Page 2-Sunday, November 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily
l fire
From AP and UPI
LAS VEGAS, Nev. - A grim new
search for bodies uncovered the 83rd
victim of the devastating MGM Grand
Hotel fire yesterday as outsiders got
their first look at the casino's ghostly
ruins and guests returned to their
rooms to pick up their belongings.
The fire, which authorities said erup-
ted in the main kitchen from an un-
determined source, injured more than
500 people and was the second worst
hotel fire in the nation's history.
THE LATEST body was found near a
slot machine in the casino a few
moments before fire officials gave
reporters a tour of the darkened,
cavernous casino, where a deathly
smell of smoke and water hung over the
skeletal remains of burned-out gaming
Authorities guessed about 8,000
people were in the hotel at the time.
Fire investigators said many of the
guests were killed in -their rooms by
smoke and fumes which entered
through windows they had broken to try
to get fresh air.
83 dead,
500 hurt
Reagan, talent scouts review
i U :4 'jIII
LOS ANGELES (AP)-President-
elect Ronald Reagan and his talent-
hunters got together yesterday to begin
sifting through a list of prospective
Cabinet officers for the new ad-
No announcement was considered
imminent after the "kitchen cabinet"
session at the office of Reagan's
lawyer, William French Smith-him-
Action Spos Wear
;for Cabin
self a contender for attorney general.
"IT'S NOT A decision meeting," said
Michael Deaver, a close Reagan
associate, during the president-elect's
flight Friday from Washington to his
home here.
Smith said in advance the session
would cover "principally the Cabinet
positions plus certain independent
agencies," including, "quite possibly,"
the Central Intelligence Agency.
Reagan spokesman Lyn Nofziger
said there would be no announcement of
the president-elect's decisions to fill the
posts before Dec. 1.
AMONG THOSE attending yester-
day's meeting were Reagan's cam-
paign chairman, Sen. Paul Laxalt (R-
Nev.), Edwin Meese III, director of the
transition, and James Baker III,
chairman of Reagan's transition com-
One adviser said the president-elect
may have to interview some of the
possible nominees in person.
Reagan himself said Friday that he
was "quite sure they'll be presenting
names of people I don't even know."
But he said he hopes to make his
decisions by the end of the month, ad-
ding, "This has to be one of the very
hardest parts of the transition."
THE CABINET list is said to have
swelled from about 38 to 78 names in the
last few days. One source close to the
transition effort said Friday that
Reagan and a few close advisers would
decide who will serve in key posts
"within the next 72 hours."
Several sources in the Reagan circle,
who declined to be identified, said some
of the names most prominently men-
et positions
:i i ' I
406 E. Liberty
2 blocks off State St.
... reviews Cabinet hopefuls
tioned for the Cabinet posts-William
Simon for Treasury, Gen. Alexander
Haig for Defense and George Shultz for
State-were believed to have continued
support from Reagan's advisers.,
Laxalt acknowledged counseling
Reagan recently about some of those on
the list but refused to divulge details.
"There are some women on the list,"
he said, "I can tell you that."
Laxalt said the group was asked to
supply three names for each Cabinet
post. And Reagan stressed Friday that
"this is not a case of them giving me a
recommended individual for each one."
Reagan will hold a second meeting
tomorrow to discuss Cabinet appoin-
tments and travel Tuesday to his Santa
Barbara ranch for the Thanksgiving
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The Ann Arbor community is warmly invited to at-
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The lecturer is BRUCE FITZWATER, a member of
the Board of Lectureship of the First Church of
Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts.
Child care and parking available.
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Iraq launched missiles in
residential area, Iran says
BAGHDAD, Iran - Iran claimed Iraq launched ground-to-ground
missiles on an Iranian city yesterday to blunt a counterattack on the heights
that command main highway routes from Iran's western border to Baghdad.
Iran's official news agency, Pars, said the Iraqi assault with Soviet
made missiles escalated the running battles by paratroopers for the hills
overlooking four Iraqi-occupied villages.
