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November 09, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-09

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom



Scattered showers and
windy today, with a low in
the lower 60s.

Vol. )CI, No. 58 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 9, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages
n: olvermes

ofrom Cal.
From AP and UPI
EUREKA, Calif.-The most powerful
earthquake in Northern California in
more than a half-century shook a 500-
mile stretch of the Pacific Coast early
yesterday, causing widespread
damage, but no known deaths.
A freeway bridge collapsed, hurling
two vehicles 30 feet to the ground and
injuring six persons.
foundations, power lines were broken,
windows shattered and goods scattered
in stores.
The quake struck at 2:28 a.m. and
was centered 20 miles northwest of
rural Eureka, according to government
seismologists. It had a Richter
magnitude of 7.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the
quake was the most powerful in the
quake-prone northern California area
since 1923. The last quake that strong in
the continental United States occurred
Oct. 15, 197J, near El Centro, Calif.
the lower 48 states occurred Aug. 17,
1959, in Montana, with a magnitude
See MAJOR, Page 2

start slow,
roil over
Badgers 2-

AP Photo
TWO VEHICLES FELL MORE than 30 feet, and six passengers were injured when an overpass near Eureka, Cal. gave
way during an earthquake early yesterday. Aside from the overpass, the quake caused minor, but widespread, damage.

Special to the Daily
MADISON-Despite a lackluster of-
fense that failed to register a first down,
through the first quarter-and-a-half of
play, Michigan shut out the host
Wisconsin Badgers, 24-0 yesterday.
The Wolverines remain tied for the
Big Ten lead with a 6-0 conference
State (7-2 overall), with showdowns
against co-leaders Purdue and Ohio
State looming ahead.
MICHIGAN'S ground attack, which
had been averaging more than 300 yar-
ds per contest in the past five weeks,
never really got untracked against the
stiff Wisconsin defense. TheWolverines
rushed for 178 yards including 83 from
fullback Stanley, Edwards and ac-
cumulated only 260 yards in totaroffen-
Bo Schembechler said the underrated
opposition had something to do with
those unusually small Michigan num-
bers. "I wouldn't call this a great per-
formance," he said afterwards. "But
make no mistake about one thing: the
Wisconsin defense is as good as any in
this conference, as good as the next
couple we're going to play."
However, the Wolverine offense was

able to penetrate that defense with a
long third-quarter march that sealed
the outcome. Wisconsin received the
second-half kickoff while behind by a
10-0 score and had to punt after its of-
fense couldn't move past its own 35-
yard line.
MICHIGAN TOOK the ball on its 39
and ate up more than seven minutes of
the clock while driving 61 yards in 15
plays (all on the ground) to score.
Lawrence Ricks rambled for 36 yards
in the march, with Edwards garnering
The duo brought the ball to the
Wisconsin five, where tailback Butch
Woolfolk slammed into a Wisconsin
brick wall for only a yard to the four,
setting up, a fourth-and-one situation.
Then the boisterous Badger crowd of
69,560 decided that it wanted to do its
part for the Badger cause.
The student section behind the
goalpost began screaming at a. fever
pitch and Blue quarterback John
Wangler, claiming his team couldn't
hear, refused to call the signals. After a
couple of warnings, the officials
charged the Badgers with a timeout.
And another. And another.
See BLUE, Page 10

Judge allows Oakland U. to close
today's presidential interviews

PONTIAC (UPI)-A judge has turned down a
request by the state Attorney General's office to
prevent Oakland'University from interviewing can-
didates for the school's presidency at a closed
meeting this weekend.
Oakland County Circuit Judge Richard Kuhn
refused late Friday to issue a temporary injunction
barring today's meeting.
"HE SAID WE can undo whatever they do this
weekend," said state Assistant Attorney General
Debra Devine after the hearing.
In the lawsuit, the Attorney General's Office
charged that today's meeting and other closed
meetings held by the school's Board of Control to,
discuss and interview job candidates violated the
state's open meetings law.
Devine said the board acted illegally last month in
dividing into small groups-each of which chid not
make up a quorum-to conduct private interviews of
presidential nominees.

SHE ALSO SAID the board had illegally discussed
the merits of various candidates at meeting purpor-
tedly held merely to review applications from those
who had requested confidentiality.
"All they've done is create a sham by saying, 'Well,
we don't have a quorum in the same room; therefore,
we're not subject to the open meetings act," Devine
said. "There's no bad faith on the part of the board.
They just have a different interpretation."
The 1976 law allows closed sessions only to review
confidential employment applications, she said. In-
terview sessions must be held in public.
STATE OFFICIALS said today's closed meeting
was scheduled to interview the final three candidates
for the presidency of the 12,000-student school located
in Rochester.
Former Oakland University President Donald
O'Dowd resigned in December from the $60,000-a-
year job.
The school started looking for a new president in

