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November 12, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-12

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

L IE 1


Cold and windy today with
highs in the low 40s. Lows
will be in the 20s.

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Vol. XCI, No. 60

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Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 12, 1980

Ten Cents

Ten Paaes


Law of the Library: No carrel jumping'


During his nightly stroll, Graduate Library Stacks
Guard Scott Brodie examines each assigned study carrel
for unfamiliar faces. "After three or four times, you get to
know the regulars," he explains.
Suddenly, he stops walking and peers into an occupied
carrel. He tests the door's handle. It is locked, indicating
the occupant probably "jumped" into the study space. The
doors can only be locked from the outside.
"Could you please open the door?" Brodie inquires.
"Oh, okay," the surprised student answers.
"DO YOU HAVE a key to this carrel?" Brodie asks.
"No," the student replies. The guard then asks for the
student's identification card. "Please gather your things
'together, we'll have to go downstairs," Brodie orders.
"How did you get into the carrel?" he questions fur-

ther. "I jumped over," admits the student, who sheepishly
adds, "Will I be sent to jail?"
Brodie said violators use several methods to jump the
160 reserved carrels, such as getting boosts from library
stack ladders, and throwing knapsacks over the doors and
pushing them in as the sacks push down the knob.
If the student had been caught jumping carrels before,
Brodie might have placed a call to the University Depar-
tment of Safety. This time, the student's name, iden-
tification number, and the location of the violation were
recorded in a file, information which will remain there for
two to three years.
DURING HIS 10-hour shifts Monday through Thursday,
Brodie is "The Law" of the library. He patrols the
building's stacks, on the lookout for people talking,

smoking, eating, drinking, or carrel-jumping in the library.
"Most people realize what they are doing," Brodie
says, "but even if they get obnoxious with me, they still
listen to me."
Controlling the noise problem between the second floor
Reference Room and Public Catalogue takes up most of
Brodie's time. Congestion at nearby copying machines ad-
ds to the problem, he says.
TALKING AMONG library patrons cannot be stopped,
but socializing in the library's hallways can, according to
Jim Cruse, head of circulation services.
Brodie says he gives each group of talkers "about 15
seconds - just long enough to say hello and goodbye." If
the group fails to break up, he will approach them with the
polite reproach, "If you want to talk, you'll have to use the

The library's no-eating no-drinking policy exists for two
related reasons: To cut down on garbage problems, and to
stop a possible increase in the library's insect population,
mainly cockroaches and silverfish, Cruse said. The silver-
fish, in particular, like to eat the glue and pages of older
books, he added.
Violators of the no-eating and no-drinking rule, if
caught, are escorted back to the student study lounge on the
building's first floor. Guards cannot physically force
students to comply with the rules, but if necessary, reinfor-
cements from the Department of Safety may be called to do
DESPITE PUBLICITY about backpack thefts in the
library, many students still leave their valuables alone for
See 'JUMPERS', Page 3

U.S. officials leave
Algiers; still no
response from Iran


Se Daily Photo by JOHN HAGEN
Statuesque view
"The Girl," a cast-iron statue representing Spring, overlooks the picturesque backyard of Martha Cook Residence Hall.
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Reagan s policies lma
causeIS cubak

From AP and UPI
A five-man U.S. negotiating team left
Algiers last night after delivering the
Carter administration's reply to Iran's
terms for freeing the 52 American
Prospects for openiig a hoped-for
"dialogue" with Iran through Algerian
intermediaries were not clear. Ad-
ministration officials, not expecting a
prompt reaction from Tehran to the
U.S. reply, decided to end the brief
mission to Algiers.
During two days, the U.S. team,
headed by Deputy Secretary of State
Warren Christopher, explained the
legal and financial problems facing the
United States in meeting the-terms set-
do yn Nov. 2 by the Majlis, the Iranian
THE AMERICANS left yesterday,
with a commitment from Algeria to
quickly transmit the U.S. response to
the Iranian government, the State
Department said in a terse announ-
cement here. It gave no indication
whether the mission was considered a
At the outset, the visit had been
described as "open-ended," and of-
ficials said Christopher and the others
might remain in Algiers up to a week

waiting to hear a response from Iranian
An effort last week to draw Iran into
indirect negotiations through the
Algerian ambassador had made little
headway. Christopher, Deputy
Treasury Secretary Robert Carswell,
and the others were sent to Algiers
early Monday morning to try to speed
up the process. .
THEY CARRIED with them, accor-
ding to U.S. officials, a "generally
positive reply" that included a pledge
of noninterference in Iran's internal af-
fairs along with an explanation of the
difficulties in meeting the other Iranian
The other terms were cancellation of
all American claims against Iran, un-
blocking of more than $8 billion in
Iranian assets and return of the wealth
of the late Shah Mohammad Reza
Algeria had been designated by the
Iranian government to act as its inter-
mediary. Foeign Minister Mohamed
Benyahia headed the Algerian
delegation in the talks.
THE DISCUSSIONS were described
by the State Department as "intensive
and useful." The anouncement offered
no details, and spokesman John Trat-
tner turned aside all questions after
reading it before television cameras.

