a. Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom j:11hr 4p 4HtCb ,.t an 1 19 IE aII UNSPECIA L Mostly cloudy today, showers possible. Highs in the low to mid 70s. Over- night low around 50. ,.- ,r * l - . A . I VoI. XCI, No. 23 Copyrighlt 1980, IThe Michigan LDoily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 30, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages :: Armed robbers hold up store in South Quad Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ JULIE LUFT serves an unidentified customer in the South Quad store which was the scene of a Sunday morning armed robbery. Iraq willabi*de byU.N. By MAUREEN FLEMING City police are looking for a pair of armed robbers who stole a few hundred dollars from the South Quad student store early Sunday morning. Police Sgt. Harold Tinsey said the robbery, which occurred at 2 a.m. Sun- day, is still under investigation. Cashier Jim Davidson said a man made a purchase at the store and left. Another man entered the basement store, picked up a bag of Doritos and a black South Quad T-shirt. THE FIRST MAN reentered the store, closing the door behind him. Davidson said the second man apparen- tly wrapped a gun in the t-shirt before walking toward the register. "He told me to give him the money in the register," Davidson continued. "At first I didn't understand him until he showed me the gun." The robbers made Davidson lie on the floor and threatened to kill him. David- son said they told him things like: .We're dope addicts, we'll do anything for a fix." "I NEVER REALLY thought I was going to get killed but I was afraid they would hit me on the head," he ex- plained. He said the robbery didn't seem very dangerous, adding "I'm not going to risk my life for a few hundred dollars." Davidson said both robbers were between 20 and 22 years old. He said he was positive they were not South Quad residents and he didn't think they were University students. DAVIDSON EXPLAINED that he isn't afraidtocontinue working at the store but he said he is "more wary of people I don't know coming in." He said he knows most of the people who come into the store. Store manager Steve Gutterman said he proposed to make the store safer by cutting back the hours and making it less profitable for robbers. He plans to cut back store hours from 2:00 a.m. to 1 a.m. Friday and Saturday. The new hours would be more consistent with the snack- bar hours, Gutterman explained. HE ADDED THAT he would like to see a "permanent drop safe" installed in the store. Once the cash register con- tains a certain amount of money, the cashier would put the money in a safe. The cashier would have no key, Gut- terman said. "Random patrols by security guards will be increased also," he added. South Quad residents surveyed were either uninformed of the robbery or seemed unconcerned, although in- terested in the details. ONE STORE employee, who wished to remain unidentified, said students who have come in and asked questions about the robbery were more interested than scared. Laura Orlando, a West Quad fresh- woman, confirmed the store em- ployee's belief. "I can't say it makes me nervous . . . if it happens a couple more times I may get nervous," she said. Orlando added that she wasn't sur- prised about the robbery because "there are all sorts of characters run- ning around here." A staff employee said the robbery surprised her since she hadn't heard' anything about it. The staff wasn't in- formed, she explained. "I live here and I never heard about it," Maureen Drummond said. "It makes me nervous." "So much has happened around here that you just ignore it and don't take any foolish risks," Diane Swonk.added. cease-fi From AP and UPI BAGHDAD, Iraq-Iraq agreed yesterday to a U.N. call for a cease- , fire provided Iran did the same. But the fighting did not subside. Iraqi troops and equipment moved south- ward inside Iran toward the enemy's oil heartland, where Iranian resistance appeared to have stif- fened. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said in a letter to U.N. Secretary- General Kurt Waldheim that Iraq would head a Security Council ap-, peal for a cease-fire if Iran also would. Hussein urged the council to "take necessary measures to urge the Iranian side to abide"' by the resolution approvedaSunday.Iran did not respond immediately to Waldheim. Meanwhile, Egypt declared yesterday that it supported U.N. in- tervention in the Persian Gulf war but said its armed forces stood ready to defend the other Gulf coun- tries from attack. Two top aides of President Anwar Sadat; who has called for American intervention in the Iran-Iraq con- flict, also reiterated an offer to give the United States "limited and tem- e if Iran sagrees porary" military facilities in Egypt. also was playing a role, but he did In other developments: not elaborate. * IRAN'S ambassador to the " A "goodwill" mission from the Soviet Union, Mohammad Mokri, Islamic Conference arrived 4in told a Moscow news conference Iran Baghdad. The mission-headed by might agree to a cease-fire if Iraq's conference leaders, President president resigned. Iraq's army Mohammed Zia of Pakistan and con- surrendered, the Iraqi city of Basra ference Secretary-General Rabib were turned over to Iranian control el Chatti of Tunisia-was told .by pending an election there, and Iraq's Iranian leaders earlier in Tehran Kurds were allowed to vote on that it would not be permitted to whether they wanted autonomy or to mediate the Iraq-Iran dispute, but join with Iran. could gather facts. * Western diplomatic sources in London said yesterday that Japan, * IRAQI FOREIGN Minister Britain, France; Italy, West Get- Saadoun Hammadeh left here for many and France had agreed to a New York to appear before the U.N. U.S. call for talks on keeping open General Assembly and defend Iraq's Persian Gulf oil shipping lanes. The 'position in the war, Baghdad Radio U.S. earlier said it would consider reported. military force to ensure access to oil rInWashington, the State Depar- from the Gulf. tment repeated assurances that the * A special envoy representing United States intends to remain Iranian President Abolhassan Bani- neutral but said it opposes the Sadr met in New Delhi with Indian seizure of territory by force by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and either Iraq or Iran. said he urged her, as a leader in the According to reports, the Iraqis non-aligned movement, to help end are moving troops, tanks, and ar- the war. The envoy, Shams Ar- mored personnel carriers southward dakani, said Cuba, the current toward the oil-rich Khuzestan chairman of 'the nonaligned bloc, province. STRESSES DISARMAMENT: Coffnspeaks on mnilftary By JULIE BROWN Defending a nation is virtually impossible in a nuclear age and striving for military