OPINION Page 4 Friday, November 14, 1980 The Michigan Daily Liberalism: Nothing to be ashamed of Joseph Sobran is political journalism's newest, most luminous Wunderkind. Prac- tically overnight his column has shot from the iconoclastic pages of the National Review into syndicated superstardom in daily newspapers of all types, sizes, and political predilections. Sobran is a conservative romantic; his prose is graceful and vibrant, his ideas-however one may agree or disagree with them-so unrelen- tingly clear-minded that he has swiftly become a' legitimate rival to James Kilpatrick as academic spokesman for the American Right. Coming Apart By Christopher Pottfr spirationally you slice it, it's still baloney. THESE ARE halcyon days for the members of the Sobran mafia. Now they know they've been right all these years-the angry voter has robustly vindicated them. After five decades under the liberal yoke, America can play ball at last. Sobran himself lustily pronounced the imminent Dies Irae for progressive social thought in a column last week: "Liberalism has failed. It is unnatural. It expects people to subordinate their concern for their families and themselves to an attenuated 'compassion' for remote strangers. You can't build a society on a principle so contrary to human nature. It is becoming more and more possible to say that in public now." You bet it is. Reactionaries are coming out of the closet faster than rats out of a basement. Conservatism is in as Mozart, liberalism as out as Studio 54. If there ever were a time for progressives to face up to their heritage, it is now. Liberalism is indeed in trouble. It may even be moribund. It is most certainly not a g ailtire-. SOBRAN REJOICES that "the language of compassion and social justice, of world peace and racial integration" may soon be rendered obsolete; that "Popular Sentiment," which reflects "not hopeful ideals, but realism about human nature" will become our philosophical catechism. Sobran's very eloquence elucidates the melancholy of his own principles. To the conservative, humankind is by nature corrupt, pocked with savages who would gleefully knife you in the back even as they accept your wide- eyed charity. The best you can hope to do is pen them in, separate them from you and your loved ones. The conservative knows ours is a sinful, covetous species; survival of the just, the select, the fittest is in the final reckoning the only ideal we can rationally strive for. It is a desolate philosophy. Its Calvinist veneer barely conceals the shrieking nihilism which rages beneath it. Encased in its cold value system, concepts of tolerance, of mercy, of benevolence become utilitarian notions stripped of meaning save temporary, pragmatic application. The conservative preaches hopelessness: We can never convert the brutes, therefore we must kill them. How long have the much-maligned forces of liberalism stood their ground-bravely, patien- tly counterbalancing the cynics of both Left and Right who would gladly use this planet as a beanbag upon which to vent their hatreds? Of course liberals are despised; how could a philosophy that combines the rationality of the world as it is with the vision of what it could become not be hated? Liberalism dares to co- opt both the real and the ideal-it dares to see life in shades of gray. It dares to be gen- tle-that is perhaps the greatest sin of all in the embittered eyes of its rivals. LIBERALISM A failure? To make such an accusation is to vaporize history. The age of the sweat shop and the twelve-hour day is now only a vague, unpleasant memory. So is the age when small businessmen were monopolized in- to bankruptcy by corporate monoliths, the age when the sick and the elderly were utterly dependent on the meager, arbitrary auspices of private charity. So, too, the age when half our urban children went to bed hungry every night ("The poor will always be with us," said John D. Rockefeller). Gone is the age when Americans with the wrong skin color couldn't ride a city bus or ' drink out of an unapproved drinking fountain, when not only they but more than one half of all adults were denied the vote-most because they happened to be of the wrong sex. Gone is the age when presidents were bought and-sold, when political bribery was as common a prac- tice as purchasing stocks and bonds, when books were banned and often burned, when the concept of free and open expression was reviled as "unhealthy" and "un-American."' Through it all, the historical legacy rings clear as a bell: While conservatives sniffed haughtily and perpetrated the status quo, liberals went out to try to alter it. That they succeeded beyond any Nineteenth-Century muckraker's wildest dreams is a matter of record. Failure should be made of mushier stuff. JOE SOBRAN argues for popular retrench- ment into passionate self-interest. Yet what hope does such a doctrine offer beyond an im- mediate, vengeful down-with-government gratification? Carried to its logical extreme, Sobran's society would ultimately break off in- to individual neighborhoods, perhaps even separate city blocks in pursuit of a self- contained universe. Yet what if