself enough to pressure Ohio State
quarterback Art Schlichter into an
eight-for-26 performance in Saturday's
9-3 victory over the Buckeyes.
about to kick the OSU junior while he
was down. "Schlichter's good," he said.
"Don't ever underestimate that guy.
Schlichter's much moredifficult to

... relied on the defense


GRADUATE STUDENT Iee Strahs completes his computer assignment at a terminal at the North University Building

Student Verification Forms
The registration ritual began yesterday for Winter
term 1981. Student Verification Forms, which include
CRISP appointment times, are available through Dec. 12 in
thelobby of the LSA Building for LSA students, and various
other campus locations for students in other University'
schools and colleges. Students must have their Michigan ID
cards to pick up their forms. After that, all you have to do is

the monkeys from going through the teenage dating rituals
we've all experienced. The life of a great ape in captivity
increases chances of survival, Beck said, but "lacks proper
learning experiences for them to be sexually competent."
Beck tries to match up the more naive orangutans at his zoo
with those apes knowledgable in the ways of the world.
This "social rehabilitation" program has its drawbacks,
though. The'apes are often less than receptive to the blind
dates set up by the zoo. The apes have shown very human
preferences when choosing their mates. "Usually if the
choices is just one male, and if the females don't like him,

in her role as Miss Alaska." Now Lashbrook's clothes don't
fit, the board complains, and the weight gain reflects "a
deeper problem - a problem of attitude." The beauty
queen said she decided to "let myself go a little bit" after
failing to make the top 10 in the Miss America pageant. The
board is overreacting, she said, "I just think they're going
to extremes." After all, "I carry it very well . . . I don't
walk around in a bathing suit," she said. Lashbrook has had
to lose weight before - for the Miss America pageant she
dieted, exercised, and used water pills to weigh in at 128. "I
could gain or lose five pounds in one day . . . I would have

six-to-eight minute live belly-danced greeting. Owner
Wilma Papsidero, a dance professor at Lansing Com-
munity College, said belly grams are popular for birthdays,
anniversaries, even weddings. "I recently sent out male
and female dancers to a wedding reception," Papsidero
said. Last Friday a Wolverine football fan used the belly
gram to deliver a peculiar form of punishment to a Buckeye
enthusiast. A dancing "valiant victors" message was sent
to the Ann Arbor home of an Ohio expatriate, where belly
dancers wearing alluring maize and blue costumes cheered
for the Wolverines. I +





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