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October 31, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-31

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


Sir iguu

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Partly cloudy today with a
high of 50 and a low of 30.

Vol. XCI, No. 50 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 31. 1980 Ten Cents Twenty POr~es

Terror, havoc: Some will vote for

Tisch anyway

In Ypsilanti, school children bring home
notes signed by their teachers expounding the,
terrors of Tisch.
In Ann Arbor, University students and staff
are inundated by anti-Tisch literature and
rhetoric threatening death to the University,
government, and life as we know it today.
AND AS ELECTION- day approaches, the
panic escalates, the rumors fly.
"I'm scared, I'm confused," a University
custodian who asked not to.: be identified said
yesterday. "I just received notices in the mail
from my union and from President (Harold)
Shapiro to vote 'no' on Tisch. I thought I would
vote for sure for Tisch-but that was before
they (the University told me I could lose my

The person in the example above said she is
afraid to tell anyone how she is planning to vote
for fear of reprisals.
UNIVERSITY junior Nancy Lopez worried
that her vote in favor of Tisch' could induce
skyrocketing tuition or even force the Univer-
sity to be transformed from a public to a
private institution. "I received a newsletter in
the mail that said tuition rates would be
doubled or tripled and that financial aid could
be eliminated," she said.
Micki Weller, owner of Weller's, a Saline fur-
niture store, said she has talked to customers
who said they wouldn't vote for Tisch because
their jobs would be on the line, Medicaid would
be eliminated, old people would be thrown out

of their homes, and education would be cut by
50 percent.
Is it possible that more than 284,000 Michigan
citizens unwittingly signed a petition that, if
passed, could wreak such havoc in so many
vital facets of life?
"I THINK people will vote against Tisch
because they're afraid-and to me, that's a
terrible thing," Daniel Brown, owner of the
north campus Palace Restaurant said. "All you
hear about is what the people in government
have to say-and of course they're against it,"
he added.
Brown said he displayed pro-Tisch literature
in his store and learned the hard way business'
and politics don't mix.
"A lot of University people got upset about
ls isc

it-they feel they could lose their jobs if this
thing went through. So instead of losing
customers, I decided to go to the voting booth
as a single person," he said.
AGE OF AQUARIUM pet store owner Larry
McKennan_ said he' believes small
businessowner'sare afraid to speak out in
favor of Tisch for fear of local government
"I thinlk they (anti-Tisch campaigners) are
using political blackmail to get the people to
vote their way. That's our tax money they're
using to print their propaganda," he added.
According to Ronald Graham, car salesman
and Libertarian candidate for state represen-
tative in the 53rd district, Shapiro's claims that
the University will lose up to 60 percent of its

funding are unfounded.
"THE UNIVERSITY received one-third of
its funding from the federal government, one-
third from tuition costs, and one-third from the'
state. Therefore, their (total) funding could not
be eliminated by 60 percent," he said.
Graham explained that rather than in-
creasing tuition, the Tisch amendment would
instead roll back tuition to 1978 levels.
Graham contended that waste eliminated in
the state government will provide the dollars
hecessary for higher education.
"IN MICHIGAN, a family of four can draw
540 tax-free dollars on~ welfare each month,
plus free medical care and free food stamps. In
Indiana the maximum benefit is $275 and in
See DESPITE, Page 7

Judge denk





Ingham County Circuit Judge Ray
Hotchkiss denied an injunction yester-
day that would have forbidden Univer-
sity President Harold Shapiro, Gov.
William Milliken, and several other
state officials to use public funds to
campaign against the Tisch tax cut
Yesterday, Robert Tisch filed suit
against Milliken, Shapiro, and the
presidents of Wayne State, Michigan
State, Eastern Michigan, and Central
Michigan universities for taking part in
a "massive campaign advocating the
defeat of Proposal D."
THE SUIT ASKED for a temporary
restraining order halting continued use
of public funds and an accounting of
money spent thus far.
Milliken's attorneys argued the
governor has a right as an elected of-
ficial to voice his opinions on. public
Tisch said he and his attorneys would
decide today if they would appeal. "We
may do something, we may not," he
said. "Right now we're going to win the
damn election-that's our job."
ALTHOUGH TISCH filed suit against
Shapiro, Milliken, and other state of-

ficials, only Milliken and a state ad-
jutant general were served a summons,
University Counsel Roderick Daane
said. Were Tisch to appeal the suit,
Shapiro must be served a summons to
be involved in it, Daane explained.
Daane would not speculate whether
he thought Tisch would carry the suit
any farther.
University Vice President for State
Relations Richard Kennedy said he was
surprised the injunction was denied so,
quickly. "We didn't expect it would be
diminished that quickly," he said.
KENNEDY SAID HE wasn't sure
whether Tisch would pursue the case
any farther. "I think he is trying to
make as much political hay out of it
before the election," he said. "He'll
probbly want to make as much out of it
as he can."
Shapiro was unavailable for com-
Milliken and Shapiro have cam-
paigned vigorously againsf Proposal D
in recent months. Tisch contends that
Milliken, Shapiro, and several other
state officials have used taxpayers'
money and state services in for-
mulating an anti-Proposal D campaign.