two city blocks next door decided to gang up against his? What would "Popular Sentiment" be worth in the suburban apocalypse that would follow? Sobran postulates with beauty and elegance, yet he argues ugliness. He subtly champions the worst in all of us-our greed, our bigotry, our tendency toward unbridled xenophobia. His precepts are seductively accessible, and Americans can sometimes fall into line with a frightening malleability. If it is progressivism's current lot to embody the alternative instead of the mainstreams then now is surely not the time for tortured self- recriminations. It is time for action. TO CURRENTLY shaken liberals, I say: Be proud of your heritage. Be proud you don't see life in blinders of black and white. Be proud you do care about "remote strangers' who share the same dark fears as your own even if they do live a thousand miles away. Be proud you want to end machismo belligerence rather than provoke it. Be proud you believe in the essen- tial goodness of man-the very belief'draws the reality that much closer. Learn to endure the current, trendy slings. and arrows-surely you've had enough prac- tice. You are still the world's best hope; even the Sobrans know it in their hearts and will always despise you for it. The Reaganite spec- tre may loom omnipotent today, yet this too will pass. Be of good heart-the dream will never die, so long as you never let go of it. Let's get organizing. Christopher Potter is a Daily staff writer. His column appears every Friday. 4 Joe Sobran writes so well he sends tremors of naked jealousy up and down my literary spine. He and I are both products of the Ypsilanti school system, a bureaucracy that may well have served him better than it did me; whatever the inspirational sources behind his maturation, the fact remains that when Joe Sobran talks, people listen. The fact also remains that he mouths the old conservative- line to a tee and that the bulk of that line remains knavish-even if garbed in nouveau electoral respectability. No matter how ingeniously, metaphorically, and in- r- Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Weasel by Robert Lence Vol. XCI, No. 62 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board 1: 5Aw faun. S16N AND COOLUN" T BELIEVE : ' 7MA NFNE, A HAIRCUT ONLY C 4 VOL1-AcR 1 s 0 Town t5 GAC7& NttgE opTEN BUCKS 0-_ Solving military problems \ / r "0 { W E IN THIS country have a prob- lem that liberals and conser- vatives alike agree upon: Our military equipment is in sad repair and our military personnel are undertrained and underpaid. It would indeed be difficult to argue those points: The hostage rescue mission in Iran last April was aborted because three helicopters malfun- ctioned and a plane crashed; a fighter- bomber jet participating in military exercises crashed three months ago in the Egyptian desert; and, in the latest military mishap, a transport plane crashed yesterday in Egypt. That plane was part of Operation Bright Star, the first test of America's new rapid deployment force. We are all in agreement, then, on the problem. It is the solution that divides the country into left and right. The Republicans believe massive new military spending is the solution to our equipment and personnel woes. Texas Sen. John Tower, the ranking Republican on the -Armed Services Committee (and therefore soon to be its chairman), said earlier this week he advocated adding further military allocations to President Carter's budget once Ronald Reagan assumes office. Asked how the Republicans plan to balance the federal budget while in- creasing military spending (as they have been promising), Tower respon-- ded that a balanced budget really isn't a primary goal right now. That's a switch from promises of the campaign months. Democrats generally believe that a reallocation of present military funds can solve the equipmemt and salary difficulties. They realize that cutting a few elaborate weapons systems in favor of funding for ammunition, spare parts, and pay raises is an appropriate solution. We will solve the problem that both sides acknowledge. Only we'll do it the Republican way - broken promises and all. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: CARP To the Daily: In your editorial of November 6 about the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles' recent recognition by the Michigan Student Assembly, you made the statement that CARP is "known for its extreme right editorial wing political stance." Ouch! That's hitting below the belt. The term "extreme right" conjures, up images of the John Birch Society and the KKK. You've had nearly a year to get to know what we stand for, and this is what you come up with? Come on boys and Rally for women 's safety To the Daily: Being a woman in Ann Arbor is often a dangerous and frightening experience. Unlike men, the women of Ann Arbor must take extra precautions to insure their safety. They must stay on the defensive 24 hours a day. It isn't fair. We are trapped on all sides. Fortunately, people are working to relieve the tension and apprehension many Ann Arbor women have to live with. Public Interest Research Group in Michigan