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November 04, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-04

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Polling places close at 8 p.m.


Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

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Sir 43UU


Showers and cloudy skies
clearing up' early today.
Highs in the mid 50's.

Vol. XCI, No. 53 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 4, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
By LORENZO BENET a leading country; we should act like a leading 0STEN& 1 "E PEXES
and STEVE HOOK country." E RNALLN coy.T0AA
a E Oud e tsLi wKenda Hicks, CNctu510N ON JUST
Election Day is finally upon us. After seemingly junior, LSA HOW mP SEr E15
endless' months of campaigning, the presidential "Anderson is pro-choice, pro-ERA, and pro- SIN
candidates can only sit back with us and wait and see environment, and he's the only candidate that has
who will lead thecountryuntil1984. t he ca n i d ate s directly addressed the issues. I really don't care
Around campus, there hasn't been a whole lot of that the polls say Anderson has little chance of win-
commotion over this election-none of the can- ning. I'm not voting for someone the polls say will
didates have drawn much visible support or wrath of me. At least Jimmy Carter has some ideals." win; I'm voting for someone I believe in.
from the student body. Yet, everybody seems to Dave Perez, Edrie Irvine
have an opinion concerning the direction our coun- junior, LSA junior, LSA
try should go. "I'm voting for Barry Commoner. I think both "My concerns center around protecting the en-
What follows is a brief sampling of various Reagan and Carter are basically liars, and under vironment, avoiding war, and eliminating nuclear
student presidential preferences. Their views are their leadership this country can go nowhere but power plants. I'm going to be creative when I vote
not intended to reflect overall student sentiment, down." today; I think I'm going to write in Dick Gregory to
however, they do seem representative of opinions Tim Carlson, demonstrate that I'm not satisfied with the
expressed nationwide. junior, Engineering system."
Have a nice Election Day, and many happy retur- "I'm for Ronald Reagan. This country has to get Mark Kamsler,
ns. back on its feet. We need to strengthen our defense former University student \
"John Anderson is nothing but a rehashed and not let other countries push us around. We are a
Republican and Ronald Reagan scares the hell out leading country and we should have the strength of See UNIVERSITY, Page 3

at airport
rall in J
Special to the Daily
DETROIT-President Carter ap-
peared briefly at a campaign rally at
Detroit Metropolitan Airport yester-
day, making a final grab for Michigan
voters and "a special appeal" to sup-
porters of Independent candidate John
Anderson to shift their votes behind the
Carter, flying in from a rushed, last
minute campaign tour 'of the nation,
appealed to the enthusiastic, solidly
Democratic crowd to push hard in the
final hours before the election to get out
the Democratic vote. A recent Lou
Harris poll indicates that a high voter~
turnout would favor the president.
CARTER cancelled a scheduled
campaign stop in Burbank, Calif. to at-
tend the Detroit rally. Some political
analysts believe this move indicates the
Carter forces are giving up California
and concentrating on picking up the lost
electoral votes in the industrial mid-
See CARTER, Page 9

NHfitan",ts to.


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hostages over to




From UPI and AP
Iranian militants agreed yesterday to
surrender control of the American
hostages to the Iranian government,
and Iran named Algeria to act as in-
termediary in releasing the 52 captives
to the United States.
The U.S. government welcomed both
moves but warned the release process
would take time. Secretary of State
Edmund Muskie said, "There has been
progress; however, much remains to be
MUSKIE SAID the reports from Iran
have been encouraging but warned
"they should be viewed as initial steps
in a process which will require time,
patience and diplomacy."
Algerian ambassador Redha Malek
met for 45 minutes with Deputy
Secretary of State Warren Christopher
to discuss Algeria's role in the hostage
crisis but a spokesman refused to

discuss details of the session. In the ab-
sence of diplomatic relations, Algeria
represents Iraniah interests in the
United States.
Meanwhile, West Germany's am-
bassador to Iran said yesterday after
meeting with Iranian, Algerian, and
Swiss officials in Tehran on the fate of
the American hostages that
arrangements for their release could
take at least 10 days, the Berlin
newspaper Der Abend reported.
"UP TO NOW there is no kind of sign
when the Iranian government actually
will turn over the hostages." Am-
bassador Gerhard Ritzel was quoted as
telling the newspaper in a telephone in-
The Iranian news agency Pars said
Ritzel and the Swiss ambassador were
present at the meeting in which it was
agreed that Algeria would "take care"
of the 52 hostages.

Par said the Swiss ambassador sub,
mitted a letter to Prime Minister
Mohammad Ali Rajai from President
Carter at the 30-minute mneeting.
"THERE IS ALSO nothing known
about where they are staying," Ritzet
was quoted by the newspaper as saying.
After the failure of a U.S. rescue at-
tempt last April, the militant students
who seized the Americans and U.S.
Embassy in Tehran said they had scat-
tered their prisoners throughout Iran.
There has been no firm confirmation.
Ritzel said he was convinced the
hostages would not be released before
the U.S. elections today, the newspaper
"The students are being sent to ser-
vice on the front," in the Iraq-Iran bor-
der war, the ambassador was quoted as

PRESIDlENT JIMMY CARTER waves and blows a kiss to the crowd that
greeted him in Granite City, Illinois yesterday. Carter also attended a brief
political rally at Detroit Metropolitan airport.