that all of the University money used in
the campaign comes from non-
restrictive gift funds, rather than
tuition or state monies.
The Tisch proposal, if approved- by
voters on Nov. 4, would cut property
taxes in half, requiring the state to
make up the losses to local governmen-
ts. Several state officials have warned
Michigan residents of possible
disastrous effects if the proposal is
In recent weeks Shapiro has sent in-
formation to members of the University
community warning them of the effects
of Proposal D on the University, in-
cluding predictions of double or triple
The president, along with several
other state university presidents, has
urged a "no" vote on the proposal.
Tisch has come out strongly against
his critics. Prior to filing the suit, the
Shiawasse drain commissioner called
Shapiro "one of the biggest liars of the
bunch, who has spent a lot of the tax-
payers' money."
Tisch said he had hoped his decision
to file suit was a move that would "help
bring government back into the control
of the citizens."


Season Spirits
SThe enchanting owners of the Magic Shoppe, Daryl and Kay Hurst, get into the Halloween "spirit." The store is located
at the Westgate Shopping Center.
Viewpoint reschedules
Ho man at reduced fee
By STEVE HOOK AT FIRST, WHEN Hoffman's lecture

C arter
la'uds auto s

Abbie Hoffman will be coming to
town next month after all, Viewpoint
Lectures announced yesterday.
After days* of negotiation, Viewpoint
officials were apparently able to secure
a reduction in Hoffman's speaking fee.
ALTHOUGH HIS 'appearance was
first rescheduled and then cancelled by
Viewpoint Lectures and the University
Activities Center, UAC President Neale
Attenborough said Hoffman will "ab-
solutely, positively" speak on Nov. 12 at
the Michigan Theater.
"What we ended up doing is
significantly lessening the risk in-
volved," Attenborough said yesterday.
"That's why we're bringing him in.
He said Hoffman's original price of
$4,000 had been reduced to $2,500 with
the stipulation that the fee could in-
crease in attendance were high enough
Viewpoint Lectures, a branch of
UAC, has been-on the brink of financial
collapse all term. The Hoffman lecture
has been seen as vital to the program's
continued existence.

was scheduled for Hill Auditorium,
Viewpoint officials hoped to make
enough money, to compensate for the
program's earlier losses.
But when the date of the lecture
changed, the location had to be changed
to the Michigan Theater, which holds
less than half as many persons as Hill.
Viewpoint than decided to cancel the
lecture altogether, citing as'a factor a
survey that showed many students,
especially underclasspersons, were
unaware of who Hoffman is.
pects many upperclasspersons,
graduate students, faculty, and persons
from out of town to be attracted to the
The move to bring Hoffman to Ann
Arbor has resulted in a boost in morale
for Viewpoint and UAC, Attenborough
"The atmosphere around UAC, and
the viability of Viewpoint itself, will be
greatly enhanced," he said.

Special to the Daily
SAGINAW-Kicking off a
weekend campaign sweep of
Michigan, President Carter cam-
paigned in this recession-ravaged
city yesterday, lauding hoth the
automobile industry and
Democratic ideals.
Carter hailed the American
automobile industry as having en-
dured a "traumatic" transitional
period to producing smaller, more
fuel-efficient cars and said the
failing industry is well on the road
to economic recovery.
"THE NEW CARS being assem-
bled in this nation are the highest
quality of all (the world)," Carter
said to a cheering crowd of about
7,000 autoworkers and students
gathered at Saginaw Valley State
College. "And, as you know, they're
built by the best automobile workers
in the world."
Carter also promised to meet with
Japanese Prime Minister Zenko
Suzuki "soon after the election" to
See CARTER, Page 19

Hoffmr afe
..accepts lower fee

Daiy rnoto by JHN mAEN
PRESIDENT CARTER GESTURES during his campaign speech in Saginaw
yesterday. Carter praised the American auto industry in the tri-city area,
ravaged by unemployment and recession, and said the ailing industry is on
the road to economic recovery.

__ - a

Voter registration
HE NUMBER OF registered voters in Ann
Arbor this year is approximately 87,000, the
city reported recently. The figure, according
to Neil Staebler, former head of the Michigan
Democratic party, is approximately par for the
course when compared to the figures for the last decade.

you're involved in a fight with America's oddsmaker, it's
rather depressing because you realize there's no way
you're gonna be the favorite." As to the outcome, had the
fight continued, well, all bets are off.
Watered down
Forget the Nielsens in measuring viewer interest in a
television show. The folks in the Milwaukee Water Depar-
tment have a better method-they count the number of

Expensive potato chips
Last year Gerry Sherrod reached over a five-and-ten cent
store counter and tried to steal two small bags of potato
chips while the worker behind the counter wasn't looking.
He was caught. His penalty? Two and one-half years on
probation with weekends served in jail, a $50 fine, and a
$1,200 bill for court costs. But a recent review of the case by
the Michigan Court of Appeals may relieve him of some of
that penalty. The court, in a recent decision, ruled that the
lower court must prove the expenses were actually in=

. .... ~


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