4 OPINION Thursday, November 13, 1980. The Michigan Daily 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan On the writing class shortage Vol. XCi, No. 61 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board The conservative hit team N AZIS, KLANSMEN, and the National Conservative Political Action Committee might not seem to have all that much in common, bust they do share certain traits.' First, each has the unifying ideological bond common in any group of people that thinks as a unit. Second, each wants to exterminate - literally or figura- tively - those who do not fit the "correct" pattern. Third, the enemies of each tend to ,belong to a single organization or ethnic group. While Nazis and Klansmen are far more threatening, NCPAC is just as in- sidious in its own conspiratorial way. Its target: liberals and liberal ideology. It is apparently not enough for the committee to work on its own policies; it also wants to make very sure no one has the opportunity to enact any liberal legislation. So it has targeted for defeat 22 "enemy" congressmen who are up for re-election in 1982. ' Though the group purports to be non- partisan, its hit-list for the next Congressional elections looks to be heavily peopled by members of the Democratic party-no surprise. The list, in fact, doesn't seem to be nearly so unified along strictly ideological lines as one might expect, if indeed NCPAC's enemy is liberalism, and not the Democrats. Rep. Jim Wright and Senator Lloyd Bentsen of Texas are high on thelist, yet neither is noted as being particularly liberal among Washington insiders. Senator Henry Jackson of Washington is another the committee intends to knock off-or is it rub out?-who would not seem to fit in very well with the Kennedys or the McGoverns. He is considered one of the staunchest hawks in the Senate. What these gentlemen do have in common with the targeted progressives, though, is their party. Michigan's Donald Riegle, who has served the state well in his Senate post, is on the committee's hit list. Carl Levin, also a Democrat, would probably have made the list too, were he up for re-election in 1982; fortunately, he has until 1984. By that time, perhaps this maniacal conservatism will have ceased. Francis Bacon would be bristling if he were in my situation. Bacon was an Englishman who, influenced by his last name or not, com- pared obtaining an education with the satiating habit of eating. He said, "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested." He con- tinued, "Reading maketh a full man, con- ference a ready man, writing an exact man." Reading, conference, and writing, accor- ding to Bacon, are the basics for a well- educated person. At The University of Michigan, students receive many reading assignments. Counselors, professors, and family members are available to students who want or need advice. Francis Bacon would be two-thirds pleased by modern education and one-third outraged. When it comes to writing classes at the University, it is hard to get a square meal. THE UNIVERSITY IS concerned that students learn to write. But does the Univer- sity really have the students' best interests in mind? This term-Fall, 1980-I found myself on a waiting list for Argumentative Writing/English 225. To find out my chances of getting enrolled, I cheeked with the English department. I found there were 144 other students who had no place available for them. That seemed to me an inordinate number of students to be left without a writing class. Had I not pursued the issue, I might have felt a little dumbfoun- ded by this situation.1 By Robert Porter Professor Ejner Jensen, associate chair- man of the English department, explained that he was aware that English 225 was overbooked. The question returns: Does the University have the students' best interests in mind? Professor Jensen, trying to comfort me, pointed out that I had not discovered a new problem. For the last three years, similar over-demand has been occurring. Someone who has stayed awake in economics class might turn the idea of over-demand around. From a different angle, over-demand could be called under-supply. I still remain per- plexed about my question. I PRESSED Professor Jensen until he had to explain why for the past three years too few English 225 sections have been offered. The answer rolled back in basically three parts. One, English 225 is a sophomore level course. If, on first try, a sophomore cannot get into the class, at some point in the next three years English 225 can be fit into his or, her schedule. True, but what a handy-even necessary-tool good writing is for the cour- ses taken between now and that sometime in the future. Two, there is not enough staff available to teach more 225 sections. How horrible-a shortage of qualified instructors. I wonder if the English TA's and other qualified grad. students realize there is such a drought of good help these days. THIRD, UNPEELING the answer to the. fruit of the response, there really is not any more money to be put in writing courses. I realize that Vice President Billy Frye is threatening in a worst case situation to begin staff layoffs, and I also know that President Harold Shapiro wants to see the University accelerate its efforts in the area of research. Perhaps a good research project would be to find out why college students write poorly. I have a proposal that will help the Univer- sity with its financial problems, as well as get students involved in the decision-making process. I propose that a large cast-iron piggy bank be placed in Regents Plaza, in the vicinity of the cube. This piggy bank will be for deposit of money by all students who wish to see more writing classes offered. As the pig is blind, anything from personal checks to acorns will be accepted. Before the beginning of each term, the pig would be dumped out and all funds donated to the English department. Far better than to title this "anonymous donations" will be to name it for the Englishman, who had a par- ticular appetite for education-in short, The Bacon Endowment. Robert Porter is an LSA sophomore who plans to major in communications. