Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom
1 Iai
Partly cloudy today with a
high in the mid-40s.
Vol. XCI, No. 64 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 16, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Soviets kill
o f Afghanis,
Boilermakers, 26-0
Victory assures
bowl appearance
NEW DELHI, India (AP)-Soviet
warplanes and artillery pounded two
major Afghanistan cities for several
days, killing thousands of people, and a
Soviet attempt to penetrate the rebel-.
held Panjshir Valley resulted in 500
Soviet casualties, a report from
Afghanistan said yesterday.
The report from Kabul said Herat,
the country's third-largest city, about
60 miles from the Iranian border, and
Kandahar, the second-largest city,
came under attack for several days
earlier this month.
THE REPORTS on the apparent
Soviet-led retaliation for a stepped-up
campaign by Moslem insurgents could
not be independently confirmed.
Western reporters are barred from
Last week, sources in Kabul reported
rebels have attacked military
garrisons, inflicting dozens of
casualties and capturing Soviet-made
weapons, including surface-to-air
missiles. The homes of district gover-
nment officials in several cities have
been raided by rebels, who have killed
and kidnapped their targets and, in one
case, publicly hanged a government of-
ficial in a town square, the sources said.
The reports indicated that the "Holy
Warriors" fighting the Soviet-backed
Marxist government have been
assisted by defecting Afghan troops
who divert weapons and forewarn of
search-and-destroy forays into the
SOVIET TROOPS have been in
Afghanistan since the Kremlin ordered
an incursion to shore up the Marxist
government in December. About 80,000
troops are believed to remain in the
country, which lies south of the Soviet
Western military analysts estimate
the Afghan government force has drop-
ped from about 80,000 troops a year ago
to a current level of about 30,000.
Daily Photo by JOHN HAGEN
PURDUE RUNNING BACK Ben McCall (13) is smothered under 1500 lbs..of the Michigan defense in yesterday's 26-0
rout. The'Boilermakers could muster only 65 yards on the ground against the tough Michigan defense.
Diloats campus tour,
It was the same offense that sput-
tered through the early season and the
same defense that was vulnerable to
South Carolina's running and Michigan
State's passing.
But yesterday Michigan, a team that
was once 1-2, played a different
tune-one that may give them their fir-,
st outright Big Ten title in nine years
and a trip to the Rose Bowl.
In stunning 16th-ranked Purdue 26-0
before 105,831 fans in Michigan
Stadium, the Wolverines played like a
team hungry for a trip back to1
AND FOR yet another year, the con-
ference championship and Rose Bowl,
bid will be on the line when Michigan,
meets Ohio State in Columbus next
Saturday. ABC-TV will broadcast the
game on a regional basis, beginning at1
The Wolverines are now assured of
appearing in a postseason bowl. Under
an agreement made yesterday between
Big Ten and Fiesta Bowl officials, the
loser of the Michigan-Ohib State game
will automatically receive an invitation
to play in the Fiesta Bowl December 26
in Tempe, Arizona, a suburb of
Purdue last night accepted a bid to
play in the Liberty Bowl December 27
against Missouri.
THE BOWL bid, however, did little to
satisfy the Boilermakers, who were
foiled in an attempt to captute their fir-
st conference title since 1967.
Fullback Stanley Edwards had his
best day in a Michigan uniform, as he
ran for 164 yards in 29 carries and
carried most of the Wolverine ground
game on his shoulders.
And as usual, John Wangler managed
to find speedy Anthony Carter open for
a pair 'of touchdown passes. Wangler
finished out his final home game in
style, completing 12 of 20 passes for 165
MICHIGAN'S defense simply
withered quarterback Mark Herrmann
and the Purdue passing attack, forcing
him to throw four interceptions.
The Boilermakers failed to make a
first down in the second half, and
penetrated no further than their own 38-
yard line in the final 30 minutes of the
And on the one occasion the Boiler-
makers threatened to put points on the
board, Herrmann was intercepted by
free safety Tony Jackson in the end
IT WAS just one of many plays in
which the Michigan secondary, em-
ploying a six-man zone coverage on
almost every second and third down
play, hounded Herrmann and forced
him to throw over the middle and into
the most, dangerous portion of the
"They (the Michigan secondary) just
shut us down," said Herrmann, who
admitted his dismal performance
probably put him out of the running for
See DEFENSE, Page 10
It's fiesta
or roses
for Blue
Michigan, by virtue of its 26-0 vic-
tory over Purdue yesterday, assured
itself of appearing in a postseason.
bowl for the sixth consecutive year.
If the Wolverines defeat Ohio State
in Columbus next Saturday, they
will play Washington (8-2) in the
Rose Bowl New Year's Day.
If Ohio State either defeats or ties
Michigan, the Wolverines will play
Penn State (9-1) in the Fiesta Bowl
December 26, while the Buckeyes
will head to Pasadena for the second
straight year.
The Fiesta Bowl is considered the
most prestigious of the non-New
Year's Day bowl games. It is played
in Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe,
A laboratory tour and a first glimpse
of college, football were part of an in-
troductory lecture yesterday on life atj
the University for Chai Zemin, People's'
Republic of China ambassador to the
United States.
As University President Harold
Shapiro's personal guest, Zemin was
led through the city and campus in a,
flurry of meetings, tours, and the
Michigan-Purdue football game.
"This is laying the foundation bet-
ween the University and the People's
Republic of China," Political Science
Prof. Allen Whiting, acting director of
the Center for Chinese Studies, said.
"THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan is a
very important institution," Zemin told
Whiting through an interpreter at a
Museum of Art reception.