Trattner said that Christopher did not
have any face-to-face contact with
Iranian officials but he hoped the
**American response would lead to
negotiations. "We are not yet in the
phase of negotiations," he said.
Trattner said Christopher's aim was
to "define and fully explain the U.S.
response so that it can be fully under-
stood by the Algerian foreign
A SECOND meeting followed
Christopher's initial contact with
Benyahyia in which the two sides
discussed details of the response.
The team Christopher took to Algiers
included Carswell-possibly significant
in view of the Iranian demands its
assets be unfrozen and the late shah's
wealth returned-Assistant Secretary
of State Harold Saunders, State Depar-
tment Legal Counsel Robert Owen and
Iran expert Arnold Raphel.
Aides were described as "mostly
legal and financial-experts."
An announcement by the Iranian
Embassy in Rome said former Foreign
Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, a
moderate on the hostage issue who was
arrested in Tehran Friday, was
released Monday, raising hopes the
crisis could be considered in a more
moderate climate.

Officials at the University's Institute for Social
Research say they're concerned that President-elect
Ronald Reagan's call -for reduced federal in-
volvement in university affairs may spell trouble for
the Institute.
"We just have a lot of uncertainty," F. Thomas
Juster, Director of ISR said. "You can create a lot of
plausible scenarios for the future." .
ISR, DESCRIBED as "the largest university-based
social research institution in the world" in its latest
report, received a total revenue of $14,038,774 in the
fiscal year 1978-1979-more than 70 percent of which
was supplied by federal departments and offices.
It is difficult, however, to predict how Reagan's
campaign promises will translate into policies direc-,
tly affecting social research, Juster said.
"It's a possibility that the budgets for all agencies
will be affected" by the Reagan administration
Juster said, "except possibly the Department of
TWO OF THE major federal sources of ISR support
last year were the National Science Foundation and
the since-restructured Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare.
Angus Campbell, the director of ISR for six years,
also predicted that "since the money in several other
programs like the military have to be paid, it follows
that social research will probably be cut back."
In the future, ISR researchers may be working in a
more constrained environment, Juster said, adding
that they'll know more when appointments are made
in the federal Office of Management and Budget.
JUSTER STRESSED that a conservative ad-

ministration does not automatically spell drastic cuts
in research.
"They're aware of the fact that society functions
better when high levels of research are being done,"
Juster said.
"IT'S JUST too early to tell," Warren Miller,
Director of the Center for Political Studies said. "No
one has any clear information; no one has any fixed
Campbell pointed out that in 1952 and in 1972, when
administrations have previously gone from
Democratic to Republican, "our income from federal
sources has declined."
"It's possible that if the federal government with-
draws some support, private institutions may play a
larger role once again," Campbell said.
WHEN ISR opened in 1948, private institutions
provided for as much as one-third of ISR's total
revenues, Campbell said. Last year, less than one
percent of the revenues came from private foun-
"Federal support has put private institutions out of
business," Campbell said.
"I would assume that the new administration
would be favorable to research," Prof. Kenneth
Organski, a program director for the Center for
Political Studies said.
Organski said the Reagan administration is not
causing him any special worry. "We in research live
in a life that is always very worried and com-
petitive," he said.
"It will be very interesting to see what happens,"
he added.

Young to
speak at
Detroit Mayor Coleman Young will
be the honored speaker at the Univer-
sity commencement ceremonies
December 21, a University official said
last night.
James Shortt, an assistant vice
president for special events, said
Young has agreed to speak at the fall
term ceremonies.
Young, considered a prominent
Democratic national urban leader, has
been mayor of Detroit since 1974.
Young has been described by the
Detroit Free Press as a "salty, street-
corner style" speaker. In yesterday's;
editions, the paper said that during
recent Young speeches at the Univer-
sity of Chicago, the mayor "left three
groups of students begging for more,"Yon
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The prodigal son
REMEMBER ALL THE heartwarming stories of
Huck Finn's and Tom Sawyer's exploits while
playing hooky? One day would see the boys"
fishing in the local pond, and another day would
have them playing pirates. Well, times have changed and
hook-players no longer indulge in such tame activities.
Fourteen-year-old Mark Sherlock, of Edmonton, England,
located north of London, left home for school Monday, but

a wall. "I went to the airport, climbed over a wall, boarded
the plane and just sat down," he said. The flight attendants
discovered their stowaway during the trip. "I admitted to
the crew that I hadn't got a passport or a ticket. I really
wanted to go to Karachi just to travel, but they put me off in
Damascus," he said. "I was a bit worried about what Dad
would do. I thought he would hit me." But Mark's fears ap-
parently were groundless. Indulgent papa Sydney said, "I
am not really angry with him. He is a good lad. But I have
got to pay his lare." The next time you plan to cut a class,
think about a trip to Paris. O
r,_ J9 1--- - - I -----

and waving," on an unscheduled high-speed tour of the
Windy City's classy Lake Shore Drive, when the driver of
the taxi he was riding refused to let him out of the car. But
off-duty Cook County Corrections Officer Marthile Lee
came to our hero's rescue, pursuing the cab at speeds up to
75 miles an hour. The 38-year-old driver, Eugene Phillips,
was charged with disorderly conduct and refusing to let a
passenger out. He was released on $35 bond and will appear
in traffic court later, officials said. Phillips maintains he
was following "standard procedure," by taking Rather to
his garage for not paying his fare. Rather claims Phillips
.r.,iin +,,to ar f te ninn-naita nctiann --ad har--

money to the loser who, it seems safe to assume, is
probably doing his share of weeping. But Onuki, a truck
driver, said he wished he had never come across the
money, which he found hidden in a wrapping cloth on busy
Ginza Street. Following his discovery he was besieged for
interviews by the media to the point that he had to quit his
job and often move around in disguise. He hired five
security guards and purchased a samurai sword and a
bullet-proof vest. But yesterday Onuki claimed the sum,
which police speculate may have belonged to gangsters. Af-
ter Japan's version of Uncle Sam takes his share, Onuki
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