Ninety-One Years Of Editorial Freedom I izi [ te Sict ItII UI 11O-HUM Mostly cloudy today, with a high near 60 and a low of 40. Vol. XCI, No.21 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 27, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages Iran-Iraq war continues; sides Posthumous humor Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS The owner of this appropriately licensed vehicle parked at the corner of E. William and S. Ashley Streets apparently enjoys a good joke, but the intended passenger would probably not find the situation a laughing matter. U'to ansWer request agree From AP and UPI BAGHDAD, Iraq-Fighting raged in the Iran-Iraq 'oil heartland yesterday and Iraq said it carried the war to the Iranian capital with an air raid on an oil refinery on the outskirts of Tehran. Iraq also mounted fierce tank and air attacks on the vital Iranian port of Khorramshahr but both sides agreed to accept an offer by Moslem nations to mediate a cease-fire in the five-day-old war. Iranian students aren't in any hurry to leave the United States. See story, Page 3. A TWO-MAN mission will leave for' the Iraqi and Iranian capitals this weekend, the secretary-general of the 40-nation Islamic Conference announ- ced. President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr of Iran warned, however, that any mediation effort would have to "recognize Iraq's aggression," Tehran Radio reported. In Baghdad, a Foreign Ministry statement reiteratedIraq's conditions, which include Iranian recognition of Iraqi sovereignty over the entire Shatt al-Arab waterway and return of the Persian Gulf islands of Abu Mousa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs to "Arab sovereignty." A high Iraqi official in Baghdad said "we refuse any mediation that does not recognize our national sovereignty over the Shatt al- Arab and the borderlands.! hd." TeU.N. Security Council scheduled a meeting on halting the fighting and Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim said that despite U.N. efforts,. "the fighting has continued and intensified on land, on the sea, and in the air." PILLARS OF SMOKE rose from the burning Iranian al center of Abadan, and Iraq claimed the city's fall was J to imminent. But reporters who reached the disputed Shatt al-Arab waterway on the Iraqi side said the sound of Iranian artillery shells pounding Iraq was deafening and that oil installations on both sides of the waterway were afire. Iran reported "very heavy" civilian casualties in the oil port of Khorram- shahr, which Iraq claimed to have cap- tured on Thursday. Iran conceded that part of its huge Abadan refinery was burning and out of operation but denied nearby Khorramshahr had fallen and said the city's "brave people" were fighting Iraqi invaders in the streets and from rooftops. Iraq claimed it bombed an oil refinery in Tehran in retaliation for repeatead Iranian air strikes on "economic and civilian targets." While Tehran did not confirm the Iraqi raid, Tehran Radio broadcast orders for civilians to evacuate the area around Tehran's airport. IRAQ ANNOUNCED it had cut off all oil exports. In Washington, however, U.S. and foreign officials said the war has had little effect on world oil sup- plies. "At the moment, there is no 'reason for any drastic moves," said the executive director of the International Energy Agency. President Carter, however, vowed yesterday the United States and its allies will do "whatever needs to be done" to keep the vital Straits of Hor- muz open to allow oil shipments to reach the West despite the Iran-Iraq war. And the president said if the straits are closed and oil supplies\ cut off, an agreement to share oil among the allies would be triggered and voluntary and mandatory conservation measures would become necessary. THE WHITE HOUSE announced earlier that America is willing to host an international conference to discuss ways of making sure Middle East fuel shipments are not blocked by the war. "I've been in touch with the leaders of our allied nations both in the Western world and in some of the Islamic nations directly concerned and whatever is required to keep the strait open will be done," said Carter. But if the straits are cut off, said Car- ter, the United Statess and its allies "would all have to go to the people of our own countries to encourage both voluntary and to institute mandatory conservation measures." If that happens, Carter said, he would have "no doubt . . . that our country would suffer severely." talk *for s o By SARA ANSPACH The University will comply with a state senator's request and provide the legislature with more detailed infor- mation on the University athletic department's budget, University Vice President for State Relations Richard Kennedy said yesterday. State Sen. Bill Huffman (D-Madison Heights), chairman of the Senate higher education appropriations sub- committee, challenged the financial autonomy of the athletic department Thursday and said his panel would not approve several University building projects until the legislature could examine the athletic department's budget in detail. ACCORDING TO Kennedy, Huf- fman's committee has already seen the outline of the athletic budget that was presented to the Regents this month. He said the University would be glad to an- swer any further questions about how the athletic department spends its mon- ey. "The state has a right to know just about anything we do," Kennedy said. S budget Unlike the athletic departments of most schools, the University athletic department is financially autonomous. The money it earns-primarily through ticket sales-can be spent as the depar- tment