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October 24, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-24

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Helthy Right-Haided mOles and females
Ages of 18-35
needed far intere sting
Call U of M Psychophysiology Lob
The Department of Romance Languages
The Annual Hayward Keniston Locture
Professor Emmanuel
(CollegDe France-Paris)
"The French City
In The Ancien Regeme"
Monday, October 27
4:00 PM
Rackham Amphitheatre
The Center for Japanese Studies,,
The Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies
at the University of Michigan
announce a
General Motors Strategies
For Gaining Access To
Japan In The 1970s
Director of Financial Control Analysis
General Motors Corporation
Other participants: GUNTER DUFEY
School of Business Administration

Page 2-Friday, October 24, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Students form
conmuttee to

A University student
formed Wednesday to"
prehensive educational
importance of not hazinj
Organized by Chris {
sultant in the Unive,
Student Organizations,
Programs, the com
outgrowth of a group
this year to formula
University position
hazing. Both groups
mainly of representativ
nities and sororities.
timing" that the educati
first actions took place
the hazing incidents on t
first were reported.
however, that the hock
give added impetus tot
Carlsen said she sees
new committee as an e
policy statement grou
more long-range goal.
as working with an e
that goes to rushees, ch
public," she said.
Carlsen said the educa
could use peer presst
hazing incidents in the

and that the committee may bring
IOMSON speakers to campus to further its goals.
committee was ONE COMMITTEE member, Dirk
develop a com- Entenmann, a Chi Psi fraternity mem-
program on the ber, said that he thought it would be
g.") "hard to stop people who haze from
Carlsen, a con- hazing." He said that it would be both
rsity office of difficult to get hazers involved in anti-
Activities, and hazing educational programs and to
mittee is an convince hazers to stop their actions.
formed earlier The position statement committee
te a possible was formed in April, and has for-
statement on mulated a rough draft of its views
are composed which will eventually be put before the
'es from frater- University administration for ap-
was "uncanny The rough draft denounces any action.
on committee's required for entrance into ail
one week after organization that could in any way in-
he hockey team flict physical or mental harm, or that
She also said, requires initiates to be in a state of ser-
ey incident will vitude.
the work of the The statement also condemns
qualifications for joining organizations
.the role of the which violate the law.
extension of the Carlsen said after the Wednesday
p, but with a meeting that she didn't know whether
"I really see us an education program might have
ducation prong prevented the hockey-hazing incident if
apters, and the the group had beenkreated earlier.
She said she was confident the
ation committee education committee's work would help
ure to prevent to prevent hazing incidents in the-
Greek system, future, however.


Groups seek to save
London newspaper

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Pressinternationalreports
Reagan questions
Carter's competence
GREENVILLE, S.C.-Ronald Reagan said yesterday that there is more
inflation ahead and blamed it all on President Carter. "Mr. Carter's in-
flation," he caled it, saying government figures will prove his point unless
the administration tries to rig them in an effort to make things look better.
He cited Carter's "demonstrated inability to govern our nation"
criticized the "failure of his leadership," and raised the question "of
whether or not-speaking bluntly-Jimmy Carter is competent to handle the
Carter's campaign chairman Robert Strauss said he is pleased with the
new CBS-New York Times national poll showing Carter ahead for the first
time in the campaign-39 percent to 38 percent among voters who have
made up their minds.
But Strauss said he has worried a bit that Carter may "peak too soon."
Former CIA agent to accept
guilt for selling U.S. secrets
WASHINGTON-Former CIA undercover agent David Barnett has
agreed to plead guilty or no contest to charges he served as a "mole" for the
Soviets-selling the KGB top U.S. secrets, sources said yesterday.
A federal grand jury in Baltimore is expected to indict Barnett today
and unless there are hitches, the plea would be entered later, federal law en-
forcement officials said.
They described it as a major espionage case.
The exact nature of the charge being considered by the grand jury and
details of the agreement with Barnett were not available. But Barnett is
alleged to have gotten more than $75,000 for giving the Russians secrets on
U.S. weapons and CIA operations in progress, said sources familiar with
the probe.
Tribal warriors join
continuing war in Iran
BASRA, Iraq-Iran and Iraq traded claims of success yesterday in
the 32-day-old Persian Gulf war as house-to-house fighting raged in the "City
of Blood" and jets fought dogfights over Abadan, the Iranian city housing the
Middle East's largest oil refinery,
Iran said its tribal warriors penetrated the Iraqi rings around the em-
battled cities and were helping in their defense.
Iraq claimed it blew up, in a number of locations, the main oil pipeline
connecting the giant Abadan refinery with Tehran, the Iranian capital.
McCarthy backs Reagan
WASHINGTON-Former Democratic Sen Eugene McCarthy, once the
political darling of anti-war liberals, announced yesterday he will vote for
Republican Donald Reagan Nov. 4. The alliance is as unlikely as they come.
McCarthy denied a published report that quoted him saying Reagan
"doesn't have much relevance to reality."
"It must have been Anderson,'' he said.
McCarthy said he went for Reagan because of his. stands on nuclear
weapons and the economy, because Reagancampaigns "with more dignity
and more restraint," and because he believes Reagan has "a better concept
of what the presidency is all about."
Cardinal says U.S. forces
birth control on nations
VATICAN CITY-Cardinal Terence J. Cooke of New York accused the
U.S. government yesterday of pursuing an "outrageous" policy of making
birth control a condition for foreign development aid.
"The aid-receiving nations resent very, very much the coercion and
pressure exerted by the United States . . . insisting on the use of artificial
.contraception as a condition for aid," Cooke told a news conference.
The Roman Catholic archbishop has been attending a month-long world

