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November 19, 1980 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-19

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age 2--Wednesday, November 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Israelis wound Arab protesters

Compiled from Associated Press and


RAMALIAH, Occupied -West Bank
(AP)-Israeli soldiers fired on bands of
rock-throwing Arab youngsters yester-
day, wounding 18 in melees here and in
Bethlehem. The violence on the oc- '
cupied West Bank was the worst in five
months and was triggered by an earlier
shooting incident and the closure of an
Arab university.
At the Jabaliya refugee camp 50
miles away in the occupied Gaza Strip,
an unidentified gunman walked into the
office of acting Mayor Mohammed
Hamed Abu Ouarda yesterday and shot
him dead while several members of the
municipal council looked on in shock, a
military spokesperson said. It was the
Michigan Journal of
Economics by Dec. 1

second assassination in less than24
hours of an Arab friendly to the
Menachem Begin aid in New York that
he was cutting a U.S. visit short by one
day and would return to Israel last
night because of a challenge to his
government in the Knesset, Israel's
Parliament, over economic issues.
There was no indication the West Bank
trouble...was a.,a.,wr , 1610 a uiis

Three boys and three girls were
wounded here by the troops who fired to
halt a stone-throwing riot in the main
square of the town, which is just north
of Bethlehem.
While some Palestinians encouraged
the demonstrations, an administrator
at a girls' school said she had tried to
stop the protest.
"I TOLD THEM it is dangerous, and I
didn't want them to get shot," she said.
"At this age, they can't realize the

dangers, they just want to express their
The ages of the victims were not
known, although one was reported to be
14-year-old Haniya Baramki, the
daughter of the acting president of Bir
Zeit University.
The Rev. Audeh Rantissi, an
Anglican clergyman who is acting
mayor, said he would not try to stop the


trouble was a factor litis return. _t
Coatl*tion: Snuff out drug use

(Continued from Page 1)
magazine include "U.S. blessing for
cocaine group," "Marijuana is being
legalized behind your back," and "How
the drug banks hide $100 billion in dirty

Swami Chetanananda
will lecture on the topic
"The Flowering of
Universal ConsdoUSnfeSS"
For further information contact the Rudrananda Ashram at 995-5483

Powell said the Detroit and New
York-New Jersey coalition headquar-
ters are national centers for 29 "very
active" regional offices.
In their quest to keep drugs illegal,
coalition members focus on state
legislators and lobby against targeted
"We're very effective at going after
congressmen," Powell said.
One legislator who had first-hand ex-
perience with Michigan Anti-Drug
Coalition tactics was State Sen. John
Hertel (D-Detroit).
Hertel was considered a pivotal vote
on the marijuana decriminalization bill
up before the state Senate in1978.
THE ANTI-DRUG Coalition was
"pretty harassing" in its efforts to in-
fluence the senator's vote, Hertel's ad-

ministrative assistant Mark Hess said.
"THey printed out-and-out lies and
then passed them around," Hertel
recalled. "They were real nasty."
The coalition began circulating
rumors that Hertel supported drug use,
Hess said, "and that's justrnot true."
When he accused the group of being
dishonest, Hess said, one coalition
member allegedly responded: "We
can't let the truth stand in our way, the
issue is too important."
STATE REP. Perry Bullard's (D-
Ann Arbor) administrative assistant,
Dan Sharp, confirmed the coalition's
reputation for aggressive tactics.
According to Sharp, members
"threatened to beat up people."
"They went around Livonia,
soliciting contributions, saying Perry
was a member of the Mafia pushing
drugs," Sharp said.
THE MICHIGAN Anti-Drug Coalition
is reputed to be highly anti-semitic,
Sharp said.
"They think the British monarchy,
- Jewish bankers, and organizations like
e the World Bank have banded together
- to drug the world into a stupor," said
lobbyist Roger Winthrop, state co-
ordinator of the National Organization
to Reform Marijuana Laws.
- tWhen asked to comment on the repor-
g ts of anti-semitism, an'Anti-Drug
g Coalition members said, "it's a lie and
1e slander."
As a lobbyist group, the coalition
f doesn't have much impact, Winthrop
r said. "I consider them more of a pest
r- than anything else.''


