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November 04, 1980 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-04

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Page 12-Tuesday, November 4, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Mayor says tax
hike will not


Ann Arbor Mayor Louis Belcher told
citizens at last night's City Council
meeting that the city is doing all it can
to ease citizens' tax woes, and that the
Tisch amendment and other ballot
proposals are not the answer to tax
The day before the election, Belcher
promised citizens that local taxes will
not exceed the rate of inflation this
Amendment has not been enacted by
state officials and has not been followed
the way voters intended. "The
legislature has screwed around for a
year," he said.
"I would like to go on the record
before the election to guarantee that
although the state legislature is un-
willing to enact the Headlee Amen-
$1 -$2 PER DISC
209 S. STATE

dment, city council will take that op-
tion," Belcher told Council last night.
The Headlee amendment, which was
passed by state voters in November,
1978, limits the increase in state
revenue for any given year to the in-
crease in the consumer price index for
that year, according to Belcher.
ALTHOUGH CITY property tax'
assessments have been projected to in-
crease 16 to 20 percent, Belcher said he
will urge the school systems, city, and
county governments to enact a millage
Belcher said the city is "close to
taking the state of Michigan to court"
over the Headlee Amendment. "It's
time a major Michigan city tests the
Headlee Amendment in court," he said.
"Somebody has to do it for the citizens
of Michigan-and we may have to con-
test it if any of the other proposals
If all the tax proposals on today's
ballot defeated, Belcher said he would
solicit the input of other Michigan
mayors in coming up with a meaningful
state tax plan.
"It is virtually impossible for the
state legislature to come up with a
significant tax cut plan," he said.
City Council will have a "heavy
chore" ahead of it one way or the
other," Belcher added, whether theya
are forced to cope with Tisch or just
balance the budget with this year's
dwindling state and federal revenues.
Ginger, fresh or powdered, and garlic
with slivered beef or chicken make a
good addition to Chinese vegetables.
Call for Amity's free brochure
on the exam of interest to

Mayor appoints city clerk
Mayor Louis Belcher appointed
Deputy Clerk Winifred Northcross as
acting city clerk, to replace Eldor
Vollbrecht Jr., Ann Arbor clerk for the
past two years. Vollbrecht has accepted
the position of executive vice-president
of the Longmont, Colorado Chamber of
Commerce. Vollbrecht said the job of-
fer came up suddenly, and said he felt it
was time for a vocational change.
"There is no place else to go from
here," he explained. Blecher and other
city officials commended Vollbrecht for
his "outstanding community service."
Vollbrecht's last day on the job will be
Animal fee raised
Council amended a city animal
impounding code, increasing pet
release fees and levying stiffer
penalties to ordinance violators. Ac-
cording to City Administrator Terry
Sprenkel, an increase in impounding
fees from $10 to $25 is necessaryto pay
the Humane Society for boarding
animals and to pay the salaries of
canine control employees. The amen-
ded ordinance calls for an increase in
fines from no more than $100 to to no
more than $500. City Attorney Bruce
Laidlaw said the purpose of the penalty
is tc. "find the real abusers who
repeatedly ignore the ordinance-or for
those charged with excessive cruelty to
animals." Councilman David Fisher,
who has repeatedly paid to have his dog
released from the pound, said he would
pay the higher fee without complaining.
"But I wonder if raising the fine up to
$25 might discourage some people from
claiming their animals," he said.
Parking structure
addition OKd
Construction of three additional
parking levels to the Fourth and
William parking structure was ap-
proyed by Council and an engineering
contract was awarded to Osler-Milling
Inc. According to City Engineer Leigh
Chivec, a former plan for construction
of housing in conjunction with expanding
the parking decks has proven un-
feasable. Each additional floor would
contain about 125 parking spaces, and
the project would allow for the addition
of a fourth parking level at a later date.
The project will be funded by a $3.1
million bond issue, which, according to
Assistant City Administrator Godfrey
Collins, would be possible if parking
rates are increased to $35 per month.
He said the tentative date for com-
pletion of the addition is November 1,

Leave my acorns alone!
The nippy days of November found this mouthy squirrel rummaging for the remaining acorns of fall near the Diag. The
un-named squirrel stopped its foraging ways long enough to bare its teeth at a passing photographer.

One yea
From The Associated Press
Sunday morning, Nov. 4, 1979. A
violent anti-Klan rally in North
Carolina was in the headlines. There
had been a coup in Bolivia and an
assassination in Korea.
Sen. Edward Kennedy was about to
announce his candidacy for the
Democratic presidential nomination.
President Carter was about to set off on
a trip to Canada.
AND A GROUP of Iranian sutdents
had marched to the U.S. Embassy in
Tehran, demanding the return of the
exiled shah who was in the United
States for medical treatment.

The Amos Tuck School
of Business Administration
Dartmouth College Hanover, N. H.
Men and women seeking
are invited to discuss the
Wednesday, November 5, 1980
Career Planning & Placement
3200 Student Activities Building
for an appointment
WEDNESDAY, November 5-
LECTURE: "Africa in the 80's Prof. Ali A. Mazrui.
7:30 pm-3rd floor Henderson Room, Michigan League.
Wine and Cheese Reception.
THURSDAY, November 6-
"Ancient Africans" (27 min)
"Six Days In Soweto" (55 min)
7:30 pm-3rd floor, Henderson Room, Michigan League
Light Refreshments Served
FRIDAY, November 7-
Responding to Crises of the 80's; Focus on U.S.-Africa
Relations. Reservations Needed
Call 662-5529 for more information
SATURDAY, November 8-
Theme: "Africa In The Next Decade"'
IN AFRICA Prof. Lemuel Johnson
Dr. Ike Oyeka
nEVEI OPAAFNT Dr .nvid Wilev

