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November 14, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-14

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

. 'gun



Expect rain mixed with
snow this moining, with
skies clearing later in the
day. Highs in the mid-4s
with lows in the mid-20s.


DVol. XCI, No. 62

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 14, 1980

. Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

done, head
says; UAC,
chief not
After a less-than-needed turnout at
Wednesday night's Abbie Hoffman
speech, Viewpoint Lecture Series
Chairwoman Michele Carter said
yesterday the program has met its
demise. At the same time, however,
University Activities Center President
Neale Attenborough said it may yet
have a breath of life.
The program has been plagued with
financial woes because of declining at-
tendance this year, and Viewpoint of-
ficials warned that a large turnout was
needed at Hoffman's Michigan Theatre
appearance to offset many of the losses
incurred since-September.
Less than 550 people showed up at the
speech, resulting in a loss of about
$1,500, Carter said. Earlier, she had
said that a near sellout (about 1,700
spectators) was necessary for the lec-
ture series to remain feasible.
THE SERIES "is no longer (taking
place this year) because it is not
reasonable to continue," Carter said.
She added, however, that one last
speaker is tentatively scheduled for
But Attenborough said Viewpoint is
"by no means written off." He ex-
plained that Viewpoint needed to draw
only 900 spectators to be successful
Wednesday night. He said he is waiting
for today's meeting of the UAC Board of
Directors to examine the financial
status of the lecture series. Viewpoint
Lectures is a program subsidized by
"We will be looking at the financial
status of all of UAC. It is possible that
money from other committees will be
used to offset losses incurred by
Viewpoint, Attenborough said.
Both Carter and Attenborough said
that a lecture by journalist Ed Bradlee
has been canceled. It had been planned
for sometime during the winter term.
VIEWPOINT has been working with
the Hillel Foundation to bring Elie
Wiesel, a Jewish author, to campus
sometime in March, and Hillel is
guaranteeing a large audience, Atten-
borough said.
Carter, who claims the series is wor-
se off than Attenborough believes, said
Viewpoint will be conducting surveys of
students over the next few months to
determine what kind of lecture series, if
any, they would attend.
Viewpoint's losses have amounted to

Desert crash






From AP and UPI
CAIRO, Egypt - The fatal crash of a
U.S. military transport plane marred
yesterday's start of operation Bright
Star, the first test of America's rapid
deployment force to defend Western oil
supplies in the Middle East. The 11 men
and two women aboard the C-141 were
killed, military authorities said.
A U.S. Embassy spokesman said the
plane, one of several involved in the
1,400-man military exercises, was on its
final approach to an Egyptian military
airport when it crashed into the desert
dunes "in a fireball that lit up the night
The plane crashed two to five miles
short of the runway at Cairo West Air
Base during a banking turn under clear
night skies just before midnight Wed-
nesday, according to Pentagon
spokesman Maj. Gen. Jerry Curry in
Maj. Gen. Mohsen Hamdi said the
crash was due to "completely technical
reasons.. . a mistake maybe" but he
declined to elaborate pending the out-
come of an investigation.
Egyptian Defense Minister Gen. Ah-
med Badawi later blamed the crash on
a "mechanical malfunction in the plane

itself" although officials said they could
not be sure of the cause until the in-
vestigation had been completed.
The bodies were flown to the U.S. Air
Force Base at Ramstein, West Ger-
many, then to Dover Air Force Base in
Delaware, military authorities said.
THE PLANE was attached to the
62nd Airlift Wing based at McChord Air
Force Base, near Tacoma, Wash. The
joint exercises of about 1,400 Army
troops and airmen include units from
the 101st Airborne Division of Fort
Campbell, Ky.
An Egyptian Defense Ministry
spokesman said Bright Star would con-
Pentagon officials have stressed that
the joint Egyptian-American operation
was planned well before the outbreak of
the Persian Gulf war between Iran and
Iraq. They say the two-week exercise is
to give the Americans the desert prac-
tice they need to live up to the U.S.
commitment to defend the West's oil
supplies from Mideast oil fields.
THE WAR has cut off oil production
in Iran and Iraq and the fighting
threatens the Strait of Hormuz, through
which sail tankers bearing much of the
world's oil.
The charred debris of the giant tran-

