OPINION7 i Friday, October 17, 1980 The Michigan Daily' . , 3 1 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. XCI, No. 38 Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of The Daily's Editorial Board The icers write a letter Weasel by Robert Lence YOUE WRITNtr FOR I7.jI$N SNS LAW 410? E. i iAD'TOVR ( ]IS5ft IIREALLY Ky&E ~rIN&' Jt~tf 1I a SO NOW THE hockey players have given their side of Sunday night's hazing incident. , They have explained in a letter that the assault of five freshman Michigan hockey team members was not all that bad; they have clarified the "facts" surrounding the particularly brutal treatment one player apparently suf- fered. They even have the signatures of the humiliated players on the letter to testify to its veracity. The letter is, quite simply; in- credible. (It is reprinted on the right side of this page.) To read it is to see chilling rationalization in action. Indeed, the precise explanations that the players give-obviously intended to serve as vindication-actually describe in vivid detail the events of the horrible incident. Sources have indicated the freshmen players were forced to drink gin, vodka, and beer- But "the intent of the drinking was not to force the freshmen to become sick," the letter says. "The freshman (who was the subject of news reports) did not have his entire body shaved," the letter says. That's true-they left some hair on his head. The letter explains the shaved and naked freshman was brought outside twice to vomit. How kind of the assailants; they wanted to keep clean the house where the players were hazed. The sick player "was, brought back inside and had towels placed over him," the letter says. Towels. Not blankets. Or his clothes. "After it was apparent that he was indeed sick," the letter says, "he was taken straight home." The assailants had to make sure the player was "in- deed sick." Wouldn't want to end the fun if he were merely a little queasy. The player was "able to walk to his room on his own," the letter says. The picture we are supposed to get from that statement is of a young man waving good night to his friends, who have just dropped him off at his dorm. Forget that the player was naked, par- tially shaved, and sick. "We did not want to take him into a (dorm) lounge and make a further spectacle of it," the letter says. That statement requires no comment. The University community may never know the real truth about the hazing incident. The hazed players may not have been as badly treated as earlier reports this week have in- dicated. We must not, however, lose sight of the central issue here. Five University students were abused by some of their peers. They were hazed. They were hurt. They were humiliated. And little, it seems, is being done about it. _________________________________________________,. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Leaders failed us in hazing incident To the Daily: A stupid, criminal act of brutality has been committed in our community. If we had leaders in the community who were truly and responsibly leaders, we could depend on them to investigate the matter and take appropriate ac- tion to insure that such things don't happen again. Unfor- tunately, this is not the case. The athletic director will say only that "sanctions" have been "taken," that the people who committed this particular act have "apologized," and that "it will not happen again." The Michigan Daily (October 15) refers to this act of violence as part of an "annual hazing ritual" practiced against freshman hockey players. In the absence of anyone's honest denial of this allegation, we must assume that hazing is indeed an "annual" af- fair; that the allegation cannot be denied. Further, we must assume that neither the hockey coach nor the athletic director has done anything to stop such brutality in the past-and therefore we can neither trust them to stop it now that it has become public knowledge, nor accept an apology from the players in- volved this year as an end to the matter. If the hockey coach and the athletic director haven't known of this "annual hazing ritual"-which is hard to believe-they have been culpably less than diligent in the perfor- mance of their jobs. If they have known of it but have done nothing, they as well as the players involved this year are guilty, and must be exposed as such. To let the guilty punish the guilty-and. secretly, as the athletic director proposes-is just another form of hazing. The athletic director isn't the only leader who has failed us in this instance, however. The president of the University, ac- cording to the Daily, first said that "the incident was not serious because no one was seriously hurt," and only later asserted that "the University finds the behavior totally reprehensible." The president's initial respon- se-if reported correctly-is it- self reprehensible. The Univer- sity cannot afford such behavior from its president. And given that initial callousness, it cannot trust the pious rhetoric which marks the president's later statement. If we are to survive as a com- munity, we must do more than cry "shame!"-or "too, bad!'"-at such brutality as was committed against one of us last Sunday. Fifteen people kidnap- ped and assaulted a member of our community. If our leaders don't want to know why this hap- pened, or how acts like it have become '"annual" affairs among certain athletes at Michigan, we must ourselves ask these questions. We need to ask them, not of the fifteen people involved in this single act, but of the people in authority whose conduct of af- fairs allows such a pattern of behavior to develop in our midst. College athletic programs are supposed to build charatter: Is it possible that, under it, present leadership, Michigan's athletic program does the opposite? And we must question the per- spicacity-if not the integrity-of a president who would dismiss such an incident as this as in significant, and by sucl dismissal condone both the single act and its annual recurrence. In our community, must someone be "seriously hurt" before criminal acts are criminal-or can we live instead by the prin- ciples which would guarantee community? If we don't raise these questions, and insist on serious answers from the appropriate people, and act according to what we find, we will be the guilty ones, finally. Our guilt, however, will not be so simple as kidnap ping and criminal assault; we, will be guilty, rather, of failing ourselves as a community. And if we fail in that way, the president is right: There is nothing at all serious about stupid brutality and criminal violence. -Bert Hornback Leo McNamara Professors of English October 15 Unriorim nnl hnainc, It's io longer the question Distinguishing Christians O NE FAVORITE method high school teachers have of befud- dling their students is the recitation of this little curiosity: "The laws of aerodynamics indicate that a bum- }blebee cannot possibly fly ... But the bee doesn't know that, so it goes ahead and flies anyway." Ridiculous as that might sound, a conundrum very much like it has baf- fled the seriots scientific community for years. In fact, Doctors James Cronin of the University of Chicago and