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October 19, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-19

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Michigan routs
Gophers, 37-14

Special to the Daily
MINNEAPOLIS-The John Wangler-
Anthony Carter duo put on another brilliant
performance yesterday to help Michigan
retain the Little Brown Jug, and ruin Min-
nesota's homecoming by a 37-14 score.
Wangler and Carter, who combined for
142 yards and two touchdowns, played for
more than three hours before 56,297 in
Memorial Stadium.
But the two failed to appear for even a
single encore, as 75 percent of the disgrun-

ted Gopher fans had left by the middle of the
fourth quarter, when the Wolverines had the
game well in hand.
IN ADDITION to hitting Carter nine
times, Wangler also completed seven other
passes to accumulate a total of 227 yards in
the air, a new personal high for the senior
from Royal Oak.
"I'm happy with the way we threw the
ball. I wasn't at all surprised with the way
we threw it, because we have got a pretty
good passing team," said coach Bo Schem-
bechler. "We had to throw the ball because

Minnesota comes at you with a lot of
Carter said that the Gophers' blitzing
frequently left him in man-to-man coverage
situations. "My eyes kind of light up when I
see man-to-man coverage, especially whenI
know the ball is coming my way," Carter
said. "It was one of my better games
because they played a lot of man-to-man. It
was kind of like high school."
CARTER SAID that he felt playing on
Minnesota's natural grass field was no
problem for the team this year. "I like
See BLUE, Page 12

Ninety-One Years ESIE
Editria FredomMostly cloudy with a few
Edtra reo sprinkles and a high of 60.
Vol XCI, No. 40 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 19, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Prison escapee
violent rampage
By MAUREEN FLEMING He arrived in Saline early Friday af
An Indiana prison escapee was ternoon and drove around the area for
arraigned yesterday on charges of first several hours.
AP Photo degree criminal sexual assault and At about 7 p.m. Friday, Eubank ab-
B arekoot in e U .kidnapping following a two day ram- ducted an Ypsilanti woman from her
BinI page that ended in Lodi Township just car, took the woman's purse at gun-
Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Ali Rajai puts his foot on a table at the United Nations yesterday to display an in- southwest of Ann Arbor. He had been point and forced the 20-year-old into his
jury he said he received as a prisoner in Iran during the reign of the shah. Rajai told the Security Council that the U.S. serving a 160-year prison term for a van. She escaped a few blocks later by
has "in practice" apologized for its support of the Shah in the past. See story, page 5. number of crimes, jumping out of the van.
Bertram Eubank, 24, an Indiana
resident, was arrested yesterday mor- AT APPROXIMATELY 8:30 p.m.,
ning in a Lodi Township field after Eubank went to a house in Lodi Town-
allegedly abducting and raping a 13- ship, where a 13-year-old girl was home
year-old girl, sheriff deputies said. alone. He forced her at gunpoint into his
alleged two-day crime spree: After driving around the area for a
few hours, Eubank parked on a lane in a
THE INCIDENT began Thursday af- farm field "well off the road," where he
/ ternoon when he was being transported raped the 13-year-old.
Avplan to expand voters role from the Michigan City State Prison in After discovering the van was stuck
Michigan City, Ind. to Kokomo, Ind., to in mud, Eubank abandoned the van and
be sentenced for armed robbery! forced the girl to accompany him to a Eubank
ByPAMKRAMER an issue on the national ballot by collecting on petitions, the During the trip, Eubank allegedly residence on Parker Road where he
produced a handcuff key from under his stole a pick-up truck..backo prison
What if the public could vote on the question of peace- number of signatures of registered voters equal to three per- tongue and removed his leg and hand
time draft registration? What if citizens had a voice in the cent of the last vote for president. If enough signatures were restraints. He overpowered a Howard THE GIRL ASKED Eubank to let her
issues of equal rights or the balanced budget? collected within 18 months, the issue would appear on the County deputy sheriff, took his han- go home and told him she was only 13 p.m. Friday. Several sheriff's units,
The U.S. would be a step closer to democracy, according ballot in the next congressional election. Cou and forced him to drive to Cass years old. He allegedly replied: "I along with the Michigan State Police,
to Initiative America volunteers. Initiative America is an POLLSTERS ESTIMATE that just over one half of the dgun, andugorceduhimsto driHe toeCassokeherarssold.tHePallegdly rapine Poa
thoghtyouwas15" H thn tok erYpsilanti Police, and Saline Police,
organization working to make an amendment to the U.S. registered voters in this country will turn out for the Novem- CouHe went to an Indiana farmhouse to within feet of her house and sealed off a six square-mile area and
Constitution that would allow the public to initiate and vote ber elections, according to Jim O'Neil, who is in charge of released her. began a search.
on federal legislation. gaining presidential support for Initiative America. hand stole the resident's money and car The girl's parents returned home After hearing' gunshots, they found
THE AMENDMENT PROPOSAL has been introduced in People don't believe we have a representative form of about the same time Eubank was drop- earin gunhotsth "d
Congress, but there is not much action on it currently, accor- government," he said. "They feel Congress is up for sale to E.urrn deeuy erdyo rn.ng
ding to David Schmidt, editor of the Initiative News Report, a the highest bidder. EUBANK THEN drove to Logan n The trca ed surrendered early yesterday morning
Washington-based newsletter that reports on state-level "Special interest groups get what they want by being on sport, Ind.,broke into an unoccupied and found the truck abandoned near without a struggle.
initiatives across the country. the scene," O'Neil said. "The system gets to the people in home and stole money, credit cards, Ellsworth Road and Gensley Road in Eubank was jailed without bond and
The national voter initiative would enable citizens to place and another car. He later stole a van in Lodi Township. is scheduled for a pre-trial examination
See INITIATIVE, Page 5 South Bend, Ind. The Washtenaw County Sheriff's Thursday in Saline.
Department was called at about 10:30
'U' scholars dissect .S.voting tren ds
By JULIE ENGEBRECHT Research have been asking the national electorate But in sheer numbers, its greatest use is by un-
It's Election '80. Walter Cronkite and Teddy White questions about whom they vote for and why. dergraduates researching term papers. It is also
are standing by with an instant analysis. used heavily in political science teaching. Miller says ~ ~
They'll tell you who's voting for whom and why. THE BIENNIAL election study-the only one of its he lectures almost entirely on information drawn
Residents of the Northeast are staying home from the type anywhere-is political science's equivalent to from National Election Studies data.
polls in droves, but those who are voting support physical science's telescope. The 1980 study will provide "more complex, more
Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan is being hurt by But instead of measuring the stars and the distance powerful" information than ever before, according to t.,(.
Millerswhodisfalsoadirectorof therCenter for Political1
Michigan's heavy labor vote. Early returns show between them, interviewing the national electorate Miller, who is also director of the Center for Political
John Andeson doing better than the latest polls had gauges the relationship of education and social Studies at ISR.
prdce.gue h eainhp~ dcto n oil THE 198 ELECTION study is special for two s ;
status-and scores of other information-to how reasons. The National Science Foundation, a fedeal
"INSTANT"-BY WAY of modern people make voting decisions (if they vote at all). agency that funds research projects on the basis of
technology-comes easy these days. "Instant" also Political scientists have used the data to identify peer review, has taken full responsibility for funding
goes almost as quickly as it comes. many trends and relationships in voter behavior the project. There's also been more emphasis on
quicky may trnds nd rlatioship in oterbehaior, developing the data as a tool that all social scientists fMt
Political scientists have a stake in going beyond the Anyone who has had a political science course knows de. t dsg is n becau rsearchersas
analysis of media stars. The very backbone of their ththendpdntverhsbcmmremp- can use. Its design is new because researchers all
analyiso meda rsarsThde er bakbonen ofte that the independent voter has become more impor across the country have been involved in the plan-
teaching and research depends upon having complte tant than ever in recent years. That's just one piece of ,,,,

