S Page 6--Supplement to The Michigan Daily - Sunday, November 2, 1980 0 r c OCS ur choices Edited and managed by students at The University-of Michigan Vol. XCI, No. 52 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Daily endorsements represent a majority opinion of the Edi- torial Board. Our views on the presidential, contest and the Tisch tr tax-cut proposal can be found on page of today'sfull-size issue. O'Reilly a refreshing candidate T WO YEARS AGO, the Daily was placed in the unfortunate position of having to choose between endorsing incumbent Congressman Carl Pursell, a middle-of-the-road Republican with a so- so voting record, and Earl Greene, an Ann Arbor City Councilman whose positions on the issues seemed closer to our own, but whose experience and per- sonal style did not point to a great likelihood that he would make a very good addition to the House of Represen- tatives. We are faced with no such dilemma this time around. Pursell's Democratic op- ponent is one Kathleen O'Reilly, and we can proudly and unreservedly endorse her as an ideal candidate for Congress from the Second District. O'Reilly has no experience in elective office, yet she knows the men and women who may soon be her colleagues quite well. She served two years as executive director of the Consumer Federation of America, a lobbying group. Her organization was judged one of the most effective in Washington by an objective University of Chicago study. Pursell has not been a terrible legislator these last four years, but he has not exactly qualified as one of the best and the brightest, either. He has voted for Ronald Reagan's pet project, the Kemp-Roth tax cut, that could raise inflation to new heights while shutting down needed social services. He has opposed such needed safeguards on the nuclear power industry as the requirement that nuclear plants come up with an emergency evacuation plan for nearby residents before the plants are licensed. And perhaps most offensive, Pursell has cast many votes against federal fun- ding of abortions for poor women. O'Reilly stands stalwartly against Pur- sell's backward positions on these three issues, as well as on many others in- cluding energy and environment mat- ters, social legislation, and, of course, .consumer issues. the editorial page and the front Beyond her specific stances on the issues, O'Reilly offers an aggressive ap- proach to her work that strikes us as refreshing. She speaks of her votes in the House as comprising at most half the job;- the other half, she says, is publicizing and leading the fight for her constituents' in- terests by using the news media, public debate, and any other technique that will serve the cause. The aspiring legislator's personal qualities bear out her promises and past successes. She is articulate, well- informed, and smart as a whip. We wholeheartedly endorse Kathleen O'Reilly. Bullard deserves to ret ain seat T HE DAILY ENDORSES Democratic state Rep. Perry Bullard for another term as the 53rd District's representative in Lansing. As Ann Arbor's spokesman in the state legislature, Bullard has proven himself willing and able to work in the best in- terests of the community and the state. He has fought for .the passage of the Freedom of Information Act, the Con- sumer Protection Act, the prohibition of throw-away bottles, and Truth in Lending for student loans legislation. On other issues, Bullard has shown a consistency of opinion on ideas in line with University students' interests. He introduced legislation - requiring public institutions to divest of all holdings in companies doing business in South Africa, a nation despised world-wide for its practice of apartheid. He is in favor of ballot Proposal B, which calls for the legal drinking age to be lowered to 19. He has also introduced legislation to compel institutions to adopt a firmer commit- ment to affirmative action programs. Bullard's opponent, self-employed businessman Ray Barton, holds several ideas to recommend him. Barton, like Bullard, is opposed to Proposal D, the ill- conceived Tisch tax cut proposal. He would like to revitalize the workmen's compensation system and is pushing for a "sunset law" to monitor the growth of government. But despite these ideas, Barton has not presented a clear reason why he should replace Bullard. He has no new, in-" novative ideas. He has not shown that electing him as our representative would give our community or the state a new lease on life. Bulard will continue to serve Ann Ar- bor as a competent legislator who 'is responsive to community needs. He deserves another term in office. Hertzberg, Laro best Regent picks T HE METHODS a Regent uses to reach the decisions that affect the jobs and lives of University faculty and students are more important than current opinions he or she espouses on controversial issues. A Regent holds of- fie for eight years, and while controver- sia issues often fade in and out of the" public eye in such a period, the day-to- day business of running the University remains essentially the same. The vast majority of material that passes .before the Regents requires business, not moral, decisions. Although