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November 02, 1980 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-02
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Page 1 0-Supplement to The Michigan Daily - Sunday,
Nellie Varner and Stuart Hertzberg
hope to make the University Board of
Regents unanimously democratic, and
they are challenging the only two
Republicans on the board, incumbents
David Laro and Deane Baker.J
Hertzberg earned his bachelor's and
law degrees at the University and £
currently lectures at the law school.
The major problem facing the Univer-
sity, Hertzberg says, is the low priority
higher education receives in the state
"THE BASIC PROBLEM is that Varner Hertz
Michigan has gone from 13th to 39th per
capita expenditure for higher education students."
(in the country)," Hertzberg said, ad- She said some of the Univ
ding that the rank could slip into the 40s economic woes might be allevi
this year even if the Tisch proposal is "greater contributions from the
defeated, because of the poor economic sector."
climate in the state. "IT IS INCUMBENT on allo
Although the University may have to sell the importance of higher ed
survive on decreasing state ap- as a priority," she said.
propriations for some time, any Both Democrats agree the Un
decisions Hertzberg would make should apply the Sullivan Princ
"would require that the University the issue of divestment from
keep its quality," he said. which do business in South Afric
"I would insist on a strong affir- Varner said, "We should div
mative action program within the interests in any company n
limited appointments we have," he ad- scribing to the Sullivan Principle
ded. "The University should not;
VARNER ALSO EMPHASIZED the sell its stock (in a company) if tb
need for a "definite" commitment to pany has an affirmative
affirmative action goals. "I do not ad- program with relation to hiring
vocate the lowering of standards to vancement," Hertzberg concurr
meet affirmative action," she said. Both candidates also said theI
Varner said she is worriedabout the sity should begin negotiations fo
effect hard economic times might have tract with graduate teaching a;
on students, "I have an overriding con- ts.
cern about the tuition at the in- Hertzberg pointed out th
stitution," she said. "The effect hard University will have to adap
economic times might have on studen- "tremendous influx of women"
ts. "I have an overriding concern about the next decade. By 1990, he sal
the tuition at the institution," she said. women than men will be enroll
"The effect (of high tuition) could the University must be sensi
almost make it a private school, beyond these changes.\
the reach of middle class and poorer -Jay McCorn



November 2, 1980

Supplement to The Michigan Daily -- Sunday, I

Reduced funding, divestment
concern 'U' board candidates

zberg Laro Baker

ated by
of us to
iples to
n firms
vest our
ot sub-
les." i
have to
he com-
and ad-
r a con-
at the
t to a
d more
led and
itive to

The Regents seeking re-election say
they look at the possibility of budget
shortages and other University
problems with experience and objec-
tive judgments.
"We will have reduced funding at
least over the next three months,"
Regent David Laro (R-Flint) said. But
he "would not vote again for a tuition
raise unless the administration had
done alf it could do to reduce the
Arbor) said many of the decisions con-
cerning budget cuts will be made by the
faculty and the administration, "Con-
flicting questions come to the 'fegen-
ts," he said.
Commenting on the possibility of
severe budget cuts for the University
over a long period of time, Laro said,
"If we cannot command quality in all
areas, then we must reduce some
programs to insure the quality in
others. It is premature to say what we
will drop. More importantly, the
process (of program cuts) must be a
fair process. We must involve all parts
of the University-the faculty, the
students, the alumni."'
Despite the reduced budget, Laro
said, "We will maintain our adherence

to affirmative action. I have always
advocated affirmative action, and I will
continue to do so."
BAKER SAID he also supports affir-
mative action policies.
One of Baker's primary concerns is
the independence of the University
from government control. "We are
responsible to the public and the gover-
nment," he said, "but the university
system has to guard its particular
freedom to seek the truth." He said, for
example, the "government has called
upon universities' medical schools to
admit a certain number of . foreign
medical students.-Again, it's a univer-
sity function to admit these students (or
Laro said he thinks the presence of
three tax proposals on the November
ballot "is a sign of the public's loss of
confidence in the legislators to
legislate." He and Baker voted with the
rest of the Regents to officially oppose
the Tisch tax cut proposal at the last
Regent's meeting.
On divestment, Laro said he thinks
the strict application by the University
of the Sullivan Principles, an anti-
discrimination policy he helped to im-
plement a year ago, may be harmful to
the University. The Regents will vote at
their next meeting whether or not to sell
bonds in firms in South Africa that do
not adhere to the Sullivan principles. If
they do sell, the University will lose
$50,000 because of it.
"I feel that that (the policy of in-
vesting only in companies which obey
the Sullivan principles) was incorrect,"
he said.
Baker said he thinks the University
should not get involved in political mat-
ters, but investments should be only
made in companies that adhere to the
Sullivan principles.
-Jay McCormick

Equal Rights

Nuclear Power


Social Security




__________________________________ I r I

Favors it.

