Student quality remains high The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 4, 1980-Page 19-A Capet 9ewern 719 N. UNIVERSITY 665-4355 By JOYCE FRIEDEN One thing that is always true about the University is that it is never the e. Every year old faces leave and a e replaced by new ones. Faculty members come and go, even the foot- ball team's record varies (slightly) rom year to year. However, one thing that does not vary reatly in any given year, according to tatistics furnished by the Office of dmissions, is the quality of students dmitted to the University. CCORDING TO the latest figures, of 4400 freshpersons admitted for the -81 school year, half were ranked in he top eight per cent of their raduating class. This figure has emained the same for the past five ears. A similar consistency is found in freshperson Scholatic Achievement Test scores: 50 per cent of this.year's class had a verbal score of 530 or above and a math score of 600 or above. Neither of these figures have changed over the past two years. "We've been remarkably consistent in the last four years in the measurable qualitive statistics (of entering studen- ts)," said Cliff Sjogren, University Director of Admissions. "Of the other Big Ten public universities we've. looked at, only the University of Illinois even comes close to us in student quality." SJOGREN SAID that out of 12,000 ap- plications the University receives each year, about 7,000 students are accepted and 4,400 are actually enrolled. "Believe it or not, Michigan is the second choice for some students, such as those that also applied to Harvard and Yale," Sjogren said, explaining the drop-off between admission and enrollment. "And sometimes, students who have been admitted find they can't afford to go here." He emphasized that the University does not try to build up its image by rejecting lots of applications. "Some schools take pride in the number of ap- plications they refuse," said Sjogren. "Then they think people will say, 'Wow, only one person in five gets in; it must be a good school.' We try to demystify our application procedure so we can say no to fewer people." It is for that reason, Sjogren con- tinued, that interested high school graduates receive a notice with their admission application that includes a chart of test scores and class percentile rank among freshmen of previous years. "This way the students can assess their chances of getting in. We think self-selection of a college is much better than applying to a school you don't know much about," he said. Sjogren added that because of the worsening economic situation, the University has been intensifying its recruiting efforts to ensure that high- quality students are attracted t Michigan. "I'm pleased with the results. Quality is holding up nicely in view of the rising costs of Michigan," he said. Make Us Your Headquarters For: ge~t0 1vUtck4s .... ,-taviwiat Nw... WOvg t n s9cc.. . ~ .. * Fie Sdecu t Adlge P cee Wakkea * Friendly Service at Reasonable Prices Tips for studying at the Grad By NICK KATSARELAS A former friend of mine, explaining her con- spicuous absence for our date last Saturday evening, told me how she wound up studying at the Graduate Library all night. After informing her the Grad closes on Saturdays at 6:00 p.m., she reddened, blurted out something about being late for work at Mr. Tony's on State Street, and ran off. I contemplated this poor girl's misinformation con- cerning the Grad (and about recently-closed taurants). She is only one of many students who possess a wealth of questions about libraries. This. prompted me to write a column offering advice and information on the Grad, granddaddy of University libraries. First of all, if you want to study, go directly to the stacks. But if you want to have a social evening with an academic orientation, then the reference room is the, place for you. There are certain rules of etiquette that one should observe if one wants to "study" there: 1) Walk into the reference room looking good; change, breath mint: people are watching you. Your hair must be schedule, and candy, as groomed; your coat, buttoned correctly. Tidy up in crinkly wrapper. the lobby before entering. 7) Whether you use 1 2) Determine beforehand whether you will go to must be laid out for all the right or the left side of the room; your in- spicuously place Gifis' I decisiveness will be noticed instantly, and people will while Barron's Guide to]D point and laugh. pre-meds. 3) Do not choose the first seat you arrive at; you 8) Now you are ready are discriminating in your taste. alone. You should go 4) When you finally do choose your seat, remain someone you haven't see standing for a pregnant moment. Look about you and 9) Every so often, lot get your bearings. This also provides the chance for calculated nervousness. your friends to locate you when they want to come Make sure you impinge over for the quarter-hour breaks. the angry person next to 5) Once you are seated, get comfortable. Brush your frustration. But ren your hair again, push up your glasses, and for God's in this. It just means y sake, be certain your collars are buttoned down. Pile means your classes are your books neatly before you, making just enough pre-med, pre-law or pre- noise to distract the surrounding people. be making a hell of a lot 6) Do you have all your supplies? You should