sport plane, which was capable of
carrying 154 people, was spread over
more than a half square mile northeast
of the base.
A spokesman from McChord said, "It
was carrying supplies for the rapid
deployment exercise, and that's why
there were so few on board."
MILITARY POLICE surrounding the
site told reporters and photographers
they had orders to shoot anyone ap-
proaching the area.
In Washington, a Pentagon
spokesman said the plane, attached to
the 62nd Military Airlift Wing at Mc-
Chord Air Force Base in Washington,
was also carrying a refueling truck, a
six-passenger panel vehicle, and un-
specified cargo. There were reports
ammunition and oxygen tubes were
among the cargo.
An embassy spokesman here said the
explosion may have been caused by the
fuel, but discounted the possibility it
could have been caused by weapons on
American military officials, in-
cluding the operation's commander,
Marine Lt. Gen. Paul Kelly, were on the
site investigating the debris for clues
the guards said.

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
Scholarly sculpture
Art student Chris Ramsay poses next to his term project yesterday outside
Auditorium D in Angell Hall. The project, designed in the styiy of contem-
porary sculptor George Segal, is part of History of Art Professor Diane
Kirkpatrick's class, Art of the 60s.

Begin calls for patience in Mideast talks
Prime minister outlines policy

special to the Daily
DETROIT-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem
Begin emphasized the importance of patience in
continuing the peace process between Israel and
Egypt in a speech to Jewish leaders here last
Addressing 2,500 delegates to the 49th general
assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations,
the prime minister said, "We hope the peace
process will continue," now that relations have
been established with Egypt through the 1978
Camp David agreement.
THE PRIME minister, who arrived in New
York Sunday, is on a 10-day U.S. trip that in-
cluded a visit with President Carter yesterday

morning. He will return to New York today.
Begin, who has been prime minister since 1977,
outlined the major tenets of Israeli policy.
Despite murmurs by European officials that
the Camp David agreement should be scrapped,
he said, "We do not believe in international
cynicism which contends . . . that the peace
treaty or the international agreement is a piece
of paper than can be torn. We believe in the san-
ctity of international agreements . . . Israel will
stand by the Camp David agreement.
"WE MUST be patient," he added.
The- Israeli-Egyptian talks on Palestinian
autonomy (in the West Bank) are currently
deadlocked. Begin and Egyptian President An-
war Sadat are scheduled to meet with President
Carter at Camp David early next year.

While the prime minister said Israel desires to
live in peace with Arab and Palestinian neigh-
bors, "We shall reserve security.
"IT IS INDEED a prerequisite to keep the
peace in the mid-east. Our neighbor should have
autonomy," Begin said.
He stressed that Israel does not ask anyone to
fight its battles. "I will not contend that Israel's
army is the best, but neither is it the worst in the
He spoke of security calling for "peace, real
peace for Jew and Arab alike."
He also made an appeal to American Jews to
"let the voice of the Jewish community in the
U.S. raise its mighty voice again ... to make an
appeal to the Soviet authorities; let our people

... outlines Israeli policy

...... . ..... I ...... . .. . .. ... .......... -

Stencilling of city was
protest of local harassment

Shapiro lecture ad miSl

The 70 women who painted "A
woman was raped here" at 180 sites
around the city early yesterday mor-
ning took their stencils in hand to call
attention to the number of attempted
rapes in the area, according to a
spokeswoman for the group.
The spokeswoman said the painters
hope citizens become more aware and
angry about constant harassment
facing women in the city.
NOT ALL of the stenciled areas mark
locations of physical sexual abuse. The
Michigan Criminal Sexual Conduct
Code divides rape into four degrees, en-
compassing acts such as a person
hanging out a car window shouting ob-
scenities at another, passing up at a

football game, and forceful sexual in-
tercourse. Group members said per-
petrators of such actions may be
"We have all been raped at some
time or another, and we are saying,
'No, I refuse,' " said the group's
The rape sites were obtained from
newspaper clippings and verbal repor-
ts, the spokeswoman said. Of the 180
sites, 30 to 40 are on central campus,
while 15 to 20 are on North Campus.
THE PAINTERS travelled in groups
of four or five between 12:30 and 2 a.m.
yesterday, the spokeswoman said. She
added that more than half of the pain-
ters said they saw someone from Cam-
See STENCILS, Page 3

