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November 13, 1980 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-13

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Page 10-Thursday, November 13, 1980-The Michigan Doily
Iran ponders U.S. reply

Woman mistakenly
identified as auto
accident fatality

From UPI and AP
Iran received the U.S. reply to its four hostage
demands -yesterday and an Iranian parliament
member charged the United States was stalling on
meeting the terms for the release of the 52
Algeria, acting as go-between in the delicate
negotiations, cautioned it would probably be some
time before Iran responded to the American letter.
Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher told
reporters that he had no idea when there would be a
response from Tehran to the U.S. proposals, which
have been described by other Carter administration
officials as "generally positive." These officials say
the response includes a, pledge not to interfere in

Iran's internal affairs, which was one of the demands
set down by Iranian leaders.
CHRISTOPHER'S FIVE-MAN delegation flew
home after only 30 hours of talks in Algiers, but the
State Department rejected an suggestion that the
mission had failed.
"There was no expectation that the Iranians would
give us an early response," said John Trattner, the
department spokesman.
At the outset, the U.S. mission to Algiers had been
described as "open-ended," and officials said
privately that Christopher and the others might
remain there up to a week waiting to. hear from
Iranian authorities.
BUT ON HIS arrival at Andrews Air Force Base,

Christopher said, "I would say we definitely accom-
plished what we set out to do." That, he said, was to
deliver the American reply and to explain the legal
and technical complications posed by Iran's terms.
Word of the hostages themselves came from an
unexpected source - U.S. Charge d'Affaires Bruce
Laingen, one of three hostages held separately from
the others in the Iranian Foreign Ministry.
A Seattle radio station, KAYO, said it called the
Foreign Ministry in Tehran Tuesday night and was
allowed to chat briefly with Laingen, who said he
knew nothing of the negotiations for his release but
had been told of Ronald Reagan's election victory. He
added he was "fine" but "anxious to leave."


F' '4


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FAIRFAX, Va. - (AP) - "My
name is Cathy," said the young
woman in the hospital bed. The
police officer trying to interview her
about the traffic accident that left
her face disfigured and killed four
other people was stunned.
In a tragic mixup, Cathy had been
identified as one of the dead.
FOR THREE days, Cathy Storey
had been listed at the hospital as
Alana Klingebiel. Alana Klingebiel's
body had,been identified as that of
Cathy Storey. Cathy's family had
Alana Klingebiel's body cremated.
Cathy was so disfigured in the
Sunday morning accident that the
Klingebiel family could not tell she
was not Alana. And Alana's body
was unrecognizable and was
misidentified by the Storey family.
The mistake came to light on
TuesdaymwhenFairfax County police
officer Timothy Bender went to
question the patient, whom he
thought was 18-year-old Alana of
Falls Church, Va., a Washington,
D.C. suburb. The woman had been
unconscious since the two-car
collision in which four people died
and three others were seriously
"ALANA, I'M Officer Bender. I'm
here to interview you about the ac-
cident you were involved in," said

But the woman replied. "My name
is Cathy."
"Aren't you Alana Klingebiel?"
"MY NAME IS Cathy Storey," she
A shocked Bender immediately
called the Klingebiel family, which
confirmed the mistake after
ar iving at the hospital.
'For the first time they noticed
the patient's ears were pierced,"
said police spokeswoman Carolyn
Burns. "This is an incredible and
terrible thing."
"I HAD A sixth sense that she
wasn't my sister," said Rick
Klingebiel, 26, who visited Fairfax
Hospital on Monday night, but also
was unable to recognize the woman
identified as Alana.
The family of Storey, 21, already
had made funeral arrangements and
the body, which, they thought was
that of their daughter, was cremated
on Tuesday - about two hours
before the error was discovered.
It has not been determined how
the mistake in identities was made,
Burns said. However, she said the
error probably was made at the
hospital, where both women were
taken after the crash. A police
spokeswoman noted that "the
parentsndid make a positive iden-
tification. "




1 "'C7



FLOC activities thriving
despite conservative trend

Friends wish you luck
on a big exam. Good friends stick
around to see how you did.

i Continued IfromiPage :31
Through that program, school
children collect as many Campbell's
product labels as they can and turn
them into school officials. The school
later exchanges the labels -for
'The (Ann Arbor) Board of
Education has supported our efforts
(to get the program out of the
The School of Music
The University of Michigan
Nov. 14 and 15 at 8pm
Nov. 16 at 3pm
Tickets at PTP Ticket Office
in The Michigan League
M-F 10-1 and 2-5

schools) because it uses the students
as public relations people for a
major corporation," Yih said. "But
it's up in the air as far as whether
the schools have stopped," she said.
But according to Campbell's'
spokesman Duncan, the program to
remove the label programs from
schools has been ineffective.
"IN THE-1980 school year, par-
ticipation increased by 18 per cent
over 1979," he said. "We've received
some letters, and we've taken a
careful look at the situation. We
can't see any impact. We think it
was a symbolic thing, primarily.
Nothing has changed."
FLOC members are also ap-
proaching members' of local
cooperatives, urging them to sup-
zort the boycott, according to
worker Jamie Liebman. "We'd like
to expand it to housing and food co-
ops, other area stores and
restaurants," he said. Liebman ad-
ded the group has not worked on it
long enough to measure any definite
An attempt to discontinue Univer-
sity purchases of Campbell's and
Libby's products for dormitories
failed in 1979, but a similar attempt
succeeded at Notre Dame Univer
"It would be more difficult here,
because the student population is so
much greater, and more spread
out," Yih said.

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