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October 10, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-10

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Page 2-Friday, October 10, 1980-The Michigan Daily
You Can Stil Make
A Diference
While careers in public service may not be as fashionable
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After just three months of intensive training at The Institute
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Marwil decides
not to appeal;
ends tenure
reviiew battle

Jonathan Marwil's year-long battle
against the University formally ended
yesterday when the former assistant
professor announced he would not ap-
peal a federal judge's decision denying
him reinstatement to the faculty.
Citing the time and expense involved
in his federal district court fight, Mar=
wil said, "I am compelled to put this
matter behind me."
against the University that he was un-
fairly denied a review of his
qualifications to receive tenure after
six years on the faculty of the
engineering humanities department.
U.S. District Judge Philp Pratt ruled
September 23, however, that depar-
tment administrators had not broken
any rules in allowing Marwil's contract
to expire in May, 1979 without a tenure
University General Counsel Roderick
Daane said yesterday the University
would not press its legal request for at-
torneys' fees and court costs. Such a
request is considered routine when
defendants ina civil suit win.
IN A STATEMENT released yester-
day, Marwil said the decision not to ap-
peal was painful, "for it is natural to
pursue relief from injustice until every
forum has been tried."

Before he took his case to the courts,
Marwil had sought relief from every
available forum within the University,,
finally making an unsuccessful appeal
to the Regents to intervene on his
Marwil originally sought more than
$1 million in damages or reinstatement
to the faculty pending a tenure review.
as defendants the' Regents and three
members of the humanities department
administrative committee.
Marwil charged the committee
members deliberately sidestepped
department and College policies and
customs requiring that he be granted a
tenure review in his sixth year as an'
assistant professor at the University.
Pratt, in a ruling that could have far-
reaching implications, said that no
policies were violated in Marwil's case
and that the popularly-regarded
"custom" of sixth-year tenure reviews
"finds only tenuous support in the fac-
The 40-year-old former professor said
he has. been searching for another
teaching position with little success. He
added that he believes his suit against
the University has stigmatized his
ability to find work in the academic

Compiled from Associated Press and
Uniteh Press International reports
Abscam defendants
may be sued
WASHINGTON-Congressmen and others convicted of accepting bribes
from FBI undercover agents in the Abscam scandal may face Justice
Department civil suits seeking recovery of the money, a department official
said yesterday.
Irvin Nathan, the deputy assistant attorney general who coordinated
prosecutions in the probe, told UPI the department's civil division is "ac-
tively considering" filing suit against Rep. John Jenrette (D-S.C.) and for-
mer Rep. Michael "Ozzie" Myers (p-Pa.).
One Justice Department official, who asked not to be named, said it
*ould be -worth the government's legal costs to recover the more than
$300,000 allegedly accepted by more than a dozen Abscam defendants.
Non-nuclear weapons
treaty signed
GENEVA-Negotitors from 72 nations yesterday agreed on the terms
of an arms control treaty designed to protect civilian populations and targets
from non-nucler horror weapons.
The treaty, along with three protocols on different types of "inhumane"
conventional weapons, will be opened for signatures in six months after en-
dorsement by the U.N. General Assembly.
It represents a partly successful outcome of the U.N. "conference on ex-
cessivly injurious conventional weapons" which began last year-partly
successful because the original aim was to ban the use of such arms against
combatants in a war as well as civilians.
Kelley defends
Proposal E decision
LANSING-Attorney General Frank Kelley, a staunch supporter of
the proposed income tax hike for new prison construction,.upheld yesterday
the measure's right to appear on the November ballot.
The state Constitution bars from ballot test bills "appropriating
money"-a provision which has been used in the past to block conservative
groups seeking to force referenda on gas and weight tax increases.
Kelley, Gov. William Milliken and other supporters of Proposal E say
the measure is a, must for a prison system faced with the threat of a court
takeover because it is jammed with nearly 2,000 more inmates than it was
designed to hold.
Courts held the hikes, linked to funding for transportation, were
Scientists announce
fertilization breakthrough
WASHINGTON-Government scientists yesterday reported develop-
ment of an egg transplant procedure that may provide an alternative to test
tube fertilization for women unable to conveive because of blocked Fallopian
The procedure may be particularly suitable for women who have had
their tubes tied surgically as a voluntary sterilization measure and who then
decide they want to bear children after all.
Fallopian tube blockage is the most common cause of infertility in
women. It has been estimated that hundreds of thousands, and perhaps
millions, of American women have blocked tubes.
Valuable paintings stolen.
from Monte Carlo apartment
MONTE CARLO, Monaco-Thieves looted a luxury Riviera apartment
of $6.4 million worth of paintings, including Picassos, Renoirs, Madiglianis
and utrillos, and police yesterday arrested the butler.
Police charged Ronald Headford, a 49-year-old British butler, as an ac-
complice in the theft from the apartment of the late Sir Charles Clore, one of
the richest men in Britain. Headford, a butler for Clore, continued to live in
the 30-room apartment after his employer died a year ago.
Clore, called "the man with the Midas touch," had a financial empire
that included Selfridges department store in Oxford Street,-British Shoe
Corp., a chain of betting offices. Son of a Jewish tailor, Clore was a strong
supporter of Israel and also donated large sums to charities.
The paintings were stolen over the weekend and police said they charged
the butler after he several times changed his story of the theft.
Bendix v.p. resigns
amidst rumors
SOUTHFIELD-Mary Cunningham resigned yesterday as Bendix Corp. -
vice president, citing "unfounded rumors" she became one of the nation's
top women executives through a romantic relationship with Chairman
William Ages.
Cunningham, vice president for strategic planning for the nation's 88th-

largest company, said in a statement that the rumors "substantially im-
paired" her ability to function as a corporate executive.
Cunningham's friendship with Agee became a subject of national gossip
when, on Sept. 24, Agree announced her latest promotion and told a meeting
of some 600 headquarters employees that her rise in the company stemmed
from her Ability and not from any personal relationship.




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0 he t gan a -I
Volume XCI, No.,32
Friday, October 10, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press Internationalt
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News room: )313) 764-0552, 76-DAiLY; Sports desk: 764-0562; Circulation: 764.0558; Classified advertising:
764.0557; Display advertising: 764-0554; Billing: 764-0550; Composing room: 764-0556.





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Editor-in-Chief.......,............MARK PARRENT
Managing Editor.................MITCH CANTOR
City Editor.......................PATRICIA HAGEN
University Editor.................TOMAS MIRGA
Features Editor..................BETH ROSENBERG
Opinion Page Editors,................JOSHUA PECK
Sunday Page Editor.............ADRIENNE LYONS
Arts Editor.......................MARK COLEMAN
Sports Editor.....................ALAN FANGER

Business Manager...........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
Sales Manager... _ ............KRISTINA PETERSON.,
Operations Manager..........KATHLEEN CULVER
CO-Display Manager............... DONNA DREBIN
Co-Disply Manager.............ROBERT THOMPSON x
Classified Manager..-.......-.........SUSAN KLING4
Finance Manager-. ...-..... . ...GREGG HADDAD
Nationals Manager................-LISA JORDAN
Circulation Manager..........TERRY DEAN REDDING*
Sales Coordinator............ E. ANDREW PETERSEN
BUNFSS STAFF- . thv .n.rMannR ar .Stnr_


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