Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom
Ait iga
Look for increasing cloudi-
ness with a high in the low
50s and a low in the mid 40s.
1Vol. XCI, No. 35
Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 14, 1980
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
will harm A2
official says
VICTIMS OF ,A boiler- explosion at a day care center in Atlanta are removed yesterday. The blast left six dead, including
four children, and 20 wounded.
Four children die in blast
at Atlanta dycre enter
Ann Arbor stands to lose vital revenues if any of the three
property tax reduction proposals on the ballot are approved
by voters Nov. 4, Assistant City Administrator Patrick Ken-
ney told city council last night.
In a memo presented at a council working session, Ken-
ney estimated that the Tisch tax cut plan, Proposal D, would
cost the city more than $5 million in unreimbursable funds.
Likewise, Proposals A and C, the Smith/Bullard and Milliken
plans, would mean $300,000 and $500,000 in unreimbursable
losses, respectively, in the city's operating budget which is
currently $24.8 million.
"And these figures are conservative," Kenney remarked.
"The figures do not include the loss to the AATA, or an
estimate of the additional taxes the city would have to pay if
government property is placed on the tax rolls, he said.
In addition, Kenney said -his estimates do not include cut-
backs in projected state allocations. If any of the tax-cut
proposals on the ballot pass, the state would have to rechan-
nel funds in order to reimburse localities for losses in local
tax revenues, Kenney explained. None of the proposals, if
passed, would go into effect until the 1981-82 fiscal year.
"The Tisch amendment would definitely be the worst
thing that ever happened to this city," Kenney said. He said
that although the city has not specified what the loss would
mean, it would necessitate cutbacks in programs, staffing,
and major reducitons in some of the vital services provided
by the city. "It would be hard not to affect police, fire, and
refuse collection because these programs make up such a
large part of the city budget.
UNDER THE PLAN developed by Shiawassee Drain
Commissioner Robert Tisch, assessments on property would
be rolled back to the 1978 level and cut in half, before taxes
were levied. The Tisch proposal provides reimbursement
from the state for the revenue lost due to the 50 percent tax
cut, but prohibits the legislature from imposing any new
"tax" to fund the losses due to the rollback.
Kenney attributed the enormous loss of revenues under
the Tisch amendment to several factors.
"Since assessments would be rolled back to the 1978 levels
and since even new construction added since that time must"
be valued at 1978 levels, the city would lose $4,245,000 and the
Ann Arbor Transportation Authority would lose an additional
$851,000 in fiscal 1981-82," he said.
BECAUSE THE Tisch plan allows for only a two per-
growth in the assessed value of residential and agricul...
See TISCH, Page 2
ATLANTA (UPI)-An explosion
ravaged a black daycare center in a low
income housing, project yesterday,
killing four small children and one of
their teachers and hurling debris onto
rooftops 300 feet away.
Authorities said it appeared the
school's boiler exploded. They were
frantically trying to put down rumors
spreading through the housing project
that the daycare center had been bom-
At least seven people were taken to
Grady Memorial Hospital, but two were
later released. Many of the 95 people,
including 83 black children in the
school, were treated for minor injuries
at the scene.
"IT WAS SO quick," said Melinda
Cole, a teacher at the center. "All I
could think was, 'Get to the door. Get
out, children, get. out.' I got all twelve
of mine out-safe and accounted for."
Mayor Maynard Jackson, hurrying to
the Gate City Day Care Center in the
predominantly black Bowen Homes
housing project on the city's northwest
side, tried to assure skeptics in a crowd
of about 1,580 people who gathered that
there were no indications of foul play.
Cubans. to release
33 U.S. prisoners
Speaking through a bullhorn amid a
scene of mangled pieces of concrete,
brick and wood, Jackson said: "The
only evidence we have at this time is
that this was an accident. We are not
certain what caused this, but it looks
like it could have been an explosion in
the furnace."
ONE MAN in the crowd shouted
back: "It was the Ku Klux Klan.
