OPINION 11 Page 4 Friday, October 24, 1980 The Michigan Daily' che it,6tigan til Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. XCI, No. 44 Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board No! Galileo was right? I Reagan: The Obsolete Man WELL, NO ONE can accuse the Catholic Church of denying its mistakes. It took a while, but on Wed- nesday the Vatican announced it was reviewing the 347-year-old heresy con- viction of Galileo. Galileo Galilei, you may remember, was the 17th-century astronomer who was condemned for using telescopes to prove that the Earth revolved around the sun. The Church's Inquisition com- pelled Galileo on threat of torture to recant his heretical theory that the sun was stationary and placed him under a type of house arrest. PLO vs.Is F AHAD KAWASMEH and Moham- med Milhem are the Palestinian mayors of two towns on the occupied West Bank in Israel. Both have frequently enunciated support for the efforts of the Palestine Liberation Organization to secure an independent Arab state within the borders of land now under Israeli control. Neither one has ever indicated that he opposed the violent activities of the PLO, which have included the slaughter of Israeli schoolchildren and infants, among other macabre acts. But failing to speak out against violence is no more a crime in Israel than it is in the United States. Just as Americans with a sense of justice would protest if a domestic radical were imprisoned simply for condoning a bombing here, Palestinians and fair- minded Israeli Jews are concerned about the harsh penalties dealt out to Kawasmeh and Milhem recently in retaliation for certain West Bank crimes. Because the mayors' opinions are held to have inspired a rash of violent incidents around their towns of Hebron and Halhoul, they were both exiled to Jordan, there to dwell in isolation from the townspeople they were legitimately elected to govern. Yet they have never been accused of actually committing any crime. j Themayors' situation is lamentable, and it does seem unfair that they should have been punished for crimes that they have never even been ac- cused of. We hope to see the Israeli courts reverse their earlier decision. There is, however, a disturbing ten- dency among some Americans to get The investigation-part of Pope John Paul's effort to show that modern science does not negate Christian teaching-will be conducted with "'complete objectivity," promises the vice president of the modern day Vatican equivalent of the Inquisition. It's really quite encouraging to see the Church try to correct itself after three and a half centuries. Just think-long about the year 2327, the Vatican might review its antiquated opposition to birth control, divorce, homosexuality-... Brael justice too single-minded about Israeli justice, or lack of it. The Palestinian penal system, to name just one, is every bit as cruel to its adversaries as the Israeli one. Far more so, in fact. When Mayor Kawasmeh visited the United States last year, he stopped in Ann Arbor for a speech and an inter- view with the Daily staff. Kawasmeh was asked about the case of a Palestinian religious leader from the Gaza Strip who dared to support more moderation in Palestinian relations with ,the Israeli government. The leader was rewarded for his reasonable approach with assassination, allegedly at the hands of PLO guerrillas. Kawasmeh did not deny that the murderers were PLO militants, yet did offer what he seemed to think was a sound explanation for the Palestinian's assassination: "He was a traitor," the mayor calmly explained. Whether or not Kawasmeh and Milhem win their current suit, it should at least be noted that they had a chance to appeal their case in court. The Palestinian leader on the Gaza Strip had no hearing, no judge, and no jury. He was simply pronounced guilty. Sen-. tence was carried out by gunfire. What kind of justice is that? Unsigned editorials ap- pearing on the left side of this page represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board. By Tom Hayden Realizing that it's officially bad taste to sound shrill or personal about the possibility of a Reagan presidency, let me say that I like Ronald Reagan, view him as a "populist" in his own way, and find his company curiously enjoyable. We have lived as neighbors on nearby "ranches" in the Santa Ynez Valley for several years, and I don't find him especially objectionable. Of course, he does use zoning loopholes to pay virtually no local property taxes while my family paid $6,500 last year, but he doesn't believe in gover- nment and we do, so why complain. IN MY ONE lengthy conversation with Reagan, late one evening last year when we found ourselves on the same flight from San Francisco to Los Angeles, he tried his honorable best to convince me that I should follow his own evolution from left- liberal to conservative. I agreed with much of his criticism of government bureaucracy. I was fascinated by his comments on the elitism and covertness of the 1940s Hollywood left. What disturbed me was that I couldn't get a straight answer to the simplest kinds of questions. If he opposes bureaucracy so much, why does Ronald Reagan focus his fire only on government and not on the waste and secretiveness of big corporations, and why only on government social programs but never the FBI, the CIA, or the Pentagon? The problem with Ronald Reagan is not that he's bad, callous, or selfish. It's that from an archaeological viewpoint, he is Obsolete Man. Because there is no viable candidate representing the future, and because the Car- ter status quo seems so insupportable, a majority of Americans may well release their subconscious nostalgic impulses and vote for the Republican version of The Way We Were. RONALD REAGAN was not shaped by the Sixties-like Jerry Brown-or the New Deal of the Thirties-like Ted Kennedy. He's not a reflection of Jimmy Carter's New South of 1959. His consciousness was shaped by the Golden Twenties, four political generations removed from the children of today. He is a direct descendant of the "Republican Ascen- dency" of Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. Ronald Reagan believes in gunboat diplomacy. He believes in dismantling government and letting big corporations loose to mold the world in their image. Of course, he is capable of compromise, and his im- pulses can be restrained by public opinion, the media, and