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October 22, 1980 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-22

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 22, 1980-Page 5

AP Photo

Violence mars union protest

A pickup truck driven by a worker at the Orlando International Airport construction site breaks through a line of protestors
and runs over one demonstrator during Monday's union protest against low wages and the employment of non-union

workers on the site. Four workers were injured and four others arrested as a result of the demonstration, which shut down
the construction site for the day.

Carter doubts Reagan's ability to lead

From AP and UPI
President Carter reassured South Florida the worst of the
uban refugee crisis was over, then claimed yesterday that
voters should give him another term because he is better
equipped than Ronald Reagan to "think on my feet."
On a campaign trip to southern Florida, where the
refugee influx has undercut his popularity,, Carter volun-
teered his criticism of Reagan in an opening statement at a
question-and-answer session with 1,200 people at Miami
Edison Senior High School.
"I HAVE TO admit that my opponent is very good at
making speeches," the president said. "Alot of people say
he's a better one at making speeches than I am. And I guess
they're right.

"But when you're in the Oval Office dealing with a crisis
or when you're sitting across the negotiating table with
President Leonid Brezhnev trying to guarantee the future
of our nation and the peace of the world, you can't rely on 3-
by-5 cards and you can't read a Teleprompter," he added.
REAGAN TOLD an audience in Herrin, Ill., that Carter
should have done more to free the 52 American hostages in
Iran.. He said he had "some ideas" on how to win their
freedom-but couldn't discuss them publicly.
Noting that by Election Day Nov. 4, the hostages will
have been in the hands of Iranian militants for a year, he
said Carter's foreign policy "helped create the entire
situation that made their kidnap possible."
Carter said Reagan's remarks broke a pledge not to use

the hostage crisis forpolitical purposes.
"THE FATE OF the hostages is of serious importance,"
he said, adding that it should not be used as a political foot-
He said he would abide by his own similar promise and
said: "I regret that he (Reagan) has broken his pledge."
Assistant White House Press Secretary Rex Granum said
the pledge Carter referred to was a statement Reagan
made Sept. 13, pledging not to make negotiations over the
hostages "a political issue idithe campaign."
EARLIER, CARTER had been asked about the hostages
at a town meeting in Miami. He said he feels there will be a
satisfactory solution, but he did not want to raise any false
"I don't think the Iran-Iraqi war has put the hostages in-
any greater danger," he said. "And I believe the hostages
will come home safely."
Reagan's campaign managers, meanwhile, said former
Sen. Eugene McCarthy would formally endorse the
Republican ticket in a speech tonight.
Reagan said McCarthy's backing will be helpful, "very
fine," And he added: "Maybe this will give people some
confidence I don't eat my young."
The endorsement, arranged Monday night in Reagan's
Louisville, Ky., hotel suite, fit nicelywith Reagan's coun-
teroffensive against Carter's contention that he would risk
"The greatest risk of war is the kind of foreign policy we
have today.. .," Reagan said on a hand-shaking tour of the
main street in Herrin. "Our adversaries don't respect us
anymore, we've lost the margin of safety ..."
"I BELIEVE this country has got to take the leadership

for preserving the peace," he said, "Right now we're
McCarthy challenged then-President Lyndon Johnson in
the 1968 Democratic primary elections, opposing ad-
ministration policies in the war in Vietnam. Johnson even-
tually renounced his candidacy and Hubert Humphrey won
the Democratic nomination.
McCarthy ran unsuccessfully as an independent in the.
next two presidential elections. He was not available for
comment on the endorsement announced by the Reagan
REAGAN ADVISER Michael- Deaver said MtCarthy's
support would help blunt Carter's assertions that the
Republican nominee might lead the nation into conflict.
"I don't think Eugene McCa'rthy would endorse'
somebody he thought was dangerous or would get us into
war," said Deaver, whose public relations firm coinciden-
tally represents the former Minnesota senator on the lec-
ture circuit.
Deaver said McCarthy had offered to campaign actively
with Reagan.
It seemed an odd alliance. McCarthy entered presidential
politics as a foe of the Vietnam War; Reagan argues the
United States should have fought it to win, and has defended
American involvement there as a "noble cause."
Independent John Anderson, meanwhile, toured a crum-
bling public housing project in Elizabeth, N.J., and told
residents only he can reverse the ills of urban America.
He said the Miglori project on the trash-littered port
facility "unfortunately symbolizes all too vividly,
Washington's response to the plight of American cities."