Jackson said he had ordered other
housing project day care centers
evacuated while their furnaces were in-
He also ordered increased police
patrols for housing projects in the city.
Atlanta's blacks have been concerned
recently about the unsolved deaths of
eight black children and the disap-
pearance of six others, and by a bomb
which exploded in a city Housing
Authority warehouse last week. No one
was injured in that blast.
sisted the explosion was an ac-
cident-"a tragedy of the worst
kind"-and ordered daycare centers at
other housing projects evacuated until
their natural gas lines and furnaces
could be checked.
The blast demolished a narrow
building housing the daycare center's
kitchen and connecting the housing
project's auditorium with the daycare
center's classrooms. It collapsed one
side of the connecting building, blew off
its roof and smashed windows in
surrounding buildings.
Turkish property bombed
in N.Y., L.A., and London
government announced yesterday it
will pardon all U.S. citizens serving
prison terms on the island, including
those held for airline hijackings. The
State Department welcomed the move
as "a positive step," and said 33
Americans are involved.
The announcement, through the
Czechoslovak embassy here, said Cuba
was responding to requests from the
prisoners' families and from social
organizations and members of
The release appeared to be a gesture
to the Carter administration, which
reversed 16 years of icy distance from
President Fidel Castro's government
by agreeing in 1977 to exchange
A U.S. OFFICIAL, who asked not to
be identified, said Cuba evidently is
trying not to be "a contentious issue" in
the presidential race by taking a num-
ber of positive steps.
These included the return last month
of two hijackers, the suspension of the
refugee flow to the United States and a
decision not to punish people seeking
exit visas who had taken refuge in the
old American embassy in Havana.
From UP[ and AP
Authorities said yesterday they had
few leads in the bombings ditected,
against Turkish property in New York,
Los Angeles, and London. Callers said
Armenian nationals claimed respon-
sibility for the blasts, which injured at
least five people.
U.S. officials called for international
efforts yesterday to put down
terrorism, and police were in-
vestigating the little-known
organizations that claimed to have
detonated bombs in three of the world's
major cities.
IN THE UNITED States, an anti-
Turkish group calling itself "Justice
Commandos of the Armenian
Genocide" said it was responsible for
Sunday's explosions in front of the
Turkish Mission in New York and at a
Hollywood travel agency owned by a
Turkish immigrant.
In Los Angeles, police and FBI in-
vestigators searched for clues in the
bombing of a Hollywood travel agency,,
owned by a Turkish immigrant, that
caused $70,000 damage and injured a
passing motorist.
"The evidence is out there
someplace," Los Angeles police Sgt.
Michael Butler said. "Right now all
we've got is a blown-out building. It's
going to take some time to piece this
thing together."
powerful bomb rocked the neigh-
borhood of the United Nations, police
said detectives and bomb-squad of-
ficials had failed to turn up any new in-
The New York explosion echoed
through a 30-block area, throwing one
woman from her bed in a nearby apar-
tment building and shattering dishes
and glasses.
The bomb, planted in a car parked
outside the 11-story Turkish Center,
heavily damaged the-first two floors of
the building and hurled debris in all
ANOTHER GROUP, "The Armenian
Secret Army for the Liberation of Ar-
menia," claimed responsibility for a
bomb set off at the Turkish Airlines of-
fice in London on Sunday. In a
statement issued yesterday from
Beirut, the group said it was respon-
sible for all three anti-Turkish bom-
The U.S. explosions brought a plea
from Secretary of State Edmund
Muskie for "strong measures, national
and international, to enable mankind
to overcome the menace of modern
Muskie said that "all possible
measures" will be taken to find out who
set off the bombs.
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" official
kicks off
SCorps gala
The Third World "is not a place or skin
color, but a state of mind" about people con-
demned to live in conditions of material
deprivation, a top United Nations official said
last night during the keynote address marking
the beginning of the Peace Corps' 20th anniver-
sary celebration at the University.
