U Page 6-Thursday, October 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily Soviets say harvest bleak Health system reaps big profits MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Union yesterday reported a dismal 1980 grain harvest and promised top-level efforts to solve food problems complicated by ,the partial U.S. embargo on grain sales since Soviet troops entered Afghanistan. Figures announced at a meeting of the Supreme Soviet, the 1,500-member national Parliament, showed a harvest of about 181 million metric tons this year, 54 million tons below the announ- ced goal of 235 million tons. The crop, the second poor one in a row, was '9 million tons less than the lowest U.S. prediciton. / THE UNITED STATES is supplying 8 million metric tons of grain to the Soviets this year under an agreement concluded before the Soviet move into Afghanistan. President Carter suspen- ded shipfnent of an additional 17 million tons after the Afghan move 10 months ago. In Peking, meanwhile, China yester- day signed an agreement with the United States to buy 6 million to 8 million metric tons of U.s. grain a year for the next four years at market prices. The agreement, effective Jan. 1, gives China the option of buying a total of 9 million tons within a year without giving prior notice to the U.S. gover- nment, but Peking must consult with Washington if it wants to buy more than that. IN WASHINGTON, Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland denied that the timing of the pact was intended to promote President Carter's re-election. "This grain agreement has been un- der study for two years and negotiations have been under way since May," Bergland said. "There's nothing new or unusual about this." U.S. officials said that in the current 1980-81 fiscal year, China already is ex- pected to buy more than $2 billion worth of U.S. farm commodities, including about 6 million metric tons of wheat, 2.5 million metric tons of corn, almost one million metric tons of soybeans, and 2 million bales of cotton. THEY SAID the agreement is designed to help trade expansion and U.S. production planning through greater availability of information on Chinese import requirements. U.S. sources say the Soviet Union is expected to import 30 million metric tons of grain in 1980-81 from various sources and possibly more if it is available. Economic planning chief Nicolai Baibakov did not explicitly give a figure for the 1980 Soviet grain harvest. He said production in 1976-80 was 12 percent higher than in 1971-75. That in- dicated a crop of about 181 million metric tons, 2 million tons above 1979. Baibakov said the next Soviet economic plan would place "top level importance on solving the food problem." He did not specify what resources might be diverted to give agriculture and consumer goods more attention. But the plan he announced was the first in recent years in which the 4.1 percent growth of heavy industry was planned to be slightly smaller than the growth of light industry, which includes con- sumer goods. His announcement came a day after Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev, at a meeting of the 250-member Communist Party Central Committee, noted a series of economic problems, including difficulties in providing meat and milk to some cities. BOSTON (AP)-The explosive growth of private clinics, hospitals and other profit-making medical services over the past decade poses "potentially troubling implications" for the American health system and could make illness even more expensive, the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine said. Writing in today's edition of the journal, Dr. Arnold Relman said the emergence of this "medical-industrial complex," a $40 billion-a-year array of money-making health businesses, has been virtually unnoticed by all but investors. "THE MEDICAL-INDUSTRIAL complex is an un- precedented phenomenon with broad and potentially troubling implications for the future of our medical care system," he wrote.. These businesses accounted for about a quarter of the total amount spent on personal health care in the United States last year, he said. "It has attracted remarkably little attention so far, ex- cept on Wall Street," he said, "but in my opinion it is the most important recent development in American health care, and it is in urgent need of study." THE LENGTHY, highly detailed article is likely to spur considerable debate in the medical world because it was published in what is often regarded as the nation's most prestigious medical journal. The businesses sell lucrative kinds of health care that un- til recently were provided only by nonprofit hospitals or in- dividual doctors. Among the businesses are private hospitals and nursing homes, companies that give nursing care in patients' homes, diagnostic laboratories and clinics that provide kidney dialysis. Relman said he was not including in his analysis com- panies that manufacture drugs and medical equipment. . i Private enterprise may be able to provide health care more efficiently than the government or nonprofit businesses, Relman said. "BUT THE FACT remains that they are in business to in- crease their total sales," and this is likely to lead to ever higher medical bills. "We will have to find some way of preserving the advan- tages of a private health care industry without giving it free rein and inviting gross commercial exploitation," he wrote. The best kind of regulation should come from physicians, who decide which tests and care are in their patients' best interests, Relman said. To avoid conflict, doctors should give up their financial interests in these businesses, he said, even though physicians often invest in the firms. "THE NEW HEALTH care industry is not only very large, but it is also expanding rapidly and is highly profitable," Relman wrote. The income of private hospitals is growing at 15 to 20 percent a year, while lab business is growing 15 percent annually. Anong other services being offered for a profit are in- dustrial health screening, weight-control clinics, drug- abuse programs and cardiopulmonary testing. Much of the field is dominated by large corporations. A firm called National Medical Care, for example, provided 17 percent of all long-term kidney dialysis last year. Some of the private hospitals engage in "cream skin- ning," Relman said. They provide the most profitable kinds of services to the best-paying customers and non-profit hospitals are left with unprofitable services and poor patients. The private health care industry could also mount a powerful lobbying effort to stop such changes as national health insurance, he asserted. 