synod of bishops which winds up its discussion on family issues Saturday.
In Washington, a spokesman for the U.S. Agency for International
Development said the agency never has made family planning a condition
for aid.





The public is cordially invited. Please
contact the Center for Japanese Studies,
108 Lane Hall for further information.

4:00-6:00 P.M..
School of Business Administration

LONDON (AP)-Newspapers,
unions, and others sought ways yester-
day to save the Times of London and the
- Sunday Times, victims of continuing
labor disputes, whose owner plans to
sell or close them.
Print unions, whose refusal to adapt
to computerized printing systems
helped drive the newspapers into debt,
said they would meet today with Gor-
don Brunton, chief executive of Thom-
son British, Holdings, which controls
the newspapers. Lord Thomson of
Fleet, the papers' owner, announced
Wednesday that he would close them in
March if a suitable buyer is not found.
ABOUT' 3,500 full-time employees
stand to lose their jobs if the Times
newspapers fold.
Joe Wade, general secretary of the
National Graphical Association, said he
was prepared to make concessions and
accept new technology to save the
Among those reported likely to make


, .: u
f .

_____C MORE 0.R.E.A.D.

an offer was a group of labor unions
together with the Labor Party, which
has complained in the past about a
right-wing slant to the Times.
"It's time for the Labor Partyand
trade union movement to put their
checkbooks where their resolutions
have been for years," Eric Moonman of
the Labor Party Newspaper Group
"There's no doubt about it. We're
serious and we'll put an offer in. I'm
talking in terms of days rather than
weeks," he said.
LORD MATTHEWS, who heads the
Daily Express group of newspapers,
and Robert Maxwell, millionaire
owner of Pergamon Press, also said
they are interested in discussing pur-
chase of the Times.
foes favor
(Continued from Page 1)
"I refuse to sacrifice people to the
cause of business, but I also refuse to
sacrifice business, which is made up of
people, to the government," Quick said.
Barton spoke extensively in favor of
proposed "sunset laws" which he said
would require government agencies to
justify their existence once every year.
"These laws would enable us to cut
down government expenditures. There
is too little scrutiny on where our
money is being spent," Barton said.
Graham spoke out in favor of cutting
welfare funds. "Lots of people out there
don't want to be receiving
welfare-they want jobs," he said.
OPINIONS ON the usefulness of the
forum varied. "They didn't say enough
to give me definite ideas on who to vote
for," said WCC student Michael O'Dell.
But University student Jack Glazko
disagreed. "It was very informative, I
learned a lot about the candidates," he





Volume XCI, No. 44
Friday, October 24, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
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Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
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Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
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G 'I

Champions of the West

FR CT 24-645

Editor-in-Chief.....................MARK PARRENT
Managing Editor................MITCH CANTOR
City Editor ..,...................PATRICIA HAGEN
University Editor................. TOMAS MIRGA
Features Editor........... ......BETH ROSENBERG
Opinion Page Editors..............JOSHUA PECK
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Sports Editor.....................ALAN FANGER
Executive Sports Editors........... MARK BOROWSKI

Business Manager.......... ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
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