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October 28, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-28

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sports probe may define

Title IX

Editor's note: Daily reporters
Sara Anspach and Kent Walley
researched and wrote the following
series of articles on the Department
of Education 's investigation of the
University's athletic department.
The department budget and related
stories are on pages S and 6.
A team of federal investigators
arrived on campus yesterday to deter-
mine whether the University Athletic
Department discriminates against
athletes on the basis of sex.
The investigation-one of the first of
its kind in the country-may help set a
precedent for the interpretation of the
anti-sex discrimination law, Title IX.
The University is one of eight schools
currently under investigation. These
eight are among 80 schools which have
had one or more sex discrimination
complaints filed against their athletic
departments since Title IX became law
eight years ago.,
THE REVIEW of the University is
especially significant because the

Education department
investigation could.
set precedents

University has a large, complex
athletic department and is a member of
the Big Ten conference, noted Office of
Civil Rights Regional Director Kenneth
Eventually every school which has
' had a complaint filed against it will be
investigated by the Department of
Education. The on-going reviews will
help set compliance and non-
compliance standards for every
federally-assisted college or university
in the country.
Four complaints alleging sex
discrimination have been filed against
the University in the eight years Title
IX has been law. The most recent was a

1979 complaint by women's track team
members Blaise Supler and Sheila
Mayberry alleging multiple violations
of the law.
INVESTIGATORS from the Office of
Civil Rights will be on campus for at
least one week interviewing coaches,
administrators, and students. They will
be taking a look at the Athletic Depar-
tment's written policies and will be
examining data such as expenditure
figures, participant-coach ratios,
facilities provided to men's and
women's teams, and a host of other
areas in which discrepancies could oc-
When the on-site investigation is

finished, the Office of Civil Rights will
begin analyzing the data. The office has
90 days from the date the investigation
started to issue a finding of either com-
pliance or non-compliance.
If the University is found in non-
compliance it will have 90 days to
devise a corrective plan. A school that
refuses to comply with Title IX could
eventually have its federal funds
UNTIL NOW no one has determined
precisely what Title IX requires in in-
tercollegiate athletic programs. There
is a long history of non-compliance with
the law because neither athletic depar-
tments nor federal officials have un-
derstood how to interpret it.
Two years after Title IX became law,
Congress passed an amendment which
required HEW to prepare proposed
regulations to implement the provisions
of Title IX including, with respect to in-
tercollegiate athletics, "reasonable
provisions considering the nature of
particular sports."
At that time there was much debate
See 'U,' Page 5

/ 4

Ninety-One Years ~ ~ Cloudy with rain and snow
Of1 ending this afternoon. High
of k~l.in the low 40s, partial clear-
F ditorial Freedom ing and colder tonight with
a low in upper 20s.


*Vol. XC; No. 47

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 28, 1980

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

GM~ loss.
worst in
*A merican
DETROIT (UPI)-General Motors
Corp. reported a third quarter loss
0 yesterday of $567 million, apparently
the largest quarterly deficit in U.S.
corporate history.
,iat figure tops what is believed to be
the previous worst quarterly financial
performance by an American firm-a
$561.7 million deficit by U.S. Steel
Corp. in the fourth quarter of 1979.
GM'S IDOSSES for the, year now
amount to $824 million.
The No. 1 automaker was the first to,
announce results of a third quarter ex-
pected to outstrip the disastrous second
quarter of 1980 in overall industry red
In a statement, GM Chairman
Thomas Murphy and President Elliott
Estes said the giant automaker "will
continue to experience reduced
profitability until the economy and
automotive. retail sales improve to
more normal levels."
THEY SAID economic indicators now
are pointing to the recovery GM and
other auto firms need to regain
"These emerging signs of an im-
proving economy, together with our
continuing achievement of cost reduc-
tions, suggest that we can expect more
favorable results in 1981. "We have
weathered the worst. Recovery,
although gradual, has begun."
In the first half of 1980, U.S.
automakers lost a combined $1.96
billion with each company showing
historic deficits. Only Chrysler Corp.
has said it expects to trim losses in the
normally low-profit third quarter,
although it will still post a substantial
GM HAD PROFITS in the third quar-
ter last year of $22 million.
The decline in earnings was at-
tributed to sharply reduced sales, par-
ticularly in high-profit car and truck
lines and continuing increased tooling
costs, along with inflation and other
costs increases it couldn't recover
through price hikes.
GM worldwide dollar sales in the
third quarter slumped to $12 billion,
down 10 percent from $13.3 billion in the
same period last year.