0 Motor City Theatre Organ*Society, Inc., presents "The Phantom of the Opera" STARRING LON CHANEY,,SR.t with Theatre Organist Extraordinaire Dennis James at the console of the Barton Organ Tickets: $6, $5, $4' Available at The Michigan Theatre . box office, and The Redford t Theatre box office, 17360 Lahser Rd., Detroit, 537-2560" Saturday All Day OCt. 259 9:30 5:00 __ U.S. students WASHINGTON (AP)-The nation has lost the momentum of its post- Sputnik commitment to science and most Americans are headed "toward virtual scientific and technological illiteracy," a report commissioned by' the White House says. The study released yesterday con- cludes that the United States lags behind the Soviet Union, Japan, and Germany in, the rigor of elementary and secondary school programs in mathematics and science. "WE FEAR A loss of our competitive g With this entire ad - one admission $1.50 any film 1 Good Mon.-Thur. This coupon valid Ithru 10/23/80 I 3. .......................m..m .-m. . - m m . m lag inscience edge," said the 230-page report technology portends trouble in the prepared by the Department of decades ahead," it said. Education and the National Science It said unless "the current trend Foundation on orders from President toward virtual scientific and Carter. technological illiteracy is reversed," It cited "a serious shortage" of high important national decisions would be school math and science teachers and, made on the basis of "ignorance and at the college level, "severe shortages misunderstanding." of qualified faculty members" in com- After the Soviet Union launched puter and most engineering fields. Sputnik, the first satellite, ins October Despite a big overall drop in test 1957, the federal government augmen- scores, math and science- majors' ted its research commitments and scores remain high on both the helped develop courses to teach future Scholastic Aptitude Test and the scientists. Graduate Record Examination, the, Those post-Sputnik programs served study said, adding, "those who are the their purpose, the report said, but it best seem to be learning about as much cited a "desperate need" for courses as they ever did, while the majority of for non-science majors that "could students learn less and less." provide students with a better basis for "THE NUMBER OF young people understanding and dealing with the who graduate from high school and science and technology they encounter college with only the most rudimentary as citizens, workers and private in- notions of science, mathematics, and dividuals:" Ends Tonight: "THE GREAT SANTINI" 7:30, 9:35 , STARTS TOMORROW! Frank Langella Fri-7:30, 9:30 Sat, Sun-1:20, 3:20, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 tns INDIVIDUAL THEATRES 5t r tLbry 7190 MM Tax-cut fever moves quickly across nation Antiquarian MART FELMAIZ ENDS TONIGHTI PETER BOYLE SEEMRI i~e~rst ~ I ~heJ Thurs-7:00,1015 Thurs-8:40 Fri-6:40, 10:20 TWO GREAT COMEDIANS!!! BOOK FAIR - THE GREATEST VARIETY OF MIDWEST BOOK DEALERS - ITEMS FOR THE COLLECTOR, THE NOSTALGIA BUFF, THE GENERALIST, THE SPECIALIST, AND THE ORDINARY READERI COME BROWSE - ADMISSION FREE[ EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTIONI FREE SEMINARS FOR THE COLLECTOR Starting at 12:30 in the Explorers Room; 3 hour-long sessions on Collecting and Collectibles Detroit Public Library, 5201 Woodward sponsored by Friends of the Library DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY From The Associated Press Nearly 21/2 years after California voters shook the political establishment by approving Proposition 13, tax-cut fever is spreading faster than ever across the nation. On Nov. 4, voters in 18 states will con- sider various tax-cutting amendments and initiatives, by far the most states to do so in a single election year. The so-called tax revolt continues unabated despite the unusual absence of Californians. In June, voters there defeated "Jaws II," a proposition by Howard Jarvis that would have cut state income taxes in half. THIS NOVEMBER, states like South Dakota, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah are considering measures patter- ned after Proposition 13, which rolled back property taxes to earlier levels, then capped them for the future. The Utah measure would also eliminate sales tax on food. But propositions in other states would4 go to very different lengths to carve back taxes.' Iowa voters are considering a measure dubbed "Con-Con," a proposal to call a state constitutional conventkon. Its backers, including "Iowans fJr Tax Relief," make no bones that the first order of business would be an amen- dment to rein in state taxes permanen- tly. AMONG THE HARDEST fought tax battles are being waged in three large, industrial states-Michigan, Massachusetts, and Ohio. Ohio provides a twist-a tax proposition with the enthusiastic endor- sement of public employee unions, in- cluding the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Em- ployees (AFSCME). AFSCME Director of Economic Af- fairs Marcia Caprio terms Issue 2 the "classic labor-citizen-big business con- frontation." r 1 "Exultation in dance." - Clive Barnes, New York Times LA Lubovirrd DANCE Comp&Ny SAVE $1000 NOW When You Order Your ULTRIUM COLLEGE RING Plus! ... your choice of the following options when ordering an ULTRIUM" OR 10k GOLD RING! Tu.s,WEd,OcTobfR28,29,8*O