Feels no new nuclear
plant licenses should
be issued unless
stringent safeguards
have been incor-

Supports SALT II

Hopes to use gas tax
to support programs.

Rejects notion that
this is time to cut
taxes; favors tax
credits toward
hiring, accelerated
depreciation on
capital investment.

Wants to fi
existing pro
favors empl
tax credit

' --L____________!_ I__I

Supports nuclear
power with more
safety precautions.

I i i i

Favors it.

Strongly urges ap-

Last year proposed
benefit cuts of $608
million. Enacted in-
creased payroll
taxes to keep social
security trust fund

Supports expansion
of investment credit
tax and accelerated
depreciation to en-
courage investment.

program for
ployed youth.

I t 1i

Favors it.

Remove government
subsidies of the
nuclear power in-
dustry; consumers
will decide fate of
alternative energy

In long term, wants
government out of
armament funding.

Phase out system as
soon as possible
allowing voluntary
participation; sell
government proper-
ties to pay those who
have had to par-
ticipate in the past.

race from

In addition to the major party candidates, two Liber-
tarians and two American Independent Party candidates are
running for seats on the University Board of Regents.
Libertarian Kurt O'Keefe advocates a society free from
government interference. "We (the Libertarians) see
taxation as coercion. Each individual is entitled to keep what
he earns," O'Keefe said. For this reason he and others in his
party favor the Tisch amendment.
O'KEEFE'S FELLOW Libertarian Claudia Dechow
believes Tisch "can be implemented without harm in this
state." She said she advocates a fuller use of student workers
in clerical and secretarial positions in the University to save
money and to help the students earn the necessary funds for
attending college.

The two Libertarians disagreed over the issue of the
Graduate Employees Organization's right to collectively
bargain with the University. Dechow ,said she thinks
anything that will use more of the taxpayers' money should
be resisted. O'Keefe, however, said he believes, "people have
the right to organize. Bargaining and strikes are not coer-
The two American Independent Party candidates are
Ralph Hughey and Geraldine Santuci.
Hughey is a resident of Battle Creek, and is employed as a
factory worker in Marshall. Santuci lives in Ypsilanti, and
works as a senior secretary for Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity. Her husband is running for the Wayne State University
Board of Governors. --Jay McCormick

Advocates drastic
tax cuts.

Says drastic c
taxes and sp
will help stop

I 4-

Favors it.

'Favors phasing it

Favors it.

Favors economic
democracy with a
redistribution of in-
come. 4

Favors shifting the
burden to the

providing dec
at living wai
everyone whc
to work; guai
minimum inc(
those unable ti

State Education Boards

I . I I t

Board of Education
(Vote for two)
Caron Hutton (D-Highland)
James Lincoln (D-Harbor Beach)
Norman Stockmeyer (R-Detroit)
Edmund Vandette (R-Chassell)
Walter Dyer (American Independent
-"Holt) -
Daniel Eller (American Independent-
Scott Ballard (Libertarian-Battle
Christine Young (Libertarian-Mid-

Michigan State
(Vote for two)
William Byrun (D-Onondaga)
Elizabeth Howe (D-Rochester)
Paul Gadola (R-Flint)
Thomas Reed (R-DeWitt)
Wilbur Miller (American Indepen-
Truman Shore (American Indepen-
James Hurrell (Libertarian-Clarks-
Charles Severance (Libertar-
ian-Rives Junction)

Wayne State
(Vote for two)
Murray Jackson (D-Detroit)
Elena Sanchez (D-Saginaw)
Kurt Keydel (R-Detroit)
Richard VanDusen (R-Birmingham)
E. Forest Chapman (American En-
John Santuci, Jr. (American, Inde-
Denise Kline (Libertarian-Ste-
MarilynSloan (Libertarian-Detroit)

Board of Trustees
(Vote for two)
Vanzetti Hamilton: 53, Ypsilanti, At-
Terrance McCarthy: 45, Ann Arbor,
Ford Motor Co.
Anthony Procassini: 59, Ann Arbor,
Incumbent; President, AJP & Asso-
Edward Reichbach: 43, Saline.
Sears; Instructor, Cleary College, De-
troit College of business.

Favors it.

Close all nuclear
plants until deter-
mined safe.

Rafity SALT II and
move on to SALT III.

Increased payments
to meet inflation.

Favors elimination
of taxes for incomes
under $25,000; wants
to eliminate corpo-
rate tax loopholes.

Enact 6-hour
federal goverr
takes control o
closed plants t4
vert them to

___________ T r f I

Opposes it.

Supports strongly.

Says he would with-
draw SALT II treaty;
urges build-up of
U.S. military
strength, and then
renegotiation with

Wants to examine
financing of
program; has
become increasingly
supportive of it,
though he once wan-
ted it voluntarily.

Supports Kemp-Roth
tax cut which calls
for 30 percent cut in
personal and cor-
porate taxes.

Believes Kem
tax cut will sti
economy and
new jobs.



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