The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 7, 1980-Page 7 ----- --. - saA I "., High court rules on equal rights, contraception From AP and UPI WASHINGTON-The U.S. Supreme Court held one of its busiest and most productive days ever yesterday, disposing of hundreds of cases ranging from equal rights issues to busing and contraception. Without comment, the court declined to take up challenges to court-ordered school busing plans in three cities-Detroit, Indianapolis and St. Louis. In the Detroit case, the court declined to intervene in the latest phase of a 10- year-old school desegregation con- troversy. Last spring, the justices refused to in- terfere with a ruling by the 6th U.S. Cir- cuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati that one-race schools resulted from past discriminatory policies in the school system, not from residential patterns. Yesterday's refusal cleared the way for a three-judge panel to consider possible expansion of school busing, which is not likely to begin before the 1981-82 school year. "Their action is a confirmation of a tendency to continue the policy-as they did last-term-of letting the pot - simmer for a while and not taking any other big cases" in the wake of the court's 1979 rulings in two Ohio busing cases, said William Taylor, a Washington, D.C., school desegregation expert. The court also refused to hear an ap- peal by a group of Michigan parents opposing distribution of contraceptives to minors without parental notification. The court let stand a ruling that there is no constitutional requirementbthat parents be notified before a_ publicly funded clinic can give contraceptives to minors. The Tri-County Family Planning Center, operated by the Ingham County Health Department in Lansing, provides contraceptives prescribed un- der a doctor's order to both adults and minors. A class action suit to bar this practice was brought by the parents of a 16-year- old girl who received contraceptives from the clinic without their knowledge, and parents of two teen-age children in the area served by the cen- ter. The court allowed a feminist-inspired boycott to continue against those states that have not yet ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. The court, without comment, turned down arguments by Missouri officials that the National Organization for Women violated federal antitrust laws by encouraging other groups to withhold business from non-ratifying states. "We feel vindicated," NOW President Ellie Smeal said from her organization's national convention in San Antonio, Texas. "The courts now to the highest level have said. . . the ERA boycott is a form of political expression and that we are totally justified," she said. The justices also took these actions: " Agreed to decide if a new federal standard for worker exposure to cotton dust should be struck down as economically unreasonable. The case presents an important question dodged by the high court earlier this year. Do federal regulators have to satisfy a cost-benefit test before imposing such standards. " Said they will study the Carter ad- ministration's attempt to revoke for- mer CIA agent Philip Agee's passport. Agee, who now lives in West Germany, has authored two books critical of the spy agency. " Cleared the way for the prosecution of a Jewish Defense League leader who offered a $500 reward to anyone killing or seriously injuring an American Nazi Party member. Irving David Rubin now must stand trial in California on charges of soliciting another to commit murder. " Left intact an unprecedented ruling by the California Supreme Court that makes it easier for corporations to sue for libel or slander. In a case involving a 1972 consumer affairs report by television station KGO-TV in San Fran- cisco, the state court ruled that cor- porations suing for libel or slander do not have to prove "actual malice." " Broadened the scope of its already scheduled study of parental rights by agreeing to decide in a Washington, D.C., case whether a natural parent must consent before his or her child can be adopted. The court already is scheduled sometime later this term to decide in a Delaware case what rights parents have when states seek to end the parent-child relationship. " Agreed, in another related case, to decide whether penniless parents facing the loss of a child by state action have a right to a court-appointed lawyer. AP Photo Putter politics Former President Gerald Ford, seen here, relaxing with Bob Hope and Felix Silla ("Twiki" on the Buck Rodgers show), will be on campus today. Making a campaign stop for Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Plymouth), Ford will be featured at a rally in Regents Plaza at 4:15 p.m. Use