and thoroughly documented information on who's information that researchers have been able to get nmg. See NATIONAL Page 5
doing what and why. from the National Election Studies.
The National Election Studies, one of the most im- CENTER FOR POLITICAL Studies Director War-
portant tools in political science research for the last THE ELECTION data is the basis for hundreds of ren Miller holds a copy of the 54-page National
28 years, goes a long way in helping social scientists books and articles each year, according to Political Election Studies questionnaire. Miller says the 1980
answer questions about political behavior. Since 1952, Science Prof. Warren Miller, who has been in charge study will provide "more complex, more powerful"
staff members at the University's Insitute for Social of the research project almost since its inception. information than ever before..
Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
director of the Nobody for President Campaign committee, said a home office spokesman. "They were separated after automatic teller bank machine is a wait in line and a few
was scheduled to interview Nobody at noon last Friday at a few hours work." Q measly bucks, but one Florida couple hit the jackpot. A
Cosell: A h hit the University of Colorado. But nobody showed up. Hun- 9dow rlbank machijne at a Wells Fargo bank gave them five
dreds of students assembled for the scheduled rally, it a dg S wor misprinted $20 bills estimated to be worth as much as
PORTS FANS WHO have always wanted to stifle passing time by listening to a band: By 1 p.m. no one had Here is the latest on solving two pressing pooch problems. $1,000. Phil Spickler and his wife, Julie, discovered there
the obnoxious-voiced sportscaster Howard Cosell any news of the wherabouts of Gravy and other Hog Farm A Chicago-based company says it will find temporary was something unusual about the bills when he pulled them
may get their chance. A night club operator in Party members. The advance man for the group running vacation homes for dogs and cats whose owners go away on . out to pay for lunch. The cashier said, "There's something
Ottawa, Ontario is offering an unusual door prize the campaign spoof cancelled the rally. Where was Gravy? trips. The company, which bills itself as a "humane alter- wrong with this money." The bills apparently missed their
for customers who come in to watch ABC's Monday Night It turns out that Gravy and his colleagues were slowed by a native" to kennels, finds lodging for pets for about $6 to $7 a third and final step in printing at the U.S. Bureau of
Football on the bar's television. Every week, Simon Saab, snow obstacle in Grand Junction, Colo., and there was no night plus food. Elaborate questionnaires are prepared to Engraving in San Francisco, and were missing the Federal
owner of Jesters, draws the name of a lucky patron who way anybody could get through. Q match owners and hosts. Said one satisfied customer, "It's Reserve Bank seal and several numbers. Experts say the

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