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October 17, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-17

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

. P



Look for partly cloudy
skies with occasional
thunder showers. Highs in
the 50s.

*Vo1. XCI No.38

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 17, 1980

Ten Cents

Fourteen Pages





hiring freeze

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM

Leader-of the gray p'ack
Maggie Kuhn, founder of the Gray Panthers, leads a tour through an Ann Arbor apartment to illustrate what she says is
a necessity for housing reforms. See story, Page 14.
Hazed jeer says he

Special to the Daily
FLINT-A University vice-president
told the Regents yesterday that campus
units financed by the general fund will
not be allowed to hire additional faculty
or staff until the University's financial
crunch eases.
Billy Frye, the University Vice-
President for Academic Affairs, said
the hiring freeze could be revoked if the
state legislature reinstates funding that
was cut last month.
Frye said the freeze means that 250
positions at many levels that would
normally be filled this year will instead
remain vacant.
THE HIRING freeze will apparently
save some $3 million this year.
Speaking at the Flint campus where
the Regents hold their October
meeting, Frye said cutbacks in cen-
trally-administered programs, such as
library purchases, building im-
provement and upkeep, and equipment
purchases should save an additional
$6.2 million.
Frye said the cutbacks are necessary
because the state appropriation to the
University is seven percent less than
what the Regents expected when they
approved the tentative budget in July.
AT THAT TIME, the Regents expec-
ted a three percent increase over last
year in the state appropriation for
fiscal year 1980-81. Last month,
however, the state cut that ap-
propriation by four percent compared
to last year's allocation.
Since the Regents were expecting
three percent more but the state gave
four percent less than the 1979-80
budget, an-amount equal to seven per-
cent of this year's budget must be cut.

The seven percent reduction in funds
that were expected amounts to $8.2
million. Frye is slashing $9.2 million
from the budget in order to allow a $1
million discretionary fund.
FRYE SAID THE legislature could
reinstate some of the money cut from
this year's budget after the election
next month. At that time, the state's
financial condition may have im-
But "there is a distinct possibility
that the 96 percent level (the 4 percent
cut) may be approved for the entire
year, and we must prepare for that,"
Frye told the Regents.
IF THE REDUCED budget remains
in effect for the 1981-82 fiscal year, Frye
said the University will not rely on
savings from reduced upkeep and
equipment expenditures to meet the
Frye said the University would have
to continue the hiring freeze or perhaps
even lay off personnel in any areas in
that situation.
He said 270 additional positions would
have to go unfilled next year. This could
be accomplished through the continued
freeze and layoffs, if necessary.
UNIVERSITY President Harold
Shapiro said a similar situation existed
in the 1974-75 fiscal year. He said the
University at that time made the
mistake of trying to maintain its staff
by reducing equipment expenditures.
"We never recovered (from that)."
Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing) inter-
"We really have to bite thebullet and
make the reduction," Shapiro said.
"We can't just float it off by going to the
.equipment accounts."

will not. press

A, The Michigan hockey player who was
hazed Sunday night said yesterday that
everything in the written statement
released by all 29 team members Wed-
nesday "was true," and he "will not
be prosecuting the players involved."
The player, whxo has requested
anonymity, was hazed with four other
freshman squad members. Team
members and dormitory residents
provided conflicting accounts of the in-
THE STATEMENT, which included
the signatures of the players who were
hazed, conflicted with earlier reports
by Steve Krahnke, a resident adviser in
Markley 'dormitory. Krahnke yester-
day refused to comment on the players'
Markley Building Director Kevin
Doria yesterday asked Krahnke not to
talk to reporters because "people inside
and outside the University feel he's
speaking for the University, which is
9not so."
Doria also said it was in the best in-
terests of the staff, residents, and the
freshyman members of the hockey team

if Krahnke does not comm
University Athletic E
Canham said that the r
team's statement was "th
thing to do," but said di
tion taken against the inv
would remain private.
so something like this will
again," said Patricia Re
member of the Board in
tercollegiate Athletics.
that this type of thing ha
past years is no excuse,"s
Doug Rentscheler, an
board member, said the h
"was no big deal and sim
have occurred in the past.
"Our policy says that
matters are handled by th
the athletic department,
board member and Phys
"It is within the (boar
ask Don Canham to addre
again if the board feels
he's taken are inappropr
son said. "But I'm confi
dle it properly."

charg es
sent further. He said the issue will be brought to
Director Don the board at its October 28 meeting.
elease of the THE THREE TEAM captains have
he appropriate issued a letter of apology to the Univer-
sciplinary ac- sity, the athletic department, and to the
olved players players who were hazed. Canham said
the letter stated the players were con-
ould be taken sidering some type of community ser-
never happen vice to make up for the act.
efo, a student The statement released by all the
Control of In- players said: "We do not condone our
"The excuse actions, but fee) the facts around the in-
s happened in cident have been grossly distorted."
she said. It said the freshmen hockey players
other student were brought to a house off campus and
azing incident given alcohol. Earlier reports said the
ailar incidents player had been forced to drink various
liquors until he became sick.
t disciplinary No physical force was used, the
ie coaches and release said, but peer pressure was
" said faculty evident. An earlier report by Krahnke
sics Prof. Bill said the players were forced to drink
assorted liquors until they became sick.
d's) power to ONE FRESHMAN player involved
ess the matter from Markley did not have his entire
the sanctions body shaved and does "drink," the ac-
iate," Parkin- count read. Krahnke said earlier that

