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November 08, 1980 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-08

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The Michigan Daily-Saturdav. November 8. 1980-Pacer 3

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Summer completion set

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or undergr
Construction of the new law library, slated for completion
by next summer, is-running on schedule, said Paul Spradlin,
director of the University's Plant Extension Office.
Spradlin said the new library will have three floors that
will be underground. It will cover 75,000 square feet of land at
a cost of more than $9 million.
"We just ran out of space in the existing library," said
Margaret Leary, assistant director of the law library. She
added that the present building is "inadequate" in serving
the needs of the 1,150 law students currently enrolled at the
LEARY SAID. the new structure also is expected to hold
200,000 of the 535,000 volumes the library now contains. She
stressed that the present building was only built to shelve
300,000 volumes.
Leary said that "the new library will also have at least 430
seats for students and 200 individual study carrels," which
can be equipped with small computers and micromform

ound library
She also noted that the physical layout of the existing
library limited staff communication. This inconvenience will
be eliminated when the new building is completed, because
employees will be in closer proximity to one another.
SPRADLIN SAID the ground above the facility will be
made into a small park-like area complete with walkways,
small trees and shrubs.
Leary stressed the new library will save money, especially
in heating and energy costs. "Because it is underground it
will only use 33 percent of the fuel needed to heat a building
the same size above ground," she said.
Leary noted the new library will not replace the existing
structure, but supplement it.
She said a dedication for the building is planned for Oc-
tober, 1981, and will coincide with the 50th anniversary of the
dedication of the legal research building.
Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
CONSTRUCTION OF THE new law library addition is
slated to be finished next summer. The building, which
costs more than $9 million, will be located underground.

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Markley cafeteria worke

Thee pay not want to eat Big Macs,
but manyoff-campus students working
in the cafeteria of Mary Markley Hall
want to pay McDonald's prices for their
The students are angered over this
week's enforcement of a long-standing
University housing policy that requires
off-campus student cafeteria workers
to pay a higher rate for meals than the
Markley workers had been paying.
Workers at other dorms, however,
have been paying the higher rate for
some time.
BEFORE LAST Monday, the student
workers paid $1.40 per meal, the same
} amount paid by the dormitory's full-
time union employees. But under the
University's policy-which other dor-
mitories abide by-the students must
pay $2.27 for lunch and $2.80 for dinner
in cash when they work.
According to Markley food service
manager Dave Kluck, the money used

to be deducted from the students'
paychecks through an equivalent
reduction in hours. Kluck explained
that whenever students work 200 hours,
they qualify for a five cent raise.
Deducting meal prices from hours
worked is unfair, he said, because it
makes the students work longer for a
In addition, the actual number of
hours students work stays 'the same,
but the number of hours recorded by
housing officials decreases, thereby
distorting figures for labor budget
planning for the next year.
"WE DON'T MIND paying in cash,"
said Joan Warner, one of the em-
ployees affected by the change. "It's
the amount that bothers us. The union
workers earn so much more than we do,
and they pay so much less for their
The students say they plan to talk to
Jean Casey, the Hill area food service
director, about the situation.

Basic pay for student employees is
$3.25 per hour, according to Kluck, and
the students say they usually do not
work more than 2 hours a day. The
amount the Markley off-campus
workers have to pay for their meals is
equal to the amount paid by dorm
"ON THE WHOLE, we're all really
mad," said Marji Kolin, who has
worked in the cafeteria for three years.
"None of us will pay that much." Kolin
explained that most of the students
must eat before they go to work, which
makes the system "inconvenient."
Warner and Kolin also complained
the policy was not implemented very
well. "We got no (previous) day's
notice, not even second's notice," War-
ner said. "We came in Monday (expec-
ting to be able to eat for less money),
and there was this notice hanging up
telling everyone about the new policy
that was in effect," she said.
"WE WON'T WALK out . without

Ls angry
notice, or anything, but we're going to
get organized," she added.
None of the outside student workers
have quit yet, but because "it isn't very
cost effective for them, I can see where
they might end up leaving (if things
don't change),"Kluck said.
"It has always been' the housing
division's policy that (off-campus)
students working in dorm cafeterias
may pay for their meals at the desk or
not eat (in the dorm) at all," he said.
Kluck, who is in his first year as food
service manager at Markley, said he
does not know when or why the dorm
first started to deviate from University
HE SAID THAT approximately 50
percent of Markley's student cafeteria
employees live off campus.
Kathy Dwyer, a student co-ordinator
in the cafeteria, offered a roore op-
timistic view of the situation.
"We'll probably get things ironed
out," she said.