superiority results in a weakening of security, a Presbyterian minister and social activist told more than 275 people at Rackham Auditorium last night. "No longer are our Weapons able to do what they were presumably intended to do," said William Sloane Coffin. Ar- ms proliferation has made "the little man walking behind the president with an attache case obsolete," as experts estimate it would take Soviet missiles 30 minutes to reach the U.S., Coffin said. COFFIN-ONE OF three clergymen allowed to visit the hostages in the American Embassy at Tehran last Christ- mas-spoke on "Disarmament, the Hostages, and the Cam- pus." The lecture was sponsored by area churches and religious organizations. Students must increase their awareness and understanding of the arms race, and then must pass this knowledge on to others, Coffin said. The religious community has been active in opposing arms proliferation, and the intellectual community also has an obligation to educate individuals on the subject, the 56-year- old minister said. COFFIN WAS THE chaplain at Yale University from 1958 to 1976, and has served for the-last three years as senior. minister at the Riverside Church in New York City. While at Yale, he was involved in anti-war activities, at one point offer- See ACTIVIST, Page 5 U Regent criticized in land deal resolution By JAY McCORMACK have prot The Washtenaw County Democratic Party currently Commissic is considering a.resolution criticizing University Pooley Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline) for supporting matter at a controversial University land deal. Roach did The resolution, introduced by local Democrat thought th Patricia Pooley, is in a committee and has n t who prote been approved or voted on by party members . .. patern The resolution-first brought by Pooley at a POOLE' August party meeting and most recently she had re discussed last week-chides Roach and the decided to University Regents for approving an option for matter att developer John Stegeman to buy the lot on the Roach s corner of Washtenaw and S. Forest. ted, in my STEGEMAN TOLD the Regents he planned to the way it' build a 32-story hotel-condominium-apartment resolved w complex on the site. At the February Regents Pooley's meeting Roach introduced the motion to grant also said Stegeman the option. The notion was narrowly "The reso approved by the board. . ..meeting Since then, several groups and individuals TODAY Win, place and show NDERSON SLITHERED across the finish line first. A lethargic Reagan, who tended to put his foot in his mouth in the heat of the race, came in second. And Carter, the creature with hand- some stripes on his belly came in last. That was the out- come Saturday as three resplendent reptiles named ested their decision. The project is awaiting action by the city Planning on. said she first complained about the the March Regents meeting. She said not welcome community comment. "I hat Regent Roach dealt with us (those sted the Regents' decision) all in a alistic way." Y SAID SHE considered the treatment ceived in March over the summer, and introduce a resolution concerning the the August County party meeting. aid the resolution was "unpreceden- view unwarranted, and naive. It's not s done. I think it's a matter that will be within the party." fellow party member Neil Staebler the matter was handled improperly. lution was first brought up at a county with no attempts to get the facts. I criticize it very vigorously on that ground." "THE RESOLUTION got greater publicity than I had counted on," Pooley said. "I viewed it as an internal matter within the party. I did not view it as a formal move of censure." But she added that she thinks it is good that an individual can do something. "The system can be made responsive," she said. The issue came up for discussion at last Thur- sday's party meeting. The resolution was read and Pooley, Roach, and other Democrats com- mented. Staebler opposed Pooley at the meeting, and said in an interview last night that "the con- tent-attacking a person rather than the board was an unfair way of producing it. I don't think she thought it through, but just dumped it in." STAEBLER SAID HE opposes the building of the Stegeman project, disagreeing with Pooley only in the method of her attack of the problem. Democratic Councilman Kenneth Latta (D- First Ward) said Pooley's grievances stemmed from a feeling of unhappiness among certain Democrats with Roach's performance on more than just the Stegeman deal. The running of a pro-Graduate Employees Organization student candidate against Roach in the regent's last campaign indicated one source of unease, said Latta. He added there are parts of the platform which Roach does not follow. The measure will not come up for a party vote before November and at least one area Democrat is very skeptical about its chance for approval. "It won't be passed," said second ward coun- cilman Earl Greene. Pooley said she is somewhat satisifed already. "I think I've achieved what I wanted in that the matter is being discussed." She added that bringing out such problems is a good thing in.it- self, "This is your view. You should put it for- ward and let the chips fall." Roach ... under fire but Anderson recovered from his first burst of speed and crossed the finish line before his opponents. The candidates had little to say after the race was over, but Reagan's cam- paign manager was a little upset because the race was too much for the exhausted reptile. He uncurled his fingers to reveal an almost catotonic Regan and said sadly that his lizard was just too old. l Early to bed If you are one of those people who are late to bed and decline much from when it was offered later in the mor- nings. While early to bed, early to rise may not make Yalies healthy and wealthy, it may make them wise. QI Just fun nin' It was not as good as Orsen Welles' War of the Worlds stunt, but Tony Johnson of radio station WTRX in Flint wanted to liven up his show with a little pun. So he broke in- to his patter last week to say, "We have a bulletin. I just heard thata cement truck and a Flint nnlie van rrving notations into girls' dress and behavior than most girls in- tend. While most teenage girls think that tight jeans and no bra is simply in vogue, adolescent guys view this type of dress as a sexual come-on. The survey of 432 young people, 14 to 18 years old, did find some agreement between the sexes on sexual signals. It was concluded that a girl in a see-through blouse was probably trying to come-on to her male counterparts. However, the dress of a male doesn't give his sexual interests away. According to the teens sur- veyed, just because a male wears an open shirt, tight pants or a low cut pair of swim trunks, his apparel is not a good I i