Frye said he has decided on a quota
that each unit must meet in any way it
"Each. unit was notified of savings
needed this year and next year," Frye
said. "The immediate hiring freeze im-
posed by my office will be in effect until
plans (from the units) are delivered
which show savings. Then, the hiring
freeze may be lifted."
FRYE ADDED that"most units will
have to continue the freeze," either
completely or partially.
"If they cannot meet the quotas
through other means, they will go to
layoffs" if the contingency plan
becomes effective for the next two
years, Frye said.
Frye said that other possible
solutions, such as enrollment reduc-
See FRYE, Page 3
TV station
hosiiitages o n
way home
From AP and UPI
WLS-TV reported yesterday that the
American hostages have been returned
to the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in
preparation for a trip home for all but
four of them as part of an arms deal
with Iran. - A State Dpartnment
spokesman called the report "totally
false" but the station stood by its story.
"We may be wrong in some
detail-we have said that on the air. But
we will stand by the basis of the report.
We feel a deal is in the works," said
Tom Kuelbs, news director of WLS.
In Washington, State Department
spokesman John. Trattner also denied
other aspects of the telecast, including
a report that President Carter's jet, Air
Force One, has been placed on standby
to carry him to an Air Force base on the
East Coast to meet with the hostages on
their return to this country.
said one unconfirmed report "making
the rounds" at the State Department is
that all but four hostages would be
released and that the four not freed
would "remain for trial."
Earlier yesterday the station carried
a report attributed to unnamed sources
that the hostages had been returned to
the Embassy. The station also repeated
elements of an exclusive story broad-
cast Wednesday night which said
negotiations were under way in Tehran
for release of the 52 hostages in ex-
change for five planeloads of military
spare parts.,
Pentagon spokesman Thomas Ross
said, "The report involving aircraft
loaded with spare parts is false."
Kuelbs said Ross' denial only means
the planes aren't loaded. Kuelbs said
the parts, purportedly for use in
American-built military hardware used
by Iran in its war against Iran, are on
the ground at McGuire Air Force Base
in New Jersey, ready to be loaded.
IRAN ALSO DENIED any such deal
is in the works. A Tehran Radio
statement monitored in London said the
Tehran government "strongly denies"
a report by Agence France Presse
See TV, Page 8

dent he'll han-

See ICER, Page 8


Police find death threats

University Director of Safety Walter Stevens said that a
death threat scrawled across a bathroom mirror in the
Michigan Union yesterday would be "taken seriously until it
is found to be otherwise." The message was apparently
related to the recent slayings of three women in the Ann Ar-
bor area.
The message was found yesterday at 9:52 a.m., according
to Stevens. It was written in soap, and read, "Another woman
will die tonight."
Police receive 450 tips on murder. See Story, Page 3.
Stevens also said two other messages have been found in
the last three days, one in the Union, and one in a men's room
in the C.C. Little Building. Stevens would not repeat the
messages, except to say that they are thought to be related
both to each other and to the murders.
THEY WERE BASICALLY the same kinds of words,"
Stevens said.

Stevens was quick to point out that while University
Security must take the incident seriously until they can prove
conclusively that it is unrelated to the murders, it is quite
likely that the messages are the work of pranksters.
Ann Arbor Police Chief William Corbett refused to com-
ment on the incident, but also explained that while the
possibility exists that the messages are part of a prank, the
task force on the murders must include the messages as part
of its investigation.
IN ADDITION, CORBETT appealed to the University
community to be aware of clues leading to the identity of the
person or pesons who left the message.
Corbett said if there are pranksters involved, and they are
caught, they could be charged with obstruction of justice,
which is a high misdemeanor, and punishable by one to two
years imprisonment or a $1,000 fine.
Workers at the University Cellar across from the men's
room where the incident occurred yesterday, said they saw
investigators from the police department go in to the men's
room with fingerprinting equipment. The police department
confirmed that report.

Daily Photo by ALEX KRENTZIN
The Second Lady
Joan Mondale, wife of Vice President Walter Mondale, spoke at a reception
in Ann Arbor yesterday. In addition to stumping for Democratic Congressional
candidate Kathleen O'Reilly, Mondale praised Carter for turning the office of
vice president into an active position in the administration. See stoty, Page 2.

The return of Jed
ELIABLE AS THE changing leaves of autumn,
perrenial evangelist George "Jed" Smock is
Arbor. Railing against the drugs and fornication
currently making yetather retrn oc Ann
which he says now run rampant in college dormitories
across the land, Smock is once again perched upon a stone
bench in the Diag, drawing crowds, and using his own


The brightness of his countenence startled me . . . Never-
had I heard anyone speak like this man. Surely, he had to be
sent from God since this was not the same person I had
known ten years earlier." Of his role in life now, Smock
says, "Instead of shackling unstable souls with drugs,
many are being set free by the Grace of God as I go forth in-
to the fields that are already to harvest (sic) -with un-
speakable joy in my heart." O
Kidding around
Attempts by a state to take kids out of their homes cer-

we are going to get, then no neighborhood is safe from
sheep, pigs, or convenience stores," Commissioner
Richard Williams said after Dickey's ruling. Ql
Magnet mileage
Some of the United States' energy-conscious citizens have
come up with a new way to combat rising fuel prices.
Millions of powerful cow magnets-three and one-half-inch-
long metal rods which keep cowsfrom digesting bits of
metal they've swallowed-are being sold across the coun-
try to people who say the items boost gas mileage when at-

president of Stone Manufacturing Supply Company Inc.,
which is one of about one-half dozen firms manufacturing
the magnets, said his company usually sells 50,000 to 100,000
cow magnets each year. "We're selling 10 times that now
and we just can't get them produced fast enough," Stone
said. "I know it doesn't sound very scientific," Stone said in
reference to the innovative use of the magnets, "but so far
it looks like it's working." But Jack Culvahouse, professor
of physics at the University of Kansas, says, "Virtually
nothing will happen" by using motor magnets. "I suspect
it's just people's imagination," he added. E




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