Militants to release
hostages to officials

r ago,
Almost three decades
Japanese bombed Pea
Americans who were alive
can remember where the
what they were doing when
The assassination of Jo
brings the same kind o
recollections. So, on a small
lesser events. A blackout. A
flood. Or a fire.
The magnitude of wha
pening in Iran took longer
For most Americans, reali
gradually. It is hard to rer
world, doing that weekenda
The violence at the ani
started at about midday on
Greensboro, N.C. Five pea
Ku Klux Klansmen an
Nazis are on trial now, e
with murder in the shoo
people remain to be tried.
Koreans buried theira
president, Park Chung-h
Saturday a year ago. Bo
dered the aftermath of a No
coup that toppled the civ
as now. Then, the newc
Vietnamese. Now, they are
Who else was in the news
Mamie Eisenhowerv
beside her husband in Abili
and his law partner we
nocent of vote buying ch
ming from the congressma
Public workers in Hawa
second week of a strike

after the was piling up on the streets.
rl Harbor, The president was preparing for a
at the time two-day trip toCanada, a trip he later
y were and cancelled so he could keep in touch with
they got the developments in the hostage crisis.
REPORTS FROM Iran came more
hn Kennedy frequently. The students were staging a
of personal sit-in. They had skirmished with
ler scale, do . Marine guards and had seized about 100
A blizzard. A hostages.
Japan's Kyodo news service reported
t was hap- an announcement by one of the militan-
r to sink in. ts at the embassy in Tehran: "We will
ization came continue to stay here and won't release
member the any of the hostages until the United
States returns the ousted shah, which is
try, and the what the Iranian people want."
a year ago? A House subcommittee was ready to
ti-Klan rally open hearings on the Carter ad-
i Saturday in ministration's proposal to build the MX
ple died. Six missile system in Utah and Nevada.
d American The system is still the focus of political
ach charged arguments.
otings. Five A group of protesters who objected to
the shah's presence in the United States
assassinated chained themselves to the Statue of
lee, on that Liberty.
)livians pon- A "war game"-the largest U.S.
ov. 1 military Reserve exercise exercise ever conduc-
viliangover- ted was in its second day. Some 3,000
men and women fought a mock battle
he news, then just north of the Golden Gate Bridge for
omers were possession of a "secret weapon."
Cubans. An argument between rival motor-
;? cycle clubs in Detroit left three men
was buried dead and six people wounded.
ine, Kan. A French magazine published an in
each (D-La.) terview with Idi Amin in which the for-
re found in- mer Ugandan dicator vowed: "I will
harges stem- return soon to liberate my country."
in's 1978 elec- Former Wisconsin Gov. Patrick
Lucey, who had recently resigned as
ii were in the ambassador to Mexico, said he would
and garbage support Kennedy for the presidential
nomination. Today, Lucey is John An-
derson's running mate.

(Continued from Page 1)
THE WHITE HOUSE said President
Carter "thoroughly analyzed" the
crisis with his advisers before leaving
to resume campaigning for today's
"The president and his advisers felt
that it the hostages were transferred to
government control, this would be a
significant step," a White House
statement said. "They also viewed
favorably the prospect of a role for the
Algerians in the situation." I
Yesterday marked thefJinal day of
the first year of captivity- for the
hostages-the 366th day in a leap year.
Today is the anniversary of their cap-
ture, and begins the first day of their
second year of captivity.

A LARGE delegation of the Moslem
militants who have held 49 of the
hostages since last Nov. 4-the other
three were last reported held in tole
Foreign Ministry-called on Islamic
leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Knomeini,
and volunteered to relinquish control of
the Americans. Khomeini agreed.
Then, in a dramatic letter "in the
name of God" to Prinie Minister
Mohammad Ali Rajai, the captors said,
''we consider it appropriate that the
government should henceforth assume
the responsibility of holding the spy,
"You are therefore asked to in-
troduce your representative to take
delivery of the American spies," the
militants told Rajai.


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High court
to rule on
de'-af man's
plea for
free aid

Court said yesterday it will decide
whether the nation's public schools and
colleges must pay for interpreters to
help the deaf students in their
In a case that could significantly af-
fect the educational opportunities of
handicapped persons, the court will
study a University of Texas attempt to
avoid such expenses.
A FEDERAL appeals court said the
university was obligated. under the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to pay for
Walter Camenisch's classroom inter-
The law prohibits all programs and
activities receiving federal aid from
discriminating against any "otherwise

qualified handicapped individual."
That would include all public schools
and most private colleges and univer-
The handicapped rights case dates
back to 1978, when Walter Camenisch
was working toward his master's
degree in education. at the Austin,
Texas, campus. He sued the university,
and U.S. District Judge Jack Roberts
ordered the university to pay for an in-
terpreter for Camenisch.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
upheld Robert's ruling, distinguishing
Camenisch's case from a 1979 Supreme
Court ruling that said handicapped per-
sons have no legal right to attend
schools if they cannot meet the physical



activism for
Proposal B
(Continued from Page 1)
Fitzpatrick said enough support
exists around college campuses alone
to pull a victory through.
Tim Tobisch, a 19-year-old LSA
sophomore, said a Proposal B cam-
paign in Ann Arbor is unnecessary
because "most people here are for it."
Chris Cross, a manager at Rick's
American Cafe, said, "The drive (to
pass the legislation) is just as strong
(as in 1978), only the aim is different."
Local bars are campaigning with
varying amounts of enthusiasm. Car-

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