Daily Classifieds Hanoi rejects talks on MIAs BANGKOK, Thailand (UPI)-Viet- nam turned down a proposal for regular meetings with U.S. officials on the 2,500 Americans still missing in Indochina and said the servicemen's families should not expect any "great progress" in them being found, sources said yesterday. Two U.S. officials from the Joint Casualty Resolution Center Liaison of- fice returned Saturday to Bangkok af- ter four days of talks in Hanoi aimed at opening a continuing dialogue with the 'Vietnamese on the fate of . the Americans missing in action. THE SOURCES said U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Pauf Mather and a civilian specialist, James Tully,a met with Vu Hoang of the Vietnamese consular sec- tion office that handles affairs for per- sons missing in action. "Vu Hoang told them the Vietnamese have done some work on the MIAs but the effort had been reduced due to budget and personnel problems, the in- cursion of China into Vietnam in 1979, and the attitudes of the Vietnamese people toward U.S.-China collusion- against Hanoi," the sources said. "They were told the Vietnamese government will continue the task but at a slow pace, and the families of the MIAs should not expect any great progress under these circumstances," they said. The sources said the Vietnamese tur- ned down a proposal for regular meetings on the MIAs between officials of the two countries. "Vu Hoang said if the need arises, the Vietnamese will contact us," said the sources. Since the signing of the Paris agreement ending American in- volvement in the Indochina war in January 1973, the remains of 72 American servicemen have been retur- ned to U.S. Control by Vietnamese and Laotian governments. U.S. officials said that of the remaining 2,500 MIAs, roughly one- third are in southern Vietnam, one- third in northern Vietnam and one-third in Laos. About 100 cases are listed as missing in Cambodia. Although its representatives received a cold reception in Hanoi, the sources said the JCRC does not consider the matter closed. Efforts will be made to continue working on the problem at the official level. the ann arbor film, cooperative I PRESENTSI SUNSET- SPECIAL, It pays to come early! Our special early evening menu features values on Bos- ton Schrod with Crabmeat Stuffing, Fried Fresh Boston Schrod, Bro ied Bay Scallops, Mess of Fried Smelts, N.Y. Sir- loin Steak, Broiled Beef Kabob, Chopped Steak, with Sauteed Onions, and selected choice from our daily fresh catch! All Sunset Special Dinners includeCharley's Chowder, Salad, Hot Bread, and your choice of Vegetable. From $5.75 to $9.75 per dinner. You really get your net's worth! Mon-Fri 5-6:30 p.m. Sun 3-4:30 p.m. Fine seafood in the chuck Muer tradition 401 Depot Street Ann Arbor - 769-0592 Historic Site No. 339 American Express Honored August unemployment figures dip for state, Lansing area rises TONIGHT 7&9 DETROIT,(UPI)-Unemployment in August dropped in all but one of Michigan's 13 major labor markets, ac- cording to estimates released yester- day by the Michigan Employment Security Commission. Among the state's major labor .markets, the MESC said Lansing was the only area to register a gain in unemployment-from 11.4 per cent in July to 12.5 per cent in August. MESC DIRECTOR S. Martin Taylor attributed the jobless increase in the Lansing area to local car model changeover layoffs and a drop in state government employment. Statewide, Michigan's unem- ployment rate in August was 12.5 per cent, down from 14.1 per cent in July. Last week, the MESC reported the state's jobless rate dropped to 11.9 per cent in September, but no area break- down is available yet. INSTANT CASHI WE'RE PAYING $1-$2PER DISC FOR YOUR ALBUMS tN GOOD SHAPE. The Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area, traditionally the lowest in unem- ployment statewide, fell behind the Kalamazoo-Portage region. The latter registered an 8.6 per cent unem- ployment rate, compared to 8.7 per cent in Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti. BENTON HARBOR area had the largest drop according to the MESC estimates, falling 3 percentage points from 15.3 per cent in July to 12.3 per cent in August. The unemployment rate dropped 2.9 percentage points in the Jackson area to 11.8 per cent. Taylor attributed the state-wide drop in unemployment to callbacks in the auto industry as it began production of 1981 models, along with some job gains in the service sector of the economy. ROLLING THUNDER A powerful film about a re- turned P.O.W. hero 'who searches for the killers of his wife and children. Written by Paul Schrader (TAXI DRIVER). $2 Aud. A., ANGELL HALL Rodu Penciulescu Mel Winkle CATSPLAY April 15-19 S CA ' ScP'3 .b.11-1S 1 .0 G 7 7\71V7 m