WASHINGTON (AP) -Negotiators
for President Carter and Ronald
Reagan agreed yesterday that the two
presidential candidates will debate'
face-to-face in Cleveland next Tuesday,
eti 28.
The debate, scheduled to start at 9:30
p.m. EDT, will be in two equal segmen-
ts;, the first permitting follow-up
questions by the panelists and giving
opportunity for rebuttal. The second.
will be just rebuttal and counter-rebut-
IN THE 90-MINUTE debate, all sub-
jects will be open for discussion, in-
cluding domestic affairs, the economy,
*MSA to

Reagan ti
foreign policy and defense.
The debate will be run by a
moderator and four panelists who will
be chosen by the sponsoring League of
Women Voters.
Agreement for the, debate came after
two days of discussions between Robert
Strauss, chairman of Carter's cam-
paign, and James Baker of Republican
Reagan's campaign. The two had met
for 41/2 hours Monday, then continued
the discussions by telephone yesterday.
also, about the site. The league chose
Cleveland's Convention Center, which
suits the Carter camp. Reagan apparen-

o debate
tly would have preferred a debate in
Strauss said also that the Democrats
were seeking a debate between the vice
presidential candidates, Walter Mon-
dale and George Bush. A Mondale
representative left Monday's meeting
early, saying the Republicans "are
clearly not interested in allowing Bush
to debate."
Strauss told reporters he thought the
earlier debate between Reagan and in-
dependent John Anderson was dull and
said he didn't want the Reagan-Carter
confrontation "to be wrapped in





(Continued from Page 1)
sibility seeing that the Rules are enforced.
MSA MEMBER Tim Feeman also
advocated MSA action on the issue.
"We have to do something about it,"
Feeman said. "I don't think we have a
"This rule is out here specifically 'to
prevent this sort of thing," Ireland said.
"Rules aren't any good if nobody
bothers to enforce them. I think we
should go ahead and file the suit."
Many. MSA members, however,
voiced opposition to a possible lawsuit,
saying that the Assembly should avoid
needless legal entanglements. "I think
that there are things short of filing a
suit to express our displeasure" with
hazing, MSA member Reid Burtler
"I feel that the steps taken by the
University to punish the players are
sufficient," MSA member Ken Reeves
*said. "We're talking about something
(hazing) that's been going on for a long

Open to all interested students
Next Wed., Oct. 29, 3:30p.m.
Conf. Room 6, Michigan Union
Call 1-261-LSAT for additional information


Earn the credentials that count as a


Our colleague, Murray Jackson, has contributed much to the
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as an Associate Professor of Higher Education at Michigan since
1970, he has dedicated his professional life to helping students to
obtain the best possible education consistent with their own per-
sonal goals.
Murray's career has also been distinguished by public service
of an unusually broad scope. He has been and remains active in the
work of health organizations, his church, and civic associations. He
took a year's leave from the University of Michigan to serve as
Executive Director of the Detroit Council of the Arts. He is currently
a member of the State's Council for the Humanities.
His candidacy for a seat on Wayne State University's Board of
Governors fully merits our recommendation.

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- rackham auditorium

Thomas Anton
David Angus
Loren Barritt
Percy Bates
Lawrence Berlin
Bob Blackburn
Ella Bowen
Howard V. Brabson
Jean W. Campbell
Don Canham
William Cave
LaRue Cochran
Wilbur Cohen
Joseph Cosand
Joyce Dah art
Carolyne Davis
Donald Deskins.
Elaine Didier
Lw.. w

Zelda Gamson
Ralph Gibson
Oscar Gish
Frederick Goodman
Gerald Gurin
Patricia Gurin
Don Harrison
Sue Holden
Irene Heller
Alan B. Howes
Gale Jensen
Harold Johnson
Juith Judd
Wilfred Kaplan
Hyman Kornbluh
Shelly Kovacs
Janet Lawrence
Charles Lehman
Ralph Lewis

Charles Moody
Betty Moorison
William Morse
Jo Anne E. MacRae
Howard McClusky
Virginia Nordby
Warren Palmer
Marvin Peterson
Marcus Plant
Doris Priehs
James H. Robertson
Dave Robinson l
Jay L. Robinson
Rudolf Schmerl
Penny Schreiber
Alan F. Smith
Donald Smith
wa c. ew wt L

r. C
v m

' Tickets $7.50 reserved

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