Women's Safety Force, formed in September in response to the high incidence of rape and three recent, unsolved murders of Ann Arbor women, is energetically pursuing several possible solutions to this grave problem. It has been planning a city-wide education program aimed at dispelling misconcep- tions concerning sexual assault. Thus, people will be made more aware of the intensity of the situation; they will be provided with information on preventive measures, self defense, and crisis centers. The WSF hopes that its education will foster an at- mosphere in which Ann Arborites will be more inclined to look out Evaluation To the Daily: We would like to clarify a few statements that were made in a November 6 Daily article con- cerning MSA evaluations. The typographical error concerning for one another. In this effort, WSF is organizing tenants in the large apartment complexes in town. This effort will also be ex- panded to include dorm and neighborhood blocks. The WSF is -also in the process of persuading the Ann Arbor Transit Authority to make its vehicles available for an all-night Dial-A-Ride service. It has been contacting local evening em- ployers to examine the extent of the need and desire for such a proposal. Thus far, both of the above exist. The PIRGIM Women's Safety Force does visualize a safer future for the women of Ann Ar- bor. In essence, WSF hopes to in- volve virtually all members of 'the community in working for a safer Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor must support the WSF efforts today by attending the Women's Safety Awareness Day Rally at noon on the Diag. The importance of WSF solutions is immeasurable. Ann Arbor must stop ignoring the issue. Join the Women's Safety Force today and face up to the facts. -Chris Pennock Bruce Barth November 12 7s clarified the nature of a specific course and its instructor(s). The MSA evaluations have no written comments. Nevertheless, the MSA evaluations along with those at SCO serve a purpose-to !zit below, girls, somebody's not doing their homework. We can imagine your thinking- went something like this: "Well," you say, "they're anti-com- munist. I mean they really are anti-communist. They are pro- draft and they did demonstrate favor of "registration. So that makes them pretty much a right wing organization." Granted, the opposite of left is right, but this is a right you've never ever dreamed about, a right based on a new ideology. We are a New Right. The old right consists of con- servative businessmen who like things the way they are as long as they remain on top. It is also composed of a large number of Fundamentalist Christians who practice the "white is right" ideology. Of course, some con- scientious people may be found among their ranks, but their continuing complacency in the face of grave social injustice cannot be condoned. The greater danger to domestic peace in the United States is racial injustice. We can't simply continue hoping the problem or the people will go away. CARP is anti-communist; however, our motive is not to preserve the bourgeois status quo. You should look into our principles which offer a very strong critique of as well as an alternative to both communism and current Western Society. Marxism-Leninism is an atheistic, materialistic ideology that negates the free human the belt spirit, denies the existence of any form of absolute standard of value and morality, and seeks to justify violent revolution. We op- pose communism because, as a direct result of its application, literally tens of millions of people's lives have been stolen from them. "Tensof millions"-think about that number for a while. Still, the bottom line is not anti- communism. CARP is a revolutionary organization dedicated to the construction of a ,new society based on the prin- ciples of unselfish living and God- centered love. Marxism is an- tithetical to this but so is apathy and so, definitely, is racism. We are not only teaching, but also living these principles, creating the prototype for a truly just society in our own homes. Your simplistic label of CARP as an extreme right wing organization because it is anti- communist is the issue here. CARP is radically different in many respects from the traditional right. It is misleading and unfair to pigeon-hole us on the basis of some superficial similarity with other political positions. In the future, please make a more conscientious effort to represent CARP accurately. If you must label us "right," call us the New Right. It's a very impor- tant distinction. -Bill Hilbert President, UM/CARP Art Humbert Treasurer, UM/CARP November 12 I I UGLI has real taste 4 To the Daily: Taking a welcome break from reading Dr. Faustus in the Un- dergraduate Library this mor- ning, I strolled over to the "com- temporary works" section-two wooden stands of books next to the periodicals. Included in the I applaud the UGLI's efforts to broaden my academic horizons with Gothic novels-the stuff of real life. I appreciate its altrustic financial support of giant publishing conglomerates - thank Heaven they have finally. realized the financial wor- I i Al; -V 10MV "I". 1 A 1011 ; . 7 I. I