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: 'U' must actively contest CIA deceptions" To the Daily: There is a serious dilemma in the thinking of liberal Americans. Speaking with many people here on campus it is apparent to me that American students are no longer motivated by the chauvinistic "patriotism" which characterized the 1950s and early '60s. The civil rights movement and the Vietnam war, among other issues, helped to change that. But now, many who con- sider themselves liberals are bent on saving themselves from progressive political commit- ment by resorting to the con- tradictory argument for "free expression in the marketplace of ideas." Andrei Amairik: A human rights champion is dead Arts reviews wasteful. 0 . 7'tHE UNITED STATES is blessed a with a vocal and persistent con- tingent of spokespersons for civil liber- ties, and we cannot underestimate their importance in keeping some of the more totalitarian tendencies of our government under control. Despite those tendenoies, few Americans have died or even suffered very much in defense of Americans' rights to speak or freely express themselves. Andrei Amalrik was a defender of civil liberties whose adversary was orie of the more sinister governments in" the world: the one based in Moscow. jie did not start out as a political figure, but-life in the Soviet Union has a way of turning any independent thinker into a radical. As a student some 20 years ago at Moscow Univer- stty, Amalrik got in trouble with the al.ministration for supporting a par- tlcular historical theory that his teachers thought unpatriotic. He was expelled. -That alone did not start Amalrik along the path to becoming a world- fAmous dissident; it took a brush with tF e government itself to have that ef-' fect. His academic goals thwarted, Amalrik turned to the arts. He began writing plays, which, though they were not easy to come by, achieved a certain reputation in Moscow literary circles. The defenders of the faith moved in, confiscating the plays for their por- nographic and-worse-anti-Soviet content. Thus began a new and strenuous life that included two involuntary trips to Siberia (the second imposed for writing about the first), and finally, exile from his homeland. His haggard existence took its toll: When he visited Ann Arbor less than four years ago, Amalrik was only in his late 30s. To some of us, he looked closer to 50. Andrei Amalrik died yesterday in a' traffic accident in Spain. He was on his way to a human rights conference where he would have raised his voice for perhaps the thousandth time again- st the outrageous disregard his homeland has displayed for the Helsinki human rights accords. One hero is dead; but his cause, freedom for the natives of the Soviet Union, is not. Amalrik will continue as an inspiration to us all. To the Daily: The Daily's Arts page is wasteful. It's that simple, honest. Wasteful of what? Words. Almost every review I've read this year was full of senseless, useless words that didn't help clarify the idea of the reviewer. The writers don't have much to say, just a jumble of jargon to hide behind. So I gave up trying and now skip over the Arts page. I used to read the articles because I often attended the events under seige. My usual reaction to the reviews was that the reviewer hadn't attended the event; that he had just stayed home and written his review from other sources. Such efforts seem directed by no "aesthetic" motivation other than the reviewer's own ego. Here his ego has a chance to scribble all over an entire newspaper page: "Look at me, all my hot air is in print," screams the reviewer's ego. If writing is really for the public and not for a.private jour-. nal, then it should serve some purpose. Flaunting, words a million syllables long is fine if they are used correctly. But most often, the Arts reviewers simply reel them off in blatant misuse. I would rather read an article writ- ten in simple, correct wording than in words which do nothing to promote meaning. I thought the aim of a newspaper was to con- vey ideas to the reader, not to decorate a writer. Iddon't thinkthe Daily Arts page editors know the difference between a bunch of words thrown together and a coherent sentence. Their superfluous verbiage is neither admirable nor awesome. It's boring. -Ellen Lindquist November 12 Free expression is indeed a, sacred right in a democracy, but we must admitdfrom the outset that even in a democracy there must be certain qualifications to that right. In an editorial of November 7, The Michigan Daily recognized that the demon- strators who protested CIA recruiting on campus "had a point." The editorial went on to admit that the CIA had commit- ted "hundreds of indiscretions and atrocities," but ended up defending the right of the recruiters to come here, saying that only 12 people showed up to be interviewed. But if several of those twelve students who were interviewed are hired by the Agency and end up working out