The agency said the missiles smashed into residential areas in the
Iranian town of Gilan Gharb overnight, killing and wounding civilian
Labor party renews
plan to oust Begin
TEL AVIV, Israel - Buoyed by a near-victory in an attempt to bring
down the Israeli government, the opposition Labor Party said yesterday it
would launch a new attempt this week to oust Prime Minister Menachem
The party made public its decision to keep pressure on Begin one day af-
ter Ezer Weizman, the popular former fighter pilot who brought the present
Likud bloc-led government to power, announced his intention to leave Likud
and run for office independently.
Defections from the ruling coalition, prompted mainly by the tottering
economy and its triple-digit annual inflation rate, have left Begin with a
paper-thin majority of 61 in the 128-member Knesset, or parliament.
Iranian minister wants a
clear answer on hostage terms
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Ali Rajai's
office asked the United States for a "positive" or "negative" response to
terms for releasing the 52 U.S. hostages because its first reply "was neither
explicit nor clear," Pars news agency said yesterday.
Iran's stern Islamic judge Sadegh Khalkhali, predicted that the cap-
tives, held for more than a year, would not be freed before Reagan takes of-
fice Jan. 20.
Former Speaker of the
House dies in nursing home
DEDHAM - John McCormack, who rose through the tough world of
Democratic South Boston politics to become speaker of the U.S. House of
Representatives, died yesterday at a nursing home. He was 88.
Current House Speaker Thomas (Tip) O'Neill (D-Mass.) said in
Washington, "We have lost a great American. I have lost a close friend and
political mentor of 40 years."
McCormack, first elected to the House in 1928, was known for his
debating skill in his early years and for his loyalty to the Democratic Party
and his constituents.
Sex symbol Mae West dies
HOLLYWOOD - Legendary Hollywood bombshell Mae West - whoa
starred in vaudeville, plays and films as a brassy, bosomy sex symbol of the
1920s and '30s - died yesterday at her apartment here at the age of 87.
The aging sex queen died just three weeks after leaving a hospital where
she had spent three months recuperating from a mild stroke that left her
speech impaired.
Space shuttle suffers setback
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - With its launch date already three years
behind schedule and costs nearly $4 billion over estimate, the Space Shuttle
suffered a setback yesterday when a final linkup between the orbiter Colum-
bia and its fuel tanks was delayed.
After a morning meeting at the Kennedy Space Center, space agency of-
ficials decided workers had too much gap filler to apply between protective
thermal tiles on the Columbia to move the orbiter from its hangar early
today as planned.
Common antiseptic recalled
ATLANTA-Quantities of Pharmadine, a common povidone-iodine
solution widely used in hospitals and doctors' offices as an antiseptic, have
been recalled because they were found to be contaminated with bacteria, the
national Center for Disease Control said yesterday.
Some lots of the product implicated in an investigation by the CDC and the
Food and Drug Administration were voluntarily recalled by the manufac-
turer, Sherwood Pharmaceutical Co. The investigation was undertaken
when seven northeastern hospitals notified the CDC of high levels of bacteria
in certain clusters of blood cultures. An extensive investigation in two of the
hospitals-one in New York, the other in Boston-traced the bacteria to the
Pharmadine has a variety of hospital uses, including cleansing skin before
injections, cleaning wounds and skin ulcers, and other various applications.
Volume XCI, No. 70
Sunday, November 23, 1980
The Michigan Daily 1:5 tiiteaand managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates : $12 September through April (2 semesters) ; 13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International,
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News room: (313) 764-0552, 76-DAILY: Sports desk: 764-0562; Circulation: 764-0558; Classified advertising:
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New GOP Congress
may favor increased
energy production
WASHINGTON (AP)-Breeder reac-
tors are making a comeback. Oil and
gas price controls are on their way out.
Drilling on federal lands and on the
Outer Continental Shelf is in. And
gasoline rationing? Don't even think
about it.
That's how the energy legislation pic-
ture is shaping up as President-elect
Ronald Reagan prepares to take office
and Republicans get ready to take over
the Senate in January.
THE NEW, heavily conservative 97th
Congress is likely to be far more orien-
ted toward energy production than its
predecessor and far less sympathetic to
legislation designed to force conser-
Reagan is likely to have an easier
time getting his energy bills through
Congress than did President Carter.