Val Fitch of Princeton have just earned themselves the Nobel Prize in Physics by proving that it is possible for the universe to exist, despite the prevailing evidence that the cosmos simply shouldn't be. Previous knowledge indicated that every bit of matter in the universe ought to have 'been destroyed im- mediately upon creation by an equivalent speck of anti-matter. That would have proved rather constraining to the development even of immobile bumblebees, let alone intelligent life forms.' For their part in straightening out the confusion, Cronin and Fitch cer- tainly deserve humankind's heartfelt thanks. Life is complicated enough without being deemed scientifically impossible to boot. Unsigned editorials ap- pearing on the left side of this page represent a majority opinion of The Daily 's Editorial Board. To the Daily: My thanks to Christopher Potter for distinguishing, in his article on Jerry Falwell (Daily, Oct. 12), between the "Christian Right" and the "Christian Left." Not all Christians believe in the theocracy that Jerry Falwell ex- pounds. Whose side is God really on? I suspect that only God truly knows the answer to that question. Neither reciting the words "one nation under God" nor the slogan "in God we trust" guarantees us any special rap- port with Him. A special rapport comes only to those who seek to emulate Jesus ' Christ in the inimitably lacking manner that is characteristically human, and not through human-conceived boundaries of nations, as Jerry Falwell seems to believe. -Stephanie Helbeck October 15 English 'story insulting _ .r h -W To the Daily: Sunday's lead article on the "Black English" case (Daily, Oct. 12) was highly laudatory of the efforts of the tutors and the Green-Glacier Community Cen- ter. It was insulting and damaging to the parents of the plaintiff children. It should be recognized that the basic purpose of the suit was to hold schools accountable for the educational well-being of all children. Because that goal is still far from reality for many children, particularly those poor and black children here and throughout our land who are con- sistently ill-served by our schools, will continue to need tutors; HOWEVER, acknowledgement of the service provided by tutors need not and should not be accomplished by belittling the important and courageous role of the parents. Every reference to the plaintiff parents implied that they are inadequate and that they acted out of self interest. As someone who has known these parents for many years and who was very close to the developing law suit, I would like to make several com- ments. 1. The parents are caring people who read with their children. They ive books in homes where there is little money for anything but the most essen- tial items. Books are one of those items. 2. Manv efforts were made by best possible education for their children. As the group continued meeting, many of the parents from Green Road expressed grave worries about the school experiences their children were having. During the next years there were many attempts to establish dialogue between the parents and the school. When the children continued to encounter serious difficulties at school and to make little or no progress, several parents began meeting with attorneys to discuss the implications of a law suit. The primary goal then and throughout the suit was to establish the responsibility of a school district for the educational well-being of all its students. The suit was started on behalf of all children similarly situated to the plaintiffs, but that was rejected by the judge. 3. They did not enter the suit lightly-at each meeting the lawyers explained the im- plications of such an action: Although for legal reasons money damages were asked, it was always emphasized that -there was no likelihood of any of the families receiving money or, any other material advantages; that the families would have to expect that they would be ex- posed to a lot of uncomfortable publicity; and that the suit would probably be in litigation for years and any change would be a long Editor's note: This letter was written by members of the Michigan hockeyteam. It was quoted extensively in a story in yesterday's Daily. The editors have chosen to print the letter exactly as submitted. We do not condone our actions but we do feel the facts have been grossly distorted. The freshman hockey players were brought to a house off cam- pus. The freshman involved does drink and was given alcohol. As was the case throughout the evening no physical force was in- volved although peer pressure was evident. The intent of the drinking was not to force. the freshmen to become sick. The freshman involved did not have his entire body shaved and. after being outside for the shaving was brought inside to be warmed. He was going to be sick at which time he was taken out- side to vomit and then brought back inside. He then said he was going to be sick again and was taken outside once more. He was brought back inside and had towels placed over him. He was not, according to reports in the newspaper, left outside to be sick, lying on the ground, for an hour and a half. After it was apparent that he was indeed sick, we put him in the back of a fully heated Duster hatchback. He was then taken straight home which took about six or seven minutes. He was not, contrary to reports thrown in the trunk of a car and then driven around the campus for more than an hour. He was then taken into the lob- by of the dorm. by three of the players. The players were met by some twenty members of the hall at which' timne they were told' to leave. The freshman involved' was not according to reports: "dumped back on his dormstepsC incoherent and unable to walk'= He was coherent and able to walk to his room on his own which he did. We did not want to take him n- to a lounge and make a further spectacle of it. In attempting to make sure he was safe in his room the three players were stopped by dorm members. Phone calls later in the evening to check on him had no success. F Again we are not trying to con- done our actions but are merely presenting the facts as they are. -Enzo Angimeri Bruno Baseotto .John Blum Paul Brandrup Roger Bourne Keith Carter Terry Cullen Dave Fardig Paul Fricker Gord Hampson Brian Lundberg Don Kussman Tim Manning Peter Mason Jeff Mars Dennis May Jim McCauley Kelly McCrimmon Joe Milburn Mark Perry Billy Reid Steve Richmond Dave Richter Ted Speers Robert Sutton Jeff Tessier Brad Tippett Jamie Todd Rudy Varvari Steve Yoxheimer October 15 " ;*",\, * l iN arr t i f r^^"i ',, ' Y- J 1l, "'^ .....". I Pursell supporters clean up r.._- ,,,,.sw'9' '.. To the Daily: When former President Ford visited the University on October 7, I was thrilled at the prospect of seeing him in person and atten- ding my first real political rally. But oddly enough, my biggest surprise of the afternoon came after the speech was over. When the crowd left the Regents Plaza name just a few, were gone, one group stayed behind. A band of students wearing "Carl Pursell, Our Congressman" jackets stayed and picked up the litter which covered the area, even though there was very little Pursell literature on the ground. Now I i