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November 22, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-22

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Some of the Big,
Game's excitement
disappeared forever
when Woody Hayes
left the Ohio State
coaching position. Daily
columnist Christopher
Potter remembers the
Good Old Days on
Page 4.

Bucks love a good party

Special to the Daily
COLUMBUS - Bump into the right person and get
invited to a party; look up in the air and see the
Goodyear blimp circling lazily overhead; lend an ear
and hear the Ohio State fight song, "Hang On
Sloopy," faintly in the distance.
Make no mistake about it - this town is abuzz. It's
"Michigan Weekend" in Columbus.
THE OSU CAMPUS is in the midst of its bi-annual
three-day celebration. So many events are taking
place here that today's 12:25 p.m. televised kickoff
between the Buckeyes and the Wolverines for the Big

Ten championship has almost taken a back seat to
the revelry - but not quite.
Be prepared for the Big Game: Ad-
ditional coverage is on Page 8.
The official pre-game rituals began Thursday
night. Approximately 20 OSU band members trekked
from dormitory to dormitory and through the Greek
section of campus, playing tunes with the sole pur-

pose of rousing the natives for this weekend's ac-
After numerous all-night bashes and a heavy
evening of business on the High Street bar circuit,
yesterday's activities got off to an almost irrationally
early start. "The John and Fran Breakfast Club
Radio" broadcast from 7 to 10 a.m. live from the Ohio
Union, featured approximately 2000 Buckeye fans'
cheers for the scarlet and grey.
THE PROGRAM'S format also included appearan-
ces by the following persons: the OSU cheerleading
squad; several Buckeye band members; the school's
See OSU, Page 8

Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

RIC tgan


Cloudy and windy today
with a high in the md-50s.

Vol. XCI, No. 69

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 22, 1980

Ten Cents

Eight Pages








LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)-A kitchen
fire sent suffocating smoke billowing
through all 26 floors of the MGM Grand
Hotel casino yesterday, and authorities
said at least 81 people were killed and
300 injured. Officials said a fire alarm
amplifier was knocked out and only
three floors of the luxury hotel had
sprinkler systems.
While the death toll officially stood at
81 at 10:15 p.m. EST, it could
"possibly" go as high as 100, said Fire
Capt. Ralph Dinsman, "I know it's
going to go higher," he said. The of-
ficial toll was being released by the
coroner's office.
Ravenholt said most of the victims died
of smoke inhalation on upper floors, far
above the reach of the fire depar-
tment's nine-story rescue ladders.
Fire Capt. Wayne Littlefield said one
elderly couple jumped to their deaths
from the 17th floor, "holding hands."
And he said another man used bedding
and towels to descend from the upper
floors to the 18th floor, where he also
fell to his death.
Officials estimated as many as 8,000
people, including 4,500 to 5,808 guests
and an undetermined number of hotel
employees, were in the hotel when the
fire broke out at 7:15 a.m. PST.y
IT WAS THE worst fire in Las Vegas
See 81, Page 2


A RAGING FIRE which killed 81 persons begins to burn through the 26-story MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in Las
rt students line up
for class registration

AP Pho
AN UNIDENTIFIED MAN grieves over his wife while she receives medical
attention after being burned in the fire at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino.

Regents to let PIRGIM
continue fund. solicitation


Uenau reached th

Four students enrolled in the School iure Building at ab
of Art lumbered into the Art and Ar- the last person ad
chitecture Building at 1:00 a.m. yester- tremely popular,d
day, equipped with sleeping bags, pop- required, graphic d
corn, beer and wine, and radios. They rI guess that's w
demonstrated a mastery in the science said. "I just barely
of waiting in line, determined to be think there should
among the first students to participate (registering) than
in freshperson/sophomore early night," he said.
registration. BECAUSE MAN
Several other students with sleeping required in concen
bags were already waiting to register are obviously very
when they arrived: By 5 a.m. the num- said Celina Howe
ber of students in line had grown to 15; school who works
by 6 a.m. it had skyrocketed, the -"Freshmen and so
students-said. of panic that they
THE SCHOOL of Art does not offer its classes they need."
students the luxury of computer- , If a required clas
assisted registration, as enjoyed by can try to get ov
most other University students. Goodman, student
Therefore, art school seniors and the school.
juniors queued up to register Thursday Being unable
(with seniors receiving priority), with required course "
sophomores and freshpersons following (in school) an extra
yesterday to register on a first-come, if you get closed
first-served basis. ses," Leonard said
Although early registration for essential. They d
School of Art courses is limited to enough programs i
students registered in the school, "tons the students," she s
of people didn't get the classes they "Supposedly the
need," said Christine Leonard, a has been cut, and
sophomore art student. Leonard was many classes offer'
the third person in the registration BUT THERE h
line, arriving at 11 p.m. Thursday classes cut for the'
Sophomore art student Roman See STUD
Ufer ... as usual
ESPITE AN illness earlier this week, the Voice of Mich-
igan football, "Mr. Me-e-e-echigan" himself, Bob
Ufer, will be giving the play-by-play behind the WJR
microphone today, cheering the Wolverines to victory over
the Ohio State Buckeyes. The veteran maize-and-blue-.
hearted radio announcer "was just nursing a bug for a