cover-up stories for CIA coups in Latin America ten years from now-and history shows this is far ,from impossible-is the University innocent of com- plicity? In our country, if a person commits murder and the crime can be proven, he or she is liable for severe penalties. The CIA (along with the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazis) has been proven guilty of murderous citmes time and again. The "philosophy" of such an organizaton prescribes mur- der and the deprivation of liber- ties for all those whom they op- pose. How, then, can they be' respected as legitimate con tributors in the "marketplace of ideas," when their practice is to, silence vast sectors of opinion? I would hope that beyond "fun- damental trust" in the ability of. y people to think for themselves- the editors of the Daily also recognize the fundamental need to actively contest the deceptive image of CIA-type organizations propagated through government- approved mass media. Students must take a stand and- demand that the institutions sup-, ported with our tuition and tax , money be off limits to criminal organizations-and that includes the CIA 'and the profiteering war, industries no less than the Mafia and the Charles Manson gang. -Joel Stern November 8 Moral Majority chaos .. . ... and too negative. 0 0 To the Daily: Your review of the Musket per- formance of Anything Goes (Daily, November 8) struck a particular nerve that typifies the average attitude your paper seems to carry-negativism. Not that all should be rosy red either, but credit should be given when it is due, and the failure to do this gives the Daily a pessimistic aura. The Daily frowns upon everything and everyone: punk, new wave, rock and roll, dorm life, frat life, athletes, ad- ministration, ad nauseum. Bruce Springsteen could not be praised in the slightest. And when Anything Goes, a poorly-directed but energetic and entertaining performance, gets cut down, one must ask if it is the show or the critic, the actors or an attitude, the rest of the world or the Daily itself. There are other cool things and acceptable people besides the Daily clique, and you have a duty to recognize these people in print. So get off your high horse. -Andy Rubinson November 12 To the Daily: The philosophy, attitudes, and values that were so resoundingly rejected in the 1964 election have been literally embraced in 1980. Moral Majority has refuted the goals and aspirations of the programs developed under Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson, and Carter. Thelandslide victory of Ronald Reagan probably means the end of the ERA, Legal Aid, food stamps, and the end of servies to the poor, the elderly, the sick, and the afflicted. A two-bit cowboy actor has received a mandate from his con- stituency; Moral Majority has spoken in a most powerful man- ner. The budget will be balanced; taxes for wealthy individuals and profitable corporations will be cut, defense spending increased and the arms race will be renewed with vigor. The possibility of war now becomes a probability, an eventuality, merely a matter of time. Where .T t is actualiI To the Daily: In your editorial on November 5, you ask if America will survive (1) the Reagan presidency, and (2) its own rightward shift. As a taxpayer-one who voted for Governor Reagan-I call your message short-sighted and im- mature. The reason I, like many other Americans, voted for Reagan was because of the major issue for all America, which is- the economy. will "Tricky Ronnie" first send in the Marines? To Iran, South Africa, South America? Or perhaps, another invasion of Cambodia. How exciting! After all, Vietnam was such a "noble cause." And when will "Tricky Ronnie" experiment with tactical nuclear weapons? The sobering, realityis such that no longer is it an ,issue of the why of nuclear weapons; but how, when, and where these tools may be em- ployed with maximum effec- tiveness. The fact is that Moral Majority has elected an impulsive nar- cissist who mirrors back the same decadent values and distor- ted world-view that is responsible for this mess in the first place. May Moral Majority reap full harvest and benefits from the violent chaos that is an inevitable consequence of their own twisted values and actions. -Joel Mulle November 12 .. . and just unbelievable To the Daily: In regard to Fred Schill's review of the Michael Stanley Band's performance at Second' Chance (Daily, November 5), I have several questions. First, what is his definition of "heavy metal"? I can see how Michael Stanley s music can be con- sidered heavy metal if one is a Perry Como follower. Also, what would be the logic behind playing mellow songs to a hyped-up crowd like the one present Mon- day night? Was Schill in the mood an informed critic). If the band possessed no stage presence or charisma, as the reviewer contends, why was the crowd still screaming for another encore up until the time the equipment was being taken down? Also, did the reviewer become a Lou Harris pollster, asking who wanted to leave? Let's not make unfounded assumptions. One final question, Mr. Schill: Did you actually attend the con- cert or was it just that you passed good change When our economy is once again strong and people are em- ployed, there will be a healthy society in which to make decisions on other issues. In 1964, by the way, liberals cried throughout the land that if Goldwater were elected, we would certainly begin bombing Vietnam. Well, he wasn't elected, because (among other reasons) he was a "warmonger." But Ii Y Y.'T., , .O'I1