Page 12-Tuesday, November 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily Senate passes rider aimed to halt busing WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate passed an amendment yesterday aimed at blocking the use of busing in school desegregation cases, despite Carter administration arguments that the measure would cripple efforts to end segregation in public schools. The amendment was passed as part of a $9 billion appropriations bill that includes money to operate the Justice Department and several other agen- cies: On a vote of 51-35 the measure was sent to a House-Senate conference committee to work out differences bet- ween measures approved by the tw chambers. If approved by the commit tee, it would be given final congressional passage and be sent to President Carter. The anti-busing amendment attached to the Senate bill is similar to a rider already passed by the House. Both would bar the Justice Department from spending money to file desegregation suits that would require the transpor- tation of healthy children to any schoo but the one nearest their home. Scientists learn about Saturn (Continued from Page 1 HE SAID "exploration of solar systems is possibl probably not in ways we years ago." Instead of sen in spaceships to other sola Atreya said, "we will useI ting facilities, like telescop observations of nearby solar The Voyager I project, sp the, National Aeronautics Administration, consists ofa journey to Saturn-more th miles away. The robot sailed to within 80,000 in ringed planet, snapp photographs, and gather data which it sent back to E Extensive pictures wer Titan, one of Saturn's 15 mo is the biggest moon in our, system," Donahue said. "1 big as Mercury and has a atmosphere. It's the only o solar system, other than th has an atmosphere of nitrog ATREYA SAID Titan's makes it look like the Ear freeze." Millions of years a the temperature on Titanv than it is now. moons, rings Atreya speculated that the tern- other perature, along with the presence of e but nitrogen, may have allowed some ver thought 10 primitive life-forms to exist. ding people From the dark side of Titan, Voyager ar systems, picked up signals that could- have Earth-orbit- resulted from the moon's interaction es, to make with Saturn's magnetic field. The field r systems." acts as a sort of natural radio transmit- ponsored by ter, Donohue explained. and Space Saturn is just a big ball of gas," a three-year Atreya said. "The major gas com- han a billion prising these bands is hydrogen, then laboratory helium, methane,,and ammonia. In th riles of the lower atmosphere the gases are hard to ed 18,000 see." *ed various On its long journey to Saturn, arth. Voyager I also scanned Jupiter's sur- e taken of face. That planet, Atreya said, "is like oons. "Titan a world in itself." whole solar The professor said that Jupiter does t's about as not respond to the cycles and variations very thick of the sun's rays, and emits its own )bject in our heat. "Jupiter has many storms that e Earth, that are not driven by sunlight, but by gen gas." Jupiter itself. This is probably from the atmosphere heat of formation of the planet whic th "in deep has not been exhausted yet," he said. ago, he said, "It (Jupiter) gives off two-and-one-half was warmer times the energy that it receives from the sun." Administration Bldg. may be renamed after Flemingo (Continued from Page 1). permissive attitude toward student protests. He stressed the need for freedom of the expression of controver- sial views. W hi;le Fleming was president, the Flint and Dearborn campuses became four-year institutions, and recreational facilities on Central Campus were ex- panded. Fleming also advocated a more student-oriented student union.' There are buildings named for each of the former University presidents, and one of the two former acting presidents, including: Tappan Building - Henry Tappan was the University's first president, Be an angel.. . a Read C71e a l 764-0558 serving from 1852-1863. &, Haven Hall - Erastus Haven ser- ved from 1863-1869. * Angell Hall - James Angell's term was longer than that of any other president, running from 1871-1909. " Frieze Building - Henry Frieze was acting president in 1877 and from 1880-1882. " Hutchins Hall - Harry Hutchins served from 1909-1920. " Burton Memorial Tower - Marion Burton was president from 1920-1925. " Clarence Cook Little Building - Little was the president from 1925-1929. " Alexander G. Ruthven Museums Building - Ruthven was University president from 1929-1951. " Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library - Hatcher was president from 1951- 1967. The Administration Building has 4 unique window pattern designed by ar- chitect Alden Dow, inspired by the geometric works of the modern Dutch artist, Mondrian. There are no windows on the first level, except for the entrances, and those on the upper level are like slits, too small for a person to fit through., The building, which contains the of- fice of the president and of several vice= presidents, has a security system through which the entrances can b sealed at a second's notice. [4 A" . TUES. NOV.18 WED. NOV. 19 THURS. NOV. 20 BAHAMA MAMA NIGHT REGGAE DANCE PARTY SON SEALS TICKETS ON SALE NOW m W,9 - KAMIKAZE OLYMPIC TRAINING NIGHT Live Music by: EMERALD CITY i