the Daily does not agree with his positions on South African divestment and the handling of the Graduate Em- ployees Organization case, we endorse incumbent Regent David Laro (R-Flint) for relection. The Daily finds itself agreeing more often on the issues with Democrat Stuart Hertzberg, but the basic philosophies that underlie his positions are what bring us to endorse him for the other contested Regents seat. Both Laro and Hertzberg seem to have the whole University community's in- terest in mind when they make their decisions. Laro has said he would include students in the process of deciding which programs are to be cut back, if that becomes necessary. And as a tax lawyer, he can keep a close watch on the financial aspects of the administration's plans. Laro has proven in the past that he thinks carefully on the issues before he commits himself, and that he is willing to change his position when it becomes clear that he should. If elected, Hertzberg would become a member of the ruling family of Democrats that sits on the board. Instead of merely sliding into a slot as one of the boys, however, the Daily believes Hertz- berg could influence some of his colleagues to modify their opinions. Hertzberg has shown an ability to reason lucidly on complex issues, and he expresses the sound philosophy of an ex- perienced liberal humanist. A senior par- tner in his law firm, Hertzberg will be able to understand the language of the administration without an interpreter. The other major party candidates, in- cumbent Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor), and Democrat Nellie Varner of Detroit, are intelligent, informed on the issues, and articulate in their positions; neither would be a detriment to the Board of Regents. However, Baker has shown some disregard for students in the past eight years.nHe has not proposed involving students in- important University decisions and does not seem to have them in mind when he speaks on issues such as program cuts and modifications-issues that have as much effect on students as on the faculty or alumni. Varner, on the other hand, most cer- tainly keeps students in mind. But her competitors Laro and Hertzberg over- whelm her in experience and influence. Yes on Proposals B,EGH P ROPOSAL B: Two years ago, the state legislature raised the drinking age from 18 to 19. Before the age increase was given a chance, voters kicked it up to 21. The 21-year-old drinking age has proven frustrating to say the least. The fact that 18- to 21-year-old adults-who share the same responsibilities as the 21- and-over group-cannot share the same privileges is ludicrous. And in light of President Carter's draft registration plan, the irony and injustice of the 21- year-old drinking age is even further ac- centuated. Nineteen and twenty year olds do share one very important right with the rest of adult society, however-they vote. On November 4 they should take advantage of that right along with the rest of the population, and vote "yes" on Proposal B. Nineteen is fair. Proposal E: Since 1975, overcrowding in Michigan's prisons has been a con- tinuous problem. Currently, the prisons hold about 1600 more.inmates than their maximum capacity. Prisoners are being housed in areas not designated for housing, such as garages and recreational areas. Proposal E advocates increasing the state income tax .1 percent, from 4.6 to 4.7 percent. This money would be used for improvements in the state's prison facilities, including constructing four new facilities. Despite the slight, additional tax bur- den, we feel it is important that no human be forced to suffer the current cruel prison conditions. We therefore support Proposal E. We hope, however, that the courts don't use E's passage as an excuse to fill up the newly constructed facilities if more rehabilitative methods are available. Proposal G: Michigan legislators are technically immune from civil arrest while the legislature is in session. When the law was first put in the state Con- stitution, legislators met only a few mon- ths out of the year, and legal actions could be postponed until they were home again. Today, the legislature meets throughout the year; the legislators' year-round immunity can be and is abused by unscrupulous lawmakers. Proposal G would allow the legislature to pass laws altering this immunity. In the interest of equality, we support a 'yes' vote on the proposal. Proposal H: Currently the state Con- stitution provides no method for filling a vacancy in the office of lieutenant gover- nor. Under Proposal H, the governor could appoint someone to fill the position, and that person could be a state legislator. The proposal would also remove the lieutenant governor as president of the state senate. Only in rare cases has the lieutenant governor had to exercise his power as president of the senate by casting a tie-breaking vote. The lieutenant governor could spend his time much more effectively elsewhere. For both of these reasons, we support the passage of Proposal H. Tax plans all look undesirable TE ARE NOT completely convinced V r there is a crying need for property tax relief at this