'Pge 4---*unday, %coar 26, 1?80--T ft Mism po ily 7W 7W The Michigan Daily-Sunday, O Stone critic speaks his mind (Continued from Page 6) Apart from the No Wave innovators, Marsh feels that even mainstream musicianship is being ground into the dirt. The audience, he says, is simply too lazy to go digging through the pop- culture archives in search of their rock and roll roots, and the entertainment industry has become skilled enough to palm off sterile product as the Real Thing. "It's something we did to our- selves," he admits matter-of-factly. "We just got lazy. Like when you get to be 30, you start to put on weight. Then what you do is, you start eating less and exercising more, or you get fat, right? The same thing happens mentally and spiritually." Marsh, who recently turned 30 him- self, got started in rock journalism over a decade ago when, at 19, he founded Creem. (Marsh hails from Pontiac, Michigan and Creem's national. office remains in Birmingham.) A few years later he relinquished the editorial reigns to become pop music critic for Newsday, and then went over to Rolling Stone, where he's contributed record reviews, columns, and profiles. He's not doing too much personality stuff these days, because "the people I'm in- terested in writing about I know too damn well." Without a doubt, times change. Creem, says Marsh, has turned into "the kind of publication that makes you grieve for trees." "I don't think rock and roll is important to most of -the people who make it, I don't think it's important to most of the people who listen to it, I know it's not important to most of the people who write about it or play it on the radio. What is important to them is being contemporary, hip, trendy; making money; looking smart." Sounding disturbingly similar to the mythical Sixties Older Generation, Marsh tends to come down pretty severely on "the kids" of today. The subject may be rock and roll, but the complaints are grindingly familiar; Youth today are not "responsible," they don't respect their heritage, they're not interested in "tradition," they're lazy. Like a lot of over-30-rock writers, Marsh can't help but see the simple, joyous fun of yesteryear rock and roll as some magical mystery bop through teenage fantasy that makes a wasteland of today's admittedly prepackaged and oversold pop music. "To me," Marsh recalls, "rock was a moral force, something that knew the difference between right and wrong." But Marsh's problems with the current scene aren't just moral, of course, they're musical. He remembers a fellow critic trying to tell him that people °such as Talking Heads lead singer David Byrne "sang in a deliberately non-emotive way because they were trying to break down traditional macho male sexual stereotypes. Now," says Marsh, "i personally consider this pure and utter horseshit. I think they sing like that because they can't sing any better than that." As the conversation drifts to a close, I ask Marsh whether he- thinks rock critics take the music too seriously. He glares as if he wants to slug me, but contains himself enough to answer. "Part of my philosophy," he says in his flat Midwestern twang, "is that doing silly things is a philosophical act." But if that's true, I ask, why be so damned responsible and serious about rock and roll? "Because," says Marsh with a gleam, "being responsible about it is very irresponsible, because it gives people totally the wrong idea." Roar of grease paint (Continued from Page if) Theatre program at the Detroit In- stitute of Arts (DIA). The DIA books the Youtheatre productions to groups such as YPT for presentation around the state and both the DIA and. the sponsoring group receive a share of the profits. The show; which is about the contact that occurs between all types of human "beans," will be presented in Ann Arbor in early November. Later in the year, YPT is sponsoring another Youtheatre production, "Getting to Know Shakespeare," which offers suggestions to secondary school studen- ts on getting around the trouble of reading Shakespearian works. Even with the shadow of Tisch upon them, YPT administrators still like to daydream about the future. Laura Rosbert, Winick's predecessor as producer-manager went to visit the Children's Theatre School in Min- neapolis, a four million. dollar organization that offers a full day- school program in theatre and academics to its students. Co-founder Doris Sperling says, "Our feeling for kids who have this love of theatre is that there should be an outlet for them. We hope someday to be able to provide a continuous learning process for kids. But that's way down the road." V, (Amateur and Commercial Photofinishing) 1-DAY COLOR PRINTS IN BY 9:00 OUT BY 5:30 2-DAY DUPLICATE SLIDES 3-DAY ENLARGEMENTS IN COLOR AND BLACK & WHITE UPTO 11x 14 4-HOUR SLIDES IN BEFORE 9:00 OR 1:00 OUT BY 1:00 OR 5:00 E6 PROCESS ONLY By MICHAEL KREMEN Music radio in 1980 is in tough shape. Although in some parts of the country radio stations attempt to reflect the surge of creativity in would-be popular music that has followed-in the wake of the punk explosion, for the most part (and this is certainly true of Detroit and Ann Arbor), rock and pop music radio stations have become extremely con- servative in their programming of music, emphasizing the old and familiar rather than the new and dif- ferent. You may recall that it hasn't always been that way. In retrospect, the era of "freeform" or "progressive" radio, in which the DJ programmed all or almost all of the music played and at-~ tempted to do creative radio, should be looked at as a historical fluke which'is unlikely to be repeated any time soon. IN ORDER TO gain a sense of the operation of music radio, you have to realize that radio stations generate revenue by selling advertising. Everything that a radio station does must be understood in this light. The radio station must sell advertising and it wants to sell it at the highest possible rate. There is supposed to be a balance to this desperate, albeit legitimate, quest for profit. Theoretically, radio (and televion) stations broadcast "in the public interest." Theoretically, the airwaves belong to the people. Radio and TV are regulated by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) which is