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September 04, 1980 - Image 120

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-04

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Page 10-E-Thursday, September 4, 1980-The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor Stage

1 . Arena Theater
2. Lydia Mendelssohn
3. Michigan League
4. Power Center
5. Residential College
6. Trueblood Theater

Ann Arbor theater diverse

Frieze Building
Michigan League
Michigan League
121 Fletcher
East Quadrangle
Frieze Building

Local theater is very abundant in Ann Arbor.
Whether you want to string lights and paint flats, or if
you imagine your work here as a prelude to acting
on Broadway, there is much to get involved with.
There is also plenty to see for those'who are partial to
theater as purely a spectator activity.
Acting enthusiasts head for the bulletin board
across from the Arena Theater in the first floor of the
Frieze Building. This board has the latest infor-



Ann Arbor Civic Theater
Black Sheep Repertory
Canterbury Loft

201 Mulholland (workshop)
122 W. Main, Manchester, MI
332 S. State

Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
or behind it...
.. or in front of it, in the orchestra,
or outside the front door selling tickets.
W atever your talents, whether you sing, dance, sew, act,
hammer nails, focus lights, keep accurate accounts or throw
fantastic parties,
if you want to become a maker of magic, p purveyer of dreams, come down
and see us. We are on MAIN STREET at the corner of WILLIAM. Office
open 12-4 daily.

delssohn during summer half term. Next to the Guest
Artist Series, roles in the Summer Repertory shows
are the most desirable to theater students. Three of
the Summer Repertory productions are directed by
Ph.D. candidates and the remaining show is directed
by a faculty member.
one-man shows starring big name stage and film per-
sonalities. This year's Special Events shows have not
been announced, but in the past the University has
been treated to An Evening with James Thurber
starring William Windom, a performance by Vincent
Price, and four one act plays by Edward Albee,
directed by the author.
Another PTP Series is The Showcase Series. With
two shows per term, the Showcase plays are often by
foreign authors, are directed by doctoral students,
and are presented in the Trueblood Theater.
One of the best bets for beginning actors is the
Studio Theater Series. These are presented in the
Arena Theater on Wednesday and Thursday after-
noons and are presented free of charge. Usually
directed by graduate students, the Studio Series con-
sists of one-act plays, about six of which are presen-
ted throughout the semester.
THE BEST OF BROADWAY features mostly
touring companies of New York productions. This
year's offerings include the musical, Dancin', a
collage of dance sequences choreographed by Bob
Fosse, Mr. R. and Mr. H., a musical revue of Rodgers
and Hammerstein songs, starring Gordon McCrae,
The Elephant Man, a story of a man inflicted with a
physically deforming disease, and the Swedish mime
troupe, Mummenschanz.
The Best of Broadway series doesn't use student
participation, but it's a great deal if you can get an
ushering position. The PTP takes usher applicants in
the fall for those who want to see touring Broadway
shows free of charge.
gives an opportunity for students who want to direct
and produce as well as other duties. The "Soph
Show" does one production in the fall. The cast and
crew are made up entirely of freshpersons and
The center's other student-theater group is called
MUSKET. MUSKET produces one musical each
semester and students do everything, including
mangement. Past MUSKET shows include
"Cabaret," "West Side Story," and last year's "In
the Dark," written by three talented U-M students.
Other groups include the Residential College,
which has its own company called the "R.C.
Players," and performs in the East Quad
Auditorium. Last year's offering was Ben Jonson's
"The Alchemist." The "Gilbert and Sullivan Society"
also puts on a yearly production of one of their
famous operas.
FOR THOSE INTERESTED in theater in the
community (as opposed to that connected with the
University), there is the Ann Arbor Civic Theater.