February and said they hoped to fill the post by
School officials have declined comment on the
A show-cause hearing on the request that future
meetings be open to the public was scheduled later
this week in Oakland County circuit court.
University of Michigan Regents held similar
sessions in their search for a president that lasted
from September 1978 through July 1979.
Individual and small groups of Regents visited
potential presidential candidates during the course of
the search. As the search wound down, Regents in-
terviewed approximately six of the final candidates,
claiming the closed meetings were legal under an
Open Meetings Act provision that exempts board
discussion of personnel.
Also under current contention here is whether
meetings of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics must be open under the act.

official jailed
after speech
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)-Former
Iranian Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghot-
bzadeh, a moderate who advocated
quick release of the U.S. hostages, has
been arrested in Tehran for criticizing
government officials and the militants
who hold the American captives, Iran
said yesterday.
Officials said the 47-year-old former
minister was taken to Evin Prison, on
the outskirts of the city. For 20 years
during the reign of the late Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Ghotbzadeh
had avoided the jail by living abroad,
where he supported the exiled
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his
revolutionary plans.
Pars news agency said Ghotbzadeh
was arrested "after his provocative
television speech" Thursday night. The
agency quoted an announcement of the
Islamic revolutionary court's public

Affirmative action
programs spur debate

Whether affirmative action
,programs in medical school admissions
provide grounds for racial anger or are
necessary to compensate past social in-
jury was the subject of vigorous debate
yesterday in the School of Public Health
About 80 persons heard University
Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen square off
against Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a member
of the medical school admissions com-
mittee at City College of New York on
the topic "Affirmative Action in
Medical School admissions." The
debate was part of a conference spon-
sored by the student-run Committee on
Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine.
"TO PREFER people on the basis of
race is morally wrong," asserted
Cohen, who argued that race should not
be considered in admissions decisions.
Affirmative action programs, Cohen
said, are unwise because they can
"provide for the seeds of racial anger
and tension."

Geiger countered that minorities are
by and large deprived and deserve
compensation for past injury. Medical
school admissions are "a stacked deck
biased by social class," Geiger said.
HE ADDED that an examination of
what prospective doctors plan to do after
completing medical school is "a power-
ful reason for admission." Minority
medical students tend to work in areas
where there is a serious need for doc-
tors, Geiger said.
Cohen said he believes the problem of
social deprivation and past injury
should be left to the legislatures to
correct, perhaps through allocations to
decaying school systems. "To provide
compensatory relief is not the business
of the medical school," Cohen said.
Conference participants heard three
other debates yesterday, including
"Drug Testing in Prisons," "The
Decision to Resuscitate," and
"Treating Children Without Parental

.. criticized militants

relations-office as saying Ghotbzadeh
spoke about "the conditions of Iranian
radio and television, revolutionary
organizations, and the Moslem students
following th? Imam Khomeini's line."
The last item was a reference to the
militant Iranians who seized the
American staff at the U.S. Embassy
Nov. 4, 1979.

Doily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
Stuffy "relatives
Nancy Camden Hauser shows off some of her creations on display at the
Ann Arbor Winter Art Fair. She designs dolls dressed in 1930s clothes based
on members of her family. See story, Page 7.

Registration info coming soon
C OPIES OF THE Winter Term Time Schedule and
LSA Course Guide will be available within the
next two weeks. The Time Schedule will be dis-
tributed beginning November 17. The LSA Course
Guide will be available on Monday, Nov. 24. Both can be
picked up outside 1221 Angell Hall. Descriptions of courses
that were registered late and not included in the guide will

"Dutch" pulled from Lowell Park Beach. Interestingly
enough, our next president also once played in a television
movie called "A Turkey For President."
All in the family
In the past week Patti Davis appeared on a nationally
syndicated talk show, received offers from three movie
studios, a television network, and five independent
producers, and was told by her managers that a recording
contract was on its way. Patti Davis, a struggling actress,
singer, and songwriter, admits her future in show business
islnhian itlhiaf1hIWn1I nnw that I fh~. ;fhwr e nP;i~

the Reagans." [
T he rating game
It turns out that more than the candidates were com-
peting for votes on November 4, and CBS emerged the win-
ner in the three-network race for ratings. The A.C. Neilson
Co. says CBS drew 18.7 percent of the nation's television
audience last Tuesday night, with commentator Walter
Cronkite celebrating his 64th birthday. Although NBC
projected a Reagan victory first at 8:15 p.m., the network

similarities between identical twins who were separated at
birth and raised by different families. Jim Springer and
Jim Lewis, reacquainted in middle age, found that they
both married and then divorced a woman named Linda
Blair. Both also had the same occupation of deputy sheriff,
had dogs named Toy, and had named their sons James
Allen. Another pair of British twins separated at birth were
named Richard Andrew and Andrew Richard by their
respective families. The daughters of the twins were named
Catherine Louise and Karen Louise. And then there's the
case of the identical twins who were reunited once in their



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