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United Press International reports



Post office hits envelope-
stuffing frauds
WASHINGTON (AP)-Postal of-
ficials have taken action against a half
dozen firms charged with false
representation in envelope-stuffing of
Envelope stuffing. is widely adver
tised as an at-home money-making op
portunity. Victims are told they can
earn money simply by inserting
materials into envelopes and mailing
them, with all materials supplied by th
However, postal officials say many c
the offers fail to deliver on thei
promises and end up costing the par
ticipants money instead.
In the six new cases, postal judicia
officers have ordered that postal mone
orders addressed to the firms not b
honored, and refunds will be made 1
the people sending in the money orders
In addition, mail will not be deliverer
to the firms unless they can show that
is not connected with the envelop-stui
fing schemes.

Mass murder suspect dead
. YORK, Maine - A man, apparently under the influence of cocaine, shot
and stabbed four people to death in this coastal resort town. Andrew Weiss,
23, of Wells; Maine, then drove 40 miles to a motel room in Peabody, Mass.
where he killed himself with a drug overdose, authorities said yesterday.
The search for Weiss began after the bodies of two men and two women
were found Monday night at a home in the posh Cape Neddick section of
York. Three of the victims were shot to death and one was stabbed. in-
vestigators issued a murder warrant for Weiss after they found his pickup
truck abandoned in the driveway of the home owned by Robert Lizotte, 31,
one of the victims. The other male victim was Gregory Yorke, also 31. Iden-
tities of the two female victims, believed to be in their 20s or 30s, were
withheld pending completion of autopsies.
Investigators said cocaine was strewn around the dwelling, and
Ogunquit Police Chief William Hancock told reporters it appeared .Weiss
was under the influence oftcocaine at the time of the killings. Authorities said
they did not know the motive for the killings. Weiss's body was found by
Massachusetts State Police after authorities received a tip from "an infor-
mant" that Weiss might be hiding at the Peabody hotel room.
Pope in West Germany;
defends papal infallibility
ALTOETTING, West Germany -Pope John Paul II yesterday defended
papal infallibility -,among the doctrines questioned by Roman Catholic
theologian Hans Keng, who lost his teaching credentials and job at a West
German university as a result.
John Paul was in the fourth day of the first papal visit to Germany in 198
years, as he spoke to a crowd of 40,000 nuns, friars, homemakers, farmers,
and business executives. The visit was intended to help reconcile differences
between West Germany's Roman Catholics and Protestants, who have been
split since the reformation 500 years ago. Each denomination constitutes
about half the country's population of 63 million.
The Polish-born pope met with German Jews and made reference to the
Holocaust, condemning the "perverted theories of racism" and the violation
of human rights and dignity.
Iran Ira claim control
of Iranian border town
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iran and Iraq yesterday claimed four days of bloody
fighting had given each control of the Iranian border town of Susangerd and
each claimed the other suffered heavy casualties. Iran claimed 950 Iraqis
were killed in three days of fighting in Susangerd, and Iraq said 609 Iranians
died in the same period. Iran also reported fierce fighting at its besieged
refining city, Abadan.
The second big battle was reported under way.at Abadan on the disputed
north-south Shatt al-Arab waterway, where oil tanks, refineries, and
pipelines have been burning since the war began Sept. 22. Military observers
in Baghdad believe the religious fanaticism of the Iranian Shiites, associated
with the day of Ashura, the Moslem Shiite's holy feast of sacrifice, may be
one of the reasons behind the exceptionally heavy fighting for Susangerd.
In another development, PLO leader Yasser Arafat described attempts
to mediate a cease-fire between Iran and Iraq as a "difficult mission," the
Kuwaiti news agency reported. Palestinian sources in Beirut, Lebanon, said
Arafat, who arrived in Kuwait Monday, was seeking postponement of the
Arab summit meeting scheduledsNov. 25 in Amman, Jordan.
Congress opens budget talks
WASHINGTON - Congress opened the long-delayed debate over the
fiscal 1981 budget.yesterday, with Republicans in the House demanding it be
put off until Ronald Reagan takes office. Rep. Robert Giaimo (D-Conn.),
chairman of the House Budget Committee, told his colleagues, "It's the
responsibility of this Congress to do its duty." Giaimo alled on the Houseto
pass his panel's $631.7 billion spending plan for the business year that started
Oct. 1. But Rep. Delbert Latta (R-Ohio), ranking Republican on the budget
panel, objected. "We ought to permit the new administration to have some
input into these figures," he said.
Meanwhile, the Senate began consideration of its budget committee's
$633 billion plan. The House version shows a $25 billion deficit and leaves
open the possibility of a $30 billion tax cut. The Senate bill, drafted three
months earlier than the House measure which incorporates the latest
economic projections, ignores the tax cut issue, and projects and $18 billion
Woman awarded damages
in sexual harassment suit