supposed to ensure that the stations operate "in the public in- terest." In fact, the impact of the FCC is negligible. Although the FCC licenses radio and television stations, these franchises are virtually never pulled, even in the face of gross negligence. When new ownership took over the license of WIQB this past year, they quickly shifted the programming to what they believed to be a more profitable pattern. Although more people may now be listening to WIQB (and it is the station's right to attempt to maximize profits), this new format replicates musical programming that was already available to Ann Arbor listeners while eliminating program- ming unigde to this area. This is an issue which the FCC usually chooses to ingore. That WPAG-FM subsequently switched from another unique style to a format similar to the new WIQB is fur- ther testament to the FCC's hands-off policy regarding format changes that are, perhaps, not "in the public in- terest." ADVERTISERS SPEND money on radio, television, and print media in or- der to get their message across to the public. How "the public" is defined determines how and where an adver- tiser advertises. If you're selling soap or breakfast cereals-some product that most people might conceivably be persuaded they need or want-a mass media that reaches a broad cross- section of people like an entertainment program on television or a daily newspaper, would be logical places in which to advertise. Although TV and newspapers are capable of reaching many people, they are relatively ex- pensive simply because of that fact; advertising rates are computed on the basis of how many people will receive the message. Y Corporations and their advertising agencies spend millions of dollars in order to discover how to most efficien- tly reach their potential market. Marketing companies conduct coun- tless surveys in order to figure out what they should say and where they should say it. A good place for a Mercedes ad would be on a classical music radio station, or in a magazine like Fortune or the New Yorker. Why? Surveys have shown that rich people tend to listen to classical music on the radio and they also constitute a healty segment of the readership of select magazines. A medium that attracts lots of wealthy people is an attractice place to adver- tise because unless you're advertising a necessity, you want to reach people who have money left over after meeting their basic monthly expenses. The competition is fierce for those up-scale types with those discretionary dollars. While an audience consisting entirely of wealthy consumers may be an adver- tiser's dream, I chose this example mainly to demonstrate how targetted advertising makes use of the existence of numerous sub-groups in a given population (or attempts to create them). UNLIKE TELEVISION, where there are often as few as three signals available in a medium sized city, (cable is dramatically altering this and the implications are both staggering and encouraging) an individual can usually choose from among twenty or more radio stations. It is the multiplicity of radio stations in a given market that, logically, fragments the listening audienace. If you can't be all things to all people, reasonably you might, try to be all things to some people. By programming a specific style of music, you attempt to attract a specific group of listeners who have similar tastes in music, share a similar lifestyle and (bottom line) can be seen as constituting a cohesive potential market for advertisers of certain products and services. By substituting rock for the abstract "certain style of music," the programming rationale behind stations like WRIF, WABX, WWWW, WIQB and WMJC can be understood. WABX is a classic northern, urban, factory-town rock station. The music and its presentation by the disc jockeys is aimed at only a segment of the population. The typical 'ABX listener is a while male between the ages of 18 and 24. "Well, all right Deeetroit!" By concentrating on a narrow slice of the population pie, a radio station at- tempts to make itself an efficient buy for advertisers of goods which are primarily aimed at a specific age group and lifestyle. The music that WMJC plays is chosen to appeal to women between the ages of 25 and 34. On WABX you can expect to regularly hear Ted Nugent. On WMJC you would never hear the macho Mr. "Wango Tango," but you could be pretty sure of hearing Jackson "God, he's sensitive" Browne. Both WABX and WMJC are valuable slices of the advertising pie because they deliver lots of listeners who fall into their respective target groups. ALSO IMPORTANT is the shifting age of the population. During the last five years America has gotten older. Due to a decline in the birth rate in the late 1950's and 1%0's, there are fewer teenagers in 1980 than there were a dozen years ago when the post-war baby-boom group (which will forever appear as a giant bulge on population charts) was reaching young adulthood. This demographic fact of life has altered the sound of radio. Because of their large numbers, radio stations have been targetting their program- ming at the bulge since they came of age as consumers (approximately fif- teen years ago). Presently the bulge is aged 25-34 and it is within this age group that the most heavily contested ratings battles are taking place. It is no ac- cident that WIQB and WPAG-FM changed their formats to styles that are designed to be attractive to people in this age group. Radio stations are in search of an audience. But, it is an uncountable mass. TV and radio audiences are calculated b tempt to gair audience an means of d methods. Th because they radio station tising. Each giant clust available t message. When you you aren't re your audience is to increa Book," as th the industry. What all t ming level is effect on an not on whethi aural equiv also means t significant d a radio statio And that's ca In a sub examine the radio from present scler silver lining ses that domi Michael director ofn FM. STORE AT: UNIVERSITY (994-0433) 1315 S" LAB AT: . STORE AT:f 3180 PACKAR D (973-0770) 691 S. MAPLE (663-6529) we use j --od -paper... L bM/ara good look. \a o seventeen nick Delicious Meals-Reasonably Priced OPEN 24 HOURS. 330 EAST LIBERTY STREET Y § v , A