e Art and Architec-
out 1 a.m., and was
dmitted into the ex-
and. in many cases
esign course.
hat it takes," Lesnau
got in. It's insane. I
be a better way of
having to spend the
Y of the classes are
tration plans, "they
much in demand,"
es, a senior in the
in the Dean's office.
ophomores just kind
won't get into the
ss is closed, students
errides, said Kathy
services assistant in
to register for a
could mean staying
a term, or even more
out of certain cour-
"Theser asses are
.on't seem to have
to fulfill the needs of
University budget
d there aren't that
ed," Howes said.
have not been any
Winter term, accor-
ENTS, Page 2

did it!

PIRGIM barely held on to its tenuous life yesterday as
University Regents voted to allow the group to continue to
solicit student financial support at CRISP.
The Public Interest Research Group in Michigan
receives most of its operating funds from student con-
tributions made during class registration.
BUT PIRGIM, under a contract with the University, must
receive the support of at least one-fourth of the student body
each term to continue seeking monies at CRISP. If support
falls below that level for two terms, the Regents have the op-
tion of terminating the contract.
The contract expires in either January or April, depending
on the interpretation. The confusion evolved because

PIRGIM workers began operating in January 1979, although
the contract was not signed until April of that year.
During the last two terms, PIRGIM received stipends
from 19.9 and 19.4 percent of the student population, respec-
STUDENTS CAN donate money to PIRGIM at the time
of class registration by indicating their decision on a stub at-
tached to their student verification forms. PIRGIM workers
sit by the CRISP entrance to collect the forms.
"I think it's a matter that they are not accepted by 25
percent of the students," Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor), said. "We all agreed. . . that if they didn't make the 25
See PIRGIM, Page 3

See Page 2 for details

University students planning to The suspension period is effec- tly obtain them through the
apply for a Guaranteed Student tive after December 5, Raphael University's State Direct Student

loans in

Loan for the Spring-Summer
term through Michigan's State
Direct Student Loan Program
may have to look elsewhere for
financial assistance.
Citing a depletion of funds,
Michigan Higher Education Loan
Authority Officials have placed a
90-day suspension period on

UNIVERSITY officials said
students applying for loans for,
the Fall/Winter term 1981-82 will
probably not be affected by the
The state funds provide loans
for students who have had their
applications rejected by com-
mercial inctitntinn Qmh

Loan Program, Raphael said.
Student loan officials suggest
that those students who are affec-
ted by the 90-day freeze contact
their hometown bank or other in-
stitutions which do not require a
customer relationship to secure
The Metropolitan Savings and
Lnan Assciatinn in Fnrinotn

accepting the loan applications, AAL'.'.A C id 5LILIUIs u ons sucn asIAALIUIW s oIAJL o nL k rm11111g1 sor
University Senior Financial Aid banks and credit unions. or Surety Federal Savings and
Officer Carol Raphael said Thirty-five percent of the Loan in Southfield are two in-
yesterdayr students receiving GSLs curren- See STUDENT, Page 2
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squad. Experience with automatic weapons and explosives
a plus. The wet head is dead or should be. Apply after Jan.
20." Thomas Lesser, a Northampton attorney representing
two students who had been questioned about the ad, said,
"It may be of questionable taste, but a fair reading makes it
clear that it was not intended as a serious threat, but as a
joke." According to Lesser, several- words were dropped
from the last ine, which originally read, "Apply in care of J.
Carter, Plains, Ga., after Jan. 20." Q

Cal. offers booze and drugs,
but gets few takers
The state of California is offering free marijuana, free
liquor, and $50 a day, but so far they've found few takers.
The deal is part of a federal-state study to determine the ef-
fects of pot and alcohol consumption on driving skills.
Volunteers were given marijuana to smoke or booze to
drink and then were asked to negotiate cars around a

according to a recently-released poll. The results of the
Virginia Slims American Women's Opinion Poll show that
only 16 percent of American women prefer using Ms. while
77 percent prefer Miss or Mrs.
Results were similar for married women - who preferred
"Mrs." to "Ms." 81 percent to 12 percent - and single
women, who preferred "Miss" to "Ms." 62 percent to 32
percent. The poll also showed that attempts at
desexualizing job titles have been fairly unsuccessful; for
instance, when designating the head of a committee. 35




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