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October 25, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-25

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

L4fIE ht


Windy and colder today
with rain ending in the af-
ternoon. Highs in the low

Vol. XCI, No. 45 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 25, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages


New dorm.,.

Inflation at


target f
Installing windows that don't leak as
much heat. It seemed like such a good
way to save money without getting
anyone mad.
But the University Housing Division
has learned once again that it's im-
possible to please everyone.
First, students in Stockwell and
Mosher-Jordan complained that the
new windows would ruin the architec-
tural character of the stately dor-
THEN STUDENTS in Alice Lloyd
said they became sick after inhaling
fumes from caulking around the new
And the housing division only wanted
to waste less heat, so room and board
increases would not have to be quite so
Alice Lloyd residents yesterday
described the smell of the caulking as
"obnoxious" and some said they had
experienced headaches and
lightheadedness as a result of the smell.
ALICE LLOYD building .director
David Schoem sent a letter to dorm
residents on Wednesday explaining that
the odor, which lasts 24 to 48 hours after
the window is caulked, can cause
headaches, irritated eyes, and a
nauseous feeling in people who are sen-
sitive to it.
The effects are not lasting, the letter
said, adding that residents who do not
wish to remain in their rooms will be
provided with alternative sleeping
arrangements. The letter also warned
students not to leave food exposed in the
Students interviewed at the residence
hall last night said that no one had
taken advantage of the alternative
sleeping arrangements-beds set up in
two lounges-but several said they
stayed with friends during the nights
the odor was strong.
SINCE THE middle of the summer,
the windows in Betsy Barbour, Helen
Newberry, and Couzens Halls have
been replaced with double-paned
energy-efficient windows, according to
the University Housing Coordinator of
See NEW, Page 3

]Reagan attacks
A Carter, policies

Daily Photo by DEBBIE LEWIS
A WORKMAN CAULKS windows in Alice Lloyd. Fumes from the caulking
have spurred student complaints.,

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-Inflation bounded
back into the 13 percent annual range in
September, handing Ronald Reagan
new ammunition to attack President
Carter's management of the economy.
Jody Powell, the president's chief
spokesman, said the one percent jump
in consumer prices cannot be taken as
"an indication of failure of the anti-in-
flation effort."
AND CARTER said the increase in
inflation "confirms the wisdom of our
policy of holding down government
spending and totally opposing the elec-
tion-year tax cut proposed by the
In its last report on inflation before
the Nov. 4 election, the Labor Depar-
tment said yesterday that two months
of moderating consumer prices were
reversed by the one percent jump in
September. A steep rise in food prices
led the way.
Prices also showed larger increases
across an array of goods and services,
from housing to entertainment, but
gasoline prices declined for a fifth
straight month.
REAGAN, WHO was preparing a
television address on the economy as
the figures were issued, released a
statement saying the surge in inflation
demonstrates the administration's "ut-
ter failure" in dealing with soaring
prices. He predicted that "inflation will
become a permanent way of life' if
Carter wins re-election.
But Powell told reporters that "you
cannot honestly call this a failure, one
month's CPI, an indication of failure of
the anti-inflation effort." He said the
figures only show Carter was correct in*
opposing Republican proposals for an
income tax' cut. But he said the
president's own tax cut plan would not
be inflationary.
In his statenent, Carter criticized the

Carter Reagan
... defends economic program ... blames Carter administration

Republican tax cut plan, saying it
would "jeopardize all the progress we
have made in dampening inflation.
Enacting it would be like pouring
gasoline on a smouldering fire."
HE SAID THE new inflation figures
are a warning that "we must not add to
inflationary pressures; we must not
overstimulate the economy;.we must
not permit massive across-the-board
tax reductions, and we must not add to
federal deficits."
Carter said that on Election Day,
voters "must choose between my
policies, which will build our country's
economic strength and actually work to
reduce inflation-that lay the- foun-
dation of a true economic renaissance
in America-or those which will squan-
der our hopes on economic voodoo."
When computed at a compounded an-
nual rate, the September increase

amounted to 12.7 percent. That was
significantly above the 8.6 annual rate
posted in August, but far less than the
nearly 20 percent rate recorded early in
the year.
IN A SEPARATE report, the gover-
nment said workers' real buying power
fell in September for the first time in
three months because of the higher in-
flation rate. Spendable earnings fell 0.4
percent for the month and declined 6.7
percent in the past year, the gover-
nment said.
September's price rise, if continued
for a full year, would produce an in-
flation rate of 12.7 percent. Coinciden-
tally, that also is the actual inflation
rate in the 12 months since September
1979. Since January, prices have in-
creased 9 percent.