Audience members who came to the
Paton Accounting Center yesterday af-
ternoon expecting to hear Economics
Prof. Saul Hymans and University
President Harold Shapiro give a lecture
entitled "Economic Outlook" encoun-
tered several surprises.
Although both Shapiro and Hymans
lectured, the event was moved from the
Michigan Room to nearby Hale
Auditorium because of the crowd of ap-
proximately 125 people which filled the
room to overflowing.
SHAPIRO, who spoke first, explained
that posters announcing the event "did
not exactly demonstrate truth in adver-
"We are here to lecture not on the
'economic outlook,' but more on the
development and use of econometric

models for econometric forecasting,"
he said.
Shapiro and Hymans are the co-
directors of Research Seminar in
Quantitative Economics, an
organization specializing in
econometric forecasting. Together,
they have developed an econometric
model with which they have developed
a prediction for the 1981 fiscal year.
They plan to present their prediction at
the economic conference to be held in
the Rackham Building Nov.21 and 22.
Econometric models help people in
both the public and private sectors of
society make decisions for the coming
year, according to Shapiro.
"Econometric models can help the
government, in particular, make better
decisions about what economic policy
they want to select," he said.

HYMANS WENT into more detail
about the specific data going into the
model, giving examples of government
spending, taxation, investment, and
money supply as factors figuring into
the equations used in the model.
Shapiro added that although the
forecasts may contain errors, they
provide useful information about the
general direction in which the economy
may go in the coming year.
Hymans gave an example. "We
predicted that the real GNP would
decrease .3 percent in 1980, but it ac-
tually went down .7 percent," he ex-
plained. "So we were wrong by 50 per-
cent. But in 1979, GNP had gone up by
2.3 percent, so we were saying, 'Hey,
it's not going to be like it was in 1979.'
I'd say that was useful information."
Audience members interviewed after

the lecture expressed surprise at the
actual content of the lecture. "I expec-
ted to hear a lecture on the economic
outlook," said Richard Pytel, a junior
in the School of Business Ad-
ministration. "However, the second
half of the lecture was interesting to
me, since we will be discussing
econometric models in my Finance
"I was misled by the advertising,"
said LSA senior Bill Poulos. ' I was
hoping to hear about the economic
outlook, but instead got a good lecture
on building econometric models."
Jeff Goodman, a member of the
Michigan Economics Society which
sponsored the lecture said he had no
comment on why posters and adver-
tisements announcing the lecture men-
tioned an " economic outlook."

Why worry?
ARE YOU STILL an old-fashioned, do-it-yourself
worrier? Do you wring your hands while
explaining to professors why you need an
extension on that 50-page term paper you haven't
found the time to start yet? Do you bite your nails before

petrated in 1936 at the Nashville Tennessean. He said he,
and Morrison resurrected the idea for these difficult times.
"Of course, we can't do anything about (members'
worries), but they will be rid of them, saving them precious'
time and energy to do something constructive about what's
bothering them," Morrison said. He added that the service
might even start a worry bank, "a repository of rancor,"
from which the curious might draw an inkling of what's
bugging Americans. Finding out how to scrape up enough
cash to meet the next tuition payment is sure to be near the
top of that list.s t

.simply forgot the weapon in the stall, and when he went
back to retrieve the gun, it was missing. "Yeah, it hap-
pened," he reluctantly admitted yesterday. "It's something
I'm terribly embarassed about." The police chief, however,
said he wasn't going to issue any new rules on the apparen-
tly neglected problem faced by officers when nature
calls. Q
It's elementary, Watson
Sherlock Holmes might well tell his sidekick, Dr. Watson,
that the game is once more afoot after studying a

Tight jeans
Someone finally has ranked the country's worst network
television commercials. Comedian Marty Ingels has
published his list of the poorest sales pitches to grace the
tube. First place went to the Jordache jeans commercial
which shows 8-year-olds bumping bottoms in a disco scene.
Ingels said of the winning ad: "Sexual overtones and
all-showing us a mini-disco scene of 8-year-olds bumping
Jordache-logoed derrieres-for me takes the cake." The
runner-up in the "First Annual Ingels' Picks for Commer-
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