Phils reign as Series champs-Pg.10
Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom
LIE iiau
Skies will be ear today
with high tem~,eature in
the mid 50s.
Vol. XCI, No.42 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 22, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
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MSA to pr
of hockey
obe handling
The Michigan Student Assembly voted last night
to investigate the University Athletic Department's
handling of the recent hazing of several freshman
Michigan hockey players.
If the Assembly, following its investigation, decides
that the punishments levied by the Athletic Depar-
tment were inappropriate, MSA will consider filing a
lawsuit with the University Judiciary charging the
players responsible for the incident with violation of
the "Rules of the University Community."
UNDER A RESOLUTION passed by the Regents
last year, the president of the Michigan Student
Assembly is empowered to file suit against violators
of the "Rules of the University Community." The
document, ratified by the Regents in 1973, contains
provisions prohibiting students from using "physical
force against any person engaged in an activity as a
part of an institutional relationship to the Univer-
Violators of the rules are liable to warning, cen-
sure, a fine between $50.00 and $500.00, work assign-
ment, or any combination of the four sanctions.
University General Counsel Roderick Danne, con-
tacted at his office yesterday afternoon, said the
hazing may have involved a violation of the Rules.
"The rules in general,"he said, "prohibit the use of
physical force and, aslreported at least, the facts
would indicate that there was such physical force."
DAANE SAID THE formulation of the Rules
"began in response to disruptive conduct in 1970,"
and that he could say with "98 percent assurance"
that there has never been a suit filed in the University
Judicial System set up for handling violations of the
MSA's action came in the wake of a hazing incident
in which veteran hockey players allegedly stripped a
freshman icer, shaved off his body hair, and aban-
doned him naked and drunk at his dormitory.
Last week, three hockey players' confirmed that
Athletic Director Don Canham had suspended them
for the weekend series of games against Bowling
Green University and had ordered all University
hockey players to stay outof local bars.
MSA PRESIDENT Marc Breakstone brought the
matter before the Assembly last night, seeking its
advice on whether a lawsuit should be considered.
"I would not be interested in taking any unilateral
action," Breakstone said in an interview before the
ng case
meeting. He added, however, that "if there's a
feeling among Assembly members that this is
something that we want to" pursue, then a suit might
be considered.
Breakstone added, however, that even if MSA
decides that the Athletic Department's disciplinary
actions were insufficient, the Assembly will not
necessarily file suit.
In last night's meeting, although many members
voiced opposition to filing a suit, the motion to in-
vestigate the actions of the Athletic Department was
approved by a wide margin.
.MSA MEMBER Kevin Ireland, who initiated the
resolution to investigate the Athletic Department,
strongly supported filing suit as a feasible option for
addressing the incident.
"I think it's our responsibility as representatives of
the students of the University of Michigan to see that
this sort of thing (hazing) doesn't happen again,"
Ireland said during the debate on the resolution.
Ireland said the freshman players who were hazed
could not file suit themselves because it would
jeopardize their positions on the team. Therefore,
Ireland argued, MSA should assume the respon-
See MSA, Page 5
Daily Phqto by JOHN HAGEN
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION senior Sue Silagi collects homework assignments
from students in her eighth grade class at Clague Intermediate School.
Silagi, along with 113 classmates, is spending the semester student teaching..
Students find teaching
Connoner bits big. business
challenging but fun
When student teacher Sue Silagi
stood before her eighth grade
English class at Clague Inter-
mediate School for the first time, she
wished she had a pair of eyes in the
back of her bead.,
"I realized how many different
things I have to do," the University
senior said, "In addition to talking
about the subject, I have to look
around to make sure the kids are
paying attention, nobody's throwing
spitballs, or kicking another kid,
watch the time to make sure I'm not
going too slow or too fast, write on
the board, and try to make it in-
teresting-all at once."
LIKE 113 OTHER School of
Education seniors, Silagi is spending
this term student teaching in area
schools. She said sloe has learned to
cope with the 30 eighth-graders in
her class, "They tested me to see
just what I would put up with."
"I enjoy working with kids," said
Silagi. "I just like them, even though
they're a lot of trouble sometimes.
Kids are honest. They'll say what
they think to your face."
And despite discouraging
statistics about the scarcity. of full-
time teaching jobs, Silagi said she is
hopeful of findinga teaching position
after she graduates in December.
DURING THE last Decade, an
oversupply of teachers in the state
has discouraged many students
from attempting to enter the
profession. "There's been
a dramatic decline in applications to
the School of Education starting 'in
1970," explained Herbert Eibler,
director of the Office of Field Ex-
periences and Directed Teaching.
In 1980 the University's School of
Education graduated only 150 cer-
tified teachers, compared to 750 in
Because of the oversupply of
teachers, some school districts now
refuse to accept student teachers.
The Michigan Education
Association has formulated a quota
system for school districts based on
the number of open positions, and
See STUDENTS, Page 9
The Citizens Party is "a historic
mission" paralleled in our history only
by the birth of the RepublicanParty 126
years ago, presidential candidate
Barry Commoner said.