Doily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
STOCKWELL STUDENTS are protesting scheduled replacements for these

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paraphernalia shop

passing up

There's a new shop in town that does as a one-stop center for fans who want FUN, n o onger
a booming business every Saturday the best selection of Michigan-
morning and most other days of the enhanced goods. pog
week. The customers flock in because Palmisano, who is responsible for part of gam e
everything in the store is emblazoned stocking the shelves of the shop, said he 3 By ANNETTE STARON
with their favorite word: Michigan. is very selective about what he allows
The proprietor of the shop in Yost Ice to be sold in the store. For the moment, passing up in Mi
Arena is none other than the Michigan For example, he won't stock igan Stadium seems to be a thing of
Athletic Department, which has Michigan toilet seat covers or past.
become famous for its college sports caricatures of the players because he The Athletic Department Office h
marketing wizardry. thinks they are in poor taste. They received no reports of passing up t
The ."M-Go Blue Shop," which probably wouldn't sell well anyway, he season and hopes the trend continu
evolved from an athletic department reasons, mentioning that Michigan "The police are keeping an eye o
mail ordering service, has been doing buyers are more discriminating than (passing up) and we are keeping a
well since it opened Labor Day. fans at other schools. - fingers crossed," said Will Perry, V
THE SHOP IS the brainchild of Mile But such guidelines don't prevent him University's assistant athletic directo
Palmisano, director of promotion and from stocking a myriad of other mer- a ' Passing up is a practice in wh
marketing for the athletic department. chandise, such as Michigan checkbook [ 4 a football spectator-usua
He works out of an office that could ser- covers, wrapping paper, stuffed female-is grabbed by 'enthusiast
ve as another showroom for the maize wolverines, seat covers, and vacuum fans and passed through the rows ofi
and blue memorabilia, bottles. to the top of the bleachers. Several
Palmisano said all proceeds from the A CLERK IN the store said juries have been reported when victi
State Street shop go to the Athletic customers are predominately non- were either dropped or molested by
Scholarship Fund. students, but not all the patrons are y crowd.
Even with many other local necessarily Michigan fans. "Until now I hadn't seen a game
establishments selling Wolverine On the Friday before the California seven years without it," said Ter
momentoes, the demand is apparently game, an assistant coach wandered in Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ Calhoun, a founding member of St
heavy enough to merit yet another to see if the clerk would mind if the NANCY RYAN (right) buys Michigan paraphernalia at the new M Go Blue Shop on South State Street. Assisting her Passing Up Now.
maize and blue outlet. See M, Page 2 is Maryann Foutch. See PRACTICE, Page 2

1 it

Where there s smoke...
firefighters Thursday. As firemen rushed to in-
ETERMINA TION PAID off for New York City
vestigate smoke spilling out of a fourth floor
window on a Manhattan apartment building
they found their efforts blocked by the apartment
residents. "No smoke. No fire!" a woman inside asserted in
Spanish and broken English. But the dedicated firefighters
were persistent. "We have to check the apartment," Lt.
James Curran told her. "No. no. no. no," she pleaded. But,
when firemen forced their way into the allegedly burning

country has now extended even further east. . . to the
Soviet Union. "Colossal" local demand is building up for
skateboards being produced in that nation, and skateboar-
ding competitions have already begun among enthusiasts,
according to a newspaper report from Soviet Estonia. The
newspaper, Sovetskaya Estonia, in an issue reaching
Moscow Thursday, showed a smiling Communist Party of-
ficial from the plant that makes the skateboards holding up
two sleek samples. Factory engineer Rudolf Vyrk told the
paper he had seen skateboards on a trip to Paris, was told
they were "exceptionally good for the soul and body," and
proposed they be manufactured at his factory. Production
is currently limited to 400 skateboards per month due to a
4- --

allow a man who identified himself as Frank Gazzo to talk
to his wife, Mary, an Aetna employee. Gazzo had been
calling for a week demanding to speak with his wife, who
said she did not wish to speak with him, according to
Lovelace. "He told me if I wouldn't let him talk to her he
would show me something I had never seen before," said
Lovelace. The next day the company received deliveries
from three different pizza parlors, and five different
florists, according to Lovelace. By the 20th things got really
bad. "On that day seven carpet-cleaning companies, one of-
fice supply firm, two pest control companies, two caterers,
two janitorial outfits and a dry cleaning company came,"
Lovelace said. The deliveries are so frequent and the

Halloween. "At first I wasn't going to sell it in my store, I
thought it was in bad taste," said Gene DeTone who owns
the Magic Wand in Brick. "But now I can't get any more of
them. People get a real chuckle out of it," DeTone said. But
sales aren't going too well in Ken's Magic Shop in Fair
Lawn, according to shop owner Ken Noble. "Most people
laugh at the Khomeini mask but don't want them. They're
afraid they will get shot," Noble said. "I don't think it's in
good taste, but I rent them," he added. The masks are
made by a French firm which manufactures masks of
other prominent political figures as well. Dl



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