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October 16, 1980 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-16

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 16, 1980-Page 3
'U', city may receive federal storm funds

As much s $256,000 could be reim-
bursed to the city and University if
emergency fund requests made yester-
day to the federal government are ap-
The requests were made in hopes of
recovering some of the $277,000 spent
by the city and $65,000 spent by the
University in the aftermath of an elec-
trical storm last July 16. Under the
guidelines of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, up to 75 percent
of that amount could be reimbursed by
the federal government.
THE CITY SHARE could amount to
$208,262, "provided it (the application)
gets through all the federal offices and
they all agree," said Major Walter
Hawkins, heads of the Ann Arbor Office
of Disaster Preparedness.
According to Sgt. Harold Tinsey of

the Ann Arbor Police Department, the
city should hear from the federal agen-
cy within a few months. But, Tinsey ad-

cluding Washtenaw, were declared
federal disaster areas last month after
President Carter responded to Gover-


Mich igan

co unties,


Wash tena w,

were declared federal

the athletic campus, central campus,
the botanical gardens, Nichols Ar-
boretum, and the golf courses.
But the University will receive no
compensation for widespread damage
that occurred during another storm
July 27.
"WE WERE THE big losers in that
one," Stevens commented. "The
University suffered more damage than
anywhere else in the area but it still
wasn't sufficient for the governor to
declare us a disaster area."
According to John Weidenbach,
Director of Business Operations, that
storm cost the University $85,000. "It's

just one of those things, Weidenbach
said. "We'll have to do without
something else."
% City expenditures on the later storm,
however, were nominal.
Mayor Louis Belcher stated the city
is contesting expenditures not approved,;
by the government including tree
replacement and police and fire expen-
ditures. He said the city will continue to
meet and negotiate with the agency.
Should there be a concurrence by the
federal agency, he added, the total
reimbursement would still have to
cohiply with the 75 percent refundable

aster areas last month. Ann Arbor could
receive more than $208, 000 in aid.


ded, the money might not come through
fast enough to bail out several city
departments that were forced to spend
operating funds on storm clean-up.
Tinsey said there is still storm debris
that has yet to be cleaned up in certain
parts of the city.
SEVERAL MICHIGAN counties, in-

nor William Milliken's appeal for
disaster relief. The counties suffered
extensive damage after high winds
ranging in velocity from 80 to 100 m.p.h.
swept through the area July 16.
University Director of Safety Walter
Stevens said University trees, grounds,
and buildings suffered wind damage on

.. . hopes for storm aid

Students conduct mock debate at Bursley

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(Continued from Page 1)
said, "is a semi-monopoly by two par-
ties who have a vested interest in main-
taining powet, in collusion with the
government to market candidates they
can sell to the public."
Reagan's representative refuted that

position, adding that the country needs
a president who feels the best days are
ahead and not'behind.
He also said Reagan was the one who
could get the country back on its feet,
pointing to his record as governor in
California as evidence.

CARTER'S "representative denied
that Reagan would be a capable
president, pointing out Reagan's heavy
dependence on gubernatorial advisors
while holding office in California.
Resident advisor Marsha Moody, who
co-sponsored the debate, expressed
disappointment that the conflict was
not keener. "Most of the people here
were really informed," she said.
"It will help me make a decision in
November," Moody continued.

Engineering Senior Dave Stockton,
who was in the audience, said the forum
provided no new insights into the cam-
The mock debate was originally
slated to include a questioning panel
composed of reporters from The
Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News,
The Ann Arbor News, and The
Michigan Daily. The journalists who
had planned to be there from the first
thijree newspapers were unable to at-

Shapiro may
v isit Chi na

University President Harold Shapiro
may travel to China next spring to work
on establishing .a student and faculty
exchange program with universities
there; faculty members say.
I ;rofessor Vern Terpstra, a member
the University's China Coordinating
Committee, the faculty group
organizing the trip, emphasized,
however, that plans are tentative and
that there is "no firm commitment"