"We are ready to help you whenever
you want us to," Zemin said. "Just let
us know."
An ambassador to the United States
for two years, Zemin is widely respec-
ted in Washington D.C.' as a seasoned,
effective diplomat, according to faculty
EVEN BEFORE China was officially
recognized by the U.S. in 1978, a num-'
ber of University scholars went to
China to investigate potential for
academic exchanges.
Zemin's Ann Arbor visit may lead to
even more active research and
traveling between the two countries,
Whiting said.
One of the Ambassador's morning
stops was a meeting with Dr. Gene
Higashi to discuss a vaccine being
developed for schistosomiasis, a
serious parasitical disease that afflicts
250 million people worldwide.
"IT'S A MAJOR illness in China,
that's why we wanted him to come,"
said Dr. Michel Oksenberg, a political
science professor who made
arrangements for emn's visit.
Using displays of experimental mice,
tubs filled with snails that carry the
parasite, and books charting treat-
ment, Higashi explained the develop-
ment of his vaccine.
Schistosomiasis is very common in
the fresh water snails that inhabit
See CHINESE, Page 7
Panic attack
Agoraphobics fear outside world
While reading an essay to her eighth grade classmates, she
suddenly was gripped with fear. She began to sweat
profusely. Her heart pounded louder than the sound of her
voice and a lump the size of a golf ball rose in her throat.
"I felt like I was going to die."
ALTHOUGH SHE didn't know it then, Mary Bonham, now
a Rackham student, had agoraphobia, a condition in which a
person suffers an incapacitating fear when away from the
safety of home.
But for agoraphobics like Bonham (not her real name), the
fear can become so all-encompassing that any place or
situation can generate an uncontrollable and terrifying
"AFTER THAT experience," recalled Bonham, who says
she is cured of the phobia, "I began to have panics on the
school bus, at the movies, at the grocery store .. . It took over
my whole life. The mere anticipation of an attack usually
brought it on, so I avoided places where it might happen."
Arlene Hundley, a 36-year-old mother of two who lives in
Milan, had to drop out of high school at 15 because of her
panic attacks. She married two years later, and after she had
her second child, her phobia became so acute that she
refused to be left alone or venture outside her house.
"For a while there I wouldn't let my husband out of my
sight. He had to be with me everywhere I went," Hundley
ACCORDING TO George Curtis, professor of psychiatry
and director of the University Hospital Anxiety Disorders
Program, a person who experiences a series of panic attacks
will avoid places where an attack has occured or has the
potential to occur. In serious cases, such as Hundley's, he
said, the phobia can progress to the point where the person
won't leave his home, or even his room.
Agoraphobia is the most commonly treated phobia, Curtis
continued. It generally strikes in late adolescence, he said,
and, it is three times more likely to affect a woman than a
"We still don't know the reasons for the attacks," Curtis
admitted. "We can't determine who is a high risk person and
who isn't,,although there seems to be some indication that if
an individual's mother or father has been affected, the risk
factor may increase."
MOST AGORAPHOBICS spend large portions of their lives
not knowing what is wrong with them. Bonham and Hundley
said doctors and psychiatrists continually prescribed the
wrong treatments.
"After my first panic attack, I never wanted to go back to
school," Hundley explained. "My parents took me to a num-
See PANIC, Page 2
Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
SOMETHING AS INSIGNIFICANT as a trip outside the house may trigger an anxiety attack in an agoraphobic.
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The Nose Show
H OURS BEFORE the Wolverines began pounding
Purdue in their quest for the Roses, two other
teams on campus launched the Battle of the
Noses. Sigma Alpha Mu and Zeta Beta Tau
fraternities met yesterday morning in the annual Nose
Bowl, with "The Mu" prevailing for the second time in two
years by a count of 18-0. More than 100 spectators lined
Elbel Field to watch the traditional rivals in action, and
they were alternately delighted and amused by the sloppily-
record 2.359 million marriages is ba anced by half as many
divorces. Figures recently released by the National Center
for health statistics show the biggest surge in the number
of weddings since 1946, when there were 2.291 million
marriages. Nevada won the honor of highest state
marriage rate with a whopping 173.6 ceremonies per 1,000
population. South Carolina came in second with 18.4
marriages per 1,000 population. The national rate was a
mere 10.7 per 1,000. While the knot-tiers are busy so are the
courtrooms, due to an apparently accelarating divorce
rate: There were 1.17 million divorces in 1979, a 3.5 increase
over 1978. The divorce rate had held steady during 1976 and
But others apparently want to join the television moguls in
their moneymaking exploits. While sales of J.R. buttons,
bumper stickers, stetson hats, games, and jeans fill the
cups of entrepeneurs to'overflowing, one man has decided
to make his bit of J.R. money in court. The real Bobby
Ewing, of the real Ewing Oil Co., is suing the producers of
"Dallas" for $4 million. His suit is partially a response to a
suit brought against him by "Dallas" producers, who,
claimed the real Ewing was infringing on their copyright by
marketing Ewing clothes. "They'll think a second time
before they start walking on anybody else in Dallas,"
Ewing said. O
tist screeched into an encore. It was all part of a "live art"
experiment offering Californians and New Yorkers a
chance to see, hear, and talk with each other via satellite
this week. Startled passersby had stared and tentatively
queried each other "Where are you? Do you see me?" when
the screens flickered into life last Tuesday at New York's
Lincoln Center and Century City in Los Angeles. Both
groups.shuffled self-consciously and, as one Californian put
it, ''We gaped at each other like monkeys in a cage."
Imagination and inspiration were in good supply once the
idea caught on, with New York initiating a game of
charades and Californians hurling spitballs. When New
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