Some of Carter's major energy
initiatives-including a proposed 50-
cent-a gallon tax on, excess gasoline
consumption in 1977 and a trimmed-
down 10-cent-a-gallon version in
1980-were overwhelmingly repudiated
on Capitol Hill.
BUT THE energy dilemmas that
haunted Carter's four years will con-
front Ronald Reagan as well-many in
the first year of his term.
One important reason is that the
basic law governing petroleum prices
and distribution and giving the
president power to dealwith energy
shortages-the Energy Production apd
Conservation Act-expires in mid-1981.
Without the law, the ability of a
president to manage a serious oil and
gasoline shortage would be sharply
limited-just around the time that
severe shortages stemming from the
Iran-Iraq war might begin to develop, if
that conflict persists.
And even though Reagan and
campaigned for deregulation, it is
doubtful they would allow all controls to
Many oil companies, for instance,
wpuld like to see some form of renewal
of the rules for government allocation
of fuel in a severe shortage. And small
refining companies are sure to ask for
some continuation of the controls that
put them on a more competitive footing
with the major companies in bidding
for crude oil.
"The irony is that this anti-regulatory
crowd-that is taking over may come to
town and find it's the oil companies who
are asking for protection," said a
Democratic staff member of the
Energy Committee who asked not to be
Even McClure says he expects a
renewal of some energy controls when
they all expire next Sept. 3.
Rat In Coke
nets plaintiff
SULPHUR, Okla. (AP) - A Davis,
Okla., man has been awarded $125,000
in damages for drinking more than half
a bottle of soft drink that contained a
dead rat.
A jury deliberated about an hour
Friday before deciding in favor of
James Jackson in his lawsuit against
the Coca-Cola Co. and Oklahoma
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
unavailable for comment.
Jackson, argued that he lost more
than 20 pounds and has been unable to
eat or drink carbonated beverages
normalv sine an Aue 27. 1979 in-
Monday, Dec. 1-Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1980
MOSHER/JORDAN-December 1, Monday, 7:00-8:00 P.M.-Jordan Lounge
COUZENS-December 1, Monday, 8:00-9:00 P.M.-Living Room
EAST QUAD-December 2, Tuesday, 7:00-8:00 P.M.-Room 126
MARKLEY-December 2, Tuesday, 8:00-9:00 P.M.-North Pit
ALICE LLOYD-December 2, Tuesday, 9:00-10:00 P.M.-Blue Carpet Lounge
BARBOUR & NEWBERRY-December 3, Wednesday, 7:00-8:00 P.M.-Dining Room 1,
West Quad
SOUTH QUAD-December 3, Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 P.M.-West Lounge
OXFORD-December 3, Wednesday, 9:00-10:00 P.M.-Geddes Conference Room
(Max Kade)
BURSLEY-December 4, Thursday, 7:00-8:00 P.M.-East Lounge
STOCKWELL-December 4, Thursday, 8:00-9:00 P.M.-Main Lounge
BURSLEY-December 8, Monday, 7:00-8:00 P.M.-Minority Lounge
COUZENS-December 9, Tuesday, 7:00-8:00 P.M.-Minority Lounge
SOUTH QUAD-December 10, Wednesday, 7:00-8:00 P.M.-Afro Lounge
Editor-in-Chief... MARK PARRENT
Managing Editor.. MITCH CANTOR
City Editor-----------------------PATRICIA HAGEN
University Editors TOMAS MIRGA
Features Editor........ ..... ADRIENNE LYONS
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Sports Editor.......................ALAN FANGER
NEWS STAFF WRITERS: Arlyn Afremow Beth Allen
Saro An~pach. Lorenzo Benet. Nancy Bilyeau, Doug
Brice. Julie Brown. Mauro Corry. Claudio Centomini,
Marc Chornow. Debi Davis. Greg Davis. Jim Davis.
Business Manager----------ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
Sales Manager................KRISTINA PETERSON
Operations Manager............KATHLEEN CULVER
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Circulation Manager..........TERRY DEAN REDDING
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BUSINESS STAFF: Cathy Baer, Glenn Becker, Joe
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