Th a .AArinnn;TL...-..J..., * d 1 Q D.... i'2 R r i You-rage i;s-ts /.. 44 __U I 4 . x .,''. >; ' 4 . i * C4, I.. ' 3000 Michiga fit the "U1 togetherl H MICHIGAN The Heart of the University * UI lL "We're Right in Your Own Backyard" Interested in getting into extra- your nees Alo, don't mss a chance to hex i tin Ann Arbor at the many International Center Organizations, Activities and Programs office programs. (S.O.A. P.) provides direct services, advisement and consultation to students and student or- Do you enloy a night out listening ganizations. The staff wants to help you find a to music? You can attend the largest co- niche at the Big U through organizations and lege series of rock, folk, and rhythmn and blues co-curricular experiences, organizational music in the country presented by the award management workshops, or a credit 'course, winning Major Events Office. If you are inter- team-taught by the S.O.A.P. staff. U.A.C. ested in jazz. MEO's student-run concert divi-, (lectures, mini-courses, films, musicals, Home- -sian is Eclipse Jazz. coming) or WCBN-WRCN student radio stations zations and clubs offer activities and programs h that can give you leadership and management aveu goobckd mal The pace isnrightvin sk .,AP r ffice xinhe, Michan Unin topb sity Club. During good weather the Courtyard 1011 STUDENT AOCTIVITIES BLDG. ut mor.An hga i Patio is open for menu service and features uOtdoor)bmovde.edirecteervicss, eduisement eac. it ... :., _ . !+" .". f . i.. .. ' , . uA _ VV+++.4 ' . r.. Wherever you live, whatever your problem, professional staff members are here to respond to-your housing needs. ON CAMPUS HOUSING University residence halls or family housing, we'll answer your questions from rates to roommates! call ....763-3164 OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING Listings, information and advice about all of the off-campus alternatives, laws and leases; from houses to apart- ments, from sublets to co-ops. call ... 763-3205 Are you interested in developing your hidden artistic talents? The Artist and Craftsmen Guild offers the Col- laborative Series of art workshops and classes designed to surface your hidden abilities. They also coordinate the Summer Arts Festival and the Christmas Art Fair. Want to study, travel, or work abroad? Or, are you a foreign student? The International Center has information and advisors who can help you with most of all outdoor barbecued specialties. The University Club Dining RoomwIiontinue to offer menu 'service. And, weekdays from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m'., the UniverstfCiub Bbr will feature their Happy Hour; watch for specials and programs. Do you have a question? Are you having trouble finding an answer? The Campus Information Center is an infor- motion and referral source. The staff can tell you what's happening on campus, direct you to the office that can help you with your par- ticular problem, or help you to findl out what facilities are available to you around campus. LANDLORD-TENANT MEDIATION SERVICE Don't lose sleep over a dispute with your landlord. Bring your problems to our neutral service. We're good at being in the middle! call... 764-7455 HOUSING INFORMATION OFFICE 1011 STUDENT ACTIVITIES BLDG. THAT'S US. THE MICHIGAN UNION. Student Organizations, Activities and Programs The Major Events Office The Artist and Craftsmen Guild Michigan Union Food Service The International Center Campus Information Center Career Planning and Placement 3200 Student Activities Bldg. r Community Services 2204 Michigan Union Our facilities and staff are here to help you find ways to participate in the Univer- sity and Ann Arbor Communities. Through various community-oriented activities, you have the opportunity to learn by DOING and help others at the same time. WORKSHOPS -lv are designed to help you identify your skills, values, and interests; to explore career possi- bilities; to learn about job hunting, resume writ- ing, and interviewing. CAREER COUNSELORS are here to meet your individual needs regard- ing your educational and career goals. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT offers you experience while earning money. CREDENTIAL SERVICES to support your school admission or job hunting. 4-7460 SPECIAL PROGRAMS for your special interests . . . Minority Services, Women's Career Issues, Health Career Day, Pre- Law Day, Pre-Business School Day. INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS give you the opportunity to test career interests in public service and business. PRE-PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE thinking about law, med., dent., vet., or osteo. schools? Come talk fo our pre-professional counselor. MINORITY STUDENT SERVICES deasls with individual as well as minority group needs, rang- ing from academic to community related areas. Counselors can advise you in these areas and also represent the ethnic communities on campus. 2205 MICHIGAN UNION 764-8131 DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES offers support for the disabled student on campus in a variety of ways. We are here to help you adjust to the University community through individual coun- seling, information referral, as well as working with the University to make things better-for you. TROTTER HOUSE is available to minority student organizations for meetings, seminars, and lec- tures. We provide space and staff to support cultural and education programs. 1433 WASHTENAW 763-4692 PROJECT COMMUNITY gives you the oppor- tunity to reach'out into the community, providing need-oriented services as well as experiential learning for yourself. Projects range from work- ing in a classroom environment to counseling and tutoring prison inmates. Academic credit available. 2209 MICHIGAN UNION 763-3548 SENIORS: WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE USE OF YOUR ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEWS STARTING IN OCTOBER CAREER RESOURCES LIBRARY provides you with descriptions of hundreds of careers, information to support your job search (resume writing, interviewing, "contact" infor- mation); graduate school programs. I N HEALTH SERVICE 207 Fletcher Street 764-8320 (for information) When you're no longer at home and mom can't bring you chicken soup to make you feel better, what do you do? The answer is simple, you come to Uni- versity Health Service. We don't claim to specialize in chicken soup but we do provide a main medical clinic, over 10 specialty clinics ranging from allergy to psychiatry, after hour emergency care, in addition to maintaining a 21 bed hos- pital floor. We also have a laboratory, X-ray department, and pharmacy on the COUNSELING SERVICES 3rd floor Michigan Union 764-8312 WHAT WE ARE: We offer a wide range of programs and activities to assist you in solving personal problems, and increasing your per- sonal effectiveness. Services are provided in groups, workshops, and individual counseling sessions. The types of problems often brought to us include: difficulties in relationships, problems making decisions, religious concerns, worries and anxieties about school and career, feeling inefficient in pursuing goals, and being able to MINORITY COUNSELING & INFOR- MATION: MCI is a program designed to con- tribute to both the educational and personal r *owth of Afro-American, Asian-American, Native-American, and Hispanic-American stu- dents at the University. MCI is staffed by minor- ity students (peers) to do informal supportive counseling and lead groups that focus on issues of special interest to minority students. .n4 nrPmises_ 11