Tarzie Vittachi of Sri Lanka, the deputy
director of UNICEF, told an audience of more
than 200 persons at the Rackham Amphitheatre
that the power elites of both the northern and
southern hemispheres "have failed to recogn-
zie that we have reached a critical stage in the
history of our race.
"THE AGE WE are passing into," he said,
"calls for a fundamental change in social and
political institutions."
But Vittachi said the persons with the
capacity to bring about those changes "are im-
prisoned by the mind-sets and the new gods of
the market place they are required to salute if
they are to attain and retain their power."
The United Nations official said economic
measurements "have replaced love and health
as the measure of human development.
"THE DOCTORS of economics," Vittachi
continued, "have become the new witch doc-
tors, and the nostrum for the aim of nations is
life, liberty, and the pursuit of productivity."
The nations of the Third World, Vittachi said,
are faced with an extremely perplexing
"Should we go the way of the imperial
powers, buying and selling agricultural
produce in the international market system,"
he asked, "or should we go our own way, retur-
ning to our own traditional cultural practices
and values which have been covered by two to
four hundred years of colonialism?"
BUT VITTACHI said that dilemma was not
even recognized by the inheritors of new
nations formed after the demise of im-
"It has taken 20 to 30 years for the rest of the
ex-colonial south to begin to realize they will
never become little Englands, Frances, Ger-
manies, or Americas," he said. "They started
400 years too late."
Vittachi warned that short of a world-wide
nuclear war, 2.75 billion children will be born
during the next 20 years.
"THERE IS A real catastrophe looming," he
predicted. "Of these 2.75 billion children,
nearly 400 million will die unless we are able to
get food into them and their mothers." In ad-
dition, he said, those who survive will be in
desperate need of education and jobs.
Vittachi concluded by saying that economic
and cultural nationalism are dying, and that
nationalism must "give way to regional and
global governance on many issues.
Today's segment of the anniversary
celebration will be highlighted by a
rededication ceremony on the Michigan Union
steps at 11 a.m. attended by Secretary of State
Edmund Muskie and Sargent Shriver, the first
director of the Peace Corps.
... Third World a state of mind'
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It's the same old line
in to buy tickets for the last rock concert you
REMEMBER those long, winding lines you waited
attended? Well, Bruce Springsteen he's not, but
Vladimir Horowitz is apparently "hot" in his
own right. Tickets went on sale Monday at-Burton
Tower for his concert at Hill Auditorium on November 9th,
sending a line of 200 to 300 people curving around the
Modern Languages Building. At 12:30, it was estimated that
two thousand tickets had already been sold. The University
these in-store ads. Each check-out line will have its very
own TV screen, displaying a non-stop group of commercials
that will repeat once every six minutes. O
Hello, goodbye
Pulitzer Prize-winning
author Norman Mailer had!
made plans to divorce his
next wife even before they
marry, a spokesman for the
writer confirmed yesterday. n
Mailer, who divorced his
they lived together as husband and wife while unable to
marry, and to give his daughter parents who, at some point,
were married to each other. The couple will then get a
divorce, to be followed immediately by Mailer's marriage
to Church. "It is a bit disconcerting and upsetting to think
what people will say," Church said. "Nonetheless, I am
behind Norman's decision, and I understand why he feels
he must do this." Mailer, who has been married four times
and has eight children, is currently supporting 14 persons
with alimony and child support. Q
Slip sliding away
Too. t. ni ,a f t e, aroin (Cars ad trucks in the
Mud on her face
Eti De Marco assures her clients that the mud she is
smearing all over their faces is not just any old garden
variety mud. It is mud from the Dead Sea rich in "curative
properties and organic substances," says De Marco. The
proprietors of the new Gabriel Skin Care Salon, launched in
Manhattan last week, claims to be the only American im-
porter of the ancient beauty treatment from Israel. Just
like any other Madison Avenue shop De Marco has found a
high-powered name to endorse her product. She says, "If
the mud wagnad enonuh far Clennatra " F
! I