The 63-year-old candidate urged his
audience of 250 at the Michigan Theatre
to begin a "fight against corporations."
HE ALSO LASHED out at the .three
major presidential candidates, Jimmy
Carter, Ronald Reagan, and John An-
derson, for not addressing the "true
problems facing our country and who
they were caused by-the cor-
"The people who, are running the
country are not running it in the best in-
terest of the population, but to
maximize profits," Commoner said.
While he says he is "programmed to
lose" the election, Commoner urged
people to vote for him not as a can-
didate, but as the beginning of a new
jparty that will "deal with the issues."
COMMONER ADDED that inflation,
pollution, and energy problems were
caused by the corporations and their
thirst for profits.
But, he said, "the tragedy is that
these problems can be solved."
The use of nuclear power must be
halted immediately because the answer
to our energy problems lies in solar
See COMMONER, Page 2
Daily Photo by PETER SERLNG
A MEMBER OF the Marxist-Leninist party confronts Barry Commoner, the Citizens Party candidate for president,
outside the Michigan Theater last night, where Commoner later spoke to a crowd of 250.
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" 'Gradeflaion'
prompts talk of
*raising Honors
"Gradeflation" makes professional schools raise
their standards for admittance. It's what motivates
frightened undergraduates to pack the libraries until
late hours on weekends. And it's the primary reason
the Honors Council will be considering raising its
minimum GPA requirement.
According to Honors Council Associate Director
Margot Morrow, the mean LSA grade point average
at the University is between 2.9 and 3.0 on a four point
scale. And since the Honors Council currently
requires a 3.0 GPA for admittance to the program,
the directors of the program realized that virtually
anyone with a median or higher GPA could join,
provided that the individual meets any additional
requirements in the department of his or her concen-
A PROPOSAL' TO raise the minimum required
GPA and standardize admissions requirements
among the approximately 55 participating depar-
tments will be discussed when the Honors Council
meets tomorrow.
"It was mostly because of this memo that went
around, saying that the median GPA was a 2.9 or a
3.0," Morrow said. "It was the first time Jack
(Honors Council Director Jack Meiland) and I had
seen the data. We would have expected it to be much
"Basically, it was Jack and Margot's idea," said
Honors Student Council President David Han-
delsman. Handelsman added that the Honors Student
Council "unanimously supported" the measure.
"THE OVERALL GPA is a 3.0. Because of that, it
just doesn't make sense for us to keep the honors.
requirements as they are," he said.
Morrow herself was not as sure. "Basically there
are two camps," she explained. "There's the one that
says, 'yes, a higher cutoff is needed; too many people
are eligible,' and the other that says, 'no, as long as
they want to put, in the effort, they should be able to
have the experience of writing the honors thesis.'
Myself, I have a completely open mind on the mat-
Morrow said that the decision is a difficult one
because frequently grade point average is not a good
estimator of how well a student can research and
write a thesis, which is the culmination of the honors
degree program.
tions to the proposed cutoff boost. While the measure
would take at least a year to enact if approved, many
departmental honors chairpersons were already
aware of the proposal.
Anthropology honors advisor Richard Ford said his
department does not use GPA as a criterion for ad-
mittance, and they had no complaints with, the
quality of work produced by students in the honors
See HONORS, Page 2
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Tloe woes
INORA BARRY WAS never one to let people walk
all over her-or her feet. The 27-year-old former
Playboy Club waitress filed a $1 million damage
suit Monday in New York against doctors who
allegedly botched surgery on a bunion on her left foot last
April. According to Barry, pain keeps her from wearing
high heels or working on her feet, forcing her to give up a
Mno-a-week iob waiting tables at the club in Manhattan.
healthy toe. Wonder what the value of a healthy kneecap
is? Q
Mm-mm good
Last winter, Troy Roberts promised to eat a live worm
for each point by which his high school team outscored its
opponents. So far, Roberts, a tackle for the Chester High
School Cyclones football team, has gobbled down 62 of the
slippery wrigglers. "It tastes like a noodle you dropped in
Christmas-time equality
Father Christmas is ,a man and cannot be played by a
woman, Britain's Equal Opportunities Commission has
ruled. So John Shelton can advertise for a male Santa at the
department store he manages. Shelton said Monday he
asked the commission's advice when someone pointed out
to him that if he advertised for a Father Christmas he
might have to advertise for a Mother Christmas too. Except
in special cases, the Sex Discrimination Act bars em-
ployers from advertising fror a man or woman. Instead
they advertise for a "nerson." But Shelton said an official
Stuyvesant section. Perched on the fence across from the
church and balanced on police barricades, a crowd of
several hundred packed the block, chanting, "Ali, Ali."
They stood on their toes for a glimpse of the tall hero
surrounded by police and Secret Service agents. "There
will always be a president around to see, there's only one
Ali," said one fan whose blue sweatshirt identified him as
"Dwight." In another celebrity-candidate popularity con-
test last Thursday at a Reagan for President Rally in Bir-
mingham, Ala., singer Donnie Osmond's fans reacted the
same way. Upon hearing the singer's jest that he might run
for president, the crowd roared its approval, and it took