time in the state of Michigan, especially considering that any cut in property taxes will mean an increase somewhere else if services and programs are to remain intact. We have repeatedly expressed our in- tense opposition to the Tisch tax cut plan-Proposal D-and would now like to point out several faults with the other two tax proposals, A and C., Proposal A, the Smith-Bullard option, would reduce local propertytaxes by establishing a maximum state-wide property-tax levy of 24.5 mills and providing for a maximum of 7 voter- approved mills in future elections. The revenue needed to support education would be made up by increased business and industrial property taxes and an in- crease of less than 2 percent in the state income tax. The amendment, however, leaves it to the legislature to set the income tax levels and devise a school financing plan. We are leery of such a plan because it takes a great amount of local control over schools and places it in the hands of the legislature, which could well take the politically easy- route and establish a minimum, inadequate school funding requirement. Proposal C, the coalition plan, would reduce assessed valuation of each owner- occupied home by $7,100 and raise the sales tax from 4 percent to 5.5 percent to make up for lost revenues. Such a sales tax increase would be more burdensome a for the poor who can least afford to pay it. Further, it is predicted that Proposal C would generate revenue shortfalls because the plan calls for the gradual phasing out of the utility sales tax. It could take 4 years for the estimated $100 milion shortfall to come into balance. 00 Supplement to The Michigan Daily Proposals A and C seem largely responses to Proposal D, and all of them warrant "no" votes. Best picks for county commissioners IN THE 9th District race for the Wash- tenaw County Board of Com- missioners, the Democratic incumbent, Meri Lou Murray, is our choice. She has been an active member of the board since 1972 and was the first female chairperson of the board. She has held that position- three times. Instrumental in creating the County Parks Commission, obtaining grants for county recreation projects, and establishing line bus service between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, she is quite active in planning and transportation. In contrast, the Republicanchallenger, Gerald Jernigan, appears relatively uninformed. When asked what he believed the major issues to be, he said that he would "have to cop a plea on that one." While both candidates in the 10th coun- ty district are acceptable, we feel that the Republican incumbent, Thomas Bur- nham, is more qualified in legal and budgetary matters, which constitute the bulk of issues that the county board of commissioners deals with. Burnham, an attorney, has extensive training in finan- ce as well as the experience to deal with complex budgetary matters which are so important this year because the county faces substantial revenue reductions. Richard Walterhouse, current chair- man of the county board and Republican from the 11th district, is "running on his past record," which is not bad. He has concentrated on the areas of physical plant and the acquisition and planning of county facilities. Democratic challenger Gregory Scott is running on just one issue: applying the Scanlon efficiency plan to county gover- nment. He himself admits there would be considerable problems with attempting to do so. We endorse Walterhouse for another term. The two candidates vying for the open seat in the 12th district are both very capable men.. Democrat Donald Duquette, University law professor, exhibits many skills necessary to function as county com- missioner. His plan to expand human services without adding to the county budget is very attractive. On the other side, Republican David Foulke, head of University Housing security, exhibits the same ad- ministrative skills. His plan to curb assaults and violence on campus as well as his plans to turn young people away from peer-pressured lives of crime seem to fit the needs of the students better at this time. In a tough race between two very ac- - Sunday, Nove ceptable candida David Foulke. Raymond Shou district, is at onc services and an a government. He for balancing th has earned anothe His opponent, Di was a terribleA cilman, and we should continue in fice. In the 15th dist has been a champ Among the pro for are the Assaul rape victims an the victim /witn witnesses of crim McClary wins t Schwa Mini best ( W ASHTEN Prosecuti Delhey, a Republi time and mone cheats and bicycl sider it very imp sumer fraud; this "too difficult," he Washtenaw n( willing to pursi sophisticated challenger Eliza dicated a willingn Students in An the victims of co often they don't i certainly victimi: quite frequently- it. Schwartz dese solve some of t simply hasn't don For the office sheriff, we end Minick. His offic and organized fal second term. Cas Certainly 1 tion year, n premier cont Millions of di stay away f Tuesday beca the choice be and Ronald R We urge y those millions of local issue important to and this stai tative, a state tax proposal I lfe all await y