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rescuer die
in North Sea
U.S. Air Force pilot and a British
rescue helicopter crewman drowned in
the North Sea yesterday after the
Briton made a valiant attempt to save
the American in gale force winds
following the collision of two U.S.
fighter jets.
A senior Royal Air Force officer
denied reports that a crewman of the
rescue helicopter had cut a winch line
because the resuc"e attempt had fouled
up. He said the heroic effort ended
when the winch cable snapped under
pressure as the twomen,entangled in
the American's waterlogged
parachute, were being hoisted toward
the helicopter.
"THE TRAGEDY happened because
the RAF man could not free the
American pilot from his parachute and
in fact got tangled up among its meshes
himself," said Group Capt. Terry Nash.
A U.S. Air Force spokesperson said
both pilots ejected safely after the
collision. One aircraft crashed in
flames and disintegrated near this
village, scattering debris and slightly
injuring one villager, police said.
The second pilot, who later drowned,
headed his stricken aircraft toward the
coast, 12 miles away, and ejected.



MOUNT CLEMENS - A woman who says she was fired from her job at
a Ford Motor Co. plant six years ago because she spurned her foreman's
sexual advances has been awarded $140,000 in damages.
Fayette Nale, 26, of Mount Clemens, testified in the three-week trial that
her foreman, 39-year-old David Festion, promised her easy work at Ford's
Utica trim plant in exchange for sexual favors. Festion denied the charges
and said Nale was fired 39 days after starting work because "she was not
doing the job expected of her."
A jury of three men and three women Monday found the company and
the foreman guilty of sexual harassment, but it didn't specify what portion of
the $140,000 award each should pay. Nale was rehired after she filed the suit
but was laid off last January.


MSA addresses
Greensboro trial
The Michigan Student Assembly
last night passed a resolution which
offered a sweeping denunciation of
racism, University investments in
South Africa, threatened cutbacks in
University minority services, and
the U.S. Congress' recent attack on
school busing.
The resolution, introduced by MSA
member Tim Feeman, focused on a
condemnation of the recent acquittal
of six members of the Nazi Party
and the Ku Klux Klan accused of
murdering members of an anti-Klan
rally in Greensboro, N.C. The
resolution stated that "MSA is deeply
disturbed" by the acquittals and that
ti all-white fury's decision "can

Volume XCI, No.66
Wednesday, November 19, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during819
University year at 420 Maynard Street,, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 40
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); 13 by mail
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Editor-in-Chief -.. -.. -.. -.. -... MARK PARRENT
City Editor....................IATRICIA HAGEN
University Editors.T............ TOMAS MIRGA
Features Editor................ADRIENNE LYONS
Opinion Page Editors.............. JOSHUA PECK
Arts Editors...................MARK COLEMAN
Sports Editor....................ALAN FANGER
sNEWS STAFF WRITERS: Arlyn Afremow, Beth Allen.
Sara Anspach. Lorenzo Benet, Nancy Bilyeau. Doug

Business Manager..... ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
Operations Manager.........HKATHLEEN CULVER
Co-Display Manager------------- DONNA DREBIN
Co-Disploy Manager..........ROEBRT THOMPSON
Classified Manager---------------- SUSAN KLING
Finance Manager ................ GREGG HADDAD
Nationals Manager--------------SLISA JORDAN
Circulation Manager........TERRY DEAN REDDING
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BUSINESS STAFF: Cathy Baer, Glenn Becker; Joe
Brodo, Randi Cigelnik, Maureen DeLove, Barb
Forslund. Barb Fritz. Jeff Gottheim, Eric Gutt, Sue

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