ise prep ares
to battle Shapiro

Tax cut crusader Robert Tisch met
with attorneys yesterday to prepare for
legal battle with some ardent critics of
his Proposal D-including University
President Harold Shapiro.
"Bob Tisch feels there are
unquestionable violations of several
laws," Bill McMasters, a spokesman for
Tisch said.
McMASTERS did not specify whether
Tisch would sue Shapiro, but said both
Shapiro and Wayne State University.
President Thomas Bonner would be
named in the legal action. The Tisch for-
ces plan to go to court today pnd then
make an official announcement regar-
ding legal proceedings.
Last week, Shapiro sent a newsletter
to members of the University com-
munity predicting the effects of the
Tisch proposal on the University would
be devastating.
According to McMasters, under the
Michigan Campaign Finance Act of
1972, any person who spends more than
$200 on a campaign must register and
file reports with the Secretary ofState.
"Dr. Shapiro filed nothing," he said.
"THE SECRETARY of state is em-
powered to require filing," he added.
"We will ask that the secretary of state
enforce the law that he is required to

However, McMasters said, Tisch and
his attorneys do not expect Secretary of
State Richard Austin to follow through
with this.
"If the secretary doesn't act and
damage (to the pro-Tisch campaign)
continues," he said, "it would be a
BUT AS University General Counsel
Roderick Daane interprets the law, it,
does not apply to Shapiro.
"I think that (the law)' is applicable
(only) to candidates for office. (But) I.
think it is unnecessary" (in this case),
Daane explained.
McMasters said Bonner and Shapiro
together are being considered for legal
action. Any decisions would then affect
other "presidents of state institutions"
who have participated in "part of a
million dollar campaign" against the
Tisch proposal. He alleged that the
presidents made use of "state suppor-
tive services," including cars and
salaried people. .
ANOTHER LEGAL avenue the Tisch
people are considering, McMasters
said, is a protest of anti-Proposal D ad-
vertisements on television and radio.
"The ads are misleading and decep-
tive," he said, and asked they be
removed from the air waves.
Shapiro is involved in these ads, Mc-
Masters said, because the information

used in information that Shapiro has
"When Dr. Shapiro says there will be
a 60 percent cut in state spending he is
not telling the truth," McMasters said.
SHAPIRO SAID he did not say there
will be a 60 percent cut in state spen-
ding, but a 60 percent cut in the state's
general fund. And "I don't think it (the
idea of a cut in the general fund)
originated with me," he added.
McMasters said the ads are paid for
by the Save Our State Committee, and
said the University is a member of that
But Shapiro said the University is not
a member.
"If we are, no one told me," he said.
McMasters said that while Tisch and
his attorneys have not decided exactly
which legal route they will take, they
will choose the one "where we can have
the greatest impact in the shortest
Proposal D, if approved by, voters on
Nov. 4, would cut property taxes in half
and require the state to make up the
lost revenues to local governments.
Both Shapiro and Bonner have come
out strongly against the proposal war-
ning that tuitions would double or triple
to replace state revenues that would be
lost under the proposal.

