Page 2-Thursday, October 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Rent a ,Cr fromfEcono-Car Econo-Car 438 W. Huron 761-8845 ECONO-CAR A GELCO COMPANY U of M students 19 years old and older Rent a Ford or another fine car .. 7.100-r Iranian jets hit Baghdad BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP)-Iranian jets IN TEHRAN, militants holding the 52 raided the Iraqi capital of Baghdad American hostages, now in their 340th yesterday, the United States offered day of captivity, said the Americans help to other Persian Gulf nations and were "all right" and the Iranian the Soviet Union told the West to stay Parliament was still studying the out of the Iran-Iraq war. 'hostage issue. The Soviet Union and Syria signed a At least three Iranian jets apparently, treaty in Moscow that included military slipped through Iraqi air defenses to cooperation and Soviet President raid Baghdad and reporters saw flames Leonid Brezhnev made the Kremlin's leaping from buildings on the outskirts most authoritative declaration on the of the city. The sky was lit by anti-air- war. He said the Soviet Union would not craft fire and surface-to-air missiles intervene in the conflict and warned the and flashes of bomb explosionis -were West: "Hands off these events." seen. He spoke at a dinner for visiting Iran claimed it downed three Iraqi President Hafez Assad of Syria. jets, two near Dezful and one near Ah- NORTH YEMEN was reported to waz in the southern sector of the 300, mile battlefront on the 17th day of the North Korea is sending Iran supplies, war. The Iranian command cliamed it a U.S. official says. See story, Page 9. destroyed five Iraqi tanks in the Ah- *waz area on Tuesday and yesterday's have ioined Jordan in sunnort of Iran in action forced an Iraqiretreat. IN BRIEF 6*h'eR ____4 I yujidn/f and e-fAff Jnvdle aIl~tudenlA 10 cke' 7980 * . 3~5$h.m.. i1QC VIIC V IUII11 JFFIpp V Iq 1 the war, which threatened to involve more nations the longer it lasts. The United States offered early-warning in- formation to Persian Gulf nations that feel threatened. The Soviet-Syrian treaty was seen as an effort by both countries to shore up their influence in the Middle East. Israel said it "cannot remain passive" in the face of growing Jor- danian involvement in the war and Saudi Arabia was said to be increasing security measures at oil installations in case the war spreads. Crown Prince Sheik Saad al-Abdallah al-Sabab, prime minister of Kuwait, called on Kuwait's warring neighbors to stop the war and prevent foreign in- tervention. British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington told the House of Lords that "the longer the situation continues the more dangerous the whole area will become." BOTH SIDES made conflicting claims and there was no independent confirmation of each side's battle reports or claims of damage inflicted. Jordanian officials in Amman said King Hussein of Jordan and President Abdullah Saleh of North Yemen talked by telephone and affirmed their "Pan- Arab support of the Iraqi people in their efforts to regain their rights over their territories and the waters." The reference to "Pan-Arab support" was to point up that Iraq, Jordan and North Yemen are Arab* nations while Iran is a non-Arab, Persian country. KING HUSSEIN has been the only Arab leader to openly back Iraq and the Jordanian announcement of North Yemen's support was seen as an effort to enlist other Arab nations in an effort to help Iraq. ' Compiled from Associated Press and United Press international reports. Congressman will run despite solicitation charges EASTON, Md.-Rep. Robert Bauman (R-Md.) intends to stay in his re-election race despite publicity surrounding his sexual solicitation charges and his statement that he is an akpholic, his supporters said yesterday. Bauman summoned reporters to a late afternoon meeting to make a statement in his first public appearance since the story of his arrest broke last week. He pleaded innocent Friday to a charge of soliciting sex from a 16-year- old boy, and agreed to participate in a six-month rehabilitation program. Prosecutors will drop the charges if he completes the program. Labor groups file suit against consumer fraud WASHINGTON-The Energy Department has perpetrated a "mon- strous consumer fraud" in the way it has handled $10 billion in oil over charge cases, a coalition of 17 consumer and labor organizations said yesterday. The groups filed suit in federal court seeking to overturn all over- charge settlements negotiated by the department so far because they fall far short of returning to consumers the amount of money they allegedly were