Congress. But it is dangerous for an outmoded vision to be located in the White House. Dangerous to Third World countries, dangerous for the arms race, dangerous for working people and the poor, dangerous for organizers and ac- tivists, and most dangerous for the next generation of young people. Even if we are spared war and repression under Reagan, the effect of his benign incoherence will be to drive the young into apathetic and private lives. CAN ANYTHING be done to head this off? Yes. Between now and November 4, the disillusioned voter can decide to vote for Jimmy Carter. That's right, Jimmy Carter. It is true that the Carter presidency, in overall terms, has been such a failure that it allows Reagan to be the first conservative representing change. And it is true that Car- ter's policies are primarily to blame for the defections of liberals into the Anderson camp, into the smaller and more principled Com- moner group, or into nihilistic indifference. But the larger truth is that non-votes or Anderson votes are de facto votes for Ronald Reagan. Assuming a close race, the 5-10 per- cent defection vote will make the difference in big states like New York and California. THERE ARE VITAL margins of difference between Carter and Reagan: support for the Panama Canal and SALT treaties, recognition of Zimbabwe and Nicaragua, backing for the ERA, the quality of future judicial appointments, labor law reform ver- sus a "right to work" approach, tolerance and partial support for progressive movements in- stead of repression and exclusion. Any rational person would recognize these differences, but politics is anything but rational. We are witnesses to an election in which Carter is counting on a repeat of 1964 but the outcome is likely to be 1968. I find that these two presidential elections, 1964 and 1968, still influence my consciousness, my skepticism, toward electoral politics. I don't think I'm different from millions of disillusioned voters of the '60s generation, fewer than half of whom have ever bothered to register to vote. IN 1964, IN my first vote for a presidential candidate, I chose Lyndon Johnson because of my fear of Barry Goldwater. We in Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) adopted the slogan, "Part of theWay with LBJ." But instead of Johnson's promise of "no wider war," we got napalm, B-52s, millions of casualties, and moral disgrace. When 1968 came around, millions of us refused to sup= port Hubert Humphrey as long as he upheld Johnson's Vietnam policies. I voted for him, but wouldn't admit it to anyone for years af- terward. Humphrey remained loyal to John- son, and lost by 100,000 votes to Richard Nixon., In 1968, we learned the consequences of not voting for the lesser evil. Not surprisingly, you get;the greater evil. While I'm not sure whether Humphrey would have ended the In- dochina War any sooner than Nixon was for- ced to, and while Humphrey's economic policies might have been a failure, there is one thing I am certain of: Humphrey would not have authorized and carried out Watergate. He might have dealt with domestic radicals harshly, but I doubt if there would have been a Gordon Liddy on the White House payroll scheming to kill Jack Ander- son. From my point of view, and my personal experience, Watergate was the closest we have ever come to a domestic police state, and it was only narrowly averted. REAGAN'S CAMPAIGN minions include plenty of the types needed to rekindle Watergate again, this time disguised as a "moral majority" instead of a "silent majority," employing the rhetoric of Christianity instead of "law and order." Reagan's victory will give the' "Radical Right" the momentum and legitimacy it needs to try again where Goldwater and Nixon failed. I am more worried about a repeat of 1968 than 1964, and therefore I am voting for Carter without guilt or hesitation. The day after the election will be soot enough to resume the challenges to Carter, and to form a strong coalition to change Car- ter's direction if he is re-elected; a coalition that can launch a determined effort to revitalize the Democratic Party around a newo vision of economic justice. CARTER WILL need to listen to those he has ignored for the past four years, or face a future of failure and non-accomplishment. If he wants to preside over ratification of the ERA, or a SALT treaty, or see a meaningful energy conservation program established, Carter will have to coalesce with those forces who now mistrust him the most. If this sounds bleak andchancy, imagine January 21 under President Reagan. He has pledged to achieve major changes in his first "100 days." And if he falters, there is always George Bush, who contemplates the "win nability" of nuclear war, ready to become the. first head of the CIA to be president. A nice move for the spies: victory through elections, but without public knowledge or consent. Be ready for it. Former Daily editor Tom Hayden was a founder and leader of the Students for al Democratic Society. He is currently the chairman of the Campaign for Economic Democracy. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Mental health bill misrepresented To the Daily: The letter from members of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (Daily, October 15) misrepresents the intent of Senate Bill 866, which I spon- sored. The purpose of SB 866 is to bring more professionalism and training into the commitment process. It is not to put more hospitalized until he or she is cer- tified mentally ill twice-the first time by a physician or psychiatrist, the second time by a psychiatrist, and then only after a court hearing where less restrictive alternatives have been considered. SB 866 is addressed to the needs of rural areas especially, where distances can be long and psychologists, social workers, and psychiatric nur- ses-qualified to do first cer- tifications and knowledgeable about local resources-may help to prevent the hospital route at all. We hope that with this bill people will be helped in the com- munities where they live. The writers mentioned the use of electro-shock therapy. I concern of the writers is about mental hospitals in general andO commitment procedures in par ticular. Commitment procedures are a concern to me, too, and for that reason Rep. Claude Trim' and I have agreed to hold joint Senate-House hearings on the subject in early 1981. -Edward Pierce Chairman litK I 4 ,t m ,~r I