BUILT IN 1866, this house at 311 E. Ann St. still has its original woodwork and
classical French windows.
on display

The old beer vaults are being tran-
sformed into offices and a nearby
pond that once supplied ice to cool
the liquor is now tapped by a local
company for commercial use, but
the old Northern Brewery on Jones
Drive still resembles the booming
operation it was at the end of the 19th
Now designated an Ann Arbor
Historic District, the Northern
Brewery was one of eight historic
buildings displayed on the Second
Annual Greenhill Ann Arbor home
tour Sunday. The tour is sponsored
annually to raise money for
Greenhill School student scholar-
ships. M
THE BREWERY is now owned by
local architects Dick Fry and Dave
Peters who are remodeling the
building into an apartment-office

complex, complete with a courtyard
and gardens.
Although it is not yet finished, the
red brick walls-remnants of the
Brewery's past-still are partially
coated with the dirt accumulated
from 1922 to 1972 when the building
served as the Ann Arbor Foundry.
But upstairs, the brick enhances the
already-completed design of the
Fry-Peters offices.
Harris Hall, at the corner of East
Huron and North State Street,
another Ann Arbor historic site, was
visited during the tour. The hall was
the brainchild of the Rev. Samuel
Harris, who, back in 1883, was con-
cerned that Darwin's
"revolutionary" theories were tur-
ning students away from the church.
The Hall today houses the offices of
its owners, Buckheim and Rowland,
See LOCAL, Page 12

Faculty committee to examine
possible program reductions

In response to President Shapiro's request for a "smaller"
University, members of the faculty executive board
yesterday discussed the formation of a University-wide
committee for determining which programs and units
would be cut or reduced.
Prof. Arch Naylor, chairman of the faculty Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Affairs, said program
discontinuance is a "problem of reallocation of resources,"
and that University administrators have indicated that
they want to begin moving toward retrenchment "rather
quickly" due to extreme financial conditions.
IT MUST BE decided whether a new committee should be
formed, who the members would be, and whether the com-
mittee's role would be more than advisory to the vice
President for Academic Affairs, Naylor said.

SACUA members also discussed their ideas for a com-
mittee with Vice President for Academic Affairs Billy Frye
during a closed meeting yesterday.
A CENTRALIZED REVIEW committee to determine
where to make departmental cuts was one proposal.
SACUA member Prof. Jesse Gordon pointed out that such a
committee would be unique because its members would have
to be very familiar with every department in the Univer-
sity. This would present a time problem for any faculty'
member appointed to the committee, Gordon said.
Naylor said the individual departments could draw up
their own plans for cutting back, and then present them to
the central committee for approval. This plan may not
work since most departments do not feel any of their pro-
grams should be eliminated, Naylor said.
See PROFS, Page 9


Manure bowl?
THINK THE spirit of practical jokism is to be
anonymous," said the person who claims to
have perpetrated the prank when asked to
reveal his name. The fellow claims that
sometime before the annual mudbowl game was played at
the SAE house Saturday, he and two friends dumped over
100 pounds of "highest grade cow manure, no impurities or
hay added" on or about the center of the playing field. The
caller said that he and his friends all Universitv students.

whether anything was dumped at all. Calvin Trim, who was.
the announcer for the game said yesterday he was "almost
positive" that there was nothing dumped on the playing
field, although he said some "tar or chlorine" was dumped
there last year. What's his reaction if some practical
jokester did dump manure? "If he thinks that's funny, I
guess different strokes for different folks . . ." E
Political indigestion
If you see a lot of people hanging around South Quad's
Dining Room 4 tonight they aren't waiting for leftovers,
-0- ...w t. nnmet + htR2h. " ~tM.."

his way to Cleveland for the nationally televised debate
with Ronald Reagan were given Chinese fortune cookies,
each bearing a Reagan quotation that Carter likes to
ridicule. Each cookie was wrapped in a small bag bearing
a label that read "Reagan says fortune cookie." It was
decorated with a drawing of the Republican presidential
nominee-his eyes made to look Oriental-who was depic-
ted as saying "A simple solution in every cookie." "The
federal government will not allow companies to run their
mines without a mandated safety course. . . This abusive
power demands corrective action," said one of the cookie
slips. attributing the statement to Reagan in Februarv 1979.

Classy counting
At last. The perfect gift for those sophisticated
engineering types who have everything: the designer
calculator. Pierre Cardin, designer of no small repute, now
markets not only clothes but, according to his press packet,
"a collection of environment electronic accessories," or, in
simple English, calculators. Gold plated and stamped with
the Pierre Cardin signature, the calculators are touted by
Cardin as "high fashion environmental electronics" and
"precision products to satisfy the aesthetic business and
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