Study shows aspirin,.
Reye syndrome link


From staff, UPI, and AP reports
New studies conducted in Ohio and
Michigan support suspicions that
giving aspirin to children during a
viral illness may encourage
development of Reye'syndrome, a
spokesperson for the national Center
for Disease Control reported in
Atlanta yesterday.
CDC officials urged parents and
physicians to use caution in ad-
ministering aspirin to children,
especially during chickenpox and
flu-like illnesses.
described in 1963, is a children's
disease which kills about one out of
five of its victims. At one time the
fatality rate was nearly 50 percent.
Cause of Reye syndrome is a
medical mystery. The disease
follows a viral infection, usually in-
fluenza-B or chickenpox, but CDC
officials said they do not -know if a
virus itself causes the ailment. The
infection attacks the brain and liver.
There is no treatment except sup-
portive care in a hospital.
Dr. Cornelia Davis, an
epidemiologist with the CDC viral
diseases division, said Reye syn-
drome was a rare ailment, with one
case per 100,000 persons aged 18 and
under. But last year there"was a
major outbreak of the ailment in the
United States-nearly 444 cases oc-
curred alongside the worst epidemic
of influenza-B in 18 years.

THE OHIO and Michigan studies
are the first large-scale, controlled
studies of the relationship between
Reye syndrome and aspirin, a CDC
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report , stated. Earlier studies
suggested such a relationship, and
the Food and Drug Administration
warned in 1976 that caution should
be used when giving aspirin to
children who develop vomiting
during a virus.
Dr. Joseph Baublis, professor of
pediatrics and communicable
diseases at the University, said
Michigan and Ohio consistently have
higher rates of occurences of Reye
syndrome, partly because there is a
greater interest in the disease in
these states and therefore more
reported cases.
Although-the research points to a
connection between Reye syndrome
and aspirin, he said, the relationship
is still unclear.
"ASPIRIN MAY well be a risk
factor," said Dr. Arnold Monto,
professor of epidemiology at the
"What we can say to parents is, if
they're concerned about Reye's
syndrome, it would be much better
not to give aspirin,' he added.
Officials at CDC said 95 of the 98
Reye syndrome patients included in
the Ohio study had taken aspirin
during the viral illness that
preceded the onset of Rey syn-



SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Nationally, Democrats
took a drubbing in the election, but in Northern
California it was men. Women won majorities on
three boards governing the lives of millions-the
first time in the nation women are in charge of local
government on such a scale.
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors, which
governs both city and county affairs, now has a 6-5
female majority. The city already had a non-voting
female mayor. San Jose's City Countil has a 6-4
female majority, plus a voting female mayor. And
in Santa Clara County, where San Jose is located,
women now hold a 3-2 edge on the Board of Super-

of women politicianIs?
The National Women's Political Caucus says the "People are going to be looking harder at us.
districts are 'the first in the country where women There's definitely going to be a testing period," said
dominate city and county governments in major Shirley Lewis, one of the new council members.
metropolitan areas. MOST BUT NOT ALL the women are liberals or
"MY ESTIMATION," said Iola Williams, a San moderates, and they did not run as a team.
Jose City Council member who was not on San Jose Mayor Janet Gray Hayes, who has ser-
Tuesday's ballot, "is that this simply means the ved since 1974 and who was not on the ballot this
citizens of San Jose require quality, whether it's in a year, said women already in office had done a
skirt or pants." credible enough job to encourage other women to
San Jose, with a populationof 615,000, is the state's try their luck.
fourth-largest city, behind Los Angeles, San Diego, On the Santa Clara County board, Becky Morgan
and San Francisco. Seven women ran against an and Zoe Lofgren will join Supervisor Susanne
equal number of men for seven seats on the 10- Wilson and two men in representing the county's 1.2
member council. Five of the women won four-year million residents.

Paul Molitor, star infielder of the
Milwaukee Brewers, was captain of his
high school teams in baseball, basket-
ball and soccer.