Their playbill offers six shows yearly: four comediesl
or dramas and two musicals.. They also offer
workshops for anyone interested in acting or produc-
The Canterbury Loft, tucked away above the
Bivouac store on State Street, has a varied selection
of alternative theatrical events to choose from. They
have opportunities for acting, technical work and
also allow groups to use their space to mount their
own productions.
Just outside Ann Arbor is a quaint town called
Manchester. It's worth the short trip (and a fun
change of pace) to go out and see the BlackSheep
Repertory Company perform in their old-
fashionead theater on Manchester's main street.
Second City comes to the Black Sheep Repertory
Theater every year and among other events, the
repertory company has a special show at Christmas
every year.
As if this isn't enough, groups such as The Acting
Company come every year to do several shows in the
Power Center. Last year they caused a stir with their
racy, punk-rock version of Webster's "The White

Marcel Marceau

mation on opportunities in the theater department,
which offers several shows per term through the
Professional Theater Program (PTP).
As part of the Guest Artist Series offered by the
Department of Theater and Drama, students are
given the opportunity to work closely with visiting
professional actors, directors, and technicians in a
classical production. The department offers four
Guest Artist shows during the academic year, each
one featuring a guest artist in a leading acting or
production role. The director is usually a doctoral
candidate, a faculty member, or a visiting artist. The
artist also offers seminars or workshops in his or her
area of special knowledge.
EACH YEAR THE list of guest artists includes a
black performer such as Mel Winkler, who appeared
in a leading role in the production of The River Niger
here last year.
Other guest artists have included Nicholas Pennell
of the Stratford Festival in Canada and Christopher
Walken, who won an Oscar as best supporting actor
for his role in The Deer Hunter. This year's guest ar-
tists will be announced sometime in early September.
Audition dates are usually posted in the basement
of the Frieze Building, north of the stairwell.
The Department of Theater and Drama also spon-
sor the Summer Repetory Theater at the Lydia Men-



The cast from the Broadway
musical 'Eubie'

Devil." Certain women's groups and ethnic groups
provide even more theater to watch and participate
The old adage "He who hesitates is lost," applies to
getting involved in local theater. Auditions and mass
meetings occur early in the term, so be sure to watch
for notices around campus and in the Daily. And i
you don't get handed a starring role-don't despair!!
Neither did Gilda Radner or James Earl Jones while
they were at U-M!

Local musicians rock

- s
The Sot
Why not get everything
Ulrich's has it all-boo
engineering supplies,
frames, calculators, off
lamps, clocks, Michiga
and more. And our p
least as good as anyor
We g


NIKKI AND THE CORVETTES, one of Ann Arbor's most popular rock and roll
bands, perform at the Star Bar. They have been busy in and out and of town,
warming up for the Ramones and Iggy Pop, among others, and headlining
concerts at Ann Arbor-Detroit nightclubs.


g in one trip?
)ks, art and
prints and
fice supplies,
:n souvenirs,
rices are at
,ne else's
Duarantee it.

w -E
- m

(Continued from Page 3)
emotional range - the perfect back-
drop for an evening of drinking.
A different kind of fusion is offered byo
Vantage Point, an organization of ultra-
competent musicians who have
progressed from soulfull electric jazz to
slick jazz-pop to rock in their one-year
history. Currently they are re-exploring
their blues roots and searching for a
new guitar player. By next fall, they
could be playing anything, but will
probably be worth a try no matter
FOR COUNTRY rock fans there i
Steve Newhouse, an energetic perfor
mer who has been banned from a few
clubs due to the rowdy audience reac-
tion he seems to always inspire. For
those who enjoy the Allman Bros./Lit-
tle Feat brand of boogie, there is
Sailcatz, an enthusiastic band of
newcomers, and the Blue Front Per-
suaders. The Persuaders are earnest,
hard-working outfit whose covers-of-
blues-covers are faithfully accurate if
nothing else. This isn't just good
drinking music, alcohol is an essentia4
ingredient of its enjoyment.
For tastes that lean more towards
unadulterated jazz there is a fine quar-
tet known as the RH Factor. Only for-
med during this past summer, the
group centers around Rick Hollander, a
fine, Tony Williams-style drummer and
saxophonist Pete Kahn. If this
musician's past accomplishments are
any indication, they should prove to be
one of the most adventurous, and most
listenable jazz groups in town.
Even after all this, we are just scrat-
ching the surface. There is a variety of
unique musicians in Ann Arbor, from
aging bluesman Boogie Woogie Red, to
the unidentified drummer who pounds
away on the north corner of the diag
each spring.
The bottom line is to get out there and
give it all a try - it's part of one's
education, after all, and it would be im-
possible not to find somns'iiung that soun-
ds good.

specialized workshops in



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