pleases. The University, in turn,' is not obligated to share any of its revenues-which come from tuition, the state, and private donors-with the athletic department. HUFFMAN challenged this relation- ship Thursday and said he'd like to see the athletic department use its "generous" funds to help the finan- cially-troubled University. University Athletic Director Donald Canham called Huffman's comments "ridiculous." He accused the senator of not doing his homework and said yesterday that the information Huf- fman wants "is all public record." Although Huffman threatened to withhold approval of several University construction projects if he did not receive the athletic budget data he requested, the state's approval of the projects is not required. One of the projects-a $1.6 million athletic field house-is nearly complete. review University President Harold Shapiro said Thursday that Huffman has been very supportive of the University in the past and said he doesn't believe the senator will threaten the development of porjects such as the plan for the new University Hospital. Kennedy called Huffman's threats an "unfortunate fallout" of the trying times legislators are having with the ailing state budget. like most state legislators, Huffman is just "beleagured and frustrated," Kennedy said. Pakistani Foreign Minister Aga Shahi, above, is the head of a 40 nation Islamic council which will attempt to mediate an end to the five-day conflict. Students examine tax proposals By JULIE ENGEBRECHT ______________________________________ Soviet to research regeneration at 'U' By GREG DAVIS However bad relations between the United States and the Soviet Union may be, University exchange scholar Anatoly Masyuk is living proof that the two super powers can still cooperate in some areas. Masyuk came to the University three weeks ago as part of a nine-month scientific exchange program involving American and Soviet scholars, spon- sored by the International Research and Exchange Group of New York. MASYUK, WHO recently completed his doctorate in biological sciences in the Soviet Union, said he chose the University over other comparable in- stitutions because he wished to work with University Professor of Biochemistry Bernard Agranoff, who is studying genetics, specifically regeneration processes of nerve tissue. In such research, according to a research assistant in the neuroscience program, scientists study the regeneration processes of animals and try to learn how to apply the process to humans. The ultimate goal is for people to be able to regenerate a limb just as a lizard can grow back a tail if it loses one. "Genetic research is being conducted in the Soviet Union." Masvuk ex- See SOVIET, Page 7 A Northern Michigan University student is worried that his peers might vote for the Tisch tax-cut plan. They believe, he said, that a reduction in property taxes will bring more jobs to the severely depressed Upper Peninsula. But Steve Nystrom thinks his friends will be making a big 'mistakes He wanted to know what to tell them. TELL THEM that their parents might have to pay more in tuition than they gain through property tax cuts, suggested Marie Stevens, a student affairs adminstrator at Western Michigan University. Nystrom's problem and Stevens' response were just part of the ex- change prompted yesterday by discussion of several tax reform plans at a statewide "student leader" conference. Almost 150 student government of- ficials, leaders of campus groups, student newspaper editors, and student affairs administrators gathered for the conference, held yesterday at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. THEY CAME FROM each of the state's four-year colleges and See STUDENTS, Page 5 DailyPhoto by DAVID HARRIS UAC VICE PRESIDENT Roy More and University Assistant Vice President for Student Services Kathy Dannemiller discuss the Tisch and other tax-cut proposals with student government leaders at an Eastern Michigan University conference yesterday. TODAY High hopes LTHOUGH THE ANNUAL April 1 Hash Bash is still more than six months away, the Ann Arbor Police Department is already preparing for the gathering on the Diag of hundreds of tokers, jokers, and assorted others. According to Police Chief William Corbett. "The Hash Bash gives the Univer- Higher returns Although shipments of Columbian may be down, domestic holdings of marijuana have cropped up. Ten- nessee officials said yesterday pot plants in the state thrived in last summer's hot dry weather which damaged many more conventional crops. Law enforcement officers, aided by a Tennessee Highway Patrol helicopter pilot, have been sniffing out and destroying a record number of can- prised yesterday to hear Prof. John Atkinson offer his ticket for today's South Carolina game to any class member at student price. Two students indicated an interest in the ducat, so the professor was forced to flip a coin. As the luckier student returned to his seat, the prized ticket in hand, Atkinson quipped, "That's almost as good as the one you get if you're a senior." QI Birthday greetings Dave "Kong" Kingman couldn't hit very far. The ball hangs from their bathroom ceiling in Alexandria, Ind., weighs 210 lbs., and is more than 58 inches in circumferen- ce-and it's growing. The sphere is enlarging because the Carmichals keep painting it. So far, they have painted the ball in various colors about 10,900 times-an average of ten coats a day. Ms. Carmichael has painted more coats than her husband because she's at home during the day, and has practiced so much that she can now get a coat on durng a television commercial. The couple started niinting three i i i