AAFC-The Pink Panter, 7 p.m., A Shot in the Dark, 9 p.m., MLB 3.
Alt. Action Films-The Missouri Breaks, 7, 9:30 p.m., MLB 4.
Cinema Il-Knife in the Head, 7, 9p.m., Angell Hall Aud. A.
Cinema Guild-The China Syndrome, 7, 9:30 p.m., Lorch Hall Aud.
Mediatric-Brubaker, 7, 9:30 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
African Students' Assn.-Lemuel Hohnson, "Education and Literature
in Africa;" Ile Oyeua, "Education, Science, and Technology in Africa;"
David Wiley, "Science and Technology for African Development,";10 a.m.-
12:30 p.m., League, Henroom Room; African Week Party, 9 p.m., Trotter
Preservation Eastern-Richard Dozier, Tuskegee Institute, 10 a.m., 200
Strong Hall, Eastern Michigan University.
Association for the Performing Arts-Private Lives, 8 p.m., Black Sheep
Repertory Theatre, Manchester.
NASCO-Theater Co. of A2, "At Second Sight," 8 p.m., Union Ballroom.
Newman Club-"Godspell," 8 p.m., St. Mary's Chapel, William and
Schoolnof Music-Bandorama, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
State Co.-"Papp," 8 p.m., Canterbury Loft.
Theater-"Table Manners," 8p.m., Frieze Trubelood Theater.
UAC Musket-"Anything Goes," 8p.m.; Power Center.
ARK-Michael Cooney, folksinger/instrumentalist, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
Committee on Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine-Conference, 8:30
a.m.-4:30 p.m., Public Health Building.
Campus Labor Support Group-Tag Day for Organizing Committee for
Hilel-Jewish Grad Student Party, 9:30 p.m., 939 Tappan, No.8.
Ann Arbor Public Library-Book Sale, 9 a~m. to 6 p.m.
Ann Arbor Stamp Club-Sixth Annual Stamp Exhibition, 10 a.m.-6:30
p.m., Ann Arbor Armory, 223 E. Ann St.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints-Country Christmas
Bazaar, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., 914 Hill Street.
Zeta Beta Tau-Dance Marathon for American Diabetes, 1 p.m.-1 a.m.,
Markley Snack Bar.
International Center-Ethnic Tour of Detroit, 2 p.m.-8 p.m.
University Extension Service-Fire Department Support of Automatic
Sprinkler Systems. Chrysler Center. North CamDus.

Voyager 1 to shoot
the mysterious moons
in the Saturn-system

PASADENA, Calif, (AP)-Voyager
1, about 4 million miles from Saturn
yesterday, is turning its television eyes
upon the planet's 14 moons, a strange
flock that includes the largest in the
solar system and two others that ap-
parently trade orbits to avoid collision.
"We are on our way for a very in-
teresting ride through the Saturn
system," saidchief scientist Edward
Stone of the California Institute of
Technology. "We're on the verge of
some very major discoveries in the
next few days."
Propulsion Laboratory said Friday the
one-ton spacecraft was operating
smoothly and, following an overnight
course correction, "is right on course
for its fly-by of the large moon Titan on
Tuesday night and Saturn on Wed-
nesday afternoon."
Stone said astronomers know very lit-
tle about Saturn's moons. Even an ac-
curate measure of their sizes remains
for Voyager's robot laboratory to
HE SAID MOONS circling a planet so
far from the sun's warmth are almost
certainly icy objects. But they could be
made of almost all water-ice, like round
snowballs, or ice surrounding a rocky
core-like a stone rolled down a snow-
covered hillside-or even a dirty mix-
ture of ice and rocky chunks.
Titan is of special interest to the 100
Vnmo -- nf-:- eM nnh~ Inirhn

pears brighter than the northern, but
scientists say they don't know whether
they're seeing variations in Titan's
thick, smoggy clouds or actual
shadings of the surface.
THEY EXPECT to find out. Voyager
will photograph the giant moon from a
scant 2,500 miles.
Saturn also holds the only moons
known to share virtually the same or-
Dione and Dione B seem to have no
problem as they circle the planet along
a single path.
But two others present problems,
said Bradford Smith, head of the
Voyager photography team.

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Expires November 8, 1980
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