"Right now, the committee is
working on the feasibility of (the trip),"
according to Cara Casurella, a Univer-
sity staff member who attended the
committee's first and only meeting so
far this year.
Terpstra said the proposed trip would
serve to increase research oppor-
tunities in both countries, expand
cultural and intellectual exchange, and
"strengthen ties" between the U.S. and

School of Education- Early Infantile Autism: The Clinical Picture
through Adulthood, 3:15,5:15 p.m., Whitney Aud., School of Ed.
A-V services-Green Valley Grandparents, What We Have, 12:10 p.m.,
Alt. Action Films-Lenny, 7, 9:15 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud., The Grateful
Dead, 11:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild-The Married Woman, 7, 9 p.m., Lorch Hall Aud.
Mediatrics-My Fair Lady, 7:30 p.m., Angell Aud. A.

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Biology-Eugene Foor, "Cytoskeleton of Nematode Spermatozoa,"
noon, 1139 Nat. Sci.
Vision/Hearing-Richard Masland, "Cholinergic Neuron in the Retina:
Neurotransmitters as Functional Markers," 12:15 p.m., 2055 MHRI.
Computing Center-Forrest Hartman, "Applications of the MTS File
Editor," 3:30 p.m., B122MLB.
PIRGIM-Maggie Kuhn, "Housing for a New Age," 7:30 p.m., Rackham

Transportation Program Advisory Committee-Willaim Sprietzer and
Melvin Webber, "Changing Automobile Trip Purposes and Their Im-
plications for Transportation Planning," 3 p.m., West Conf. Rm., Rackham.
MHRI-Tsou Kang, "The Role of Endorphins in Acupuncture," 3:45
p.m., 1057 MHRI.
Chemistry-C. E. Holley, Jr., "Chemistry and Dry Hot Rock Geother-
modynamics," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem. Bldg.
Mich. Econ. Society-Prof. Ting, "Chinese Political Economy," 5:30
p.m., 2203 Angell.
Computing Center-Bob Blue, "Intro to MTS," 7-9 p.m., 2235 Angell.
Gerontology-May Sarton, "Creativity and Aging: A Literary Perspec-
tive," 8p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Reprod. Endocrinology-Donald Coffey, "Destiny of Man," 8 p.m., MLB
lecture rm. 2.
Dance-Master classes, Joanne Danto, 11 a.m. and 4:15 p.m., Dance
Studio A.
Studio Theatre-""Chinamen," 4:10 p.m., Frieze Arena Theater.
Guild House-Poetry Reading, Laurence Goldstein, David Victor, 7:30
p.m., 802 Monroe.
Canterbury Loft-"We Can't Pay? We Won't Pay!" 8p.m.
Soundstage Coffee House-"Astraolight;" 8 p.m.-midnight, U. Club, 1st
Sfloor Union.
Residential College-The Marionette Theatre of Peter Arnott, "Bac-
che," 8 p.m., R.C. Aud.
School of Music-Tuba students' recital, 8p.m., Recital Hall.
Ark-"Footloose," 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
Campus Weight Watchers-Meeting, 5:30 p.m., League Project Rm.
PIRGIM-Women's Safety meeting, 6 p.m., Union.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship-Meeting, 7 p.m., League and Union.
A Tempo Music Club-Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union Conf. Rm. 5.
Sailing Club-Meeting, 7:45 p.m., 311 W. Engin.
Al Anon-Meeting, 8:30-10 p.m., N2815 U. Hosp., 2nd level.
CLS-Bag lunch lecture. Robert Brower, "The Reizel Documents,"
noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Nat. Resources-Bag lunch seminar, Warren Johnson, "Muddling
Toward Frugality," noon, 2032 Dana Bldg.
Medical Center Bible Study-12:30 p.m., F2230 Mott Library.
HRD-Workshop, "The Recording Secretary and the Dynamics of the
Meeting," register at 764-7410, 1-5 p.m.
Computing Center-Chalk Talk, "File Editing for Beginners," 12:10


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