See MILITANTS, Page 12


Students support

Proposal B-which would lower the state's legal
drinking age to 19-will not pass today, according to
the latest poll by the Booth Newspapers group.
And although surveys have shown such a result to
be imminent for months, college students, the group
which will be affected most by the proposal's
passage, have not rallied in active support of
Proposal B.
The Booth poll shows that younger voters are
strongly in favor of lowering the drinking age, but
University students have not campaigned for
Proposal B in great numbers.
ONE OF the main reasons for this lack of interest
from college students is that underage drinkers
have little trouble obtaining alcohol, according to
many students, bar owners, and other Proposal B
Rep. Richard Fitzpatrick (D-Battle Creek),
chairman of the committee pushing for Proposal B,

said in a debate last week at Markley dormitory
that "the legal drinking age has not stopped one
young person from drinking in Michigan."
Bar owners find it hard to prevent 18- to 20-year-
olds-who legally are allowed to enter bars-from
drinking. Second Chance manager John Carver said
that although an effort is made to keep underage
customers from drinking alcohol, it is virtually im-
possible to "keep an eye on them all without hiring
200 employees a night."
IN VIEW of this fact, Carver noted, "nothing has
perceivably changed" for 18- to 20-year-olds since
the drinking, age was raised in January 1979.
Mark Weingarten, an 18-year-old LSA freshman
who plans to vote "yes" on the proposal, said,
"anyone who wants to drink, can drink." For that
reason, Weingarten has not actively supported the
proposal, and said he feels the proposal will not
Even those who oppose Proposal B acknowledge

roposal B
that underage people who wish to drink are able to
obtain alcohol. "Nineteen is Fair"-the pro-
Proposal B group-uses this premise as one of its
arguments in favor of lowering the drinking age.
They claim that an unenforceable law should not be
kept on the books.
WHEN voters approved raising the drinking age to
21 in 1978, opponents of the proposal (those in favor
of maintaining age 19) directed the campaign
toward students. But that strategy failed dismally
as the "21" proposal easily passed. This year,
though, the campaign is concentrating on convin-
cing older voters that "19 is fair."
Randy Rayburn, the Lansing coordinator for the
"19 is fair" committee, said, "We're not appealing
to the campus alone. We're appealing to the com-
munity in general (to recognize) that if young
people are old enough to vote, be drafted, and own a
home, then they're old enough to have a drink with
their parents."
See MINIMAL, Page 12

As the 1980 campaigns drew to a
close yesterday, neither side in the
Tisch tax cut battle stepped up its
local lobbying efforts.
The controversial amen-
dment-Proposal D-has been the
focus of/heated debates over the last
several months.
ROBERT TISCH, the Shiawassee
County drain commissioner who in-
troduced the plan, spoke to the
Detroit Press Club yesterday and
said ''nothing in particular" was
going on for a last minute yes vote
drive, according to Lorraine Hart,
secretary for the coalition to pass
Proposal D.
The plan would reduce property
taxes by 50 percent and cut state

revenues by about $2 billion.
Following the months of cam-
paigning, Hart said she feels the"
vote to pass the tax cut amendment
"will be close.''
"WE'RE GETTING different
polls, some one way, some another,"
she said.
But University administrators
were more positive when predicting
the election day outcome. r
"I'm optimistic," Malcolm
Baroway, University director of
state and community relations, said.
"Within about (the last) 30 days the
polls have made a very strong shift.
"ABOUT A month ago there were
a number of undecided voters which
(could lead to a) potential majority
See TISCH, Page 2

Tisch, opponents plan
no last minute drives


Election night rounds
G ET A BEER to cry in, or celebrate with-
depending on who is winning the election tonight.
Some Ann Arbor watering holes will be helping
concerned voters keep tabs on the returns. At the
Star Bar, drink specials will be announced on the spur of the
moment "depending on how the election is going," a
spokesperson at the Main Street Bar said. Rick's American
Cafe on Church Street plans to tune several television sets


retain his 1979 title as World Hot Dog Eating Champion.
Holtan, who stands five feet, seven inches and weighs 145
pounds, took on a crowd of 300-pounders to win the $1,000
first prize in the fifth annual World Championship Hot Dog
Eating Contest, held in Millbrook, Ala. Thomas Saffo of
Prattville, who is six feet, three inches and weighs 300
pounds, came in at a close second, eating 30 hotdogs and
matching Holtan's 1979 record. Of the 25 participants in the
contest sponsored by a local hot dog house, only four lasted
the full two hour time limit of the competition. Holtan's vic-
tory was predictable; earlier this year he won a Polish

the two scientists, Roy Mackel of the University of Chicago
and James Powell, a herpetologist living in Texas, have
collected evidence indicating that the creature resembles a
brontosaur-a dinosaur believed to have died out 70 million
years ago. The two have not seen the creature-but natives
in the largely unexplored area report that the animals
(they've seen more than one) have smooth, brownish-gray
skin, a long flexible neck, a long tail, and three-clawed feet
the size of frying pans. The magazine said the creatures
feed on the Nut-like fruit of a riverbank plant, and live near
deep pools and submerged caves in the area. The two scien-

areas, officials found that smokers and spitters don't mix.
Evidently, chewers don't like breathing smoke, andt
smokers don't like to see spitting. School officials blame
their problem on television commercials featuring famous
athletes who chew tobacco.
On. tiw minsidpr





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