person next to you, wh probably have multicolored hi-liters, kleenex, your face if you don't like A~~ __-A t / ____ r1meU V 10 L L) (Continued from Page 1) political left are getting tenure." Lori said committee members are investigating the tenure appointments and course curriculua of each LSA department through the '60s and '70s to termine if these trends indeed exist. "We haven't done too much," she said.."We plan to do the bulk of the work in the fall." LORI ADDED that part of the grqtip's research consists of looking through University publications con- taining profiles of each professor who has worked at the University. Day maintained that committee members have met with LSA Executive Committee members to discuss why en and Wald were denied tenure. he added letters.have been sent to Executive Committee members on behalf of the three professors. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE mem- bers reached by telephone stated that tenure decisions are reached with a great deal of deliberation, and politics never enters into any part of the dis'ussions. 've' neer been involved in any sgisions otherthan those concerning rvice, teaching, and scholarly cord," said Executive Committee menber Albert Feuerwerker. "I don't kndw of the political activities of these professors." "I never had the feeling political decisions in any way affected the final decisions," said Executive Committee member Edna Coffin. "I had some preconceptions about the Executive Committee before I was selected to erve on it, and I can see that from the *side some decisions may appear to political, but this not true." EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE mem- Anderson stops in A2 (Continued from Page 1) shouted "What about the cruise mis- sile?," a reference to Anderson's Cohgressional support of that weapons sy$tem. When he proposed a mqratorium on new nuclear power plants, a heckler shouted "Clinch River," a breeder reactor project that Aiderson voted to fund as a congressman. In an interview with three University experts at the WUOM studio later in the y, Anderson explained in more detail me of his views on economic and foreign relations matters. lie defended his platform proposal that the president be empowered to raise and lower the tax rates up to 10 per cent: "Having been in the Congress for 20 years, I have noted that Congress does not always have the best sense of timiing." When one of the panelists quoted I s questia ber Elizabeth Douvan said it was "ridiculous" to think one's political beliefs would hurt one's chances for tenure. "Last year we granted tenure to plen- ty of professors who have political backgrounds," she noted.. Executive Committee member Carl Cohen said "there is no general policy concerning cutting back on the number of faculty members who teach in un- conventional areas. Finances, he ad- ded, have no influence on tenure decisions either." But some LSA faculty members felt Wald's tenure denial was political. One faculty member who asked to remain unidentified %aid Wald has an excellent publishing record in Marxist studieg. It's superior to most of the tenured professors in the English Department. If he was writing about any other field he would have been tenured." ANOTHER FACULTY MEMBER, who also asked to remain unidentified., said "Wald's first book had excellent reviews and he's in the process of publishing another . . . It may be a political case," he added. "My record merited early scholar- ship and any investigation of it will show it is strong from an objective basis," Wald said. He declined to com- ment further. Owen, who teaches Southeast Asian history and has published ten articles in various academic journals and curren- tly has one book in manuscript form, said he didn't see his case as political in a "narrowly defined sense." "I COULDN'T SEE anyone in the n tenure denials department saying 'let's get him,' " he said. Owen added, however, that his support of Joel Samoff, . a former assistant professor who was alleged to have been denied tenure in 1978 for political reasons, may have hurt him in an "indirect sense." "Anything you say or do or don't say or do may affect the final decision," explained Owen, who said he considers himself more radical than the average professor. "It's possible that there may be professors in the history department and College that aren't happy with me." John Reiff, a graduate student in history who has worked with Owen as both a student and teaching assistant and attended three group meetings, said there is some speculation among the ad-hoc committee members that Owen's tenure may be political because of the sensitive nature of his field. "HE (OWEN) TEACHES the course from the perspective of - the Viet- namese," Reiff explained. "He points out the devastation the U.S. caused during the war and the lasting effects it has had on the Vietnamese people." Reiff added that other Philippine scholars around the country considered Owen one of the foremost authorities in the field and when word got out that he was denied tenure, letters from academicians around the country were sent on Owen's behalf to then-LSA Dean Billy. Frye and history department Chairman Jacob Price. Hunt, who also supported Samoff and divestment from South Africa, said his tenure denial had nothing to do with academic freedom or political per- I inyl