overcharged for gasoline, home heating oil, and other petroleum products. "The average family of four has been ripped off to the tune of $200. Yet if DOE has its way, they may get as little as $2 back," said William Win- psinger, president of the International Association of Machinists, a group in- volved in the suit. The consumer andiTabor groups estimated consumers will only see $100 million of settlements reached so fa, although legally every dollar should be going to them. Senate approves bill to benefit state banks LANSING-The Senate gave unanimous approval yesterday tQ industry- backed legislation allowing state savings and loan institutions to offer ser- vices previously restricted to their federally chartered competitors and banks. The bill, passed 32-0 and returned to the House, is a general recodification of the laws relating to the state savings and loan industry. ~ The massive measure authorizes savings and loans to offer increasingly popular interest bearing checking accounts to their customers. They also would, for the first time, be authorized to provide bank credit cards like banks and national chartered savings institutions. LA smog still a problem LOS ANGELES-An eye-watering, throat-scratching blanket of smog was trapped over Los Angeles yesterday for the ninth straight day, triggering a rash of complaints and headlines, but altering the lifestyles and habits of few. Throughout the siege of bad air, the criss-crossing freeways have been routinely packed with automobiles, many carrying just one person in air- conditioned comfort. Experts say the combination ozone, oxides, and sulphates trapped over the area, and cooked to an unhealthy stew by the unseasonably warm tem- peratures, is particularly bad for the very old, the very young and those suf- fering from respiratory ailments. Carter signs housing bill for condominium owners WASHINGTON-President Carter yesterday signed a bill authorizing $31.2 billion for government housing programs and allowing condominium owners for the first time to sue in federal court for relief from unfair leases. Carter said the provision on condominiums will "alleviate an uncon- scionable burden on some condominium owners, particularly in Miami and South Florida." Condominium owners will finally have a chance to seek judicial relief for unfair leases signed by them when they thought they were purchasing a good bargain in a home, Carter said. Woman author candidate for Nobel literary prize STOCKHOLM, Sweden-The Swedish Academy of Letters will announce the 1980 Nobel Prize in literature today and literary sources here said women authors are top contenders for the award. The sources mentioned U.S. author Joyce Carol Oates, 42, as one leading candidate. Alfred Lundquist, chairman of the Academy's literature commit- tee, last month praised Oates' latest major novel, Bellefleur as "an inexorable settlement of the American myth of success." The Nobel Prize in literature has not been awarded to a woman since 196', when Nelly Sachs, a poet of dual German and Swedish nationality, shared the award with Israeli poet S.Y. Agnon. Only a half-dozen women laureates have been named since the Nobel prizes were established from the will of the late Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel in 1901. Bfit d t sn Batey Volume XCI, No.: r Thursday, October 9, 1980 The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate and Field Newspaper Syndicate. News room: )313) 764-0552, 76-DAILY: Sports desk: 764-0562; Circulation: 764-0558 Classified advertising: 764-0557; Display advertising: 764-0554; Billing: 764-0550; Composing room: 764-0556. " 0 is 0 Ready for ' the weather with a Wolverine Slicker for Now you can bank any time of the day or night, any day of the year during any weather with ReadyTeller - the 24-hour automated teller service that handles your personal banking quickly and easily, at even more convenient locations. 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JOSHUA PECK HOWARD WITT Sunday Page Editor.............ADRIENNE LYONS Arts Editor...........-........MARK COLEMAN DENNIS HARVEY SportsEd~itr .............ALAN FANGER Business Manager.........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI Sales Manager..-....,........KRISTINA PETERSON Operations Manager..........KATHLEEN CULVER CO-Display Manager...............DONNA DREBIN Co-Disply Manager.............ROBERT THOMPSON Classified Manager.......... . ... SU)AN KLING Finance Manager.................GREGG HADDAD Nationals Manager..................LISA JORDAN Circulation Manager..........TERRY DEAN REDDING Sales Coordinator,..........E. ANDREW PETERSEN ,I, k t -I